
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*CO_Init called from cdInit to initialize co routines */
00004 /*CO_update_chem_rates update rate coefficients, only temp part - in mole_co_etc.c */
00005 #include "cddefines.h"
00006 #include "physconst.h"
00007 #include "mole.h"
00008 #include "mole_co_priv.h"
00009 #include "hmi.h"
00010 #include "rfield.h"
00011 #include "dense.h"
00012 #include "ionbal.h"
00013 #include "grainvar.h"
00014 #include "timesc.h"
00015 /*lint -e778 constant expression evaluates to 0 in operation '-' */
00017 /*CO_update_chem_rates update rate coefficients, only temp part - in mole_co_etc.c 
00018  * called in conv_base before any chemistry or ionization is done */
00020 enum spectype {MOLECULE, OTHER};
00021 enum molstate {ACTIVE, PASSIVE};
00023 STATIC void newelement(const char label[], int ipion, 
00024                                                                                          int priority);
00025 STATIC struct molecule *newspecies(const char label[7], enum spectype type, 
00026                                                                                          enum molstate state, realnum *location, double frac0);
00027 STATIC struct chem_element_s *findelement(const char buf[]);
00028 STATIC int isactive(data_u *dat);
00029 STATIC int ispassive(data_u *dat);
00030 STATIC int isCOnet(data_u *dat);
00032 struct chem_element_s **chem_element;
00033 /* List of element structures indexed by atom index 
00034          -- could use (element_list[nelem] != NULL) for mole.lgElem_in_chemistry[nelem] */
00035 struct chem_element_s *element_list[LIMELM];
00036 int32 *ipiv;
00037 realnum *tot_ion;
00039 struct mole_priv_s mole_priv;
00040 struct molecule null_mole;
00042 /*=================================================================*/
00043 /*CO_Init called from cdInit to initialize CO routines */
00044 void CO_Init(void)
00045 {
00046         long int i,
00047                 nelem;
00048         struct molecule *sp;
00049         static bool lgCO_Init_called=false;
00051         DEBUG_ENTRY( "CO_Init()" );
00053         /* these tell the molecular solver what zone and iteration it has
00054          * been evaluated on */
00055         co.co_nzone = -2;
00056         co.iteration_co = -2;
00058         /* prevent memory leaks */
00059         /* \todo        this is a temporary fix for PR14. We should improve the overall design
00060          * of this code to prevent valid pointers being overwritten in a second call to CO_Init */
00061         if( lgCO_Init_called )
00062         {
00063                 return;
00064         }
00066         /* say that we have been called */
00067         lgCO_Init_called = true;
00069         mole_priv.spectab = newhash(NULL);
00070         mole_priv.reactab = newhash(NULL);
00071         mole_priv.elemtab = newhash(NULL);
00073         for(nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00074         {
00075                 element_list[nelem] = NULL;
00076                 mole.lgElem_in_chemistry[nelem] = false;
00077         }
00079         /* set up concordance of elemental species to external Cloudy indices */
00080         /* final number is 'element priority':-
00081                  rjrw 2006 Aug 11: Nick Abel explains this order is roughly gas phase
00082                  abundance -- the encoding of atomic species is from the last
00083                  elements of "enum molecule_codes" in mole.h. Should this make any
00084                  difference?  In practice it does. */
00085         newelement("C" ,ipCARBON,3);
00086         newelement("O" ,ipOXYGEN,2);
00087         newelement("Si",ipSILICON,5);
00088         newelement("N" ,ipNITROGEN,4);
00089         newelement("S" ,ipSULPHUR,6);
00090         newelement("Cl",ipCHLORINE,7);
00091         newelement("H" ,ipHYDROGEN,1);
00092         newelement("He",ipHELIUM,0);
00093         newelement("Mg",ipMAGNESIUM,0);
00094         newelement("Fe",ipIRON,0);
00096         /* set up properties of molecular species -- chemical formulae,
00097                  array indices, elementary components (parsed from formula), 
00098                  status within CO network, location of stored value external 
00099                  to CO network (must be floating point). */
00101         /* final arguments are relative to neutral carbon and are the solution to the first zone of the 
00102          * TH85 pdr */
00104         /* Sizes of different parts of network are calculated in newspecies */
00105         mole.num_comole_calc = mole.num_comole_tot = mole.num_elements = 0;
00106         null_mole.hevmol = null_mole.hevcol = 0.;  /* Non-molecule to allow valid pointer return inactive species are accessed */
00107         null_mole.index = -1;
00109         sp = newspecies("C     ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.00e+00);
00110         sp = newspecies("O     ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.13e+05);
00111         sp = newspecies("Si    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,3.56e-04);
00112         sp = newspecies("N     ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,2.25e+00);
00113         sp = newspecies("S     ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,6.90e-03);
00114         sp = newspecies("Cl    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,6.90e-03);
00115         sp = newspecies("C+    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,6.79e+04);
00116         sp = newspecies("O+    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.58e+01);
00117         sp = newspecies("Si+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.79e+02);
00118         sp = newspecies("N+    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,2.62e-10);
00119         sp = newspecies("S+    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.79e+03);
00120         sp = newspecies("Cl+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,3.71e-09);
00121         sp = newspecies("CH    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.10e-06);
00122         sp = newspecies("CH+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,6.99e-05);
00123         sp = newspecies("OH    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,2.15e-03);
00124         sp = newspecies("OH+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,2.45e-04);
00125         sp = newspecies("O2    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.91e-07);
00126         sp = newspecies("CO    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.05e-05);
00127         sp = newspecies("CO+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,2.16e-06);
00128         sp = newspecies("H2O   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.60e-11);
00129         sp = newspecies("H2O+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.27e-10);
00130         sp = newspecies("O2+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.17e-06);
00131         sp = newspecies("H3O+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,3.44e-17);
00132         sp = newspecies("CH2+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,3.71e-09);
00133         sp = newspecies("CH2   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,8.59e-13);
00134         sp = newspecies("HCO+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.01e-10);
00135         sp = newspecies("CH3+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,7.02e-16);
00136         sp = newspecies("CH3   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.59e-19);
00137         sp = newspecies("CH4   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,9.12e-28);
00138         sp = newspecies("CH4+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.03e-28);
00139         sp = newspecies("CH5+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,8.16e-28);
00140         sp = newspecies("SiH2+ ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,2.07e-13);
00141         sp = newspecies("SiH   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.80e-14);
00142         sp = newspecies("SiOH+ ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,5.39e-15);
00143         sp = newspecies("SiO   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,3.89e-14);
00144         sp = newspecies("SiO+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,2.27e-08);
00145         sp = newspecies("N2    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,2.46e-17);
00146         sp = newspecies("N2+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,2.22e-17);
00147         sp = newspecies("NO    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,5.99e-12);
00148         sp = newspecies("NO+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.31e-11);
00149         sp = newspecies("S2    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.21e-11);
00150         sp = newspecies("S2+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.00e-13);
00151         sp = newspecies("OCN   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,3.86e-11);
00152         sp = newspecies("OCN+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.65e-22);
00153         sp = newspecies("NH    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.30e-09);
00154         sp = newspecies("NH+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,2.20e-10);
00155         sp = newspecies("NH2   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,6.78e-20);
00156         sp = newspecies("NH2+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.71e-16);
00157         sp = newspecies("NH3   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.25e-29);
00158         sp = newspecies("NH3+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,3.03e-23);
00159         sp = newspecies("NH4+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.15e-33);
00160         sp = newspecies("CN    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,3.38e-11);
00161         sp = newspecies("CN+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,5.07e-11);
00162         sp = newspecies("HCN   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.07e-17);
00163         sp = newspecies("HCN+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,9.89e-17);
00164         sp = newspecies("HNO   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,9.09e-21);
00165         sp = newspecies("HNO+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.91e-18);
00166         sp = newspecies("HS    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.71e-14);
00167         sp = newspecies("HS+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.83e-13);
00168         sp = newspecies("CS    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,6.69e-18);
00169         sp = newspecies("CS+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.12e-11);
00170         sp = newspecies("NO2   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,2.67e-26);
00171         sp = newspecies("NO2+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,2.41e-23);
00172         sp = newspecies("NS    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,3.12e-11);
00173         sp = newspecies("NS+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,6.81e-13);
00174         sp = newspecies("SO    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00175         sp = newspecies("SO+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.20e-07);
00176         sp = newspecies("SiN   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,7.03e-12);
00177         sp = newspecies("SiN+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,7.60e-14);
00178         sp = newspecies("N2O   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.05e-11);
00179         sp = newspecies("HCS+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,8.91e-17);
00180         sp = newspecies("OCS   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,8.83e-24);
00181         sp = newspecies("OCS+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.72e-21);
00182         sp = newspecies("HNC   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00183         sp = newspecies("HCNH+ ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00184         sp = newspecies("C2    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,3.71e-09);
00185         sp = newspecies("C2+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,8.59e-13);
00186         sp = newspecies("CCl   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00187         sp = newspecies("ClO   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00188         sp = newspecies("HCl+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00189         sp = newspecies("HCl   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00190         sp = newspecies("H2Cl+ ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00191         sp = newspecies("CCl+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00192         sp = newspecies("H2CCl+",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,0.00e+00);
00193         sp = newspecies("ClO+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00194         /* fprintf(stderr,"ETC: %d %d\n",gv.lgDustOn, mole.lgGrain_mole_deplete); */
00195         if(gv.lgDustOn && mole.lgGrain_mole_deplete )
00196         {
00197                 sp = newspecies("COgrn ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.00e-15);
00198                 sp = newspecies("H2Ogrn",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,0.00e+00);
00199                 sp = newspecies("OHgrn ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.00e-15);
00200         }
00201         sp = newspecies("C2H   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00202         sp = newspecies("C2H+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00203         sp = newspecies("C3    ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,1.00e-15);
00204         sp = newspecies("C3+   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00205         sp = newspecies("C3H+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00206         sp = newspecies("C3H   ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00207         sp = newspecies("C2H2  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00208         sp = newspecies("C2H2+ ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00209         sp = newspecies("C2H3+ ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00210         sp = newspecies("N2H+  ",MOLECULE,ACTIVE,NULL,4.00e-15);
00211         /* Add passive species to complete network */
00212         sp = newspecies("e-    ",OTHER,PASSIVE,&(dense.eden_f),0.00e+00);
00213         sp->nElec = -1; sp->mole_mass = (realnum)ELECTRON_MASS; /* Augment properties for this non-molecular species */
00215         sp = newspecies("Fe    ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(dense.xIonDense[ipIRON][0]),0.00e+00);
00216         sp = newspecies("Fe+   ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(dense.xIonDense[ipIRON][1]),0.00e+00);
00217         sp = newspecies("H     ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][0]),0.00e+00);
00218         sp = newspecies("H-    ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(hmi.Hmolec[ipMHm]),0.00e+00);
00219         sp = newspecies("H+    ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1]),0.00e+00);
00220         sp = newspecies("H2    ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(hmi.Hmolec[ipMH2g]),0.00e+00);
00221         sp = newspecies("H2*   ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(hmi.Hmolec[ipMH2s]),0.00e+00);
00222         sp = newspecies("H2+   ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(hmi.Hmolec[ipMH2p]),0.00e+00);
00223         sp = newspecies("H3+   ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(hmi.Hmolec[ipMH3p]),0.00e+00);
00224         sp = newspecies("He    ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(dense.xIonDense[ipHELIUM][0]),0.00e+00);
00225         sp = newspecies("He+   ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(dense.xIonDense[ipHELIUM][1]),0.00e+00);
00226         sp = newspecies("Mg    ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(dense.xIonDense[ipMAGNESIUM][0]),0.00e+00);
00227         sp = newspecies("Mg+   ",MOLECULE,PASSIVE,&(dense.xIonDense[ipMAGNESIUM][1]),0.00e+00);
00229         /* Create linear list of species and populate it... */
00230         COmole = (struct molecule **)MALLOC((size_t)mole.num_comole_tot*
00231                                                                                                                                                  sizeof(struct molecule *));
00233         /* ...first active species */
00234         i = makeplist(mole_priv.spectab,(void **)COmole,
00235                                                                 mole.num_comole_calc,isactive); 
00236         ASSERT (i == mole.num_comole_calc); 
00238         /* ...then passive species at end of list */
00239         i = makeplist(mole_priv.spectab,(void **)COmole+mole.num_comole_calc,
00240                                                                 mole.num_comole_tot-mole.num_comole_calc,ispassive);
00241         ASSERT (i == mole.num_comole_tot-mole.num_comole_calc); 
00243         /* Set molecule indices to order of list just created */
00244         for(i=0;i<mole.num_comole_tot;i++) 
00245         {
00246                 COmole[i]->index = i;
00247         }
00249         /* Register the atomic ladders which are active in this network */
00250         for(i=0;i<mole.num_comole_calc;i++) 
00251         {
00252                 sp = COmole[i];
00253                 if(sp->active && sp->n_nuclei == 1)
00254                 {
00255                         if(sp->nElec == 0) 
00256                         {
00257                                 element_list[sp->nelem_hevmol]->ipMl = i;
00258                         }
00259                         else if(sp->nElec == 1)
00260                         {
00261                                 element_list[sp->nelem_hevmol]->ipMlP = i;
00262                         }
00263                 }
00264         }
00266         /* Create and fill cache for looping on active atomic species */
00267         chem_element = (struct chem_element_s **)
00268                 MALLOC((size_t)(mole.num_elements)*sizeof(struct chem_element_s *));
00269         i = makeplist(mole_priv.elemtab,(void **)chem_element,mole.num_elements,isCOnet);
00270         ASSERT(i == mole.num_elements);
00273         /* Create other workspace arrays which have sizes given by the species numbers */
00274         mole.amat = (double **)MALLOC((size_t)mole.num_comole_calc*sizeof(double *));
00275         mole.amat[0] = (double *)MALLOC((size_t)mole.num_comole_calc*
00276                                                                                                                          mole.num_comole_calc*sizeof(double));
00277         for(i=1;i<mole.num_comole_calc;i++)
00278         {
00279                 mole.amat[i] = mole.amat[i-1]+mole.num_comole_calc;
00280         }
00281         mole.b = (double *)MALLOC((size_t)mole.num_comole_calc*sizeof(double));
00282         mole.c = (double **)MALLOC((size_t)mole.num_comole_tot*sizeof(double *));
00283         mole.c[0] = (double *)MALLOC((size_t)mole.num_comole_tot*
00284                                                                                                                                         mole.num_comole_calc*sizeof(double));
00285         for(i=1;i<mole.num_comole_tot;i++)
00286         {
00287                 mole.c[i] = mole.c[i-1]+mole.num_comole_calc;
00288         }
00289         ipiv = (int32 *)MALLOC((size_t)mole.num_comole_calc*sizeof(int32));
00291         tot_ion = (realnum *)MALLOC((size_t)mole.num_elements*sizeof(realnum));
00293         return;
00295 }
00296 /*lint +e778 constant expression evaluates to 0 in operation '-' */
00298 /* Fill element linking structure */
00299 STATIC void newelement(const char label[], int ipion, int priority)
00300 {
00301         struct chem_element_s *element;
00302         data_u *p;
00303         int exists;
00305         DEBUG_ENTRY("newelement()");
00307         element = (struct chem_element_s *) MALLOC(sizeof(struct chem_element_s));
00308         element->ipCl = ipion;
00309         element->ipZ = priority;
00310         ASSERT ((size_t)strlen(label) < sizeof(element->chName));
00311         strncpy(element->chName,label,sizeof(element->chName));
00312         element->ipMl = element->ipMlP = -1;    /* Chemical network species indices not yet defined */
00313         p = addentry(element->chName,0,mole_priv.elemtab,&exists);
00314         p->p = (void *) element;
00315         element_list[ipion] = element;
00316 }
00317 /* Parse species string to find constituent atoms, charge etc. */
00318 #include <string.h>
00319 #include <ctype.h>
00320 STATIC struct molecule *newspecies(const char label[7], enum spectype type, 
00321                                                                                          enum molstate state, realnum *location, double frac0)
00322 {
00323         int exists;
00324         data_u *p;
00325         char mylab[7], thisel[3], *s;
00326         long int i, n, nnuc, nelem, nel;
00327         struct molecule *mol;
00328         struct chem_element_s *el, *maxel;
00330         DEBUG_ENTRY("newspecies()");
00332         mol = (struct molecule *) MALLOC(sizeof(struct molecule));
00334         mole.num_comole_tot++;
00335         if(state == ACTIVE)
00336                 mole.num_comole_calc++;
00338         mol->pdr_mole_co = (realnum) frac0;
00339         for( nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00340         {
00341                 mol->nElem[nelem] = 0;
00342         }
00343         mol->co_save = 0.;
00345         strncpy(mol->label,label,sizeof(mol->label));
00346         s = strchr(mol->label,' ');
00347         if(s)
00348                 *s = '\0';
00350         /* Insert species into hash table */
00351         p = addentry(mol->label,0,mole_priv.spectab,&exists);
00352         p->p = (void *) mol;
00354         if(state == ACTIVE) 
00355         {
00356                 mol->active = 1;
00357         } 
00358         else 
00359         {
00360                 mol->active = 0;
00361         }
00362         mol->location = location;
00363         mol->n_nuclei = 0;
00365         if(type == MOLECULE)
00366         {
00367                 /* Copy to private workspace */
00368                 strncpy(mylab,label,7);
00370                 /* Trailing modifiers */
00371                 mol->nElec = mol->Excit = 0;
00373                 /* Excitation... */
00374                 s = strpbrk(mylab,"*");
00375                 if(s)
00376                 {
00377                         mol->Excit = 1;
00378                         *s = '\0';
00379                 } 
00381                 /* ...Charge */
00382                 s = strpbrk(mylab,"+-");
00383                 if(s)
00384                 {
00385                         if(isdigit(*(s+1))) 
00386                                 n = atoi(s+1);
00387                         else
00388                                 n = 1;
00389                         if(*s == '+')
00390                                 mol->nElec = n;
00391                         else
00392                                 mol->nElec = -n;
00393                         *s = '\0';
00394                 }
00395                 /* ...Grain */
00396                 s = strstr(mylab,"grn");
00397                 if(s) 
00398                 {
00399                         mol->lgGas_Phase = false;
00400                         *s = '\0';
00401                 } 
00402                 else 
00403                 {
00404                         mol->lgGas_Phase = true;
00405                 }
00407                 /* Now analyse chemical formula */
00408                 nnuc = 0;  /* Keep account of number of atoms contained */
00409                 i = 0;
00410                 maxel = NULL;
00411                 while (mylab[i] != '\0' && mylab[i] != ' ' && mylab[i] != '*') 
00412                 {
00413                         /* Select next element in species, matches regexp [A-Z][a-z]? */
00414                         nel = 0;
00415                         thisel[nel++] = mylab[i++];
00416                         if(islower(mylab[i])) 
00417                         {
00418                                 thisel[nel++] = mylab[i++];
00419                         }
00420                         thisel[nel] = '\0';
00422                         el = findelement(thisel);
00423                         if(el == NULL) 
00424                         {
00425                                 fprintf(stderr,"Did not recognize element at %s in \"%s \"[%ld]\n",mylab+i,label,i);
00426                                 cdEXIT( EXIT_FAILURE );
00427                         }
00429                         /* Determine 'heaviest' atom in molecular species */
00430                         /* >> chng 06 Sep 25 rjrw: only C, O, Si, N, S, Cl and H count for this */
00431                         if(el->ipZ != 0 && (maxel == NULL || el->ipZ > maxel->ipZ))
00432                         {
00433                                 maxel = el;
00434                         }
00436                         if(isdigit(mylab[i])) /* If there is >1 of this atom */
00437                         {
00438                                 n = 0;
00439                                 do {
00440                                         n = 10*n+(long int)(mylab[i]-'0');
00441                                         i++;
00442                                 } while (isdigit(mylab[i]));
00443                         }
00444                         else
00445                         {
00446                                 n = 1;
00447                         }
00448                         mol->nElem[el->ipCl] += n;
00449                         nnuc += n;
00450                 }
00452                 mol->n_nuclei = nnuc;
00454                 ASSERT(mol->active == 0 || maxel != NULL );
00456                 if(maxel != NULL)
00457                         mol->nelem_hevmol = maxel->ipCl;
00458                 else
00459                         mol->nelem_hevmol = -1;
00461                 mol->mole_mass = 0.;
00462                 for(i=0;i<LIMELM;++i)
00463                 {
00464                         mol->mole_mass += 
00465                                 mol->nElem[i]*dense.AtomicWeight[i]*(realnum)ATOMIC_MASS_UNIT;
00466                 }
00468                 /* If we've found a neutral atomic species active in this network */
00469                 if(mol->n_nuclei == 1 && mol->active && mol->nElec == 0) 
00470                 {
00471                         mole.num_elements++;
00472                         mole.lgElem_in_chemistry[mol->nelem_hevmol] = true;
00473                 }
00474         }
00475         return mol;
00476 }
00477 STATIC int isactive(data_u *dat)
00478 {
00480         DEBUG_ENTRY("isactive()");
00482         struct molecule *p = (struct molecule *) (dat->p);
00484         return p->active;
00485 }
00486 STATIC int ispassive(data_u *dat)
00487 {
00488         return !((struct molecule *) dat->p)->active;
00489 }
00490 STATIC int isCOnet(data_u *dat)
00491 {
00492         return (((struct chem_element_s *) dat->p)->ipMl != -1);
00493 }
00495 struct molecule *findspecies(const char buf[])
00496 {
00497         data_u *p;
00499         DEBUG_ENTRY("findspecies()");
00501         p = lookup(buf,0,mole_priv.spectab);
00503         if(p) 
00504                 return (struct molecule *) p->p;
00505         else 
00506                 return &null_mole;
00507 }
00509 STATIC struct chem_element_s *findelement(const char buf[])
00510 {
00511         data_u *p;
00513         DEBUG_ENTRY("findelement()");
00515         p = lookup(buf,0,mole_priv.elemtab);
00517         if(p)  
00518                 return (struct chem_element_s *) p->p;
00519         else 
00520                 return NULL;
00521 }
00523 struct COmole_rate_s *CO_findrate_s(const char buf[])
00524 {
00525         data_u *p;
00527         DEBUG_ENTRY("CO_findrate_s()");
00529         p = lookup(buf,0,mole_priv.reactab);
00531         if(p)
00532                 return (struct COmole_rate_s *) p->p;
00533         else
00534                 return NULL;
00535 }
00536 double CO_findrk(const char buf[])
00537 {
00538         struct COmole_rate_s *rate;
00540         DEBUG_ENTRY("CO_findrk()");
00542         rate = CO_findrate_s(buf);
00544         if(!rate)
00545                 return 0.;
00547         /* check for NaN */
00548         ASSERT( !isnan( rate->rk ) );
00550         return rate->rk;
00551 }
00552 double CO_findrate(const char buf[])
00553 {
00554         struct COmole_rate_s *rate;
00555         double ret;
00556         int i;
00558         DEBUG_ENTRY("CO_findrate()");
00560         rate = CO_findrate_s(buf);
00561         if(!rate)
00562         {
00563                 return 0.;
00564         }
00566         ret = rate->rk;
00567         for(i=0;i<rate->nrates;i++)
00568                 ret *= rate->rate_species[i]->hevmol;
00569         return ret;
00570 }
00572 void CO_update_species_cache(void)
00573 {
00574         int i;
00576         DEBUG_ENTRY("CO_update_species_cache()");
00578         dense.eden_f = (realnum)dense.eden;  /* Need floating point version for compatibility with all other values */
00580         for(i=0;i<mole.num_comole_tot;i++) 
00581         {
00582                 if(COmole[i]->location) 
00583                 {
00584                         COmole[i]->hevmol = *(COmole[i]->location);
00586                         /* check for NaN */
00587                         ASSERT( !isnan( COmole[i]->hevmol ) );
00588                 }
00589         }
00590 }
00592 /* Calculate rate at which molecular network abstracts species */
00594 /* Need to check rate_species vs reactant behaviour */
00595 double CO_sink_rate(const char chSpecies[7])
00596 {
00597         int ipthis, i, n, nt;
00598         double ratev, ratevi;
00599         struct COmole_rate_s *rate;
00600         struct molecule *sp;
00602         DEBUG_ENTRY("CO_sink_rate()");
00604         sp = findspecies(chSpecies);
00605         ratev = 0;
00606         nt = coreactions.n;
00608         for(n=0;n<nt;n++) 
00609         {
00610                 rate = coreactions.list[n];
00611                 ipthis = -1;
00612                 for(i=0;i<rate->nrates && ipthis == -1;i++)
00613                 {
00614                         if(rate->rate_species[i] == sp) 
00615                         {
00616                                 ipthis = i;
00617                         }
00618                 }
00619                 if(ipthis != -1) {
00620                         ratevi = rate->rk;
00621                         for(i=0;i<rate->nrates;i++)
00622                         {
00623                                 if(i!=ipthis)
00624                                 {
00625                                         ratevi *= rate->rate_species[i]->hevmol;
00626                                 }
00627                         }
00628                         ratev += ratevi;
00629                 }
00630         }       
00632         return ratev;
00633 }
00634 #ifdef PRINTREACT
00635 STATIC void printreact(struct COmole_rate_s *rate)
00636 {
00637         int i;
00639         DEBUG_ENTRY("printreact()");
00641         for(i=0;i<rate->nreactants;i++) {
00642                 fprintf(stderr,"%s,",rate->reactants[i]->label);
00643         }
00644         fprintf(stderr,"=>");
00645         for(i=0;i<rate->nproducts;i++) {
00646                 fprintf(stderr,"%s,",rate->products[i]->label);
00647         }
00648         fprintf(stderr,"\n");
00650 }
00651 #endif
00652 void CO_update_rks(void)
00653 {
00654         int n, nt;
00655         struct COmole_rate_s *rate;
00657         DEBUG_ENTRY("CO_update_rks()");
00659         nt = coreactions.n;
00661         for(n=0;n<nt;n++) 
00662         {
00663                 rate = coreactions.list[n];
00664                 if(rate->fun != NULL) {
00665                         rate->rk = rate->a*rate->fun(rate);
00666                 }
00667         }       
00668 }
00670 double CO_dissoc_rate(const char chSpecies[7])
00671 {
00672         int ipthis, i, n, nt;
00673         double ratev, ratevi;
00674         struct COmole_rate_s *rate;
00675         struct molecule *sp;
00677         DEBUG_ENTRY("CO_dissoc_rate()");
00679         sp = findspecies(chSpecies);
00680         ratev = 0;
00681         nt = coreactions.n;
00683         for(n=0;n<nt;n++) 
00684         {
00685                 rate = coreactions.list[n];
00686                 if(rate->photon == -1) 
00687                 {
00688                         ipthis = 0;
00689                         for(i=0;i<rate->nproducts;i++)
00690                         {
00691                                 if(rate->products[i] == sp) 
00692                                 {
00693                                         ipthis++;
00694                                 }
00695                         }
00696                         if(ipthis) 
00697                         {
00698                                 ratevi = rate->rk;
00699                                 for(i=0;i<rate->nrates;i++)
00700                                 {
00701                                         ratevi *= rate->rate_species[i]->hevmol;
00702                                 }
00703                                 ratev += ipthis*ratevi;
00704                         }
00705                 }
00706         }       
00708         return ratev;
00709 }
00710 double CO_source_rate(const char chSpecies[7])
00711 {
00712         int ipthis, i, n, nt;
00713         double ratev, ratevi;
00714         struct COmole_rate_s *rate;
00715         struct molecule *sp;
00717         DEBUG_ENTRY("CO_source_rate()");
00719         sp = findspecies(chSpecies);
00720         ratev = 0;
00721         nt = coreactions.n;
00723         for(n=0;n<nt;n++) 
00724         {
00725                 rate = coreactions.list[n];
00726                 ipthis = 0;
00727                 for(i=0;i<rate->nproducts;i++)
00728                 {
00729                         if(rate->products[i] == sp) 
00730                         {
00731                                 ipthis++;
00732                         }
00733                 }
00734                 if(ipthis) {
00735                         ratevi = rate->rk;
00736                         for(i=0;i<rate->nrates;i++)
00737                         {
00738                                 ratevi *= rate->rate_species[i]->hevmol;
00739                         }
00740                         ratev += ipthis*ratevi;
00741                 }
00742         }       
00744         return ratev;
00745 }
00747 /* Punch all rates involving specified species */
00748 void CO_punch_mol(FILE *punit, const char chSpecies[], char header[], double depth)
00749 {
00750         int n, nt, i, ipthis;
00751         double ratevi;
00752         struct COmole_rate_s *rate;
00753         struct molecule *sp;
00754         char *s;
00756         DEBUG_ENTRY("CO_punch_mol()");
00758         s = header;
00760         sp = findspecies(chSpecies);
00761         if(punit == NULL)
00762         {
00763                 sprintf (s,"#Depth");
00764                 s += strlen(s);
00765         }
00766         else
00767         {
00768                 fprintf (punit,"%.5e",depth);
00769         }
00771         nt = coreactions.n;
00772         for(n=0;n<nt;n++) {
00773                 rate = coreactions.list[n];
00774                 ipthis = 0;
00775                 for(i=0;i<rate->nrates;i++)
00776                 {
00777                         if(rate->rate_species[i] == sp) 
00778                         {
00779                                 ipthis++;
00780                         }
00781                 }
00782                 for(i=0;i<rate->nproducts;i++)
00783                 {
00784                         if(rate->products[i] == sp) 
00785                         {
00786                                 ipthis++;
00787                         }
00788                 }
00789                 if(ipthis) 
00790                 {
00791                         if(punit == NULL)
00792                         {
00793                                 sprintf(s,"\t%s",rate->label);
00794                                 s += strlen(s);
00795                         }
00796                         else
00797                         {
00798                                 ratevi = rate->rk;
00799                                 for(i=0;i<rate->nrates;i++)
00800                                 {
00801                                         ratevi *= rate->rate_species[i]->hevmol;
00802                                 }                               
00803                                 fprintf(punit,"\t%.3e",ratevi);
00804                         }
00805                 }
00806         }
00807         if(punit == NULL)
00808         {
00809                 sprintf(s,"\n");
00810         }
00811         else
00812         {
00813                 fprintf(punit,"\n");
00814         }
00815 }       
00817 void CO_zero(void)
00818 {
00819         long int i;
00821         static bool lgFirstCall = true;
00822         static long int num_comole_calc_MALLOC=-1;
00824         DEBUG_ENTRY("CO_zero()");
00826         if( lgFirstCall )
00827         {
00828                 /* do one-time malloc of timesc.AgeCOMoleDest */
00829                 timesc.AgeCOMoleDest = (double*)MALLOC( mole.num_comole_calc*sizeof(double) );
00831                 lgFirstCall = false;
00832                 num_comole_calc_MALLOC = mole.num_comole_calc;
00833         }
00834         else if( mole.num_comole_calc>num_comole_calc_MALLOC )
00835         {
00836                 /* number of species has increased since last time - this can't happen
00837                  * tsuite / programs / comp4 has 95 first time, 98 second time */
00838                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"DISASTER - the number of species in the CO network has increased.  This is not allowed.\n");
00839                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"This could happen if an element was initially turned off or grains not included, then the element or grains was included.  There are not allowed.\n");
00840                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"Sorry.\n");
00841                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00842         }
00844         for( i=0; i < mole.num_comole_calc; i++ )
00845         {
00846                 timesc.AgeCOMoleDest[i] = 0.;
00847         }
00849         /* largest fraction of atoms in molecules */
00850         for( i=0; i<mole.num_comole_calc; ++i )
00851                 COmole[i]->xMoleFracMax = 0.;
00853         /* zero out molecular species */
00854         for( i=0; i < mole.num_comole_tot; i++ )
00855         {
00856                 COmole[i]->hevmol = 0.;
00857                 COmole[i]->hevcol = 0.;
00858         }
00859 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:18 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7