Condensed Matter and CAM Seminars

Our condensed matter seminars are held on Tuesdays at 3:30pm in CP-179, unless otherwise noted below. Please contact the organizers if you would like to meet with a visitor. The CM and CAM seminar series are organized by Ambrose Seo and Ribhu Kaul.

Schedule for Fall 2013

Aug 15 [Thursday] R. Shankar (Yale University). Host: Murthy
"The bulk-boundary correspondence in superconductors"

Sept 3 Joe Straley, (University of Kentucky). Host: Kaul
"Effect of an axial magnetic field on a nanotube"

Sept 10 Vinayak Bhat, (University of Kentucky). Host: Kaul
"Static and Dynamic Magnetization Studies of Artifical Magnetic Quasicrystals"

Sept 24 Kalman Varga, (Vanderbilt). Host: Strachan
"Quantum dynamics at the nanoscale"

Oct 1 John Nichols (University of Kentucky). Host: Kaul
"Tuning the Electronic Structure of Sr2IrO4 Thin Films with Epitaxial Strain"

Oct 18 [Friday Colloquium: CP-155] Matthew Fisher (UCSB). Host: Kaul
"Quantum Tapestries"

Oct 30 [Wednesday] Greg MacDougall (UIUC). Host: Kaul
"Orbital and Spin Magnetism in the Spinel-vanadate, FeV2O4"

Nov 12 Daniel Khomskii (Universitaet zu Koeln). Host: Cao
"Modelcules in solids and novel states close to the Mott transition"

Nov 13 Daniel Khomskii (Universitaet zu Koeln). Host: Cao
"Coupled electricity and magnetism in frustrated Mott insulators: spontaneous currents, dipoles and monopoles"

Nov 19 Kate Ross (Johns Hopkins). Host: Kaul
"Ground states of the effective spin-1/2 XY pyrochlores: 'Quantum Spin Ice' and 'Order By Disorder' "

Dec 3 Herb Fertig (Indiana University). Host: Murthy
"Dynamics of Electrons in Structured Graphene in a Magnetic Field "

Dec 10 Thomas Vojta (Missouri University of Science and Technology). Host: Kaul
"Quantum phase transitions and disorder: Griffiths singularities, infinite randomness, and smearing"

Seminar schedules from past semesters are archived here