Verner, D. A., Verner, E. M., and Ferland, G. J. Atomic data for permitted resonance lines of atoms and ions from H to Si, and S, Ar, Ca and Fe. 1996, Atomic Data Nucl. Data Tables, in press. Table I. Wavelengths and Oscillator Strengths of Permitted Resonance Absorption Lines. See text of the paper for explanation. Byte-per-byte description of file: atom1.dat Number of multiplets: 1877 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bytes Format Units Label Explanations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Averaged values for multiplets: 1- 4 A4 --- Species Atom or ion 6- 37 A32 --- Transition Transition 40- 46 A7 --- Multiplet Multiplet 48- 56 F9.4 Angs lambda Vacuum wavelength 58- 72 F15.6 cm^-1 E_i Energy of lower level 74- 88 F15.6 cm^-1 E_k Energy of upper level 90- 91 I2 --- g_i Lower level statistical weight 93- 94 I2 --- g_k Upper level statistical weight 96-103 E8.2 s^-1 A_ik Transition probability 105-112 E8.2 --- f_ik Oscillator strength 114-115 I2 --- n Number of lines in the multiplet Values for individual lines: 48- 56 F9.4 Angs lambda Vacuum wavelength 58- 72 F15.6 cm^-1 E_i Energy of lower level 74- 88 F15.6 cm^-1 E_k Energy of upper level 90- 91 I2 --- g_i Lower level statistical weight 93- 94 I2 --- g_k Upper level statistical weight 96-103 E8.2 s^-1 A_ik Transition probability 105-112 E8.2 --- f_ik Oscillator strength --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If experimental energy of an upper level is unknown, wavelength and energy of the upper level are given as 0.0. For FeI: if a multiplet averaged transition probability and oscillator strength are unknown, they are given as 0.0. Table II. Finding List of Lines. See text of the paper for explanation. Byte-per-byte description of file: atom2.dat Number of lines: 5971 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 9 F9.4 Angs lambda Vacuum wavelength 11- 14 A4 --- Species Atom or ion 16- 17 I2 --- g_i Lower level statistical weight 19- 20 I2 --- g_k Upper level statistical weight 22- 29 E8.2 --- f_ik Oscillator strength -----------------------------------------------------------------------------