PHY 211
Help Information

If you are having trouble understanding and learning the PHY211 material there are various ways of getting help:

v    All the recitation instructors have office hours. You may go to any instructor for help.

v    Physics & Astronomy graduate students man the Physics & Astronomy Learning Center (CP133) where you can go for help.

v    Another textbook by a different author is on reserve for PHY211 in the Science Library.  If you have difficulty in understanding something in your book, it may help to see a different point of view.

v   The Peer Tutoring Program is one of the services offered in The StudyThe Study provides free, drop-in, peer tutoring for many 100 & 200 level courses in mathematics, science, & business. The Study has three convenient locations on campus —The Study Central (TSC), at the Boone Center on central campus;  The Study North (TSN),  on the bottom floor of Jewell Hall (residence hall across from the Student Center) on north campus; and The Study South (TSS), located in Pigman Hall).  Peer tutoring is offered Monday-Thursday from 2pm-10pm, and on Sunday from 4pm-10pm.

v    The Physics & Astronomy website has an up to date list of physics tutors available.