
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*ParseStop parse the stop command */
00004 #include "cddefines.h"
00005 #include "physconst.h"
00006 #include "optimize.h"
00007 #include "phycon.h"
00008 #include "rfield.h"
00009 #include "radius.h"
00010 #include "geometry.h"
00011 #include "iterations.h"
00012 #include "stopcalc.h"
00013 #include "input.h"
00014 #include "parse.h"
00016 void ParseStop(char *chCard)
00017 {
00018         bool lgEOL;
00020         long int i, 
00021           j;
00023         double a, 
00024           effcol, 
00025           tread;
00027         DEBUG_ENTRY( "ParseStop()" );
00029         /* first scan off a generic number, all subcommands use at least one */
00030         i = 5;
00031         a = FFmtRead(chCard,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00033         /* >>chng 04 nov 09, introduce off option */
00034         if( lgEOL && !nMatch(" OFF",chCard) )
00035         {
00036                 NoNumb(chCard);
00037         }
00039         if( nMatch("TEMP",chCard) )
00040         {
00041                 /* >>chng 04 nov 09, introduce off option to disable this stopping criterion */
00042                 if( lgEOL && nMatch(" OFF",chCard) )
00043                 {
00044                         /* this is special case for ending temperature - do not use -
00045                          * but will still stop if Te falls below TeLowest, the lowest
00046                          * possible temperature */
00047                         StopCalc.tend = -1.f;
00048                 }
00049                 else
00050                 {
00051                         /* lowest electron temperature allowed before stopping
00052                          * assumed to be the log of the temperature if <10
00053                          * optional keyword LINEAR forces linear */
00054                         if( a <= 10. && !nMatch("LINE",chCard) )
00055                         {
00056                                 tread = pow(10.,a);
00057                         }
00058                         else
00059                         {
00060                                 tread = a;
00061                         }
00063                         /* tread is linear temperature*/
00064                         if( tread < phycon.TEMP_LIMIT_LOW )
00065                         {
00066                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00067                                         " Temperatures below %.2e K not allowed. Reset to lowest value."
00068                                         "   I am doing this myself.\n" ,
00069                                         phycon.TEMP_LIMIT_LOW );
00070                                 /* set slightly off extreme limit for safety */
00071                                 tread = phycon.TEMP_LIMIT_LOW*1.01;
00072                         }
00073                         else if( tread > phycon.TEMP_LIMIT_HIGH )
00074                         {
00075                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00076                                         " Temperatures is above %.2e K not allowed. Reset to highest value."
00077                                         "   I am doing this myself.\n" ,
00078                                         phycon.TEMP_LIMIT_HIGH);
00079                                 /* set slightly off extreme limit for safety */
00080                                 tread = phycon.TEMP_LIMIT_HIGH*0.99;
00081                         }
00083                         if( nMatch("EXCE",chCard) )
00084                         {
00085                                 /* option for this to be highest allowed temperature,
00086                                  * stop temperate exceeds */
00087                                 StopCalc.T2High = (realnum)tread;
00088                         }
00089                         else
00090                         {
00091                                 /* this is ending temperature - we stop if kinetic temperature
00092                                  * falls below this */
00093                                 StopCalc.tend = (realnum)tread;
00094                         }
00095                 }
00096         }
00098         /* stop at 21cm line center optical depth  */
00099         else if( nMatch("OPTI",chCard) && nMatch("21CM",chCard) )
00100         {
00101                 /* default is for number to be log of optical depth */
00102                 bool lgLOG = true;
00103                 if( nMatch("LINE",chCard) )
00104                 {
00105                         /* force it to be linear not log */
00106                         lgLOG = false;
00107                 }
00108                 i = 4;
00109                 j = (long int)FFmtRead(chCard,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00110                 if( j!=21 )
00111                 {
00112                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " First number on STOP 21CM OPTICAL DEPTH command must be 21\n" );
00113                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00114                 }
00115                 /* now get the next number, which is the optical depth */
00116                 a = (long int)FFmtRead(chCard,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00118                 /* tau must be a log, and second number is energy where tau specified */
00119                 if( lgLOG )
00120                 {
00121                         StopCalc.tauend = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00122                 }
00123                 else
00124                 {
00125                         StopCalc.tauend = (realnum)a;
00126                 }
00127                 /* this flag says that 21cm line optical depth is the stop quantity */
00128                 StopCalc.lgStop21cm = true;
00129         }
00130         /* stop optical depth at some energy */
00131         else if( nMatch("OPTI",chCard) )
00132         {
00133                 /* default is for number to be log of optical depth */
00134                 bool lgLOG = true;
00135                 if( nMatch("LINE",chCard) )
00136                 {
00137                         /* force it to be linear not log */
00138                         lgLOG = false;
00139                 }
00141                 if( a > 37. )
00142                 {
00143                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " optical depth too big\n" );
00144                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00145                 }
00147                 /* tau must be a log, and second number is energy where tau specified */
00148                 if( lgLOG )
00149                 {
00150                         StopCalc.tauend = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00151                 }
00152                 else
00153                 {
00154                         StopCalc.tauend = (realnum)a;
00155                 }
00157                 /* energy where tau specified */
00158                 StopCalc.taunu = (realnum)FFmtRead(chCard,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00160                 if( lgEOL )
00161                 {
00162                         if( nMatch("LYMA",chCard) )
00163                         {
00164                                 /* largest Lyman limit optical depth */
00165                                 StopCalc.taunu = 1.;
00166                         }
00167                         else if( nMatch("BALM",chCard) )
00168                         {
00169                                 /* stop at this Balmer continuum optical depth */
00170                                 StopCalc.taunu = 0.25;
00171                         }
00172                         else
00173                         {
00174                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " There must be a second number, the energy in Ryd.  Sorry.\n" );
00175                                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00176                         }
00177                 }
00179                 else
00180                 {
00181                         /* if second number is negative then log of energy in rydbergs */
00182                         if( StopCalc.taunu < 0. )
00183                         {
00184                                 StopCalc.taunu = (realnum)pow((realnum)10.f,StopCalc.taunu);
00185                         }
00187                         /* check that energy is within bounds of code */
00188                         if( StopCalc.taunu < rfield.emm || StopCalc.taunu > rfield.egamry )
00189                         {
00190                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " The energy must be in the range %10.2e to %10.2e.  It was %10.2e. Sorry.\n", 
00191                                   rfield.emm, rfield.egamry, StopCalc.taunu );
00192                                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00193                         }
00194                 }
00195         }
00197         /* stop optical depth at extinction in V filter */
00198         else if( nMatch(" AV ",chCard) )
00199         {
00200                 /* default is for number to be A_V, log if negative */
00201                 if( a<=0. )
00202                 {
00203                         a = pow(10.,a);
00204                 }
00205                 /* A_V can be for either point or extended source, difference is (1-g) multiplied by scat opacity
00206                  * if keyword point occurs then for point source, otherwise for extended source */
00207                 if( nMatch("EXTE" , chCard ) )
00208                 {
00209                         StopCalc.AV_extended = (realnum)a;
00210                 }
00211                 else
00212                 {
00213                         /* default is point, as measured in ism work */
00214                         StopCalc.AV_point = (realnum)a;
00215                 }
00216         }
00218         /* stop when a fraction of molecules frozen out on grain surfaces is reached */
00219         else if( nMatch("MOLE",chCard) && nMatch("DEPL",chCard) )
00220         {
00221                 if( a <= 0. )
00222                 {
00223                         StopCalc.StopDepleteFrac = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00224                 }
00225                 else
00226                 {
00227                         StopCalc.StopDepleteFrac = (realnum)a;
00228                 }
00229         }
00231         /* stop when absolute value of flow velocity falls below this value */
00232         else if( nMatch("VELO",chCard) )
00233         {
00234                 /* entered in km/s but stored as cm/s */
00235                 StopCalc.StopVelocity = (realnum)(a*1e5);
00236         }
00238         /* stop at a given computed mass */
00239         else if( nMatch("MASS",chCard) )
00240         {
00241                 /* number of log of mass in gm if inner radius is specified,
00242                  * mass per unit area, gm cm-2 if not
00243                  * leave it as a log since dare not deal with linear mass */
00244                 StopCalc.xMass = (realnum)a;
00245                 /* NB 0 is sentinel for not set, if a is zero we must reset it */
00246                 if( StopCalc.xMass == 0 )
00247                         StopCalc.xMass = SMALLFLOAT;
00248         }
00250         /* stop thickness command, also stop depth, this must come after stop
00251          * optical depth, since do not want to trigger on depth in optical depth */
00252         else if( nMatch("THIC",chCard) || nMatch("DEPT",chCard) )
00253         {
00254                 /* decide whether linear or log,
00255                  * this branch if key linear appears */
00256                 if( nMatch("LINE",chCard) )
00257                 {
00258                         radius.router[0] = a;
00259                 }
00260                 else
00261                 {
00262                         /* this is default branch, no key, so log */
00263                         if( a > 37. )
00264                         {
00265                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " thickness too large\n" );
00266                                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00267                         }
00268                         radius.router[0] = pow(10.,a);
00269                 }
00271                 /* optional parsec unit */
00272                 if( nMatch("PARS",chCard) )
00273                 {
00274                         radius.router[0] *= PARSEC;
00275                 }
00277                 /* can stop at different thickness on each iteration */
00278                 for( j=1; j < iterations.iter_malloc; j++ )
00279                 {
00280                         a = FFmtRead(chCard,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00281                         if( lgEOL )
00282                         {
00283                                 radius.router[j] = radius.router[j-1];
00284                         }
00285                         else
00286                         {
00287                                 if( nMatch("LINE",chCard) )
00288                                 {
00289                                         radius.router[j] = a;
00290                                 }
00291                                 else
00292                                 {
00293                                         if( a > 37. )
00294                                         {
00295                                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " thickness too large\n" );
00296                                                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00297                                         }
00298                                         radius.router[j] = pow(10.,a);
00299                                 }
00300                                 if( nMatch("PARS",chCard) )
00301                                 {
00302                                         radius.router[j] *= PARSEC;
00303                                 }
00304                         }
00305                 }
00307                 /* vary option */
00308                 if( optimize.lgVarOn )
00309                 {
00310                         optimize.nvarxt[optimize.nparm] = 1;
00311                         strcpy( optimize.chVarFmt[optimize.nparm], "STOP THICKNESS %f" );
00313                         /* pointer to where to write */
00314                         optimize.nvfpnt[optimize.nparm] = input.nRead;
00316                         /* log of temp will be pointer */
00317                         optimize.vparm[0][optimize.nparm] = (realnum)log10(radius.router[0]);
00318                         optimize.vincr[optimize.nparm] = 0.5;
00320                         ++optimize.nparm;
00321                 }
00322         }
00324         /* stop at a particular zone, for each iteration */
00325         else if( nMatch("ZONE",chCard) )
00326         {
00327                 /* stop after computing this zone */
00328                 /* >>chng 03 jun 06, do not let fall below 1, stop zone 0 has same effect
00329                  * as stop zone 1, bug caught by Joop Schaye */
00330                 geometry.nend[0] = (long)MAX2(1.,a);
00331                 geometry.lgZoneSet = true;
00333                 /* this tells code that we intend to stop at this zone, so caution not generated*/
00334                 geometry.lgEndDflt = false;
00336                 for( j=1; j < iterations.iter_malloc; j++ )
00337                 {
00338                         geometry.nend[j] = (long)FFmtRead(chCard,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00339                         /* if eol on this iteration, set to previous.  In most cases
00340                          * all will be equal to the first */
00341                         if( lgEOL )
00342                         {
00343                                 geometry.nend[j] = geometry.nend[j-1];
00344                         }
00345                         else
00346                         {
00347                                 /* >>chng 03 jun 06, do not let fall below 1, stop zone 0 has same effect
00348                                  * as stop zone 1, bug caught by Joop Schaye */
00349                                 geometry.nend[j] = MAX2( 1 , geometry.nend[j] );
00350                         }
00351                 }
00352         }
00354         /* stop at this electron fraction, relative to hydrogen */
00355         else if( nMatch("EFRA",chCard) )
00356         {
00357                 if( a <= 0. )
00358                 {
00359                         StopCalc.StopElecFrac = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00360                 }
00361                 else
00362                 {
00363                         StopCalc.StopElecFrac = (realnum)a;
00364                 }
00365         }
00367         /* stop at a hydrogen molecular fraction, relative to total hydrogen,
00368          * this is 2H_2 / H_total*/
00369         else if( nMatch("MFRA",chCard) )
00370         {
00371                 if( a <= 0. )
00372                 {
00373                         StopCalc.StopH2MoleFrac = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00374                 }
00375                 else
00376                 {
00377                         StopCalc.StopH2MoleFrac = (realnum)a;
00378                 }
00379         }
00381         /* stop at a ionized hydrogen fraction, relative to total hydrogen,
00382          * this is H+ / H_total */
00383         else if( nMatch("PFRA",chCard) )
00384         {
00385                 if( a <= 0. )
00386                 {
00387                         StopCalc.StopHPlusFrac = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00388                 }
00389                 else
00390                 {
00391                         StopCalc.StopHPlusFrac = (realnum)a;
00392                 }
00393         }
00395         /* stop at a particular column density */
00396         else if( nMatch("COLU",chCard) )
00397         {
00398                 /* check for linear option, if present take log since a being
00399                  * log column density is default */
00400                 if( nMatch( "LINE" , chCard ) )
00401                         a = log10(a);
00403                 /*  stop at an effective column density */
00404                 if( nMatch("EFFE",chCard) )
00405                 {
00406                         /* actually stop at certain optical depth at 1keV */
00407                         effcol = pow(10.,a);
00408                         StopCalc.tauend = (realnum)(effcol*2.14e-22);
00409                         StopCalc.taunu = 73.5;
00410                         /* vary option */
00411                         if( optimize.lgVarOn )
00412                         {
00413                                 optimize.nvarxt[optimize.nparm] = 1;
00414                                 strcpy( optimize.chVarFmt[optimize.nparm], "STOP EFFECTIVE COLUMN DENSITY %f" );
00415                                 /* pointer to where to write */
00416                                 optimize.nvfpnt[optimize.nparm] = input.nRead;
00417                                 /* log of temp will be pointer */
00418                                 optimize.vparm[0][optimize.nparm] = (realnum)log10(effcol);
00419                                 optimize.vincr[optimize.nparm] = 0.5;
00420                                 ++optimize.nparm;
00421                         }
00422                 }
00424                 else if( nMatch("IONI",chCard) )
00425                 {
00426                         /*  this is ionized column */
00427                         if( a > 37. )
00428                         {
00429                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " column too big\n" );
00430                                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00431                         }
00433                         StopCalc.colpls = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00435                         /*  vary option */
00436                         if( optimize.lgVarOn )
00437                         {
00438                                 optimize.nvarxt[optimize.nparm] = 1;
00439                                 strcpy( optimize.chVarFmt[optimize.nparm], "STOP IONIZED COLUMN DENSITY %f" );
00440                                 /*  pointer to where to write */
00441                                 optimize.nvfpnt[optimize.nparm] = input.nRead;
00442                                 /*  log of temp will be pointer */
00443                                 optimize.vparm[0][optimize.nparm] = (realnum)log10(StopCalc.colpls);
00444                                 optimize.vincr[optimize.nparm] = 0.5;
00445                                 ++optimize.nparm;
00446                         }
00447                 }
00449                 /*  stop at a neutral column */
00450                 else if( nMatch("NEUT",chCard) )
00451                 {
00452                         StopCalc.colnut = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00454                         /*  vary option */
00455                         if( optimize.lgVarOn )
00456                         {
00457                                 optimize.nvarxt[optimize.nparm] = 1;
00458                                 strcpy( optimize.chVarFmt[optimize.nparm], "STOP NEUTRAL COLUMN DENSITY %f");
00459                                 /*  pointer to where to write */
00460                                 optimize.nvfpnt[optimize.nparm] = input.nRead;
00461                                 /*  log of temp will be pointer */
00462                                 optimize.vparm[0][optimize.nparm] = (realnum)log10(StopCalc.colnut);
00463                                 optimize.vincr[optimize.nparm] = 0.5;
00464                                 ++optimize.nparm;
00465                         }
00466                 }
00468                 /* >>chng 03 apr 15, add this option 
00469                  *  stop at a molecular hydrogen column density, input parameter
00470                  * is log of the H2 column density */
00471                 else if( nMatch(" H2 ",chCard) )
00472                 {
00473                         /* this command has a 2 in the H2 label - must not parse the two by
00474                          * accident.  Get the first number off the line image, and confirm that
00475                          * it is a 2 */
00476                         i = 5;
00477                         j = (long int)FFmtRead(chCard,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00478                         if( j != 2 )
00479                         {
00480                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " Something is wrong with the order of the numbers on this line.\n" );
00481                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " The first number I encounter should be the 2 in H2.\n Sorry.\n" );
00482                                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00483                         }
00484                         a = FFmtRead(chCard,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00485                         StopCalc.col_h2 = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00487                         /*  vary option */
00488                         if( optimize.lgVarOn )
00489                         {
00490                                 optimize.nvarxt[optimize.nparm] = 1;
00491                                 strcpy( optimize.chVarFmt[optimize.nparm], "STOP H2 COLUMN DENSITY %f");
00492                                 /*  pointer to where to write */
00493                                 optimize.nvfpnt[optimize.nparm] = input.nRead;
00494                                 /*  log of temp will be pointer */
00495                                 optimize.vparm[0][optimize.nparm] = (realnum)log10(StopCalc.col_h2);
00496                                 optimize.vincr[optimize.nparm] = 0.5;
00497                                 ++optimize.nparm;
00498                         }
00499                 }
00501                 else if( nMatch("ATOM",chCard) )
00502                 {
00503                         StopCalc.col_h2_nut = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00504                         /*  vary option */
00505                         if( optimize.lgVarOn )
00506                         {
00507                                 optimize.nvarxt[optimize.nparm] = 1;
00508                                 strcpy( optimize.chVarFmt[optimize.nparm], "STOP ATOMIC COLUMN DENSITY %f");
00509                                 /*  pointer to where to write */
00510                                 optimize.nvfpnt[optimize.nparm] = input.nRead;
00511                                 /*  log of temp will be pointer */
00512                                 optimize.vparm[0][optimize.nparm] = (realnum)log10(StopCalc.col_h2_nut);
00513                                 optimize.vincr[optimize.nparm] = 0.5;
00514                                 ++optimize.nparm;
00515                         }
00516                 }
00518                 else if( nMatch("H/TS",chCard) )
00519                 {
00520                         /* >> 05 jan 09, add stop integrated n(H0) / Tspin */
00521                         StopCalc.col_H0_ov_Tspin = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00522                         /*  vary option */
00523                         if( optimize.lgVarOn )
00524                         {
00525                                 optimize.nvarxt[optimize.nparm] = 1;
00526                                 strcpy( optimize.chVarFmt[optimize.nparm], "STOP H/TSPIN COLUMN DENSITY %f");
00527                                 /*  pointer to where to write */
00528                                 optimize.nvfpnt[optimize.nparm] = input.nRead;
00529                                 /*  log of temp will be pointer */
00530                                 optimize.vparm[0][optimize.nparm] = (realnum)log10(StopCalc.col_H0_ov_Tspin);
00531                                 optimize.vincr[optimize.nparm] = 0.5;
00532                                 ++optimize.nparm;
00533                         }
00534                 }
00536                 else if( nMatch(" CO ",chCard) )
00537                 {
00538                         /* chng << 03 Oct. 27--Nick Abel, add this option */
00539                         /* stop at a carbon monoxide column density */
00540                         StopCalc.col_monoxco = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00541                         /*  vary option */
00542                         if( optimize.lgVarOn )
00543                         {
00544                                 optimize.nvarxt[optimize.nparm] = 1;
00545                                 strcpy( optimize.chVarFmt[optimize.nparm], "STOP CO COLUMN DENSITY %f");
00546                                 /*  pointer to where to write */
00547                                 optimize.nvfpnt[optimize.nparm] = input.nRead;
00548                                 /*  log of temp will be pointer */
00549                                 optimize.vparm[0][optimize.nparm] = (realnum)log10(StopCalc.col_monoxco);
00550                                 optimize.vincr[optimize.nparm] = 0.5;
00551                                 ++optimize.nparm;
00552                         }
00553                 }
00555                 /* fall through default is total hydrogen column density */
00556                 else
00557                 {
00558                         /*  both HII and HI */
00559                         if( a > 37. )
00560                         {
00561                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " column too big\n" );
00562                                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00563                         }
00565                         StopCalc.HColStop = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00567                         /*  vary option */
00568                         if( optimize.lgVarOn )
00569                         {
00570                                 optimize.nvarxt[optimize.nparm] = 1;
00571                                 strcpy( optimize.chVarFmt[optimize.nparm], "STOP COLUMN DENSITY %f" );
00572                                 /*  pointer to where to write */
00573                                 optimize.nvfpnt[optimize.nparm] = input.nRead;
00574                                 /*  log of temp will be pointer */
00575                                 optimize.vparm[0][optimize.nparm] = (realnum)log10(StopCalc.HColStop);
00576                                 optimize.vincr[optimize.nparm] = 0.5;
00577                                 ++optimize.nparm;
00578                         }
00579                 }
00580         }
00582         /* stop when electron density falls below this value, linear or log */
00583         else if( nMatch("EDEN",chCard) )
00584         {
00585                 /* stop if electron density falls below this value
00586                  * LINEAR option */
00587                 if( nMatch("LINE",chCard) )
00588                 {
00589                         StopCalc.StopElecDensity = (realnum)a;
00590                 }
00591                 else
00592                 {
00593                         StopCalc.StopElecDensity = (realnum)pow(10.,a);
00594                 }
00595         }
00597         /* stop at a particular line ratio - this must come last since many commands
00598          * have linear option - don't want to trigger on that */
00599         else if( nMatch("LINE",chCard) )
00600         {
00601                 char chLabel[5];
00602                 /* first line wavelength, then intensity relative to Hbeta for stop
00603                  * if third number is entered, it is wl of line in denominator */
00605                 /* get label for the line - must do this first so we clear the label string before
00606                  * trying to read the wavelength */
00607                 GetQuote( chLabel , chCard , true );
00609                 /* copy first four char of label into caps, and null terminate*/
00610                 strncpy( StopCalc.chStopLabel1[StopCalc.nstpl], chLabel , 4 );
00611                 StopCalc.chStopLabel1[StopCalc.nstpl][4] = 0;
00613                 i = 5;
00614                 /* get line wavelength */
00615                 StopCalc.StopLineWl1[StopCalc.nstpl] = 
00616                         (realnum)FFmtRead(chCard,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH, &lgEOL);
00618                 /* line was entered, look for possible micron or cm label */
00619                 if( input.chCARDCAPS[i-1] == 'M' )
00620                 {
00621                         /* microns */
00622                         StopCalc.StopLineWl1[StopCalc.nstpl] *= 1e4;
00623                 }
00624                 else if( input.chCARDCAPS[i-1] == 'C' )
00625                 {
00626                         /* microns */
00627                         StopCalc.StopLineWl1[StopCalc.nstpl] *= 1e8;
00628                 }
00630                 /* get relative intensity */
00631                 StopCalc.stpint[StopCalc.nstpl] = 
00632                         (realnum)FFmtRead(chCard,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH, &lgEOL);
00633                 if( lgEOL )
00634                 {
00635                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " There MUST be a relative intensity  entered "
00636                                 "for first line in STOP LINE command.  Sorry.\n" );
00637                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00638                 }
00640                 /* check for second line - use Hbeta is not specified */
00641                 j = i;
00642                 a = FFmtRead(chCard,&j,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH, &lgEOL);
00644                 if( lgEOL )
00645                 {
00646                         /* hit the eol, normalization line will be H beta */
00647                         strncpy( StopCalc.chStopLabel2[StopCalc.nstpl], "TOTL" , 4 );
00648                         StopCalc.chStopLabel2[StopCalc.nstpl][4] = 0;
00649                         StopCalc.StopLineWl2[StopCalc.nstpl] = 4861.f;
00650                 }
00651                 else
00652                 {
00653                         /* get label for the line - must do this first so we clear the label string before
00654                          * trying to read the wavelength */
00655                         GetQuote( chLabel , chCard , true );
00656                         /* copy first four char of label into caps, and null terminate*/
00657                         strncpy( StopCalc.chStopLabel2[StopCalc.nstpl], chLabel , 4 );
00658                         StopCalc.chStopLabel2[StopCalc.nstpl][4] = 0;
00660                         /* wavelength of second line, may be absent and so zero -
00661                          * we will use Hbeta if not specified */
00662                         StopCalc.StopLineWl2[StopCalc.nstpl] = 
00663                                 (realnum)FFmtRead(chCard,&i, INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00665                         /* line was entered, look for possible micron or cm label */
00666                         if( input.chCARDCAPS[i-1] == 'M' )
00667                         {
00668                                 /* microns */
00669                                 StopCalc.StopLineWl2[StopCalc.nstpl] *= 1e4;
00670                         }
00671                         else if( input.chCARDCAPS[i-1] == 'C' )
00672                         {
00673                                 /* microns */
00674                                 StopCalc.StopLineWl2[StopCalc.nstpl] *= 1e8;
00675                         }
00676                 }
00677                 /* increment number of stop lines commands entered */
00678                 StopCalc.nstpl = MIN2(StopCalc.nstpl+1,MXSTPL-1);
00679         }
00681         else if( nMatch("NTOT" , chCard ) && nMatch("ALIO" , chCard ) )
00682         {
00683                 /* this counter is incremented at end of conv_base - total number of
00684                  * times conv base was called 
00685                  * this is a debugging aid - code aborts */
00686                 StopCalc.nTotalIonizStop = (long)a;
00687         }
00689         /* oops! no keyword that we could find */
00690         else
00691         {
00692                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " I did not recognize a keyword on this STOP line, line image follows;\n" );
00693                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " \"%s\"\n Sorry.\n" , chCard);
00694                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00695         }
00696         return;
00697 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:26 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7