Exploring shadows
Here are some things to think about as we start the unit on shadows. Many of these questions can be answered by simple experiments that will only take a few minutes. Do some of them, and for the rest discuss with your group how you might do the experiment.
  1. Look in the kit to see if we remembered to pack any shadows. There should be at least one for each child in your classroom (they may be hard to find if you are opening your kit in the dark!)
  2. On a summer day sitting under a leafy tree you can feel the wind blow and hear the birds sing, and get hit by raindrops if it is raining -- but you can't see the sun. What is the difference between sun light and those other things that account for the difference?
  3. Draw a picture showing a tiny light bulb, a screen, and an object, which shows how a shadow is formed. Then draw another picture which shows why the shadow changes size when you move the object closer to the light source.
  4. How is the size of the shadow of a cloud related to the size of the cloud? Draw a picture of the cloud and its shadow as part of your answer.
  5. How can a clear bottle full of water make a shadow?

As part of your discussion, write something in your notebook about what you learned, and any questions or problems you encountered. We will ask to see your journals at the end of the workshop. Keeping records along the way is part of the workshop assessment, as well as an important part of the learning process.

All done? Check the box!    On to the first activity!