
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*optimize_phymir Peter van Hoof's optimization routine */
00005 #if defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__)
00006 /* __unix may not be defined here (this is done in cddefines.h), so we have to cover all bets */
00007 /* this statement needs to be in front of cddefines.h, because cddefines.h includes <stdio.h>,
00008  * which in turn includes <sys/types.h> under HP/UX 10.20. If _INCLUDE_POSIX_SOURCE is not
00009  * defined before we enter cddefines.h, pid_t will not be defined and the compilation will fail.
00010  * Error reported by Richard Hook. */
00012 #endif
00013 #include "cddefines.h"
00014 #include "version.h"
00015 #include "optimize.h"
00016 #ifdef __unix
00017 #include <stddef.h>
00018 #include <sys/types.h>
00019 #include <sys/wait.h>
00020 #include <unistd.h>
00021 #endif
00023 #define F0      1.4142136f
00024 #define F1      0.7071068f
00025 #define F2      0.1f
00028 /* The optimization algorithm Phymir and its subsidiary routines have been
00029  * written by Peter van Hoof. An article describing the algorithm is
00030  * currently in preparation and is intended to be submitted to New Astronomy. */
00032 /* the a2's in the prototypes are necessary to prevent a bug in lclint 2.5m */
00033 STATIC void phygrm(realnum a2[][LIMPAR],long);
00034 STATIC void wr_continue(realnum,long,realnum a2[][LIMPAR],const realnum[],const realnum[],
00035   const realnum[],const realnum[],realnum,realnum,realnum,long,long,const realnum[],
00036   const realnum[],const char[],const char[],const char[],const char*);
00037 STATIC void rd_continue(realnum*,long*,realnum a2[][LIMPAR],realnum[],realnum[],realnum[],realnum[],
00038   realnum*,realnum*,realnum*,long*,long*,realnum[],realnum[],char[],char[],char[],const char*);
00039 #ifdef __unix
00040 STATIC void cpfile(const char*);
00041 STATIC void wr_block(void*,size_t,const char*);
00042 STATIC void rd_block(void*,size_t,const char*);
00043 #endif
00046 void optimize_phymir(realnum xc[], 
00047             realnum del[], 
00048             long int nvarPhymir, 
00049             realnum *ymin, 
00050             realnum toler)
00051 {
00052 #define DELTA(i,j)  (((i) == (j)) ? 1.f : 0.f)
00054         char chDum1[STDLEN],
00055           chDum2[STDLEN],
00056           chDum3[STDLEN];
00057         bool lgFinish, 
00058           lgNegd2, 
00059           lgNewCnt, 
00060           lgRead;
00061         long int i, 
00062           imax, 
00063           j, 
00064           jj, 
00065           jmin=0,
00066           limcp,
00067           nvarcp;
00068         realnum a2[LIMPAR][LIMPAR], 
00069           amax, 
00070           c1[LIMPAR], 
00071           c2[LIMPAR], 
00072           d1, 
00073           d2, 
00074           diff, 
00075           dmax=0.f, 
00076           dold=0.f, 
00077           r1, 
00078           r2, 
00079           sgn, 
00080           temp,
00081           vers,
00082           vpusedPhymir, 
00083           xcold[LIMPAR], 
00084           xhlp[LIMPAR], 
00085           xnrm, 
00086           xp[LIMPAR][2*LIMPAR + 1], 
00087           yp[2*LIMPAR + 1];
00088 #       ifdef __unix
00089         long int currentCPU;
00090         int stat;
00091         char fnam1[20],
00092           fnam2[20];
00093         pid_t pid;
00094 #       endif
00096         DEBUG_ENTRY( "optimize_phymir()" );
00098         if( nvarPhymir > LIMPAR )
00099         {
00100                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "optimize_phymir: too many parameters are varied, increase LIMPAR\n" );
00101                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00102         }
00104         /* >>chng 06 jan 02, fix uninitialized var problem detected by valgrind/purify, PvH */
00105         memset( chDum1, '\0', STDLEN );
00106         memset( chDum2, '\0', STDLEN );
00107         memset( chDum3, '\0', STDLEN );
00109         for( i=0; i < LIMPAR; ++i )
00110         {
00111                 c1[i] = -FLT_MAX;
00112                 c2[i] = -FLT_MAX;
00113                 xcold[i] = -FLT_MAX;
00114                 for( j=0; j < LIMPAR; ++j )
00115                 {
00116                         a2[i][j] = -FLT_MAX;
00117                 }
00118         }
00120         optimize.nOptimiz = 0;
00121 #       ifdef __unix
00122         currentCPU = 0;
00123 #       endif
00124         lgFinish = false;
00125         lgRead = optimize.lgOptCont;
00126         if( optimize.lgOptCont )
00127                 goto L_20;
00129         /* initialize hypercube dimensions and center */
00130         dmax = 0.f;
00131         for( i=0; i < nvarPhymir; i++ )
00132         {
00133                 temp = (realnum)fabs(del[i]);
00134                 dmax = MAX2(dmax,temp);
00135         }
00137         dold = dmax;
00138         for( i=0; i < nvarPhymir; i++ )
00139         {
00140                 xcold[i] = xc[i] + 10.f*toler;
00141                 c1[i] = (realnum)fabs(del[i])/dmax;
00142                 c2[i] = c1[i];
00143                 xp[i][0] = xc[i];
00144                 optimize.vparm[0][i] = xc[i];
00145                 /* this is done by child process and is lost, so copy code to parent process */
00146                 if( optimize.lgParallel )
00147                 {
00148                         vpusedPhymir = MIN2(optimize.vparm[0][i],optimize.varang[i][1]);
00149                         vpusedPhymir = MAX2(vpusedPhymir,optimize.varang[i][0]);
00150                         optimize.varmax[i] = MAX2(optimize.varmax[i],vpusedPhymir);
00151                         optimize.varmin[i] = MIN2(optimize.varmin[i],vpusedPhymir);
00152                 }
00153         }
00154 #       ifdef __unix
00155         if( optimize.lgParallel )
00156         {
00157                 /* flush all open files */
00158                 fflush(NULL);
00159                 pid = fork();
00160                 if( pid == 0 )
00161                 {
00162                         /* this is child process so execute */
00163                         sprintf(fnam1,"chi2_%ld",0L);
00164                         sprintf(fnam2,"output_%ld",0L);
00165                         /* each child should have its own output file */
00166                         ioQQQ = open_data( fnam2, "w", AS_LOCAL_ONLY );
00167                         /* fail-safe in case optimize_func crashes */
00168                         yp[0] = FLT_MAX;
00169                         wr_block(&yp[0],(size_t)sizeof(realnum),fnam1);
00170                         yp[0] = (realnum)optimize_func(xc);
00171                         wr_block(&yp[0],(size_t)sizeof(realnum),fnam1);
00172                         fclose( ioQQQ );
00173                         ioQQQ = NULL;
00174                         cdEXIT(EXIT_SUCCESS);
00175                 }
00176                 else
00177                 {
00178                         /* parent process waits, this way all initializations remain intact */
00179                         pid = wait(&stat);
00180                         sprintf(fnam1,"chi2_%ld",0L);
00181                         sprintf(fnam2,"output_%ld",0L);
00182                         rd_block(&yp[0],(size_t)sizeof(realnum),fnam1);
00183                         remove(fnam1);
00184                         cpfile(fnam2);
00185                         remove(fnam2);
00186                 }
00187                 /* this was incremented by child process and is lost, so copy code here */
00188                 optimize.nOptimiz++;
00189         }
00190         else
00191         {
00192                 yp[0] = (realnum)optimize_func(xc);
00193         }
00194 #       else
00195         /* on non-UNIX machines only sequential mode is supported */
00196         yp[0] = (realnum)optimize_func(xc);
00197 #       endif
00198         *ymin = yp[0];
00199         jmin = 0;
00200         /* restart entry; initialize transformation matrix to unity */
00201 L_10:
00202         for( i=0; i < nvarPhymir; i++ )
00203         {
00204                 for( j=0; j < nvarPhymir; j++ )
00205                 {
00206                         a2[j][i] = DELTA(i,j);
00207                 }
00208         }
00209         /* loop entry */
00210 L_20:
00211         if( lgRead )
00212         {
00213                 rd_continue(&vers,&limcp,a2,c1,c2,xc,xcold,&dmax,&dold,ymin,&nvarcp,&optimize.nOptimiz,
00214                             optimize.varmax,optimize.varmin,chDum1,chDum2,chDum3,CNTFILE);
00215                 if( nvarcp != nvarPhymir )
00216                 {
00217                         printf( "optimize continue - wrong number of free parameters, sorry\n" );
00218                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00219                 }
00220                 for( i=0; i < nvarPhymir; i++ )
00221                 {
00222                         xp[i][0] = xc[i];
00223                 }
00224                 yp[0] = *ymin;
00225                 jmin = 0;
00226                 lgRead = false;
00227         }
00228         else
00229         {
00230                 // use STDLEN-1 so that last 0 byte is not overwritten...
00231                 strncpy(chDum1,t_version::Inst().chDate,STDLEN-1);
00232                 strncpy(chDum2,t_version::Inst().chVersion,STDLEN-1);
00233                 strncpy(chDum3,cpu.host_name(),STDLEN-1);
00234                 wr_continue(VRSNEW,LIMPAR,a2,c1,c2,xc,xcold,dmax,dold,*ymin,nvarPhymir,optimize.nOptimiz,
00235                             optimize.varmax,optimize.varmin,chDum1,chDum2,chDum3,CNTFILE);
00236         }
00238         if( lgFinish )
00239         { 
00240                 return;
00241         }
00242         /*       maximum no. of iterations exceeded?  */
00243         if( optimize.nOptimiz >= optimize.nIterOptim )
00244         {
00245                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " Optimizer exceeding maximum iterations.\n This can be reset with the OPTIMIZE ITERATIONS command.\n" );
00246                 return;
00247         }
00249         for( j=0; j < nvarPhymir; j++ )
00250         {
00251                 sgn = 1.f;
00252                 for( jj=2*j+1; jj <= 2*j+2; jj++ )
00253                 {
00254                         sgn = -sgn;
00255                         for( i=0; i < nvarPhymir; i++ )
00256                         {
00257                                 xp[i][jj] = xc[i] + sgn*dmax*c2[j]*a2[j][i];
00258                                 xhlp[i] = xp[i][jj];
00259                                 optimize.vparm[0][i] = xhlp[i];
00260                                 /* this is done by child process, so copy code to parent process */
00261                                 if( optimize.lgParallel )
00262                                 {
00263                                         vpusedPhymir = MIN2(optimize.vparm[0][i],optimize.varang[i][1]);
00264                                         vpusedPhymir = MAX2(vpusedPhymir,optimize.varang[i][0]);
00265                                         optimize.varmax[i] = MAX2(optimize.varmax[i],vpusedPhymir);
00266                                         optimize.varmin[i] = MIN2(optimize.varmin[i],vpusedPhymir);
00267                                 }
00268                         }
00269 #                       ifdef __unix
00270                         if( optimize.lgParallel )
00271                         {
00272                                 currentCPU++;
00273                                 if( currentCPU > optimize.useCPU )
00274                                 {
00275                                         /* too many processes, wait for one to finish */
00276                                         pid = wait(&stat);
00277                                         currentCPU--;
00278                                 }
00279                                 /* flush all open files */
00280                                 fflush(NULL);
00281                                 pid = fork();
00282                                 if( pid == 0 )
00283                                 {
00284                                         /* this is child process so execute */
00285                                         sprintf(fnam1,"chi2_%ld",jj);
00286                                         sprintf(fnam2,"output_%ld",jj);
00287                                         /* each child should have its own output file */
00288                                         ioQQQ = open_data( fnam2, "w", AS_LOCAL_ONLY );
00289                                         /* fail-safe in case optimize_func crashes */
00290                                         yp[jj] = FLT_MAX;
00291                                         wr_block(&yp[jj],(size_t)sizeof(realnum),fnam1);
00292                                         yp[jj] = (realnum)optimize_func(xhlp);
00293                                         wr_block(&yp[jj],(size_t)sizeof(realnum),fnam1);
00294                                         fclose( ioQQQ );
00295                                         ioQQQ = NULL;
00296                                         cdEXIT(EXIT_SUCCESS);
00297                                 }
00298                                 /* this was incremented by child process, so copy code here */
00299                                 optimize.nOptimiz++;
00300                         }
00301                         else
00302                         {
00303                                 yp[jj] = (realnum)optimize_func(xhlp);
00304                         }
00305 #                       else
00306                         /* on non-UNIX machines only sequential mode is supported */
00307                         yp[jj] = (realnum)optimize_func(xhlp);
00308 #                       endif
00309                 }
00310         }
00311 #       ifdef __unix
00312         /* wait for child processes to terminate */
00313         if( optimize.lgParallel )
00314         {
00315                 while( currentCPU > 0 )
00316                 {
00317                         pid = wait(&stat);
00318                         currentCPU--;
00319                 }
00320         }
00321 #       endif
00322         /* find best model */
00323         for( jj=1; jj <= 2*nvarPhymir; jj++ )
00324         {
00325 #               ifdef __unix
00326                 if( optimize.lgParallel )
00327                 {
00328                         sprintf(fnam1,"chi2_%ld",jj);
00329                         sprintf(fnam2,"output_%ld",jj);
00330                         rd_block(&yp[jj],(size_t)sizeof(realnum),fnam1);
00331                         remove(fnam1);
00332                         cpfile(fnam2);
00333                         remove(fnam2);
00334                 }
00335 #               endif
00336                 if( yp[jj] < *ymin )
00337                 {
00338                         *ymin = yp[jj];
00339                         jmin = jj;
00340                 }
00341         }
00343         lgNewCnt = jmin > 0;
00344         /* determine minimum and relative uncertainties */
00345         lgNegd2 = false;
00346         xnrm = 0.f;
00347         for( i=0; i < nvarPhymir; i++ )
00348         {
00349                 d1 = yp[2*i+2] - yp[2*i+1];
00350                 d2 = 0.5f*yp[2*i+2] - yp[0] + 0.5f*yp[2*i+1];
00351                 if( d2 <= 0.f )
00352                         lgNegd2 = true;
00353                 xhlp[i] = -dmax*c2[i]*(MAX2(MIN2((0.25f*d1)/MAX2(d2,1.e-10f),F0),-F0) - DELTA(2*i+1,jmin) + DELTA(2*i+2,jmin));
00354                 xnrm += POW2(xhlp[i]);
00355         }
00356         xnrm = (realnum)sqrt(xnrm);
00357         /* set up new transformation matrix */
00358         imax = 0;
00359         amax = 0.f;
00360         for( j=0; j < nvarPhymir; j++ )
00361         {
00362                 for( i=0; i < nvarPhymir; i++ )
00363                 {
00364                         if( xnrm > 0.f )
00365                         {
00366                                 if( j == 0 )
00367                                 {
00368                                         a2[0][i] *= xhlp[0];
00369                                 }
00370                                 else
00371                                 {
00372                                         a2[0][i] += xhlp[j]*a2[j][i];
00373                                         a2[j][i] = DELTA(i,j);
00374                                         if( j == nvarPhymir-1 && (realnum)fabs(a2[0][i]) > amax )
00375                                         {
00376                                                 imax = i;
00377                                                 amax = (realnum)fabs(a2[0][i]);
00378                                         }
00379                                 }
00380                         }
00381                         else
00382                         {
00383                                 a2[j][i] = DELTA(i,j);
00384                         }
00385                 }
00386         }
00387         /*       this is to assure maximum linear independence of the base vectors */
00388         if( imax > 0 )
00389         {
00390                 a2[imax][0] = 1.f;
00391                 a2[imax][imax] = 0.f;
00392         }
00393         /* apply Gram-Schmidt procedure to get orthogonal base */
00394         phygrm(a2,nvarPhymir);
00396         /* set up hypercube dimensions in new base and choose new center */
00397         for( i=0; i < nvarPhymir; i++ )
00398         {
00399                 c2[i] = 0.f;
00400                 for( j=0; j < nvarPhymir; j++ )
00401                 {
00402                         c2[i] += POW2(a2[i][j]/c1[j]);
00403                 }
00404                 c2[i] = 1.f/sqrt(c2[i]);
00405                 xc[i] = xp[i][jmin];
00406                 xp[i][0] = xc[i];
00407         }
00408         yp[0] = yp[jmin];
00409         jmin = 0;
00410         /*       choose size of next hypercube */
00411         if( lgNegd2 )
00412         {
00413                 /* this means that the hypercube either is bigger than the scale
00414                  * on which the function varies, or is so small that we see noise.
00415                  * in both cases make the hypercube smaller. */
00416                 r1 = F1;
00417                 r2 = F1;
00418         }
00419         else
00420         {
00421                 r1 = F2;
00422                 if( lgNewCnt )
00423                 {
00424                         /* when we make progress, dmax may become bigger */
00425                         r2 = sqrt(1.f/F1);
00426                 }
00427                 else
00428                 {
00429                         /* when there is no progress force dmax smaller, otherwise there
00430                          * may never be an end */
00431                         r2 = sqrt(F1);
00432                 }
00433         }
00434         dmax = MIN2(MAX2(xnrm/c2[0],dmax*r1),dmax*r2);
00435         /* fail-safe against excessive behaviour */
00436         dmax = MIN2(dmax,dold);
00438         if( dmax > toler )
00439                 goto L_20;
00440         /*       do we restart? */
00441         diff = 0.f;
00442         for( i=0; i < nvarPhymir; i++ )
00443         {
00444                 diff += POW2(xc[i] - xcold[i]);
00445                 xcold[i] = xc[i];
00446                 c2[i] = c1[i];
00447         }
00448         diff = sqrt(diff);
00449         dmax = dold;
00450         lgFinish = diff <= toler;
00451         goto L_10;
00452 #       undef DELTA
00453 }
00455 STATIC void phygrm(realnum a[][LIMPAR],
00456                    long int n)
00457 {
00458         long int i, 
00459           j, 
00460           k;
00461         realnum ip; 
00463         DEBUG_ENTRY( "phygrm()" );
00465         /* apply modified Gram-Schmidt procedure to a */
00466         for( i=0; i < n; i++ )
00467         {
00468                 ip = 0.f;
00469                 for( k=0; k < n; k++ )
00470                         ip += POW2(a[i][k]);
00471                 ip = sqrt(ip);
00472                 for( k=0; k < n; k++ )
00473                         a[i][k] /= ip;
00474                 for( j=i+1; j < n; j++ )
00475                 {
00476                         ip = 0.f;
00477                         for( k=0; k < n; k++ )
00478                                 ip += a[i][k]*a[j][k];
00479                         for( k=0; k < n; k++ )
00480                                 a[j][k] -= ip*a[i][k];
00481                 }
00482         }
00483         return;
00484 }
00486 STATIC void wr_continue(realnum vers,
00487                         long dim,
00488                         realnum a2[][LIMPAR],          /* a2[LIMPAR][LIMPAR] */
00489                         const realnum c1[],            /* c1[LIMPAR] */
00490                         const realnum c2[],            /* c2[LIMPAR] */
00491                         const realnum xc[],            /* xc[LIMPAR] */
00492                         const realnum xcold[],         /* xcold[LIMPAR] */
00493                         realnum dmax,
00494                         realnum dold,
00495                         realnum ymin,
00496                         long nvar,
00497                         long noptim,
00498                         const realnum varmax[],        /* varmax[LIMPAR] */
00499                         const realnum varmin[],        /* varmin[LIMPAR] */
00500                         const char chDum1[],         /* chDum1[STDLEN] */
00501                         const char chDum2[],         /* chDum2[STDLEN] */
00502                         const char chDum3[],         /* chDum3[STDLEN] */
00503                         const char *fnam)
00504 {
00505         bool lgErr;
00506         int res;
00507         size_t num;
00508         FILE *fdes;
00510         DEBUG_ENTRY( "wr_continue()" );
00512         try
00513         {
00514                 fdes = open_data( fnam, "wb", AS_LOCAL_ONLY );
00515         }
00516         catch( cloudy_exit )
00517         {
00518                 return;
00519         }
00520         lgErr = false;
00521         num = 1;
00522         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(&vers,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00523         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(&dim,sizeof(long),num,fdes) != num );
00524         num = (size_t)(LIMPAR*LIMPAR);
00525         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(a2,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00526         num = (size_t)LIMPAR;
00527         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(c1,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00528         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(c2,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00529         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(xc,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00530         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(xcold,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00531         num = 1;
00532         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(&dmax,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00533         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(&dold,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00534         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(&ymin,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00535         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(&nvar,sizeof(long),num,fdes) != num );
00536         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(&noptim,sizeof(long),num,fdes) != num );
00537         num = (size_t)LIMPAR;
00538         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(varmax,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00539         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(varmin,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00540         num = (size_t)STDLEN;
00541         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(chDum1,sizeof(char),num,fdes) != num );
00542         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(chDum2,sizeof(char),num,fdes) != num );
00543         lgErr = lgErr || ( fwrite(chDum3,sizeof(char),num,fdes) != num );
00544         fclose(fdes);
00545         if( lgErr )
00546         {
00547                 printf( "error writing file: %s\n",fnam );
00548                 res = remove(fnam);
00549                 /* following to keep lint quiet - res is not used anywhere */
00550                 if( false) fprintf(ioQQQ,"%i\n", res );
00551         }
00552         return;
00553 }
00555 STATIC void rd_continue(realnum *vers,
00556                         long *dim,
00557                         realnum a2[][LIMPAR],    /* a2[LIMPAR][LIMPAR] */
00558                         realnum c1[],            /* c1[LIMPAR] */
00559                         realnum c2[],            /* c2[LIMPAR] */
00560                         realnum xc[],            /* xc[LIMPAR] */
00561                         realnum xcold[],         /* xcold[LIMPAR] */
00562                         realnum *dmax,
00563                         realnum *dold,
00564                         realnum *ymin,
00565                         long *nvar,
00566                         long *noptim,
00567                         realnum varmax[],        /* varmax[LIMPAR] */
00568                         realnum varmin[],        /* varmin[LIMPAR] */
00569                         char chDum1[],         /* chDum1[STDLEN] */
00570                         char chDum2[],         /* chDum2[STDLEN] */
00571                         char chDum3[],         /* chDum3[STDLEN] */
00572                         const char *fnam)
00573 {
00574         bool lgErr;
00575         size_t num;
00576         FILE *fdes;
00578         DEBUG_ENTRY( "rd_continue()" );
00580         fdes = open_data( fnam, "rb", AS_LOCAL_ONLY );
00581         lgErr = false;
00582         num = 1;
00583         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(vers,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00584         if( lgErr || *vers != VRSNEW )
00585         {
00586                 printf( "optimize continue - file has incompatible version, sorry\n" );
00587                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00588         }
00589         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(dim,sizeof(long),num,fdes) != num );
00590         if( lgErr || *dim != LIMPAR )
00591         {
00592                 printf( "optimize continue - arrays have wrong dimension, sorry\n" );
00593                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00594         }
00595         num = (size_t)(LIMPAR*LIMPAR);
00596         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(a2,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00597         num = (size_t)LIMPAR;
00598         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(c1,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00599         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(c2,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00600         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(xc,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00601         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(xcold,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00602         num = 1;
00603         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(dmax,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00604         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(dold,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00605         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(ymin,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00606         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(nvar,sizeof(long),num,fdes) != num );
00607         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(noptim,sizeof(long),num,fdes) != num );
00608         num = (size_t)LIMPAR;
00609         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(varmax,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00610         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(varmin,sizeof(realnum),num,fdes) != num );
00611         num = (size_t)STDLEN;
00612         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(chDum1,sizeof(char),num,fdes) != num );
00613         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(chDum2,sizeof(char),num,fdes) != num );
00614         lgErr = lgErr || ( fread(chDum3,sizeof(char),num,fdes) != num );
00615         fclose(fdes);
00616         if( lgErr )
00617         {
00618                 printf( "error reading file: %s\n",fnam );
00619                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00620         }
00621         return;
00622 }
00624 #ifdef __unix
00626 STATIC void cpfile(const char *fnam)
00627 {
00628         char chr;
00630         FILE *fdes;
00632         DEBUG_ENTRY( "cpfile()" );
00634         /* append output produced by child process on <fnam>, to output of parent process */
00636         fdes = open_data( fnam, "r", AS_LOCAL_ONLY_TRY );
00637         if( fdes == NULL )
00638                 return;
00639         chr = (char)fgetc(fdes);
00640         while( ! feof(fdes) )
00641         {
00642                 fputc( chr , ioQQQ );
00643                 chr = (char)fgetc(fdes);
00644         }
00645         fclose(fdes);
00646         return;
00647 }
00649 STATIC void wr_block(void *ptr,
00650                      size_t len,
00651                      const char *fnam)
00652 {
00653         FILE *fdes;
00655         DEBUG_ENTRY( "wr_block()" );
00657         /* write <len> bytes of data from buffer <*ptr> into unformatted file <fnam> */
00659         fdes = open_data( fnam, "wb", AS_LOCAL_ONLY );
00660         if( fwrite(ptr,len,(size_t)1,fdes) != 1 ) {
00661                 printf( "error writing on file: %s\n",fnam );
00662                 fclose(fdes);
00663                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00664         }
00665         fclose(fdes);
00666         return;
00667 }
00669 STATIC void rd_block(void *ptr,
00670                      size_t len,
00671                      const char *fnam)
00672 {
00673         FILE *fdes;
00675         DEBUG_ENTRY( "rd_block()" );
00677         /* read <len> bytes of data into buffer <*ptr> from unformatted file <fnam> */
00679         fdes = open_data( fnam, "rb", AS_LOCAL_ONLY );
00680         if( fread(ptr,len,(size_t)1,fdes) != 1 ) {
00681                 printf( "error reading on file: %s\n",fnam );
00682                 fclose(fdes);
00683                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00684         }
00685         fclose(fdes);
00686         return;
00687 }
00689 #endif

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:22 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7