
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file contains routines (perhaps in modified form) by third parties.
00002  * Use and distribution of these works are determined by their respective copyrights. */
00004 #ifndef _THIRDPARTY_H_
00005 #define _THIRDPARTY_H_
00008 /*============================================================================*/
00010 /* these are the routines in thirdparty.cpp */
00012 bool linfit(
00013         long n,
00014         double x[], /* x[n] */
00015         double y[], /* y[n] */
00016         double &a,
00017         double &siga,
00018         double &b,
00019         double &sigb
00020 );
00024 static const int NPRE_FACTORIAL = 171;
00027 double factorial(long n);
00030 double lfactorial(long n);
00032 complex<double> cdgamma(complex<double> x);
00034 double bessel_j0(double x);
00035 double bessel_y0(double x);
00036 double bessel_j1(double x);
00037 double bessel_y1(double x);
00038 double bessel_jn(int n, double x);
00039 double bessel_yn(int n, double x);
00041 double bessel_k0(double x);
00042 double bessel_k0_scaled(double x);
00043 double bessel_k1(double x);
00044 double bessel_k1_scaled(double x);
00045 double bessel_i0(double x);
00046 double bessel_i0_scaled(double x);
00047 double bessel_i1(double x);
00048 double bessel_i1_scaled(double x);
00050 double ellpk(double x);
00056 double expn(int n, double x);
00058 /* initializes mt[N] with a seed */
00059 void init_genrand(unsigned long s);
00061 /* initialize by an array with array-length */
00062 /* init_key is the array for initializing keys */
00063 /* key_length is its length */
00064 /* slight change for C++, 2004/2/26 */
00065 void init_by_array(unsigned long init_key[], int key_length);
00067 /* generates a random number on [0,0xffffffff]-interval */
00068 unsigned long genrand_int32(void);
00070 /* generates a random number on [0,0x7fffffff]-interval */
00071 long genrand_int31(void);
00073 /* These real versions are due to Isaku Wada, 2002/01/09 added */
00074 /* generates a random number on [0,1]-real-interval */
00075 double genrand_real1(void);
00077 /* generates a random number on [0,1)-real-interval */
00078 double genrand_real2(void);
00080 /* generates a random number on (0,1)-real-interval */
00081 double genrand_real3(void);
00083 /* generates a random number on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution*/
00084 double genrand_res53(void);
00086 /*============================================================================*/
00088 /* these are the routines in thirdparty_interpolate.cpp */
00090 void spline_cubic_set( long n, const double t[], const double y[], double ypp[],
00091                        int ibcbeg, double ybcbeg, int ibcend, double ybcend );
00092 void spline_cubic_val( long n, const double t[], double tval, const double y[], const double ypp[],
00093                        double *yval, double *ypval, double *yppval );
00107 inline void spline(const double x[], 
00108                    const double y[], 
00109                    long int n, 
00110                    double yp1, 
00111                    double ypn, 
00112                    double y2a[])
00113 {
00114         int ibcbeg = ( yp1 > 0.99999e30 ) ? 2 : 1;
00115         double ybcbeg = ( yp1 > 0.99999e30 ) ? 0. : yp1;
00116         int ibcend = ( ypn > 0.99999e30 ) ? 2 : 1;
00117         double ybcend = ( ypn > 0.99999e30 ) ? 0. : ypn;
00118         spline_cubic_set( n, x, y, y2a, ibcbeg, ybcbeg, ibcend, ybcend );
00119         return;
00120 }
00130 inline void splint(const double xa[], 
00131                    const double ya[], 
00132                    const double y2a[], 
00133                    long int n, 
00134                    double x, 
00135                    double *y)
00136 {
00137         spline_cubic_val( n, xa, x, ya, y2a, y, NULL, NULL );
00138         return;
00139 }
00141 inline void spldrv(const double xa[], 
00142                    const double ya[], 
00143                    const double y2a[], 
00144                    long int n, 
00145                    double x, 
00146                    double *y)
00147 {
00148         spline_cubic_val( n, xa, x, ya, y2a, NULL, y, NULL );
00149         return;
00150 }
00152 /* wrapper routine for splint that checks whether x-value is within bounds
00153  * if the x-value is out of bounds, a flag will be raised and the function
00154  * will be evaluated at the nearest boundary */
00155 /* >>chng 03 jan 15, added splint_safe, PvH */
00156 inline void splint_safe(const double xa[], 
00157                         const double ya[], 
00158                         const double y2a[], 
00159                         long int n, 
00160                         double x, 
00161                         double *y,
00162                         bool *lgOutOfBounds)
00163 {
00164         double xsafe;
00166         const double lo_bound = MIN2(xa[0],xa[n-1]);
00167         const double hi_bound = MAX2(xa[0],xa[n-1]);
00168         const double SAFETY = MAX2(hi_bound-lo_bound,1.)*10.*DBL_EPSILON;
00170         DEBUG_ENTRY( "splint_safe()" );
00172         if( x < lo_bound-SAFETY )
00173         {
00174                 xsafe = lo_bound;
00175                 *lgOutOfBounds = true;
00176         }
00177         else if( x > hi_bound+SAFETY )
00178         {
00179                 xsafe = hi_bound;
00180                 *lgOutOfBounds = true;
00181         }
00182         else
00183         {
00184                 xsafe = x;
00185                 *lgOutOfBounds = false;
00186         }
00188         splint(xa,ya,y2a,n,xsafe,y);
00189         return;
00190 }
00192 /* wrapper routine for spldrv that checks whether x-value is within bounds
00193  * if the x-value is out of bounds, a flag will be raised and the function
00194  * will be evaluated at the nearest boundary */
00195 /* >>chng 03 jan 15, added spldrv_safe, PvH */
00196 inline void spldrv_safe(const double xa[],
00197                         const double ya[],
00198                         const double y2a[],
00199                         long int n,
00200                         double x,
00201                         double *y,
00202                         bool *lgOutOfBounds)
00203 {
00204         double xsafe;
00206         const double lo_bound = MIN2(xa[0],xa[n-1]);
00207         const double hi_bound = MAX2(xa[0],xa[n-1]);
00208         const double SAFETY = MAX2(fabs(lo_bound),fabs(hi_bound))*10.*DBL_EPSILON;
00210         DEBUG_ENTRY( "spldrv_safe()" );
00212         if( x < lo_bound-SAFETY )
00213         {
00214                 xsafe = lo_bound;
00215                 *lgOutOfBounds = true;
00216         }
00217         else if( x > hi_bound+SAFETY )
00218         {
00219                 xsafe = hi_bound;
00220                 *lgOutOfBounds = true;
00221         }
00222         else
00223         {
00224                 xsafe = x;
00225                 *lgOutOfBounds = false;
00226         }
00228         spldrv(xa,ya,y2a,n,xsafe,y);
00229         return;
00230 }
00240 double lagrange(const double x[], /* x[n] */
00241                 const double y[], /* y[n] */
00242                 long n,
00243                 double xval);
00252 double linint(const double x[], /* x[n] */
00253               const double y[], /* y[n] */
00254               long n,
00255               double xval);
00259 template<class T>
00260 inline long hunt_bisect(const T x[], /* x[n] */
00261                         long n,
00262                         T xval)
00263 {
00264         /* do bisection hunt */
00265         long ilo = 0, ihi = n-1;
00266         while( ihi-ilo > 1 )
00267         {
00268                 long imid = (ilo+ihi)/2;
00269                 if( xval < x[imid] )
00270                         ihi = imid;
00271                 else
00272                         ilo = imid;
00273         }
00274         return ilo;
00275 }
00279 template<class T>
00280 inline long hunt_bisect_reverse(const T x[], /* x[n] */
00281                                 long n,
00282                                 T xval)
00283 {
00284         /* do bisection hunt */
00285         long ilo = 0, ihi = n-1;
00286         while( ihi-ilo > 1 )
00287         {
00288                 long imid = (ilo+ihi)/2;
00289                 if( xval <= x[imid] )
00290                         ilo = imid;
00291                 else
00292                         ihi = imid;
00293         }
00294         return ilo;
00295 }
00297 /*============================================================================*/
00299 /* these are the routines in thirdparty_lapack.cpp */
00301 /* there are wrappers for lapack linear algebra routines.
00302  * there are two versions of the lapack routines - a fortran
00303  * version that I converted to C with forc to use if nothing else is available
00304  * (included in the Cloudy distribution),
00305  * and an option to link into an external lapack library that may be optimized
00306  * for your machine.  By default the tralated C routines will be used.
00307  * To use your machine's lapack library instead, define the macro
00308  * LAPACK and link into your library.  This is usually done with a command line
00309  * switch "-DLAPACK" on the compiler command, and the linker option "-llapack"
00310  */
00320 void getrf_wrapper(long M, long N, double *A, long lda, int32 *ipiv, int32 *info);
00333 void getrs_wrapper(char trans, long N, long nrhs, double *A, long lda, int32 *ipiv, double *B, long ldb, int32 *info);
00335 #endif /* _THIRDPARTY_H_ */

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:28 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7