Fits to the rates of excitation autoionization for iron ions. M. Arnaud & J. Raymond (1992, ApJ, 398, 394). Fit parameters for excitation autoionization rates for iron ions. Byte-per-byte description of file: ci.dat (15 records) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 2 I2 --- Z Atomic number 4- 5 I2 --- N Number of electrons 7- 12 F6.1 eV P Potential 14- 19 F6.4 --- A Fit parameter 21- 28 F8.5 --- B Fit parameter 30- 38 F9.4 --- C Fit parameter 40- 44 F5.2 --- D Fit parameter 46- 52 F7.4 --- E Fit parameter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------