
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*SanityCheck, check that various parts of the code still work, called by Cloudy after continuum
00004  * and optical depth arrays are set up, but before initial temperature and ionization */
00005 #include "cddefines.h"
00006 #include "physconst.h"
00007 #include "thirdparty.h"
00008 #include "dense.h"
00009 #include "elementnames.h"
00010 #include "continuum.h"
00011 #include "helike_recom.h"
00012 #include "rfield.h"
00013 #include "taulines.h"
00014 #include "hypho.h"
00015 #include "iso.h"
00016 #include "opacity.h"
00017 #include "hydro_bauman.h"
00018 #include "hydrogenic.h"
00019 #include "heavy.h"
00020 #include "trace.h"
00021 #include "cloudy.h"
00023 /* NB - this routine must not change any global variables - any that are changed as part of
00024  * a test must be reset, so that the code retains state */
00026 STATIC void SanityCheckBegin(void );
00027 STATIC void SanityCheckFinal(void );
00028 /* chJob is either "begin" or "final" 
00029  * "begin is before code starts up
00030  * "final is after model is complete */
00031 void SanityCheck( const char *chJob )
00032 {
00033         DEBUG_ENTRY( "SanityCheck()" );
00035         if( strcmp(chJob,"begin") == 0 )
00036         {
00037                 SanityCheckBegin();
00038         }
00039         else if( strcmp(chJob,"final") == 0 )
00040         {
00041                 SanityCheckFinal();
00042         }
00043         else
00044         {
00045                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"SanityCheck called with insane argument.\n");
00046                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00047         }
00048 }
00050 STATIC void SanityCheckFinal(void )
00051 {
00052         /* PrtComment also has some ending checks on sanity */
00053 }
00055 STATIC void SanityCheckBegin(void )
00056 {
00057         bool lgOK=true;
00058         int lgFlag;// error return for spsort, 0 success, >=1 for errors
00059         int32 ner, ipiv[3];
00060         long    i , 
00061                 j , 
00062                 nelem , 
00063                 ion ,
00064                 nshells;
00065         double *A;
00067         /* this will be charge to the 4th power */
00068         double Aul ,
00069                 error,
00070                 Z4, gaunt;
00072         long n, logu, loggamma2;
00074         const int NDIM = 10;
00075         double x , ans1 , ans2  , xMatrix[NDIM][NDIM] , yVector[NDIM] ,
00076                 rcond;
00077         realnum *fvector;
00078         long int *ipvector;
00080         DEBUG_ENTRY( "SanityCheck()" );
00082         /*********************************************************
00083          *                                                       *
00084          * confirm that various part of cloudy still work        *
00085          *                                                       *
00086          *********************************************************/
00088         /* if this is no longer true at end, we have a problem */
00089         lgOK = true;
00091         /*********************************************************
00092          *                                                       *
00093          * check that all the Lyas As are ok                     *
00094          *                                                       *
00095          *********************************************************/
00096         for( nelem=0; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00097         {
00098                 /* this element may be turned off */
00099                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00100                 { 
00101                         /* H_Einstein_A( n, l, np, lp, iz ) - all are on physics scale */
00102                         Aul = H_Einstein_A( 2, 1, 1, 0, nelem+1 );
00103                         /*fprintf(ioQQQ,"%li\t%.4e\n", nelem+1, Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->Aul );*/
00104                         if( fabs(Aul - Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->Aul ) /Aul > 0.01 )
00105                         {
00106                                 fprintf(ioQQQ," SanityCheck found insane H-like As.\n");
00107                                 lgOK = false;
00108                         }
00109                 }
00110         }
00112         /*********************************************************
00113          *                                                       *
00114          * check that gaunt factors are good                     *
00115          *                                                       *
00116          *********************************************************/
00117         /* Uncommenting each of the four print statements here
00118          * will produce a nice table comparable to Sutherland 98, Table 2.      */
00119         /* fprintf(ioQQQ,"u\t-4\t-3\t-2\t-1\t0\t1\t2\t3\t4\n");*/
00120         for( logu=-4; logu<=4; logu++)
00121         {
00122                 /*fprintf(ioQQQ,"%li\t", logu);*/
00123                 for(loggamma2=-4; loggamma2<=4; loggamma2++)
00124                 { 
00125                         double SutherlandGff[9][9]=
00126                         {       {5.5243, 5.5213, 5.4983, 5.3780, 5.0090, 4.4354, 3.8317, 3.2472, 2.7008},
00127                                 {4.2581, 4.2577, 4.2403, 4.1307, 3.7816, 3.2436, 2.7008, 2.2126, 1.8041},
00128                                 {3.0048, 3.0125, 3.0152, 2.9434, 2.6560, 2.2131, 1.8071, 1.4933, 1.2771},
00129                                 {1.8153, 1.8367, 1.8880, 1.9243, 1.7825, 1.5088, 1.2886, 1.1507, 1.0747},
00130                                 {0.8531, 0.8815, 0.9698, 1.1699, 1.2939, 1.1988, 1.1033, 1.0501, 1.0237},
00131                                 {0.3101, 0.3283, 0.3900, 0.5894, 0.9725, 1.1284, 1.0825, 1.0419, 1.0202},
00132                                 {0.1007, 0.1080, 0.1335, 0.2281, 0.5171, 0.9561, 1.1065, 1.0693, 1.0355},
00133                                 {0.0320, 0.0344, 0.0432, 0.0772, 0.1997, 0.5146, 0.9548, 1.1042, 1.0680},
00134                                 {0.0101, 0.0109, 0.0138, 0.0249, 0.0675, 0.1987, 0.5146, 0.9547, 1.1040}};
00136                         gaunt = cont_gaunt_calc( TE1RYD/pow(10.,(double)loggamma2), 1., pow(10.,(double)(logu-loggamma2)) );
00137                         error = fabs( gaunt - SutherlandGff[logu+4][loggamma2+4] ) /gaunt;
00138                         /*fprintf(ioQQQ,"%1.3f\t", gaunt);*/
00139                         if( error>0.11 || ( loggamma2<2 && error>0.05 ) )
00140                         {
00141                                 fprintf(ioQQQ," SanityCheck found insane gff. log(u) %li, log(gamma2) %li, error %.3e\n",
00142                                         logu, loggamma2, error );
00143                                 lgOK = false;
00144                         }
00145                 }
00146                 /*fprintf(ioQQQ,"\n");*/
00147         }
00149         /*********************************************************
00150          *                                                       *
00151          * check some transition probabililties for he-like ions *
00152          *                                                       *
00153          *********************************************************/
00154         for( nelem=1; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00155         {
00156                 /* the helike 9-1 transition, A(3^3P to 2^3S) */
00157                 double as[]={
00158                  /* updated with Johnson values */
00159                  0.       ,9.47e+006 ,3.44e+008 ,1.74e+009 ,5.51e+009 ,1.34e+010 ,
00160                 2.79e+010 ,5.32E+010 ,8.81e+010 ,1.46E+011 ,2.15e+011 ,3.15e+011 ,
00161                 4.46e+011 ,6.39E+011 ,8.26e+011 ,1.09e+012 ,1.41e+012 ,1.86E+012 ,
00162                 2.26e+012 ,2.80e+012 ,3.44e+012 ,4.18e+012 ,5.04e+012 ,6.02e+012 ,
00163                 7.14e+012 ,8.40e+012 ,9.83e+012 ,1.14e+013 ,1.32e+013 ,1.52e+013
00164                 };
00166                 if( iso.numLevels_max[ipHE_LIKE][nelem] > 8 && dense.lgElmtOn[nelem])
00167                 {       
00168                         /* following used to print current values of As */
00169                         /*fprintf(ioQQQ,"%.2e\n", Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][9][1].Emis->Aul );*/
00170                         if( fabs( as[nelem] - Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][9][1].Emis->Aul ) /as[nelem] > 0.025 )
00171                         {
00172                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,
00173                                         " SanityCheck found insane He-like As: expected, nelem=%li found: %.2e %.2e.\n",
00174                                         nelem,
00175                                         as[nelem] , 
00176                                         Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][9][1].Emis->Aul );
00177                                 lgOK = false;
00178                         }
00179                 }
00180         }
00182         /* only do this test if case b is not in effect */
00183         if( !opac.lgCaseB )
00184         {
00186                 for( i = 0; i <=110; i++ )
00187                 {
00188                         double DrakeTotalAuls[111] = {
00189                                 -1.0000E+00, -1.0000E+00, -1.0000E+00, 1.02160E+07,
00190                                 1.02160E+07, 1.02160E+07, 1.80090E+09, 2.78530E+07,
00191                                 1.82990E+07, 1.05480E+07, 7.07210E+07, 6.37210E+07,
00192                                 5.79960E+08, 1.60330E+07, 1.13640E+07, 7.21900E+06,
00193                                 3.11920E+07, 2.69830E+07, 1.38380E+07, 1.38330E+07,
00194                                 2.52270E+08, 9.20720E+06, 6.82220E+06, 4.56010E+06,
00195                                 1.64120E+07, 1.39290E+07, 7.16030E+06, 7.15560E+06,
00196                                 4.25840E+06, 4.25830E+06, 1.31150E+08, 5.62960E+06,
00197                                 4.29430E+06, 2.95570E+06, 9.66980E+06, 8.12340E+06,
00198                                 4.19010E+06, 4.18650E+06, 2.48120E+06, 2.48120E+06,
00199                                 1.64590E+06, 1.64590E+06, 7.65750E+07, 3.65330E+06,
00200                                 2.84420E+06, 1.99470E+06, 6.16640E+06, 5.14950E+06,
00201                                 2.66460E+06, 2.66200E+06, 1.57560E+06, 1.57560E+06,
00202                                 1.04170E+06, 1.04170E+06, 7.41210E+05, 7.41210E+05,
00203                                 4.84990E+07, 2.49130E+06, 1.96890E+06, 1.39900E+06,
00204                                 4.16900E+06, 3.46850E+06, 1.79980E+06, 1.79790E+06,
00205                                 1.06410E+06, 1.06410E+06, 7.02480E+05, 7.02480E+05,
00206                                 4.98460E+05, 4.98460E+05, -1.0000E+00, -1.0000E+00,
00207                                 3.26190E+07, 1.76920E+06, 1.41440E+06, 1.01460E+06,
00208                                 2.94830E+06, 2.44680E+06, 1.27280E+06, 1.27140E+06,
00209                                 7.52800E+05, 7.52790E+05, 4.96740E+05, 4.96740E+05,
00210                                 3.51970E+05, 3.51970E+05, -1.0000E+00, -1.0000E+00,
00211                                 -1.0000E+00, -1.0000E+00, 2.29740E+07, 1.29900E+06,
00212                                 1.04800E+06, 7.57160E+05, 2.16090E+06, 1.79030E+06,
00213                                 9.33210E+05, 9.32120E+05, 5.52310E+05, 5.52310E+05,
00214                                 3.64460E+05, 3.64460E+05, 2.58070E+05, 2.58070E+05,
00215                                 -1.0000E+00, -1.0000E+00, -1.0000E+00, -1.0000E+00,
00216                                 -1.0000E+00, -1.0000E+00, 1.67840E+07};
00218                         if( DrakeTotalAuls[i] > 0. && 
00219                                 i < iso.numLevels_max[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM] - iso.nCollapsed_max[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM])
00220                         {
00221                                 if( fabs( DrakeTotalAuls[i] - (1./StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][i].lifetime) ) /DrakeTotalAuls[i] > 0.001 )
00222                                 {
00223                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,
00224                                                 " SanityCheck found helium lifetime outside 0.1 pct of Drake values: index, expected, found: %li %.4e %.4e\n",
00225                                                 i,
00226                                                 DrakeTotalAuls[i], 
00227                                                 (1./StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][i].lifetime) );
00228                                         lgOK = false;
00229                                 }
00230                         }
00231                 }
00232         }
00234         /*********************************************************
00235          *                                                       *
00236          * check the threshold photoionization cs for He I       *
00237          *                                                       *
00238          *********************************************************/
00239         if( dense.lgElmtOn[ipHELIUM] )
00240         {
00241                 /* HeI photoionization cross sections at threshold for lowest 20 levels */
00242                 const int NHE1CS = 20;
00243                 double he1cs[NHE1CS] = 
00244                 {
00245                         5.480E-18 , 9.253E-18 , 1.598E-17 , 1.598E-17 , 1.598E-17 , 1.348E-17 , 
00246                         8.025E-18 , 1.449E-17 , 2.852E-17 , 1.848E-17 , 1.813E-17 , 2.699E-17 , 
00247                         1.077E-17 , 2.038E-17 , 4.159E-17 , 3.670E-17 , 3.575E-17 , 1.900E-17 , 
00248                         1.900E-17 , 4.175E-17 
00249                 };
00251                 /* loop over levels and check on photo cross section */
00252                 j = MIN2( NHE1CS+1 , iso.numLevels_max[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM] -iso.nCollapsed_max[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM] );
00253                 for( n=1; n<j; ++n )
00254                 {
00255                         /* above list of levels does not include the ground */
00256                         i = iso.ipOpac[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][n];
00257                         ASSERT( i>0 );
00258                         /*fprintf(ioQQQ,"%li\t%lin", n , i );*/
00259                         /* >>chng 02 apr 10, from 0.01 to 0.02, values stored
00260                          * where taken from calc at low contin resolution, when continuum
00261                          * resolution changed this changes too */
00262                         /*fprintf(ioQQQ,"%li %.2e\n", n,( he1cs[n-1] - opac.OpacStack[i - 1] ) /he1cs[n-1] );*/
00263                         /* >>chng 02 jul 16, limt from 0.02 to 0.04, so that "set resolution 4" will work */
00264                         /* >>chng 04 may 18, levels 10 and 11 are about 12% off - because of energy binning, chng from 0.08 to 0.15 */ 
00265                         if( fabs( he1cs[n-1] - opac.OpacStack[i - 1] ) /he1cs[n-1] > 0.15 )
00266                         {
00267                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,
00268                                         " SanityCheck found insane HeI photo cs: expected, n=%li found: %.3e %.3e.\n",
00269                                         n,
00270                                         he1cs[n-1] , 
00271                                         opac.OpacStack[i - 1]);
00272                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,
00273                                         " n=%li, l=%li, s=%li\n",
00274                                         StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][n].n ,
00275                                         StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][n].l ,
00276                                         StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][n].S);
00277                                 lgOK = false;
00278                         }
00279                 }
00280         }
00282         for( long ipISO=ipH_LIKE; ipISO<NISO; ipISO++ )
00283         {
00284                 long nelem = ipISO;
00285                 /* Check for agreement between on-the-fly and interpolation calculations
00286                  * of recombination, but only if interpolation is turned on. */
00287                 if( !iso.lgNoRecombInterp[ipISO] )
00288                 {
00289                         /* check the recombination coefficients for ground state */
00290                         error = fabs( iso_recomb_check( ipISO, nelem , 0 , 7500. ) );
00291                         if( error > 0.01 )
00292                         {
00293                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,
00294                                         " SanityCheck found insane1 %s %s recom coef: expected, n=%i error: %.2e \n",
00295                                         iso.chISO[ipISO],
00296                                         elementnames.chElementSym[nelem],
00297                                         0,
00298                                         error );
00299                                 lgOK = false;
00300                         }
00302                         /* check the recombination coefficients for ground state of the root of each iso sequence */
00303                         error = fabs( iso_recomb_check( ipISO, nelem , 1 , 12500. ) );
00304                         if( error > 0.01 )
00305                         {
00306                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,
00307                                         " SanityCheck found insane2 %s %s recom coef: expected, n=%i error: %.2e \n",
00308                                         iso.chISO[ipISO],
00309                                         elementnames.chElementSym[nelem],
00310                                         1,
00311                                         error );
00312                                 lgOK = false;
00313                         }
00314                 }
00315         }
00317         /*********************************************************
00318          *                                                       *
00319          * check out the sorting routine                         *
00320          *                                                       *
00321          *********************************************************/
00323         const int NSORT = 100 ;
00325         fvector = (realnum *)MALLOC((NSORT)*sizeof(realnum) );
00327         ipvector = (long *)MALLOC((NSORT)*sizeof(long int) );
00329         nelem = 1;
00330         /* make up some unsorted values */
00331         for( i=0; i<NSORT; ++i )
00332         {
00333                 nelem *= -1;
00334                 fvector[i] = (realnum)nelem * ((realnum)NSORT-i);
00335         }
00337         /*spsort netlib routine to sort array returning sorted indices */
00338         spsort(fvector, 
00339                    NSORT, 
00340                   ipvector, 
00341                   /* flag saying what to do - 1 sorts into increasing order, not changing
00342                    * the original routine */
00343                   1, 
00344                   &lgFlag);
00346         if( lgFlag ) lgOK = false;
00348         for( i=1; i<NSORT; ++i )
00349         {
00350                 /*fprintf(ioQQQ," %li %li %.0f\n", 
00351                         i, ipvector[i],fvector[ipvector[i]] );*/
00352                 if( fvector[ipvector[i]] <= fvector[ipvector[i-1]] )
00353                 {
00354                         fprintf(ioQQQ," SanityCheck found insane sort\n");
00355                         lgOK = false;
00356                 }
00357         }
00359         free( fvector );
00360         free( ipvector);
00362 #       if 0
00363         ttemp = (realnum)sqrt(phycon.te);
00364         /* check that the temperatures make sense */
00365         if( fabs(ttemp - phycon.sqrte )/ttemp > 1e-5 )
00366         {
00367                 fprintf(ioQQQ , "SanityCheck finds insane te %e sqrt te %e sqrte %e dif %e\n",
00368                         phycon.te , 
00369                         sqrt(phycon.te) , 
00370                         phycon.sqrte , 
00371                         fabs(sqrt(phycon.te) - phycon.sqrte ) );
00372                 lgOK = false;
00373         }
00374 #       endif
00376         /*********************************************************
00377          *                                                       *
00378          * confirm that widflx and anu arrays correspond         *
00379          * to one another                                        *
00380          *                                                       *
00381          *********************************************************/
00383 #       if 0
00384         /* this check on widflx can't be used since some sharpling curved continua, like laser,
00385          * totally fail due to non-linear nature of widflx and anu relationship */
00386 #       if !defined(NDEBUG)
00387         x = 0.;
00388         for( i=1; i<rfield.nupper-1; ++i )
00389         {
00390                 if( fabs( ((rfield.anu[i+1]-rfield.anu[i]) + (rfield.anu[i]-rfield.anu[i-1])) /rfield.widflx[i] /2.-1.) > 0.02 )
00391                 {
00392                         ans1 = fabs( ((rfield.anu[i+1]-rfield.anu[i]) + (rfield.anu[i]-rfield.anu[i-1])) /rfield.widflx[i] /2.-1.);
00393                         fprintf(ioQQQ," SanityCheck found insane widflx anu[i+1]=%e anu[i]=%e widflx=%e delta=%e rel err %e\n",
00394                         rfield.anu[i+1] , rfield.anu[i] , rfield.widflx[i] , rfield.anu[i+1] -rfield.anu[i] , ans1 );
00395                         lgOK = false;
00396                         x = MAX2( ans1 , x);
00397                 }
00398                 /* problems when at energy where resolution of grid changes dramatically */
00399                 /* this is resolution at current energy */
00400                 ans1 = rfield.widflx[i] / rfield.anu[i];
00401                 if( (rfield.anu[i]+rfield.widflx[i]/2.)*(1.-ans1/10.) > rfield.anu[i+1] - rfield.widflx[i+1]/2.) 
00402                 {
00403                         fprintf(ioQQQ," SanityCheck found insane overlap1 widflx %e %e %e %e %e %e\n",
00404                         rfield.anu[i] , rfield.widflx[i], rfield.anu[i] + rfield.widflx[i]/2. , rfield.anu[i+1], 
00405                         rfield.widflx[i+1], rfield.anu[i+1] -rfield.widflx[i+1]/2. );
00406                         lgOK = false;
00407                 }
00408                 if( !lgOK )
00409                 {
00410                         fprintf(ioQQQ," big error was %e\n", x);
00411                 }
00412         }
00413 #       endif
00414 #       endif
00417         /*********************************************************
00418          *                                                       *
00419          * confirm that hydrogen einstein As are still valid     *
00420          *                                                       *
00421          *********************************************************/
00422         for( nelem=0; nelem<2; ++nelem )
00423         {
00424                 /* this element may be turned off */
00425                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00426                 { 
00427                         /*Z4 = (double)(POW2(nelem+1)*POW2(nelem+1));*/
00428                         /* form charge to the 4th power */
00429                         Z4 = (double)(nelem+1);
00430                         Z4 *= Z4;
00431                         Z4 *= Z4;
00432                         /* H Lya */
00433                         ans1 = Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->Aul;
00434                         ans2 = 6.265e8*Z4;
00435                         if( fabs(ans1-ans2)/ans2 > 1e-3 )
00436                         {
00437                                 fprintf(ioQQQ , "SanityCheck finds insane A for H Lya %g %g nelem=%li\n",
00438                                         ans1 , ans2 , nelem );
00439                                 lgOK = false;
00440                         }
00442 #                       if 0
00443                         /*must disable since, at this time, induced is included in Aul */
00444                         /* H two photon */
00445                         ans1 = Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2s][ipH1s].Aul;
00446                         ans2 = 8.226*powi( (1.+nelem) , 6 );
00447                         if( fabs(ans1-ans2)/ans2 > 1e-3 )
00448                         {
00449                                 fprintf(ioQQQ , "SanityCheck finds insane A for H 2-phot %g %g nelem=%li\n",
00450                                         ans1 , ans2 , nelem );
00451                                 lgOK = false;
00452                         }
00454                         if( iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN] > ipH5g )
00455                         {
00456                                 /* Balmer gamma 5 - 2 + 5-4 + 5-3*/
00457                                 ans1 = Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5p][ipH2s].Emis->Aul + 
00458                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5s][ipH2p].Emis->Aul + 
00459                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5d][ipH2p].Emis->Aul + 
00460                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5p][ipH3s].Emis->Aul + 
00461                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5s][ipH3p].Emis->Aul + 
00462                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5d][ipH3p].Emis->Aul + 
00463                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5p][ipH3d].Emis->Aul + 
00464                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5f][ipH3d].Emis->Aul + 
00465                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5p][ipH4s].Emis->Aul + 
00466                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5s][ipH4p].Emis->Aul + 
00467                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5d][ipH4p].Emis->Aul + 
00468                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5p][ipH4d].Emis->Aul + 
00469                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5f][ipH4d].Emis->Aul + 
00470                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5d][ipH4f].Emis->Aul + 
00471                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH5g][ipH4f].Emis->Aul;
00472                                 ans2 = (2.532e6+2.20e6+2.70e6)*Z4;
00473                                 if( fabs(ans1-ans2)/ans2 > 1e-2 )
00474                                 {
00475                                         fprintf(ioQQQ , 
00476                                                 "SanityCheck finds insane A for H5-2 found=%g correct=%g nelem=%li\n",
00477                                                 ans1 , ans2 , nelem );
00478                                         lgOK = false;
00479                                 }
00480                         }
00481 #                       endif
00482                 }
00483         }
00485         /* check that hydrogenic branching ratios add up to unity */
00486         for( nelem=0; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00487         {
00488                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00489                 {
00490                         int ipHi, ipLo;
00491                         for( ipHi=4; ipHi< iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]-iso.nCollapsed_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]; ++ipHi )
00492                         {
00493                                 double sum = 0.;
00494                                 for( ipLo=0; ipLo<ipHi; ++ipLo )
00495                                 {
00496                                         sum += iso.BranchRatio[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo];
00497                                 }
00498                                 if( fabs(sum-1.)>0.01 ) 
00499                                 {
00500                                         fprintf(ioQQQ , 
00501                                                 "SanityCheck H branching ratio sum not unity for nelem=%li upper n=%i sum=%.3e\n",
00502                                                 nelem, ipHi, sum );
00503                                         lgOK = false;
00504                                 }
00505                         }
00506                 }
00507         }
00509         fixit();/* make this work */
00510 #if     0
00511         /* check photo cross sections for H */
00512         long ipISO = ipH_LIKE;
00513         nelem = 0;
00514         /* loop starts at 3, the first level with n = n and full l */
00515         for( n=3; n < MIN2(100, iso.n_HighestResolved_max[ipISO][nelem]); ++n )
00516         {
00517                 realnum anu[1]={1.} , cs[1];
00518                 double energy;
00519                 long index = iso.QuantumNumbers2Index[ipISO][nelem][n][0][2];
00521                 /* photon energy where cross section will be evaluated,
00522                  * this is in Ryd */
00523                 energy = iso.xIsoLevNIonRyd[ipISO][nelem][index];
00524                 anu[0] = (realnum)(energy*1.01);
00526                 H_photo_cs( photon , N_(n), L_(n), nelem+1 );
00527                 hypho(
00528                         /* Z-Nelec, the residual charge, 1 for hydrogen, 2 for helium */
00529                         (double)(nelem+1), 
00530                         /* principal quantum number */
00531                   n, 
00532                   /* lowest angular momentum */
00533                   0, 
00534                   /* highest angular momentum */
00535                   n-1, 
00536                   /* scaled lowest photon energy, 
00537                    * => incorrect?? in units of zed^2/n^2, 
00538                    * at which the cs will be done */
00539                   energy, 
00540                   /* number of points to do */
00541                   1, 
00542                   /* array of energies (in units given above) */
00543                   anu , 
00544                   /* calculated photoionization cross section in cm^-2 */
00545                   cs);
00547                 error = fabs(cs[0] - opac.OpacStack[iso.ipOpac[ipISO][nelem][index]-1] )/
00548                         (        (cs[0] + opac.OpacStack[iso.ipOpac[ipISO][nelem][index]-1] )/2.);
00549                 /*fprintf(ioQQQ,"z=%ld n=%ld error %g old %e new %e\n",nelem,n, error,
00550                         opac.OpacStack[iso.ipOpac[ipISO][nelem][n]-1] ,cs[0] );*/
00551                 if( error > 0.05 )
00552                 {
00553                         fprintf(ioQQQ , "SanityCheck finds insane H photo cs\n");
00554                         lgOK = false;
00555                 }
00556         }
00557 #endif
00559         /*********************************************************
00560          *                                                       *
00561          * confirm that exponential integral routines still work *
00562          *                                                       *
00563          *********************************************************/
00565         /* check that first and second exponential integrals are ok,
00566          * step through range of values, beginning with following */
00567         x = 1e-3;
00568         do
00569         {
00570                 /* check that fast e1 routine is ok */
00571                 ans1 = ee1(x);
00572                 ans2 = expn( 1 , x );
00573                 if( fabs(ans1-ans2)/(ans1+ans2) > 1e-6 )
00574                 {
00575                         fprintf(ioQQQ , "SanityCheck finds insane E1 %g %g %g\n",
00576                                 x , ans1 , ans2 );
00577                         lgOK = false;
00578                 }
00580                 /* check that e2 is ok */
00581                 ans1 = e2(x);
00582                 ans2 = expn( 2 , x );
00583                 if( fabs(ans1-ans2)/(ans1+ans2) > 1e-6 )
00584                 {
00585                         fprintf(ioQQQ , "SanityCheck finds insane E2 %g %g %g\n",
00586                                 x , ans1 , ans2 );
00587                         lgOK = false;
00588                 }
00590                 /* now increment x */
00591                 x *= 2.;
00592                 /* following limit set by sexp returning zero, used in ee1 */
00593         } while( x < 64. );
00595         /*********************************************************
00596          *                                                       *
00597          * confirm that matrix inversion routine still works     *
00598          *                                                       *
00599          *********************************************************/
00601         /* these are the answer, chosen to get xvec 1,2,3 */
00602         yVector[0] = 1.;
00603         yVector[1] = 3.;
00604         yVector[2] = 3.;
00606         /* zero out the main matrix */
00607         for(i=0;i<3;++i)
00608         {
00609                 for( j=0;j<3;++j )
00610                 {
00611                         xMatrix[i][j] = 0.;
00612                 }
00613         }
00615         /* remember that order is column, row, alphabetical order, rc */
00616         xMatrix[0][0] = 1.;
00617         xMatrix[0][1] = 1.;
00618         xMatrix[1][1] = 1.;
00619         xMatrix[2][2] = 1.;
00621         /* this is the default matrix solver */
00622         /* this test is the 1-d matrix with 2-d macro simulation */
00623         /* LDA is right dimension of matrix */
00625         /* MALLOC space for the  1-d array */
00626         A = (double*)MALLOC( sizeof(double)*NDIM*NDIM );
00628         /* copy over the main matrix */
00629         for( i=0; i < 3; ++i )
00630         {
00631                 for( j=0; j < 3; ++j )
00632                 {
00633                         A[i*NDIM+j] = xMatrix[i][j];
00634                 }
00635         }
00637         ner = 0;
00639         /*void DGETRF(long,long,double*,long,long[],long*);*/
00640         /*void DGETRF(int,int,double*,int,int[],int*);*/
00641         getrf_wrapper(3, 3, A, NDIM, ipiv, &ner);
00642         if( ner != 0 )
00643         {
00644                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " SanityCheck DGETRF error\n" );
00645                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00646         }
00648         /* usage DGETRS, 'N' = no transpose
00649                 * order of matrix,
00650                 * number of cols in bvec, =1
00651                 * array
00652                 * leading dim of array */
00653         /*void DGETRS(char,int,int,double*,int,int[],double*,int,int*);*/
00654         getrs_wrapper('N', 3, 1, A, NDIM, ipiv, yVector, 3, &ner);
00656         if( ner != 0 )
00657         {
00658                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " SanityCheck DGETRS error\n" );
00659                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00660         }
00661         /* release the vector */
00662         free( A );
00664         /* now check on validity of the solution, demand that this
00665          * simple problem have come within a few epsilons of the
00666          * correct answer */
00668         /* find largest deviation */
00669         rcond = 0.;
00670         for(i=0;i<3;++i)
00671         {
00672                 x = fabs( yVector[i]-i-1.);
00673                 rcond = MAX2( rcond, x );
00674                 /*printf(" %g ", yVector[i]);*/
00675         }
00677         if( rcond>DBL_EPSILON)
00678         {
00679                 fprintf(ioQQQ,
00680                         "SanityCheck found too large a deviation in matrix solver = %g \n", 
00681                         rcond);
00682                 /* set flag saying that things are not ok */
00683                 lgOK = false;
00684         }
00685         /* end matrix inversion check */
00688         /* these pointers were set to INT_MIN in ContCreatePointers,
00689          * then set to valid numbers in ipShells and OpacityCreate1Element
00690          * this checks that all values have been properly filled */
00691         for( nelem=0; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00692         {
00693                 /* must reset state of code after tests performed, remember state here */
00694                 realnum xIonF[NISO][LIMELM];
00695                 double hbn[NISO][LIMELM], hn[NISO][LIMELM];
00697                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00698                 {
00699                         /* set these abundances so that opacities can be checked below */
00700                         hbn[ipH_LIKE][nelem] = iso.DepartCoef[ipH_LIKE][nelem][0];
00701                         hn[ipH_LIKE][nelem] = StatesElem[ipH_LIKE][nelem][0].Pop;
00702                         xIonF[ipH_LIKE][nelem] = dense.xIonDense[nelem][nelem+1-ipH_LIKE];
00704                         iso.DepartCoef[ipH_LIKE][nelem][0] = 0.;
00705                         StatesElem[ipH_LIKE][nelem][0].Pop = 1.;
00706                         dense.xIonDense[nelem][nelem+1-ipH_LIKE] = 1.;
00708                         if( nelem > ipHYDROGEN )
00709                         {
00711                                 hbn[ipHE_LIKE][nelem] = iso.DepartCoef[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][0];
00712                                 hn[ipHE_LIKE][nelem] = StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][0].Pop;
00713                                 xIonF[ipHE_LIKE][nelem] = dense.xIonDense[nelem][nelem+1-ipHE_LIKE];
00715                                 /* this does not exist for hydrogen itself */
00716                                 iso.DepartCoef[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][0] = 0.;
00717                                 StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][0].Pop = 1.;
00718                                 dense.xIonDense[nelem][nelem+1-ipHE_LIKE] = 1.;
00719                         }
00721                         for( ion=0; ion<=nelem; ++ion )
00722                         {
00723                                 /* loop over all shells that are defined */
00724                                 for( nshells=0; nshells<Heavy.nsShells[nelem][ion]; ++nshells )
00725                                 {
00726                                         for( j=0; j<3; ++j )
00727                                         {
00728                                                 /* >>chng 00 apr 05, array index is on fortran scale so must be
00729                                                  * >= 1.  This test had been <0, correct for C.  Caught by Peter van Hoof */
00730                                                 if( opac.ipElement[nelem][ion][nshells][j] <=0 )
00731                                                 {
00732                                                         /* this is not possible */
00733                                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,
00734                                                                 "SanityCheck found insane ipElement for nelem=%li ion=%li nshells=%li j=%li \n", 
00735                                                                 nelem , ion , nshells, j );
00736                                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,
00737                                                                 "value was %li  \n", opac.ipElement[nelem][ion][nshells][j] );
00738                                                         /* set flag saying that things are not ok */
00739                                                         lgOK = false;
00740                                                 }
00741                                         }
00742                                 }
00744                                 if( nelem > 1 )
00745                                 {
00746                                         realnum saveion[LIMELM+3];
00747                                         /* check that photoionization cross sections are ok */
00748                                         for( j=1; j <= (nelem + 2); j++ )
00749                                         {
00750                                                 saveion[j] = dense.xIonDense[nelem][j-1];
00751                                                 dense.xIonDense[nelem][j-1] = 0.;
00752                                         }
00754                                         dense.xIonDense[nelem][ion] = 1.;
00756                                         OpacityZero();
00757                                         opac.lgRedoStatic = true;
00759                                         /* generate opacity with standard routine - this is the one
00760                                          * called in OpacityAddTotal to make opacities in usual calculations */
00761                                         OpacityAdd1Element(nelem);
00763                                         /* this starts one beyond energy of threshold since cs may be zero there */
00764                                         for( j=Heavy.ipHeavy[nelem][ion]; j < MIN2(rfield.nflux,continuum.KshellLimit); j++ )
00765                                         {
00766                                                 if( opac.opacity_abs[j]+opac.OpacStatic[j] < FLT_MIN )
00767                                                 {
00768                                                         /* this is not possible */
00769                                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,
00770                                                                 "SanityCheck found non-positive photo cs for nelem=%li ion=%li \n", 
00771                                                                 nelem , ion );
00772                                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,
00773                                                                 "value was %.2e + %.2e nelem %li ion %li at energy %.2e\n", 
00774                                                                 opac.opacity_abs[j] ,
00775                                                                 opac.OpacStatic[j] ,
00776                                                                 nelem , 
00777                                                                 ion , 
00778                                                                 rfield.anu[j]);
00779                                                         /* set flag saying that things are not ok */
00780                                                         lgOK = false;
00781                                                         break;
00782                                                 }
00783                                         }
00784                                         /* reset the ionization distribution */
00785                                         for( j=1; j <= (nelem + 2); j++ )
00786                                         {
00787                                                 dense.xIonDense[nelem][j-1] = saveion[j];
00788                                         }
00790                                 }
00791                         }
00792                         iso.DepartCoef[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH1s] = hbn[ipH_LIKE][nelem];
00793                         StatesElem[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH1s].Pop = hn[ipH_LIKE][nelem];
00794                         dense.xIonDense[nelem][nelem+1-ipH_LIKE] = xIonF[ipH_LIKE][nelem];
00796                         if( nelem > ipHYDROGEN )
00797                         {
00798                                 iso.DepartCoef[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][ipHe1s1S] = hbn[ipHE_LIKE][nelem];
00799                                 StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][ipHe1s1S].Pop = hn[ipHE_LIKE][nelem];
00800                                 dense.xIonDense[nelem][nelem+1-ipHE_LIKE] = xIonF[ipHE_LIKE][nelem];
00801                         }
00802                 }
00803         }
00806         /*********************************************************
00807          *                                                       *
00808          * everything is done, all checks make, did we pass them?*
00809          *                                                       *
00810          *********************************************************/
00812         if( lgOK )
00813         {
00814                 /*return if ok */
00815                 if( trace.lgTrace )
00816                 {
00817                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " SanityCheck returns OK\n");
00818                 }
00819                 return;
00820         }
00822         else
00823         {
00824                 /* stop since problem encountered, lgEOF set false */
00825                 fprintf(ioQQQ , "SanityCheck finds insanity so exiting\n");
00826                 ShowMe();
00827                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00828         }
00829 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:27 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7