/home66/gary/public_html/cloudy/c10_branch/source/cddefines.h File Reference

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <cfloat>
#include <climits>
#include <ctime>
#include <csignal>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <valarray>
#include <complex>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <bitset>
#include "cloudyconfig.h"
#include "cpu.h"
#include "container_classes.h"
#include "iter_track.h"
#include "energy.h"
Include dependency graph for cddefines.h:

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Data Structures

struct  StaticAssertFailed< true >
class  Singleton< T >
class  cloudy_exit
class  bad_signal
class  bad_assert
class  t_debug
class  debugtrace< lgTrace >
class  auto_vec< T >
struct  auto_vec< T >::auto_vec_ref< U >
struct  t_emission
struct  t_species
struct  t_CollRatesArray
struct  t_CollSplinesArray
struct  t_collision
struct  t_quantumState
class  Integrator< Integrand, Method >


#define EXTERN   extern
#define STATIC   static
#define STATIC_ASSERT(x)   ((void)StaticAssertFailed< (x) == true >())
#define cdEXIT(FAIL)   throw cloudy_exit( __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, FAIL )
#define puts(STR)   Using_puts_before_cdEXIT_is_no_longer_needed
#define DEBUG
#define MALLOC(exp)   (MyMalloc(exp,__FILE__, __LINE__))
#define CALLOC   MyCalloc
#define REALLOC   MyRealloc
#define ASSERT(exp)
#define MESSAGE_ASSERT(msg, exp)   ASSERT( (msg) ? (exp) : false )
#define isnan   MyIsnan
#define DEBUG_ENTRY(funcname)   debugtrace<false> DEBUG_ENTRY( funcname )
#define MIN2   min
#define MIN3(a, b, c)   (min(min(a,b),c))
#define MIN4(a, b, c, d)   (min(min(a,b),min(c,d)))
#define MAX2   max
#define MAX3(a, b, c)   (max(max(a,b),c))
#define MAX4(a, b, c, d)   (max(max(a,b),max(c,d)))
#define POW2   pow2
#define POW3   pow3
#define POW4   pow4
#define HMRATE(a, b, c)   hmrate4(a,b,c,phycon.te)
#define PrintEfmt(F, V)   F, V


typedef float realnum
typedef float sys_float
typedef struct t_quantumState quantumState
typedef struct t_emission emission
typedef struct t_collision collision
typedef struct t_species species
typedef struct t_CollRatesArray CollRateCoeffArray
typedef struct t_CollSplinesArray CollSplinesArray


enum  collider {
enum  split_mode { SPM_RELAX, SPM_KEEP_EMPTY, SPM_STRICT }
enum  methods { Gaussian32, Legendre }


double fudge (long int ipnt)
void broken (void)
void fixit (void)
void CodeReview (void)
void TestCode (void)
void * MyMalloc (size_t size, const char *file, int line)
void * MyCalloc (size_t num, size_t size)
void * MyRealloc (void *p, size_t size)
void MyAssert (const char *file, int line, const char *comment)
void cdPrepareExit ()
void ShowMe (void)
NORETURN void TotalInsanity (void)
template<class T >
TotalInsanityAsStub ()
NORETURN void BadRead (void)
int dbg_printf (int debug, const char *fmt,...)
int dprintf (FILE *fp, const char *format,...)
char * read_whole_line (char *chLine, int nChar, FILE *ioIN)
NORETURN void OUT_OF_RANGE (const char *str)
char tolower (char c)
unsigned char tolower (unsigned char c)
char toupper (char c)
unsigned char toupper (unsigned char c)
char TorF (bool l)
bool is_odd (int j)
bool is_odd (long j)
long nint (double x)
long min (int a, long b)
long min (long a, int b)
double min (sys_float a, double b)
double min (double a, sys_float b)
double powi (double, long int)
double pow (double x, int i)
double pow (double x, long i)
sys_float pow (sys_float x, int i)
sys_float pow (sys_float x, long i)
double pow (sys_float x, double y)
double pow (double x, sys_float y)
long max (int a, long b)
long max (long a, int b)
double max (sys_float a, double b)
double max (double a, sys_float b)
template<class T >
sign (T x, T y)
template<class T >
int sign3 (T x)
bool fp_equal (sys_float x, sys_float y, int n=3)
bool fp_equal (double x, double y, int n=3)
bool fp_equal_tol (sys_float x, sys_float y, sys_float tol)
bool fp_equal_tol (double x, double y, double tol)
bool fp_bound (sys_float lo, sys_float x, sys_float hi, int n=3)
bool fp_bound (double lo, double x, double hi, int n=3)
bool fp_bound_tol (sys_float lo, sys_float x, sys_float hi, sys_float tol)
bool fp_bound_tol (double lo, double x, double hi, double tol)
template<class T >
pow2 (T a)
template<class T >
pow3 (T a)
template<class T >
pow4 (T a)
sys_float SDIV (sys_float x)
double SDIV (double x)
sys_float safe_div (sys_float x, sys_float y, sys_float res_0by0)
sys_float safe_div (sys_float x, sys_float y)
double safe_div (double x, double y, double res_0by0)
double safe_div (double x, double y)
double hmrate4 (double a, double b, double c, double te)
template<class T >
void invalidate_array (T *p, size_t size)
void invalidate_array (double *p, size_t size)
void invalidate_array (sys_float *p, size_t size)
template<class T >
T * get_ptr (valarray< T > &v)
template<class T >
T * get_ptr (vector< T > &v)
template<class T >
const T * get_ptr (const valarray< T > &v)
template<class T >
const T * get_ptr (const vector< T > &v)
void Split (const string &str, const string &sep, vector< string > &lst, split_mode mode)
bool FindAndReplace (string &str, const string &substr, const string &newstr)
bool FindAndErase (string &str, const string &substr)
double csphot (long int inu, long int ithr, long int iofset)
double RandGauss (double xMean, double s)
double MyGaussRand (double PctUncertainty)
double AnuUnit (realnum energy)
void cap4 (char *chCAP, const char *chLab)
void uncaps (char *chCard)
void caps (char *chCard)
double e2 (double t)
double ee1 (double x)
double ee1_safe (double x)
double FFmtRead (const char *chCard, long int *ipnt, long int last, bool *lgEOL)
long nMatch (const char *chKey, const char *chCard)
int GetQuote (char *chLabel, char *chCard, char *chCardRaw, bool lgABORT)
const char * strstr_s (const char *haystack, const char *needle)
char * strstr_s (char *haystack, const char *needle)
const char * strchr_s (const char *s, int c)
char * strchr_s (char *s, int c)
long int ipow (long, long)
void PrintE82 (FILE *, double)
void PrintE71 (FILE *, double)
void PrintE93 (FILE *, double)
sys_float sexp (sys_float x)
double sexp (double x)
double dsexp (double x)
double plankf (long int ip)
double qg32 (double, double, double(*)(double))
void spsort (realnum x[], long int n, long int iperm[], int kflag, int *ier)
double vfun (double damp, double x)


EXTERN bool lgAbort
EXTERN bool lgTestCodeCalled
EXTERN bool lgTestCodeEnabled
EXTERN bool lgPrnErr
EXTERN long int nzone
EXTERN double fnzone
EXTERN long int iteration
const double ZeroNum
const int FILENAME_PATH_LENGTH = 200
const int INPUT_LINE_LENGTH = 2000
const int LIMELM = 30
const int NISO = 2
const int NHYDRO_MAX_LEVEL = 401
const int N_H_MOLEC = 8
const double MAX_DENSITY = 1.e24
const double DEPTH_OFFSET = 1.e-30
const int ipRecEsc = 2
const int ipRecNetEsc = 1
const int ipRecRad = 0
const int ipPRD = 1
const int ipCRD = -1
const int ipCRDW = 2
const int ipLY_A = -2
const int ipDEST_K2 = 1
const int ipDEST_INCOM = 2
const int ipDEST_SIMPL = 3
const int ipH1s = 0
const int ipH2s = 1
const int ipH2p = 2
const int ipH3s = 3
const int ipH3p = 4
const int ipH3d = 5
const int ipH4s = 6
const int ipH4p = 7
const int ipH4d = 8
const int ipH4f = 9
const int ipHe1s1S = 0
const int ipHe2s3S = 1
const int ipHe2s1S = 2
const int ipHe2p3P0 = 3
const int ipHe2p3P1 = 4
const int ipHe2p3P2 = 5
const int ipHe2p1P = 6
const int ipHe3s3S = 7
const int ipHe3s1S = 8
const int ipHe3p3P = 9
const int ipHe3d3D = 10
const int ipHe3d1D = 11
const int ipHe3p1P = 12
const int ipHe4s3S = 13
const int ipHe4s1S = 14
const int ipHe4p3P = 15
const int ipHe4d3D = 16
const int ipHe4d1D = 17
const int ipHe4f3F = 18
const int ipHe4f1F = 19
const int ipHe4p1P = 20
const int ipH_LIKE = 0
const int ipHE_LIKE = 1
const int ipLI_LIKE = 2
const int ipBE_LIKE = 3
const int ipB_LIKE = 4
const int ipC_LIKE = 5
const int ipN_LIKE = 6
const int ipO_LIKE = 7
const int ipF_LIKE = 8
const int ipNE_LIKE = 9
const int ipNA_LIKE = 10
const int ipMG_LIKE = 11
const int ipAL_LIKE = 12
const int ipSI_LIKE = 13
const int ipP_LIKE = 14
const int ipS_LIKE = 15
const int ipCL_LIKE = 16
const int ipAR_LIKE = 17
const int ipHYDROGEN = 0
const int ipHELIUM = 1
const int ipLITHIUM = 2
const int ipBERYLLIUM = 3
const int ipBORON = 4
const int ipCARBON = 5
const int ipNITROGEN = 6
const int ipOXYGEN = 7
const int ipFLUORINE = 8
const int ipNEON = 9
const int ipSODIUM = 10
const int ipMAGNESIUM = 11
const int ipALUMINIUM = 12
const int ipSILICON = 13
const int ipPHOSPHORUS = 14
const int ipSULPHUR = 15
const int ipCHLORINE = 16
const int ipARGON = 17
const int ipPOTASSIUM = 18
const int ipCALCIUM = 19
const int ipSCANDIUM = 20
const int ipTITANIUM = 21
const int ipVANADIUM = 22
const int ipCHROMIUM = 23
const int ipMANGANESE = 24
const int ipIRON = 25
const int ipCOBALT = 26
const int ipNICKEL = 27
const int ipCOPPER = 28
const int ipZINC = 29
const double SEXP_LIMIT = 84.
const double DSEXP_LIMIT = 680.

Define Documentation


Definition at line 36 of file cddefines.h.

#define ASSERT ( exp   ) 
do { \
                                if (!(exp)) \
                                { \
                                        bad_assert a(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Failed: " #exp); \
                                        if( cpu.lgAssertAbort() ) \
                                        { \
                                           a.print(); \
                                           abort(); \
                                        }  \
                                        else \
                                                throw a; \
                                } \
                        } while( 0 )

Definition at line 631 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by abscf(), addComment(), addKeyword_num(), addKeyword_txt(), AddLine2Stack(), AddState2Stack(), AgeCheck(), flex_arr< double >::alloc(), multi_arr< realnum, 3 >::alloc(), AssertFeIIDep(), atmdat_2phot_rate(), atmdat_2phot_shapefunction(), atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), atmdat_HS_caseB(), atmdat_LAMDA_readin(), atmdat_readin(), atom_level2(), atom_level3(), atom_levelN(), atom_pop2(), atom_pop3(), atom_pop5(), AtomCSInterp(), t_fe2ovr_la::atoms_fe2ovr(), AtomSeqBeryllium(), AtomSeqBoron(), Badnell_DR_rate_eval(), Badnell_rec_init(), Badnell_RR_rate_eval(), bh(), bh_log(), bhg(), bhG(), bhg_log(), bhG_mx(), bhGm(), bhGm_mx(), bhGp(), bhGp_mx(), bhintegrand(), bhintegrand_log(), cdEmis_ip(), cdH2_Line(), cdLine(), cdLine_ip(), cdSPEC(), cdSPEC2(), ChargTranSumHeat(), ChckFill(), CHIANTI_Upsilon(), chIonLbl(), chLineLbl(), CO_create_react(), CO_drive(), CO_findrk(), CO_Init(), CO_solve(), CO_update_species_cache(), collision_strength_VF01(), ColStrGBar(), conorm(), cont_gaunt_calc(), ContBandsCreate(), ContCreatePointers(), ContRate(), ContSetIntensity(), ConvBase(), ConvCrossSect2CollStr(), ConvFail(), ConvInitSolution(), ConvIterCheck(), ConvRate2CS(), CoolAdd(), CoolCarb(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolNitr(), CoolOxyg(), coolpr(), cross_section(), CS_l_mixing_PS64(), CS_l_mixing_S62(), CS_l_mixing_VF01(), CS_PercivalRichards78(), CS_VS80(), da(), database_readin(), dBase_solve(), DebyeDeriv(), iter_track::deriv(), dftori(), DoBeckert_etal(), DoFSMixing(), DoSatelliteLines(), DoSutherland(), DumpLine(), DynaIonize(), DynaIterEnd(), DynaNewStep(), DynaPresChngFactor(), DynaPrtZone(), DynaSaveLast(), DynaStartZone(), eden_sum(), EdenError(), ee1_safe(), EH2_eval(), emergent_line(), emit_frac(), esc_CRDcore(), esc_CRDwing(), esc_PRD(), esc_PRD_1side(), escmase(), F21(), F21_mx(), F21i(), F21i_log(), Fe11Lev5(), Fe13Lev5(), Fe2_cooling(), Fe3Lev14(), Fe4Lev12(), Fe7Lev8(), FeII_OTS(), FeIICollRatesBoltzmann(), FeIICreate(), FeIIPun1Depart(), FeIIPunPop(), FeIISumBand(), FFmtRead(), ffun(), ffun1(), fiddle(), fill(), fill_array(), multi_geom< d, MEM_LAYOUT_VAL >::finalize(), find_solution(), FindIndex(), FindStrongestLineLabels(), fndstr(), ForbiddenAuls(), fp_bound(), fp_bound_tol(), fp_equal(), fp_equal_tol(), FreeFreeGaunt(), fsff(), GammaBn(), GammaK(), get_total_abundance_ions(), GetBins(), GetDopplerWidth(), GetFracPop(), GetGF(), GetHS98CrossSection(), GetModel(), GetProbDistr_LowLimit(), getrf_wrapper(), getrs_wrapper(), GetStandardHeLines(), gett2(), gett2o3(), getVoigt(), GrainCharge(), GrainChargeTemp(), GrainDrift(), GrainElecEmis1(), GrainElecRecomb1(), GrainMakeDiffuse(), GrainScreen(), GrainsInit(), GrainTemperature(), GrainUpdateRadius1(), GrainUpdateRadius2(), GravitationalPressure(), GridCompile(), GridGatherInCloudy(), gridXspec(), GrnVryDpth(), H21_cm_pops(), H2_Accel(), H2_CollidRateEvalAll(), H2_CollidRateRead(), H2_ContPoint(), H2_Cooling(), H2_Create(), H2_Level_low_matrix(), H2_LevelPops(), H2_PunchDo(), H2_RadPress(), H2_Read_hminus_distribution(), H2_ReadDissprob(), H2_ReadEnergies(), H2_ReadTransprob(), H2_RT_tau_inc(), H2_RTMake(), H2_X_coll_rate_evaluate(), t_ADfA::h_coll_str(), H_cross_section(), H_photo_cs_lin(), H_photo_cs_log10(), t_ADfA::H_rad_rec(), HCTIon(), HCTRecom(), he_1trans(), HeCollidSetup(), HeCSInterp(), helike_energy(), helike_quantum_defect(), helike_transprob(), highen(), Hion_coll_ioniz_ratecoef(), hmole(), hmole_step(), t_ADfA::hpfit(), hri(), hri_log10(), hrii(), hrii_log(), hv(), Hydcs123(), hydro_transprob(), hydro_vs_coll_recomb(), hydro_vs_coll_str(), hydro_vs_deexcit(), hydro_vs_ioniz(), HydroCSInterp(), HydroLevel(), HydroOscilStr(), HydroRecCool(), HydroRenorm(), HyperfineCreate(), HyperfineCS(), Hypergeometric2F1(), init_eps(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::init_minmax(), t_yield::init_yield(), InitCoreloadPostparse(), InitEmissivities(), InitGrid(), InitGridCoStar(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::initial_run(), InitIndexArrays(), InitSimPostparse(), InterpolateGff(), InterpolateGridCoStar(), InterpolateModel(), InterpolateModelCoStar(), InterpolateRectGrid(), inv_ufunct(), multi_arr< realnum, 3 >::invalidate(), ion_collis(), ion_photo(), ion_recomb(), ion_recombAGN(), ion_solver(), ion_trim(), ion_wrapper(), IonCSInterp(), IonIron(), ipFindLevLine(), ipFineCont(), ipLineEnergy(), ipoint(), ipShells(), iso_allocate(), iso_assign_quantum_numbers(), iso_cascade(), iso_collapsed_Aul_update(), iso_collapsed_bnl_set(), iso_collapsed_lifetimes_update(), iso_collide(), iso_collisional_ionization(), iso_continuum_lower(), iso_cool(), iso_create(), iso_dielec_recomb_rate(), iso_error_generation(), iso_ionize_recombine(), iso_level(), iso_photo(), iso_prt_pops(), iso_put_error(), iso_put_recomb_error(), iso_radiative_recomb(), iso_radiative_recomb_effective(), iso_recomb_setup(), iso_RRCoef_Te(), iso_solve(), iso_state_lifetime(), iso_suprathermal(), iso_update_num_levels(), iter_end_check(), IterEnd(), IterRestart(), IterStart(), L_mix_integrand_VF01(), LeidenCollRate(), lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgCompileAtmosphereCoStar(), lgConvPres(), lgIonizConverg(), lgMolecAver(), Wind::lgStatic(), lgValidModel(), lincom(), lindst(), LineConvRate2CS(), lines_general(), lines_helium(), lines_hydro(), lines_setup(), linfit(), linint(), LinterpTable(), LinterpVector(), log10_fsff(), log10_prodxx(), log_integral(), MD5string(), mie_auxiliary2(), mie_calc_ial(), mie_cs(), mie_cs_size_distr(), mie_find_slope(), mie_read_mix(), mie_read_opc(), mie_read_rfi(), mie_write_form(), mole_H2_form(), mole_H2_LTE(), Monointerp::Monointerp(), MyCalloc(), MyGaussRand(), MyMalloc(), MyRealloc(), newelement(), newreaction(), newspecies(), nMatch(), Parser::nMatch1(), normalizeProfile(), nWord(), OccupationNumberLine(), Opacity_iso_photo_cs(), OpacityAdd1Element(), OpacityAdd1Subshell(), OpacityAdd1SubshellInduc(), OpacityAddTotal(), OpacityCreate1Element(), OpacityCreateAll(), OpacityCreatePowerLaw(), OpacityCreateReilMan(), OpacityValenceRescale(), open_data(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::optimize(), optimize_func(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::optimize_with_restart(), transition::outline(), outline_base(), EnergyEntry::p_set_ip(), parse_save_average(), ParseAtomISO(), ParseCosmicRays(), ParseCrashDo(), ParseDynaTime(), ParseElement(), ParseEnergy(), ParseFluc(), ParseGrid(), ParseIntensity(), ParseInterp(), ParseMonitorResults(), ParsePhi(), ParseQH(), ParseTable(), ParseVLaw(), PE_init(), t_ADfA::phfit(), PlanckIntegral(), PntForLine(), PressureChange(), PressureRadiationLine(), PresTotCurrent(), PrintCenterLine(), PrintRates(), process_output(), PrtAllTau(), PrtComment(), PrtFinal(), PrtLinePres(), PrtZone(), punchFITS_EnergyData(), punchFITS_EnergyHeader(), punchFITS_GenericHeader(), punchFITS_ParamData(), punchFITS_ParamHeader(), punchFITS_PrimaryHeader(), punchFITS_SpectraData(), punchFITS_SpectraHeader(), PutCS(), PutLine_base(), qheat(), qheat_init(), qintr(), radius_first(), radius_increment(), radius_next(), RauchReadMPP(), read_Helike_cross_sections(), read_hm05(), read_SH98_He1_cross_sections(), ReadAugerData(), ReadBadnellAIData(), flex_arr< double >::realloc(), RebinAtmosphere(), RebinFind(), RebinQHeatResults(), RebinSingleCell(), RefIndex(), flex_arr< double >::reserve(), multi_arr< realnum, 3 >::reserve(), multi_geom< d, MEM_LAYOUT_VAL >::reserve(), resetBltin(), rfield_opac_malloc(), RT_continuum(), RT_continuum_shield_fcn(), RT_DestHummer(), RT_DestProb(), RT_diffuse(), RT_line_one(), RT_line_pumping(), RT_LineWidth(), RT_OTS(), RT_OTS_AddCont(), RT_OTS_AddLine(), RT_OTS_PrtRate(), RT_OTS_Update(), RT_recom_effic(), RT_tau_inc(), RT_tau_init(), RT_tau_reset(), RTesc_lya(), S62_Therm_ave_coll_str(), SanityCheckBegin(), save_line(), save_opacity(), SaveDo(), SaveFilesInit(), saveFITSfile(), SaveHeat(), SaveResults(), SaveSpecial(), ScanProbDistr(), scqdri(), search_limit(), SetLimits(), SetLimitsSub(), Parser::setline(), SetNChrgStates(), size_distr(), spline_cubic_set(), sprt_wl(), StarburstInitialize(), StarkCollTransProb_VF01(), states_nelemfill(), store_new_densities(), Integrator< Integrand, Method >::sum(), sum_radiation(), t_ADfA::t_ADfA(), t_fe2ovr_la::t_fe2ovr_la(), tbl_fun(), TempInterp(), TempInterp2(), tfidle(), TryDoubleStep(), uderiv(), ufunct(), UpdatePot(), UpdatePot1(), Flux::uu(), WavlenErrorGet(), writeCloudyDetails(), y0b(), y0b01(), y0psa(), y1psa(), y2pa(), y2s(), Yfunc(), multi_arr< realnum, 3 >::zero(), iter_track::zero_fit(), and ZoneStart().

#define CALLOC   MyCalloc

now special version of calloc - it dies if cannot allocate space.

Definition at line 563 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by CoolSave(), F21(), F21_mx(), H_photo_cs_log10(), InitGridCoStar(), lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgCompileAtmosphereCoStar(), and SaveHeat().

#define cdEXIT ( FAIL   )     throw cloudy_exit( __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, FAIL )

Definition at line 487 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbortErrorMessage(), abund_starburst(), AbundancesSet(), AbundancesTable(), t_PredCont::add(), AddLine2Stack(), AGN_Hemis(), atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), atmdat_dielrec_fe(), atmdat_HS_caseB(), atmdat_LAMDA_readin(), atmdat_readin(), atom_level3(), atom_levelN(), atom_pop5(), AtomSeqBeryllium(), Badnell_rec_init(), BadRead(), bessel_k0(), bessel_k0_scaled(), bessel_k1(), bessel_k1_scaled(), bessel_y0(), bessel_y1(), bessel_yn(), bhG(), bhG_mx(), C6cs123(), Ca20cs123(), cdClock(), cdDrive(), cdExecTime(), cdGetLineList(), cdMain(), cdRead(), cdSPEC(), cdSPEC2(), ChargTranPun(), ChckFill(), CheckVal(), chi2_func(), cnewton(), CO_punch_mol(), CO_solve(), CO_zero(), Parser::CommandError(), conorm(), ContBandsCreate(), ContCreateMesh(), ContCreatePointers(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::continue_from_state(), ContSetIntensity(), ConvFail(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolOxyg(), coolpr(), CoStarInterpolate(), database_readin(), dBase_solve(), dense_tabden(), dgaunt(), do_dump_state(), do_restore_state(), Drive_cdLine(), DrvCaseBHS(), DrvHyas(), DynaIterStart(), DynaPresChngFactor(), ee1(), ellpk(), endFindLevLine(), escmase(), expn(), factorial(), Fe11Lev5(), Fe13Lev5(), Fe26cs123(), Fe3Lev14(), Fe4Lev12(), Fe7Lev8(), FeII_Colden(), FeIICollRatesBoltzmann(), FeIICreate(), FeIILevelPops(), FeIIPunData(), FeIISaveLines(), ffun1(), fill(), FillGFF(), find_arr(), find_solution(), FindIndex(), fsff(), fudge(), gauss_legendre(), Energy::get(), GetBins(), GetFracPop(), GetLineRec(), GetModel(), GetNextLine(), GetOptColDen(), GetOptLineInt(), GetOptTemp(), GetPotValues(), GetQuote(), GetStandardHeLines(), GrainCharge(), GrainMakeDiffuse(), GrainsInit(), grid_do(), gridXspec(), H2_Colden(), H2_CollidRateEvalAll(), H2_CollidRateRead(), H2_Cooling(), H2_Create(), H2_He_coll_init(), H2_Level_low_matrix(), H2_ORH2_coll_init(), H2_PAH2_coll_init(), H2_ParseSave(), H2_Punch_line_data(), H2_Read_hminus_distribution(), H2_ReadDissprob(), H2_ReadEnergies(), H2_ReadTransprob(), H_Einstein_A_lin(), H_Einstein_A_log10(), H_photo_cs_lin(), H_photo_cs_log10(), HCSAR_interp(), He2cs123(), HeCollidSetup(), HelikeTransProbSetup(), Parser::help(), hmole_step(), t_ADfA::hpfit(), hri(), hri_log10(), hrii(), hrii_log(), hv(), Hydcs123(), HydroEinstA(), HydroRecCool(), HyperfineCreate(), hypho(), t_yield::init_yield(), InitEmissivities(), InitGrid(), InitIndexArrays(), InitSimPostparse(), InterpolateGff(), InterpolateGridCoStar(), InterpolateModel(), InterpolateRectGrid(), inv_ufunct(), ion_recom_calculate(), ion_solver(), IonCarbo(), ipoint(), iso_level(), iso_radiative_recomb(), iso_recomb_setup(), iso_update_num_levels(), iter_end_check(), IterStart(), lfactorial(), lgCheckMonitors(), lgConvPres(), lgOptimize_do(), ligbar(), LimitSh(), lines(), lines_setup(), makelist(), makeplist(), map_do(), mie_auxiliary(), mie_auxiliary2(), mie_cs(), mie_cs_size_distr(), mie_next_line(), mie_read_double(), mie_read_long(), mie_read_mix(), mie_read_opc(), mie_read_realnum(), mie_read_rfi(), mie_read_szd(), mie_repair(), mie_write_opc(), molcol(), MyAssert(), MyCalloc(), MyMalloc(), MyRealloc(), Ne10cs123(), newreact(), newspecies(), Parser::NoNumb(), oi_level_pops(), OpacityAddTotal(), OpacityCreateAll(), OpacityCreateReilMan(), optimize_func(), optimize_phymir(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_execute_job(), Flux::p_InternalFluxUnit(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_rd_state(), EnergyEntry::p_set_ip(), parse_save_average(), parse_save_colden(), parse_save_line(), Parse_Save_Line_RT(), ParseAbsMag(), ParseAbundances(), ParseAge(), ParseAgn(), ParseAperture(), ParseAtom(), ParseAtomFeII(), ParseAtomH2(), ParseAtomISO(), ParseBackgrd(), ParseBlackbody(), ParseBremsstrahlung(), ParseCMB(), ParseCommands(), ParseCompile(), ParseConstant(), ParseCoronal(), ParseCosm(), ParseCosmicRays(), ParseCovering(), ParseCrashDo(), ParseDarkMatter(), ParseDielectronic(), ParseDiffuse(), ParseDLaw(), ParseDont(), ParseDrive(), ParseDynaTime(), ParseDynaWind(), ParseElement(), ParseEnergy(), ParseExtinguish(), ParseF_nu(), ParseFluc(), ParseGlobule(), ParseGrain(), ParseGravity(), ParseGrid(), ParseHDEN(), ParseHeLike(), ParseHydrogen(), ParseIlluminate(), ParseInit(), ParseInitCount(), ParseIntensity(), ParseInterp(), ParseIonPar(), ParseLaser(), ParseLuminosity(), ParseMagnet(), ParseMap(), ParseMetal(), ParseMonitorResults(), ParseNorm(), ParseOptimize(), ParsePGrains(), ParsePhi(), ParsePlot(), ParsePlotRangeContin(), ParsePlotRangeOption(), ParsePowerlawContinuum(), ParsePrint(), ParsePrtLineSum(), ParseQH(), ParseRadius(), ParseRangeOption(), ParseRatio(), ParseSave(), ParseSet(), ParseSpecial(), ParseState(), ParseStop(), ParseTable(), ParseTLaw(), ParseTolerance(), ParseTurbulence(), plot(), pltopc(), pltr(), PntForLine(), PresTotCurrent(), PrintRates(), prt_smooth_predictions(), PrtComment(), PrtContinuum(), PrtElem(), PrtFinal(), PrtLineSum(), ptrcer(), punchFITS_SpectraData(), qintr(), t_ADfA::rad_rec(), radius_next(), RauchInitializeSub(), RauchReadMPP(), rd_block(), read_continuum_mesh(), read_Helike_cross_sections(), read_hm05(), ReadAugerData(), ReadTable(), RT_continuum(), RT_DestProb(), RT_line_escape(), RT_line_one(), RT_recom_effic(), RT_tau_init(), SanityCheck(), SanityCheckBegin(), save_average(), save_line(), Save_Line_RT(), save_opacity(), SaveDo(), saveFITSfile(), SaveHeat(), SaveLineData(), SaveLineStuff(), SaveResults1Line(), search_limit(), Energy::set(), SetLimits(), size_distr(), solveions(), spline_cubic_set(), Split(), StandardEnergyUnit(), StandardFluxUnit(), state_do(), StuffComment(), t_ADfA::t_ADfA(), t_fe2ovr_la::t_fe2ovr_la(), TempInterp(), tfidle(), TotalInsanity(), totlin(), uderiv(), ufunct(), vary_input(), wr_block(), XERBLA(), y0b01(), Yfunc(), and zero().

#define DEBUG

to avoid errors introduced by C's infamous double-negative logic, this uses NDEBUG (the ANSI std macro used to tell assert that we are not debugging) to define DEBUG

Definition at line 542 of file cddefines.h.

#define DEBUG_ENTRY ( funcname   )     debugtrace<false> DEBUG_ENTRY( funcname )

Definition at line 738 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbortErrorMessage(), abscf(), abund_starburst(), AbundancesPrt(), AbundancesSet(), AbundancesTable(), AbundancesZero(), t_PredCont::add(), addComment(), addentry(), addKeyword_num(), addKeyword_txt(), AddLine2Stack(), AddState2Stack(), advection_set_default(), AgeCheck(), AGN_He1_CS(), AGN_Hemis(), AngerJ(), anomal(), AnuUnit(), append_file(), AssertFeIIDep(), AtlasCompile(), AtlasInterpolate(), atmdat_2phot_rate(), atmdat_2phot_shapefunction(), atmdat_3body(), atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), atmdat_dielrec_fe(), atmdat_DielSupres(), atmdat_HS_caseB(), atmdat_LAMDA_readin(), atmdat_outer_shell(), atmdat_readin(), AtmospheresAvail(), atom_level2(), atom_level3(), atom_levelN(), atom_oi_calc(), atom_pop2(), atom_pop3(), atom_pop5(), AtomCSInterp(), t_fe2ovr_la::atoms_fe2ovr(), AtomSeqBeryllium(), AtomSeqBoron(), Badnell_DR_rate_eval(), Badnell_rec_init(), Badnell_RR_rate_eval(), badprt(), BadRead(), BadStart(), bangin(), bessel_i0(), bessel_i0_scaled(), bessel_i1(), bessel_i1_scaled(), bessel_j0(), bessel_j1(), bessel_jn(), bessel_k0(), bessel_k0_scaled(), bessel_k1(), bessel_k1_scaled(), bessel_y0(), bessel_y1(), bessel_yn(), bh(), bh_log(), bhg(), bhG(), bhg_log(), bhG_mx(), bhGm(), bhGm_mx(), bhGp(), bhGp_mx(), bhintegrand(), bhintegrand_log(), bigk(), blkdata1(), broken(), Bruggeman(), C6cs123(), Ca20cs123(), calcc(), cap4(), caps(), car1_fun(), caunin(), cdasum(), cdaxpy(), cdB21cm(), cdCautions(), cdClock(), cdClosePunchFiles(), cdColm(), cdcopy(), cdDepth_depth(), cdDrive(), cdEmis(), cdEmis_ip(), cdErrors(), cdExecTime(), cdgamma(), cdGetLineList(), cdH2_Line(), cdInit(), cdInput(), cdIonFrac(), cdLine(), cdLine_ip(), cdMain(), cdNoExec(), cdNotes(), cdNwcns(), cdOutput(), cdPressure_depth(), cdPressure_last(), cdPrtWL(), cdRead(), cdReasonGeo(), cdSPEC(), cdSPEC2(), cdSurprises(), cdTalk(), cdTemp(), cdTimescales(), cdWarnings(), ChargTranEval(), ChargTranPun(), ChargTranSumHeat(), ChckFill(), CheckVal(), ChemImportance(), chi2_func(), CHIANTI_Upsilon(), chIonLbl(), chkCaHeps(), ChkUnits(), chLineLbl(), CloseSaveFiles(), cloudy(), cmshft(), cnewton(), CO_create_react(), CO_dissoc_rate(), CO_drive(), CO_findrate(), CO_findrate_s(), CO_findrk(), CO_Init(), co_lnu_c_o_lnu(), CO_punch_mol(), CO_sink_rate(), CO_solve(), CO_source_rate(), CO_step(), CO_update_rks(), CO_update_species_cache(), CO_zero(), CodeReview(), t_ADfA::coll_ion(), collision_strength_VF01(), CollisionJunk(), CollisionZero(), ColStrGBar(), combine_arrays(), Parser::CommandError(), conorm(), conpmp(), ContBandsCreate(), ContCreateMesh(), ContCreatePointers(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::continue_from_state(), ContNegative(), ContRate(), ContSetIntensity(), ConvBase(), ConvCrossSect2CollStr(), ConvEdenIoniz(), ConvFail(), ConvInitSolution(), ConvIoniz(), ConvIterCheck(), ConvPresTempEdenIoniz(), ConvRate2CS(), ConvTempEdenIoniz(), CoolAdd(), CoolAlum(), CoolArgo(), CoolCalc(), CoolCarb(), CoolChlo(), CoolChro(), CoolCoba(), CoolDima(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolFluo(), CoolHeatError(), CoolIron(), CoolMagn(), CoolMang(), CoolNeon(), CoolNick(), CoolNitr(), CoolOxyg(), CoolPhos(), CoolPota(), coolpr(), CoolSave(), CoolScan(), CoolSili(), CoolSodi(), CoolSulf(), CoolSum(), CoolTita(), CoolVana(), CoolZero(), CoolZinc(), CoStarCompile(), CoStarInterpolate(), CoStarListModels(), CS_l_mixing_PS64(), CS_l_mixing_S62(), CS_l_mixing_VF01(), CS_PercivalRichards78(), CS_ThermAve_PR78(), csphot(), csscal(), d3_np_fs(), da(), database_prep(), database_readin(), DatabasePrintReference(), dBase_solve(), dbg_printf(), DebyeDeriv(), dense_tabden(), dftori(), dgaunt(), DGEMM(), DGER(), DGETF2(), DGETRF(), DGETRS(), dist(), DLASWP(), dmpary(), do_dump_state(), do_restore_state(), DoFSMixing(), DoSatelliteLines(), dprintf(), Drive_cdLine(), DrvCaseBHS(), DrvContPump(), DrvEscP(), DrvHyas(), DSCAL(), dsexp(), DSWAP(), DTRSM(), DumpLine(), DynaCreateArrays(), DynaEndZone(), DynaFlux(), DynaIonize(), DynaIterEnd(), DynaIterStart(), DynaNewStep(), DynaPresChngFactor(), DynaPrtZone(), DynaPunchTimeDep(), DynaSave(), DynaSaveLast(), DynaStartZone(), DynaZero(), e2(), eden_sum(), ee1(), ee1_safe(), eina(), ellpk(), emergent_line(), emislines_fillredis(), emit_frac(), EmLineJunk(), EmLineZero(), endFindLevLine(), esc_CRDcore(), esc_CRDwing(), esc_CRDwing_1side(), esc_PRD(), esc_PRD_1side(), esca0k2(), esccon(), escmase(), evalf(), exp1(), expn(), extend(), extin(), F21(), F21_mx(), F21i(), F21i_log(), factorial(), Fe11Lev5(), Fe13Lev5(), fe14cs(), Fe26cs123(), Fe2_cooling(), t_fe2ovr_la::fe2par(), Fe3Lev14(), Fe4Lev12(), Fe7Lev8(), Fe_10_11_13_cs(), FeII_Colden(), FeII_LineZero(), FeII_OTS(), FeII_RT_Make(), FeII_RT_Out(), FeII_RT_tau_reset(), FeII_RT_TauInc(), FeIIAccel(), FeIIAddLines(), FeIIBandsCreate(), FeIICollRatesBoltzmann(), FeIIContCreate(), FeIICreate(), FeIIIntenZero(), FeIILevelPops(), FeIILyaPump(), FeIIPoint(), FeIIPrint(), FeIIPun1Depart(), FeIIPunchColden(), FeIIPunchLevels(), FeIIPunchLineStuff(), FeIIPunchOpticalDepth(), FeIIPunData(), FeIIPunDepart(), FeIIPunPop(), FeIIRadPress(), FeIIReset(), FeIISaveLines(), FeIISumBand(), FeIIZero(), FFmtRead(), Parser::FFmtRead(), ffun(), ffun1(), fiddle(), fill(), fill_array(), FillExtraLymanLine(), FillGFF(), FillJ(), t_PredCont::find(), find_arr(), find_solution(), findelement(), FindHCoStar(), FindIndex(), FindNeg(), findspecies(), FindTempChangeFactor(), FindVCoStar(), fixit(), FndLineHt(), fndneg(), fndstr(), ForbiddenAuls(), FreeGrid(), freehash(), fsff(), fstats(), fudge(), GammaBn(), GammaK(), GammaPrt(), GammaPrtRate(), GammaPrtShells(), gauss_init(), gauss_legendre(), gbar0(), gbar1(), Energy::get(), get_total_abundance_ions(), getbin(), GetBins(), GetDensity(), Parser::GetElem(), GetFracPop(), GetGF(), GetHubbleFactor(), GetLineRec(), GetMaxhLine(), GetModel(), GetNextLine(), GetOptColDen(), GetOptLineInt(), GetOptTemp(), t_cpu::getPathList(), GetPotValues(), GetProbDistr_HighLimit(), GetProbDistr_LowLimit(), GetQuote(), GetStandardHeLines(), gett2(), gett2o3(), GrainCharge(), GrainChargeTemp(), GrainChrgTransferRates(), GrainCollHeating(), GrainDrift(), GrainDrive(), GrainElecEmis1(), GrainElecRecomb1(), GrainIonColl(), GrainMakeDiffuse(), GrainRateDr(), GrainRestartIter(), GrainScreen(), GrainsInit(), GrainStartIter(), GrainTemperature(), GrainUpdateRadius1(), GrainUpdateRadius2(), GrainZero(), GravitationalPressure(), grid_do(), GridCompile(), GridGatherInCloudy(), GridInterpolate(), gridXspec(), grn_abs(), GrnStdDpth(), GrnVryDpth(), H2_Accel(), H2_Colden(), H2_CollidRateEvalAll(), H2_CollidRateEvalOne(), H2_CollidRateRead(), H2_ContPoint(), H2_Cooling(), H2_Create(), H2_gs_rates(), H2_He_coll(), H2_He_coll_init(), H2_Init(), H2_init_coreload(), H2_Level_low_matrix(), H2_LevelPops(), H2_LinesAdd(), H2_LineZero(), H2_ORH2_coll(), H2_ORH2_coll_init(), H2_PAH2_coll(), H2_PAH2_coll_init(), H2_ParseSave(), H2_Prt_column_density(), H2_Prt_line_tau(), H2_Prt_Zone(), H2_Punch_line_data(), H2_PunchDo(), H2_PunchLineStuff(), H2_RadPress(), H2_Read_hminus_distribution(), H2_ReadDissprob(), H2_ReadEnergies(), H2_ReadTransprob(), H2_Reset(), H2_RT_diffuse(), H2_RT_OTS(), H2_RT_tau_inc(), H2_RT_tau_reset(), H2_RTMake(), H2_Solomon_rate(), H2_X_coll_rate_evaluate(), H2_Zero(), H2_zero_pops_too_low(), t_ADfA::h_coll_str(), H_Einstein_A(), H_Einstein_A_lin(), H_Einstein_A_log10(), H_photo_cs(), H_photo_cs_lin(), H_photo_cs_log10(), t_ADfA::H_rad_rec(), hashfunction(), HCoolRatio(), HCSAR_interp(), HCTIon(), HCTRecom(), He2cs123(), he_1trans(), HeatSum(), HeatZero(), HeCollidSetup(), HeCSInterp(), helike_energy(), helike_quantum_defect(), helike_transprob(), HelikeTransProbSetup(), Parser::help(), highen(), HighestIonStage(), Hion_coll_ioniz_ratecoef(), hmiopc(), hmirat(), hmole(), hmole_init(), hmole_reactions(), hmole_step(), hmrate(), t_ADfA::hpfit(), hri(), hri_log10(), hrii(), hrii_log(), hv(), Hydcs123(), hydro_transprob(), hydro_vs_coll_recomb(), hydro_vs_coll_str(), hydro_vs_deexcit(), hydro_vs_ioniz(), HydroCSInterp(), HydroEinstA(), HydroLevel(), HydroOscilStr(), HydroRecCool(), HydroRenorm(), HyperfineCreate(), HyperfineCS(), hypho(), IDAMAX(), ILAENV(), IncidentContinuumHere(), t_input::init(), init_eps(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::init_minmax(), t_fe2ovr_la::init_pointers(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::init_state_file_name(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::init_strings(), t_yield::init_yield(), InitBinAugerData(), InitCoreload(), InitCoreloadPostparse(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), InitEmissivities(), InitEnthalpy(), initFindLevLine(), InitGrid(), InitGridCoStar(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::initial_run(), InitIndexArrays(), InitSimPostparse(), input_readvector(), InterpolateGff(), InterpolateGridCoStar(), InterpolateModel(), InterpolateModelCoStar(), InterpolateRectGrid(), inv_ufunct(), ion_collis(), ion_photo(), ion_recom_calculate(), ion_recomb(), ion_recombAGN(), ion_solver(), ion_trim(), ion_wrapper(), ion_zero(), IonAlumi(), IonArgon(), IonBeryl(), IonBoron(), IonCalci(), IonCarbo(), IonChlor(), IonChrom(), IonCobal(), IonCoppe(), IonCSInterp(), IonFluor(), IonHelium(), IonHydro(), IonIron(), IonLithi(), IonMagne(), IonManga(), IonNeon(), IonNicke(), IonNitro(), IonOxyge(), IonPhosi(), IonPotas(), IonScand(), IonSilic(), IonSodiu(), IonSulph(), IonTitan(), IonVanad(), IonZinc(), ipContEnergy(), ipFindLevLine(), ipFineCont(), ipLineEnergy(), ipoint(), ipow(), ipShells(), isactive(), iso_allocate(), iso_assign_quantum_numbers(), iso_cascade(), iso_charge_transfer_update(), iso_collapsed_Aul_update(), iso_collapsed_bnl_print(), iso_collapsed_bnl_set(), iso_collapsed_lifetimes_update(), iso_collide(), iso_collisional_ionization(), iso_cool(), iso_create(), iso_cross_section(), iso_departure_coefficients(), iso_dielec_recomb_rate(), iso_drive(), iso_error_generation(), iso_get_total_num_levels(), iso_ionize_recombine(), iso_level(), iso_photo(), iso_prt_pops(), iso_put_error(), iso_radiative_recomb(), iso_radiative_recomb_effective(), iso_radrecomb_from_cross_section(), iso_recomb_auxiliary_free(), iso_recomb_check(), iso_recomb_malloc(), iso_recomb_setup(), iso_RRCoef_Te(), iso_satellite(), iso_satellite_update(), iso_solve(), iso_state_lifetime(), iso_suprathermal(), iso_update_num_levels(), iso_update_rates(), iso_zero(), iter_end_check(), IterEnd(), IterRestart(), IterStart(), JIndex(), transition::Junk(), Kurucz79Compile(), Kurucz79Interpolate(), L_mix_integrand_VF01(), lagrange(), ld01_fun(), LeidenCollRate(), lfactorial(), lgCheckMonitors(), lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgCompileAtmosphereCoStar(), lgConserveEnergy(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::lgConvergedRestart(), lgConvPres(), lgConvTemp(), lgCoolHeatCheckConverge(), lgCoolNetConverge(), lgFileReadable(), lgHomogeneousSource(), lgInputComment(), lgIonizConverg(), lgMolecAver(), lgOptimize_do(), lgValidAsciiFile(), lgValidBinFile(), lgValidModel(), ligbar(), LimitSh(), linadd(), lincom(), lindst(), LineConvRate2CS(), lines(), lines_continuum(), lines_general(), lines_grains(), lines_helium(), lines_hydro(), lines_lv1_k_zn(), lines_lv1_li_ne(), lines_lv1_na_ar(), lines_molecules(), lines_setup(), lines_table(), linfit(), linint(), LinterpTable(), LinterpVector(), log10_fsff(), log_integral(), lookup_key(), LSAME(), Magnetic_evaluate(), Magnetic_init(), Magnetic_reinit(), main(), MakeCS(), MakeHCTData(), makelist(), makeplist(), map_do(), maxchain(), MD5_Transform(), MD5datafile(), MD5file(), MD5string(), MD5swap(), t_mean::MeanInc(), t_mean::MeanZero(), mie_auxiliary(), mie_auxiliary2(), mie_calc_ial(), mie_cs(), mie_cs_size_distr(), mie_find_slope(), mie_integrate(), mie_next_data(), mie_next_line(), mie_read_double(), mie_read_form(), mie_read_long(), mie_read_mix(), mie_read_opc(), mie_read_realnum(), mie_read_rfi(), mie_read_szd(), mie_read_word(), mie_repair(), mie_write_form(), mie_write_opc(), MihalasCompile(), MihalasInterpolate(), molcol(), mole_H2_form(), mole_H2_LTE(), MyAssert(), MyCalloc(), MyGaussRand(), MyMalloc(), MyRealloc(), Ne10cs123(), neiii_cs(), NewChargeData(), newelement(), newhash(), newpt(), newreact(), newspecies(), nMatch(), noneq_offset(), Parser::NoNumb(), notein(), nWord(), OccupationNumberLine(), ofit(), oi_cs(), oi_level_pops(), oi_othercs(), oii_cs(), oiii_cs(), oiv_cs(), Opacity_iso_photo_cs(), opacity_more_memory(), OpacityAdd1Element(), OpacityAdd1Subshell(), OpacityAdd1SubshellInduc(), OpacityAddTotal(), OpacityCreate1Element(), OpacityCreateAll(), OpacityCreatePowerLaw(), OpacityCreateReilMan(), OpacityValenceRescale(), OpacityZero(), OpacityZeroOld(), open_data(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::optimize(), optimize_func(), optimize_phymir(), optimize_subplex(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::optimize_with_restart(), order(), transition::outline(), outline_base(), outline_base_bin(), outsum(), ov_cs(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_barrier(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_clear1(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_evaluate_hyperblock(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_execute_job(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_execute_job_parallel(), Flux::p_get(), Flux::p_InternalFluxUnit(), Flux::p_InternalFluxUnitNoCheck(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_lgLimitExceeded(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_phygrm(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_process_output(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_rd_state(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_reset_hyperblock(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_reset_transformation_matrix(), Flux::p_set(), EnergyEntry::p_set_ip(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_setup_next_hyperblock(), Flux::p_ValidFluxUnit(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_wr_state(), pah1_fun(), pah2_fun(), parse_save_average(), parse_save_colden(), parse_save_line(), Parse_Save_Line_RT(), ParseAbsMag(), ParseAbundances(), ParseAge(), ParseAgn(), ParseAperture(), ParseAtom(), ParseAtomFeII(), ParseAtomH2(), ParseAtomISO(), ParseBackgrd(), ParseBlackbody(), ParseBremsstrahlung(), ParseCaseB(), ParseCMB(), ParseCommands(), ParseCompile(), ParseConstant(), ParseCoronal(), ParseCosm(), ParseCosmicRays(), ParseCosmology(), ParseCovering(), ParseCrashDo(), ParseDarkMatter(), ParseDielectronic(), ParseDiffuse(), ParseDLaw(), ParseDont(), ParseDrive(), ParseDynaTime(), ParseDynaWind(), ParseElement(), ParseEnergy(), ParseExtinguish(), ParseF_nu(), ParseFluc(), ParseGlobule(), ParseGrain(), ParseGravity(), ParseGrid(), ParseHDEN(), ParseHeLike(), ParseHelp(), ParseHydrogen(), ParseIlluminate(), ParseInit(), ParseInitCount(), ParseIntensity(), ParseInterp(), ParseIonPar(), ParseLaser(), ParseLuminosity(), ParseMagnet(), ParseMap(), ParseMetal(), ParseMonitorResults(), ParseNorm(), ParseOptimize(), ParsePGrains(), ParsePhi(), ParsePlot(), ParsePlotRangeContin(), ParsePlotRangeOption(), ParsePowerlawContinuum(), ParsePrint(), ParsePrtLineSum(), ParseQH(), ParseRadius(), ParseRangeOption(), ParseRatio(), ParseSave(), ParseSet(), ParseSpecial(), ParseSphere(), ParseState(), ParseStop(), ParseTable(), ParseTest(), ParseTLaw(), ParseTolerance(), ParseTrace(), ParseTurbulence(), partx(), PE_init(), t_ADfA::phfit(), pintr(), PlanckIntegral(), plankf(), plot(), pltcon(), pltmap(), pltopc(), pltr(), pnegopc(), PntForLine(), powi(), PressureChange(), PressureRadiationLine(), PresTotCurrent(), PrintE71(), PrintE82(), PrintE93(), PrintRates(), prme(), process_output(), prt_constants(), prt_LineLabels(), prt_smooth_predictions(), prt_wl(), PrtAllTau(), PrtColumns(), PrtComment(), PrtContinuum(), PrtElem(), PrtFinal(), PrtHeader(), PrtHydroTrace1(), PrtHydroTrace1a(), PrtLinePres(), PrtLineSum(), PrtMacros(), PrtMeanIon(), prtmet(), PrtZone(), ptrcer(), punchFITS_EnergyData(), punchFITS_EnergyHeader(), punchFITS_GenericData(), punchFITS_GenericHeader(), punchFITS_ParamData(), punchFITS_ParamHeader(), punchFITS_PrimaryHeader(), punchFITS_SpectraData(), punchFITS_SpectraHeader(), PunFeII(), PutCS(), PutExtra(), PutLine(), PutLine_base(), qg32(), qheat(), qheat_init(), qintr(), t_ADfA::rad_rec(), radius_first(), radius_increment(), radius_next(), RandGauss(), RauchCompile(), RauchInitializeSub(), RauchInterpolateHCa(), RauchInterpolateHelium(), RauchInterpolateHNi(), RauchInterpolateHpHe(), RauchInterpolateHydr(), RauchInterpolatePG1159(), RauchReadMPP(), rayleh(), rd_block(), read_continuum_mesh(), read_Helike_cross_sections(), read_hm05(), read_SH98_He1_cross_sections(), read_whole_line(), t_input::readarray(), ReadAugerData(), ReadBadnellAIData(), ReadTable(), RebinAtmosphere(), RebinFind(), RebinQHeatResults(), RebinSingleCell(), t_ADfA::rec_lines(), RefIndex(), rfield_opac_malloc(), ritoa(), ritodf(), RT_continuum(), RT_continuum_shield_fcn(), RT_DestHummer(), RT_DestProb(), RT_diffuse(), RT_line_all(), RT_line_driving(), RT_line_electron_scatter(), RT_line_escape(), RT_line_fine_opacity(), RT_line_one(), RT_line_one_tau_reset(), RT_line_one_tauinc(), RT_line_pumping(), RT_LineWidth(), RT_OTS(), RT_OTS_AddCont(), RT_OTS_AddLine(), RT_OTS_ChkSum(), RT_OTS_PrtRate(), RT_OTS_Update(), RT_OTS_Zero(), RT_recom_effic(), RT_stark(), RT_tau_inc(), RT_tau_init(), RT_tau_reset(), RTesc_lya(), RTesc_lya_1side(), S62_Therm_ave_coll_str(), SanityCheck(), SanityCheckBegin(), Save1LineData(), save_average(), save_colden(), save_line(), Save_Line_RT(), save_opacity(), SaveDo(), SaveFeII_cont(), SaveFilesInit(), saveFITSfile(), SaveGaunts(), SaveHeat(), SaveLineData(), SaveLineIntensity(), SaveLineStuff(), SaveResults(), SaveResults1Line(), SaveSpecial(), ScanProbDistr(), scqdri(), search_limit(), SearchModel(), Energy::set(), set_fractionation(), SetLimits(), SetLimitsSub(), SetNChrgStates(), setstp(), sexp(), ShowMe(), sii_cs(), siii_cs(), simplx(), sinpar(), siv_cs(), size_distr(), solveions(), sortd(), spldrv_safe(), spline_cubic_set(), spline_cubic_val(), splint_safe(), Split(), sprt_wl(), spsort(), StandardEnergyUnit(), StandardFluxUnit(), StarburstCompile(), StarburstInitialize(), StarkCollTransProb_VF01(), start(), state_do(), state_get_put(), StateJunk(), states_nelemfill(), states_popfill(), states_propprint(), StateZero(), Stognienko(), store_new_densities(), StuffComment(), subopt(), sumcon(), sviii_cs(), t_ADfA::t_ADfA(), t_cpu::t_cpu(), t_fe2ovr_la::t_fe2ovr_la(), t_mean::t_mean(), t_fe2ovr_la::tau_inc(), tauff(), tbl_fun(), TempChange(), TempInterp(), TempInterp2(), TestCode(), TexcLine(), tfidle(), th85rate(), Therm_ave_coll_str_int_PR78(), ThetaNu(), timestep_next(), TlustyCompile(), TlustyInterpolate(), TotalInsanity(), totlin(), TryDoubleStep(), uderiv(), ufunct(), uncaps(), UpdatePot(), UpdatePot1(), UpdatePot2(), UpdateRecomZ0(), Flux::uu(), ValidateGrid(), vary_input(), vib_evap(), warnin(), WavlenErrorGet(), wcnint(), WernerCompile(), WernerInterpolate(), WMBASICCompile(), WMBASICInterpolate(), wr_block(), XERBLA(), xinvrs(), xmap(), y0b(), y0b01(), y0psa(), y1psa(), y2pa(), y2s(), Yan_H2_CS(), Yfunc(), zero(), transition::Zero(), t_fe2ovr_la::zero_opacity(), ZeroContin(), ZoneEnd(), and ZoneStart().

#define EXTERN   extern

define EXTERN as nothing before including cddefines.h to allocate global data

Definition at line 95 of file cddefines.h.


Definition at line 113 of file cddefines.h.

#define HMRATE ( a,
 )     hmrate4(a,b,c,phycon.te)

Definition at line 1098 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by ChargTranEval(), hmole_step(), and IonCarbo().

#define isnan   MyIsnan
#define MALLOC ( exp   )     (MyMalloc(exp,__FILE__, __LINE__))

use special version of malloc - it tests result and dies if cannot allocate space

Definition at line 554 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by addentry(), AGN_Hemis(), atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), atmdat_LAMDA_readin(), atmdat_readin(), AtomSeqBoron(), Badnell_rec_init(), cdGetLineList(), cdSPEC(), CO_create_react(), CO_Init(), CO_zero(), ContBandsCreate(), ContCreateMesh(), database_readin(), dBase_solve(), DynaCreateArrays(), Fe11Lev5(), Fe13Lev5(), Fe2_cooling(), Fe3Lev14(), Fe4Lev12(), Fe7Lev8(), FeIIBandsCreate(), FeIIContCreate(), FeIICreate(), FillGFF(), GetStandardHeLines(), gridXspec(), H2_Create(), H2_He_coll_init(), H2_Level_low_matrix(), H2_ORH2_coll_init(), H2_PAH2_coll_init(), HelikeTransProbSetup(), hmole_step(), HyperfineCreate(), hypho(), initFindLevLine(), InitGrid(), InitIndexArrays(), InterpolateGridCoStar(), InterpolateModel(), InterpolateModelCoStar(), InterpolateRectGrid(), iso_cascade(), iso_recomb_malloc(), IterStart(), lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgCompileAtmosphereCoStar(), lines_helium(), map_do(), newelement(), newhash(), newreact(), newreaction(), newspecies(), OpacityAddTotal(), OpacityCreateAll(), parse_save_average(), ParseCrashDo(), ParseDynaTime(), ParseMonitorResults(), ParsePrtLineSum(), ParseSave(), pltcon(), pltopc(), PrtFinal(), punchFITS_GenericData(), RauchInitializeSub(), read_continuum_mesh(), read_Helike_cross_sections(), read_hm05(), read_SH98_He1_cross_sections(), RebinAtmosphere(), rfield_opac_malloc(), SanityCheckBegin(), SaveNewContinuum(), spline_cubic_set(), StarburstInitialize(), and zero().

#define MAX2   max

MAX2 takes two arguments, returns the larger of the two

Definition at line 834 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by abund_starburst(), AbundancesPrt(), AgeCheck(), AssertFeIIDep(), atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), atmdat_DielSupres(), atmdat_readin(), atom_level3(), atom_levelN(), atom_oi_calc(), atom_pop5(), t_fe2ovr_la::atoms_fe2ovr(), Badnell_rec_init(), badprt(), bhintegrand_log(), C6cs123(), Ca20cs123(), cdColm(), cdTimescales(), ChargTranSumHeat(), chkCaHeps(), CO_solve(), collision_strength_VF01(), ColStrGBar(), conorm(), ContCreateMesh(), ContCreatePointers(), ContRate(), ContSetIntensity(), ConvBase(), ConvFail(), ConvInitSolution(), ConvPresTempEdenIoniz(), CoolAdd(), CoolAlum(), CoolArgo(), CoolCalc(), CoolCarb(), CoolChlo(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolIron(), CoolMagn(), CoolNick(), CoolNitr(), CoolOxyg(), CoolPota(), CoolSave(), CoolSili(), CoolSodi(), CoolSulf(), CoStarListModels(), cross_section(), da(), dBase_solve(), DebyeDeriv(), DGEMM(), DGER(), DGETF2(), DGETRF(), DGETRS(), DoBeckert_etal(), DoSutherland(), DrvCaseBHS(), DTRSM(), DynaPresChngFactor(), DynaStartZone(), F2_1(), fe14cs(), Fe26cs123(), Fe2_cooling(), Fe7Lev8(), Fe_10_11_13_cs(), FeIICollRatesBoltzmann(), FeIILevelPops(), FeIILyaPump(), FeIISaveLines(), ffun1(), fill(), fill_array(), fstats(), GammaBn(), GammaK(), GetFracPop(), GetModel(), GetPotValues(), GetProbDistr_HighLimit(), GetProbDistr_LowLimit(), getVoigt(), GrainCharge(), GrainChrgTransferRates(), GrainCollHeating(), GrainElecEmis1(), GrainElecRecomb1(), GrainMakeDiffuse(), GrainRateDr(), GrainsInit(), GrainTemperature(), h21_t_lt_10(), H21cm_proton(), H2_CollidRateEvalAll(), H2_CollidRateEvalOne(), H2_Create(), H2_gs_rates(), H2_LevelPops(), H2_PunchDo(), H2_RT_tau_inc(), H_cross_section(), H_photo_cs_log10(), HCoolRatio(), HCTIon(), HCTRecom(), he_1trans(), HeCSInterp(), highen(), HighestIonStage(), Hion_coll_ioniz_ratecoef(), hmole_reactions(), hmole_step(), t_ADfA::hpfit(), Hydcs123(), hydro_vs_coll_str(), HydroEinstA(), HydroLevel(), Hypergeometric2F1(), hypho(), InitBinAugerData(), InitCoreload(), InterpolateModel(), ion_photo(), ion_recom_calculate(), ion_recomb(), ion_trim(), IonIron(), IonMagne(), IonOxyge(), iso_allocate(), iso_collapsed_bnl_set(), iso_continuum_lower(), iso_cool(), iso_level(), iso_radiative_recomb(), iso_radiative_recomb_effective(), iso_radrecomb_from_cross_section(), iso_recomb_check(), iso_recomb_malloc(), iso_satellite_update(), iso_update_num_levels(), iter_end_check(), IterRestart(), lgCheckMonitors(), lgCoolHeatCheckConverge(), lgHomogeneousSource(), lgIonizConverg(), lincom(), lines(), lines_continuum(), lines_general(), lines_grains(), lines_helium(), lines_hydro(), lines_lv1_k_zn(), lines_lv1_li_ne(), lines_lv1_na_ar(), lines_molecules(), map_do(), molcol(), Ne10cs123(), oi_othercs(), oiv_cs(), Opacity_iso_photo_cs(), OpacityAdd1Element(), OpacityAdd1SubshellInduc(), OpacityCreate1Element(), optimize_subplex(), transition::outline(), outline_base(), ParseAtomISO(), ParseGrid(), ParseInterp(), ParseIterations(), ParsePrint(), ParseRangeOption(), ParseSet(), ParseStop(), ParseTrace(), pltcon(), pltmap(), pltopc(), pltr(), PressureChange(), PresTotCurrent(), PrtAllTau(), PrtColumns(), PrtComment(), PrtFinal(), PrtHeader(), PrtZone(), qheat(), qheat_init(), qintr(), radius_first(), radius_increment(), radius_next(), rayleh(), RebinQHeatResults(), RT_continuum(), RT_diffuse(), RT_line_electron_scatter(), RT_line_fine_opacity(), RT_line_one(), RT_line_one_tau_reset(), RT_LineWidth(), RT_OTS(), RT_OTS_Update(), RT_recom_effic(), RT_stark(), RT_tau_init(), RTesc_lya(), RTesc_lya_1side(), SanityCheckBegin(), save_colden(), save_line(), save_opacity(), SaveDo(), saveFITSfile(), ScanProbDistr(), SetLimits(), SetLimitsSub(), setstp(), sii_cs(), spldrv_safe(), splint_safe(), tauff(), tfidle(), timestep_next(), TryDoubleStep(), uderiv(), UpdatePot(), UpdatePot1(), xNI_coll_stren(), y0b01(), Yan_H2_CS(), and ZoneStart().

#define MAX3 ( a,
 )     (max(max(a,b),c))

MAX3 takes 3 arguments, returns the largest of the 3

Definition at line 839 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by fill_array(), fstats(), GetProbDistr_LowLimit(), pltcon(), pltmap(), and pltopc().

#define MAX4 ( a,
 )     (max(max(a,b),max(c,d)))

MAX4 takes 4 arguments, returns the largest of the 4

Definition at line 844 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by InterpolateGff(), iso_collapsed_bnl_set(), and sinpar().

#define MESSAGE_ASSERT ( msg,
exp   )     ASSERT( (msg) ? (exp) : false )

Definition at line 659 of file cddefines.h.

#define MIN2   min

MIN2 takes two arguments, returns the smaller of the two

Definition at line 813 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by abund_starburst(), AgeCheck(), atmdat_3body(), atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), atmdat_DielSupres(), atmdat_LAMDA_readin(), atom_oi_calc(), C6cs123(), Ca20cs123(), ChargTranEval(), ChargTranSumHeat(), CO_solve(), ContRate(), ContSetIntensity(), ConvFail(), ConvInitSolution(), ConvIterCheck(), ConvPresTempEdenIoniz(), CoolAlum(), CoolArgo(), CoolCalc(), CoolCarb(), CoolChlo(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolFluo(), CoolMagn(), CoolNick(), CoolNitr(), CoolOxyg(), CoolPhos(), CoolPota(), coolpr(), CoolSave(), CoolSili(), CoolSodi(), CoolSulf(), CS_l_mixing_PS64(), da(), dBase_solve(), dense_parametric_wind(), DGETF2(), DGETRF(), DoBeckert_etal(), DoSutherland(), DynaStartZone(), esc_CRDcore(), esc_CRDwing(), esc_PRD_1side(), fe14cs(), Fe26cs123(), Fe_10_11_13_cs(), FeIICollRatesBoltzmann(), FeIIPunData(), FeIIPunPop(), ffun1(), fill_array(), FillJ(), fstats(), GammaBn(), GammaK(), GammaPrt(), GetProbDistr_HighLimit(), GetProbDistr_LowLimit(), GrainScreen(), GrainTemperature(), h21_t_ge_10(), H21cm_electron(), H21cm_proton(), H2_He_coll(), H2_PunchDo(), H2_RT_tau_inc(), HCoolRatio(), HCTIon(), HCTRecom(), Hion_coll_ioniz_ratecoef(), hmole_step(), Hydcs123(), HydroEinstA(), Hypergeometric2F1(), hypho(), ILAENV(), InterpolateModel(), ion_collis(), ion_photo(), ion_recomb(), ion_trim(), IonIron(), IonOxyge(), ipLineEnergy(), ipoint(), iso_assign_quantum_numbers(), iso_collapsed_bnl_set(), iso_collide(), iso_continuum_lower(), iso_level(), iso_put_recomb_error(), iso_radiative_recomb(), iso_radrecomb_from_cross_section(), lgCheckMonitors(), lines_hydro(), map_do(), Ne10cs123(), oi_cs(), oi_othercs(), oiv_cs(), OpacityAdd1Subshell(), OpacityAdd1SubshellInduc(), outline_base(), ov_cs(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_setup_next_hyperblock(), ParseCommands(), ParseCosmicRays(), ParseInterp(), ParseRangeOption(), ParseSet(), ParseStop(), partx(), PlanckIntegral(), pltcon(), pltmap(), pltopc(), pltr(), PressureChange(), PressureRadiationLine(), PresTotCurrent(), prt_smooth_predictions(), PrtComment(), PrtFinal(), PrtLinePres(), PrtMeanIon(), qheat(), qheat_init(), qintr(), radius_first(), radius_increment(), radius_next(), read_SH98_He1_cross_sections(), RebinQHeatResults(), RebinSingleCell(), RT_continuum_shield_fcn(), RT_DestProb(), RT_diffuse(), RT_line_fine_opacity(), RT_line_one(), RT_line_one_tau_reset(), RT_line_one_tauinc(), RT_line_pumping(), RT_LineWidth(), RT_OTS_Update(), RT_recom_effic(), RT_stark(), RT_tau_init(), RTesc_lya(), RTesc_lya_1side(), SanityCheckBegin(), save_opacity(), SaveDo(), SaveHeat(), SaveLineData(), SetLimits(), SetLimitsSub(), setstp(), sii_cs(), simplx(), siv_cs(), spldrv_safe(), splint_safe(), subopt(), sumcon(), timestep_next(), uderiv(), UpdatePot(), writeCloudyDetails(), xinvrs(), xNI_coll_stren(), and ZoneStart().

#define MIN3 ( a,
 )     (min(min(a,b),c))

MIN3 takes 3 arguments, returns the smallest of the 3

Definition at line 818 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by atmdat_3body(), iso_continuum_lower(), ParseCommands(), pltcon(), pltmap(), pltopc(), and radius_first().

#define MIN4 ( a,
 )     (min(min(a,b),min(c,d)))

MIN4 takes 4 arguments, returns the smallest of the 4

Definition at line 823 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by InterpolateGff(), iso_collapsed_bnl_set(), and radius_first().

#define POW2   pow2

POW2 takes 1 argument, and squares it

Definition at line 981 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by abund_starburst(), AssertFeIIDep(), collision_strength_VF01(), ColStrGBar(), ContSetIntensity(), CoolAlum(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolMagn(), CS_l_mixing_PS64(), CS_l_mixing_S62(), CS_PercivalRichards78(), DebyeDeriv(), dist(), DoFSMixing(), DoSutherland(), DrvCaseBHS(), DynaIonize(), DynaNewStep(), DynaPrtZone(), DynaStartZone(), eina(), FeIICollRatesBoltzmann(), FeIICreate(), FillExtraLymanLine(), FreeFreeGaunt(), fstats(), gbar0(), gbar1(), GetAveVelocity(), GetDopplerWidth(), GetGF(), GetHubbleFactor(), GetProbDistr_HighLimit(), gett2(), gett2o3(), getVoigt(), GrainChargeTemp(), GrainCollHeating(), GrainDrift(), GrainMakeDiffuse(), GrainScreen(), GrainsInit(), GravitationalPressure(), H2_CollidRateEvalAll(), H2_CollidRateEvalOne(), H2_Cooling(), H2_Create(), H2_vib_dist(), t_ADfA::H_rad_rec(), helike_energy(), helike_transprob(), hmole_reactions(), hmole_step(), t_ADfA::hpfit(), hydro_vs_coll_str(), HydroEinstA(), HydroOscilStr(), HydroRecCool(), hypho(), InitSimPostparse(), ion_recom_calculate(), IonCSInterp(), iso_assign_quantum_numbers(), iso_cool(), iso_create(), iso_state_lifetime(), lgCheckMonitors(), lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgConserveEnergy(), lgConvPres(), lines_hydro(), lines_lv1_li_ne(), lines_setup(), Magnetic_evaluate(), noneq_offset(), ofit(), oi_cs(), OpacityAddTotal(), OpacityCreateAll(), optimize_subplex(), t_ADfA::phfit(), PlanckIntegral(), plankf(), PresTotCurrent(), PrtFinal(), qheat(), radius_first(), rayleh(), RT_continuum(), RT_continuum_shield_fcn(), RT_DestProb(), RT_diffuse(), RT_line_all(), RTesc_lya_1side(), S62_Therm_ave_coll_str(), SaveDo(), StarkCollTransProb_VF01(), sum_radiation(), tfidle(), ThetaNu(), uderiv(), UpdatePot1(), UpdatePot2(), y0b01(), and ZoneStart().

#define POW3   pow3
#define POW4   pow4

POW4 takes 1 argument, and raises it to the power 4

Definition at line 995 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by ConvTempEdenIoniz(), GetHubbleFactor(), hydro_transprob(), iso_state_lifetime(), mie_write_opc(), PressureRadiationLine(), search_limit(), and size_distr().

#define PrintEfmt ( F,
 )     F, V

create string with val and format, to print with s, much faster than above, totally native on non-MS systems


Definition at line 1677 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by GammaPrt(), GetModel(), H2_Prt_column_density(), H2_Prt_Zone(), HydroLevel(), InterpolateGridCoStar(), InterpolateRectGrid(), iso_collide(), iso_level(), iso_photo(), iso_radiative_recomb(), map_do(), PrintRatio(), prme(), PrtAllTau(), PrtFinal(), PrtHeader(), PrtHydroTrace1(), PrtZone(), RT_tau_init(), and Save1LineData().

#define puts ( STR   )     Using_puts_before_cdEXIT_is_no_longer_needed

Definition at line 490 of file cddefines.h.

#define REALLOC   MyRealloc

now special version of calloc - it dies if cannot allocate space.

Definition at line 572 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by extend(), opacity_more_memory(), ParseIterations(), and StarburstInitialize().

#define STATIC   static

Definition at line 102 of file cddefines.h.

#define STATIC_ASSERT (  )     ((void)StaticAssertFailed< (x) == true >())

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct t_collision collision

Definition at line 1275 of file cddefines.h.

typedef struct t_emission emission

Definition at line 1274 of file cddefines.h.

typedef struct t_quantumState quantumState

Definition at line 1273 of file cddefines.h.

typedef float realnum

Definition at line 108 of file cddefines.h.

typedef struct t_species species

Definition at line 1276 of file cddefines.h.

typedef float sys_float

Definition at line 111 of file cddefines.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum collider

Definition at line 253 of file cddefines.h.

enum methods

Definition at line 1702 of file cddefines.h.

enum split_mode

split_mode defines how the routine Split generates substrings SPM_RELAX: multiple adjacent separators will be coalesced into one this way you can never get an empty substring SPM_KEEP_EMPTY: multiple adjacent separators will result in empty substrings to be added to the list SPM_STRICT: empty substrings are illegal


Definition at line 1526 of file cddefines.h.

Function Documentation

double AnuUnit ( realnum  energy  ) 

AnuUnit produce continuum energy in arbitrary units, ip is on C scale

Definition at line 168 of file service.cpp.

References t_save::chConPunEnr, DEBUG_ENTRY, t_save::ipConPun, and save.

Referenced by AGN_Hemis(), Save1Line(), save_opacity(), SaveDo(), and SaveNewContinuum().

NORETURN void BadRead ( void   ) 

BadRead tried to read internal data and failed

Definition at line 886 of file service.cpp.

References cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, ioQQQ, and ShowMe().

Referenced by H2_Read_hminus_distribution(), H2_ReadDissprob(), H2_ReadEnergies(), H2_ReadTransprob(), and HelikeTransProbSetup().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void broken ( void   ) 

broken set flag saying that the code is broken

Definition at line 967 of file service.cpp.

References broke, DEBUG_ENTRY, and t_broke::lgBroke.

Referenced by fill_array(), IonNitro(), and PresTotCurrent().

void cap4 ( char *  chCAP,
const char *  chLab 

cap4 convert first 4 char of input line chLab into chCAP all in caps, null termination

chCAP output string, cap'd first 4 char of chLab,
chLab with null terminating input string ending with eol

Definition at line 234 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, and toupper().

Referenced by cdEmis(), cdLine(), lgCheckMonitors(), optimize_func(), ParseNorm(), and PrtFinal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void caps ( char *  chCard  ) 

caps convert input command line (through eol) to ALL CAPS

chCard - line image as string of characters

Definition at line 274 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, and toupper().

Referenced by cdColm(), cdEmis(), cdIonFrac(), cdRead(), cdTemp(), t_input::echo(), Parser::newlineProcess(), and PrtFinal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdPrepareExit (  ) 

prepare termination of the code, but do not terminate yet

Definition at line 204 of file cdinit.cpp.

References cdInput(), cdOutput(), CloseSaveFiles(), and ioQQQ.

Referenced by cdMain().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CodeReview ( void   ) 

CodeReview - placed next to code that needs to be checked

Definition at line 985 of file service.cpp.

References broke, DEBUG_ENTRY, and t_broke::lgCheckit.

double csphot ( long int  inu,
long int  ithr,
long int  iofset 

csphot returns photoionization cross section from opacity stage using std pointers

inu INU is array index pointing to frequency where opacity is to be evaluated on f not c scale
ithr ITHR is pointer to threshold
iofset IOFSET is offset as defined in opac0

Definition at line 1587 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, opac, and t_opac::OpacStack.

Referenced by OpacityAddTotal().

int dbg_printf ( int  debug,
const char *  fmt,

dbg_printf is a debug print routine that was provided by Peter Teuben, as a component from his NEMO package. It offers run-time specification of the level of debugging

Definition at line 1016 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, t_trace::debug_level, ioQQQ, and trace.

int dprintf ( FILE *  fp,
const char *  format,

dprintf -- version of fprintf which prepends DEBUG

Definition at line 994 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY.

Referenced by atmdat_readin(), CoolCarb(), CoolIron(), CoolNitr(), CoolOxyg(), CoolSili(), CoolSulf(), DumpCoolStack(), DumpHeatStack(), iso_radiative_recomb_effective(), iter_track::print_status(), and qheat_init().

double dsexp ( double  x  ) 

dsexp safe exponential function for doubles


Definition at line 938 of file service.cpp.


Referenced by atom_levelN(), FeIICollRatesBoltzmann(), Hion_coll_ioniz_ratecoef(), hydro_vs_ioniz(), iso_collide(), and iso_satellite_update().

double e2 ( double  t  ) 

e2 second exponential integral

t optical depth argument

Definition at line 293 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, ee1(), max(), and sexp().

Referenced by DrvCaseBHS(), humlik(), IterRestart(), IterStart(), MakeHCTData(), my_Integrand_escConE2::operator()(), ParseDrive(), RT_continuum(), RT_tau_reset(), and SanityCheckBegin().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double ee1 ( double  x  ) 

ee1 first exponential integral

x optical depth argument, returns e1(tau)

Definition at line 306 of file service.cpp.

References cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, and ioQQQ.

Referenced by e2(), Hion_coll_ioniz_ratecoef(), Hydcs123(), ParseDrive(), and SanityCheckBegin().

double ee1_safe ( double  x  ) 

this one same as ee1, except is divided by a factor of exp(x), and is only to be used for x>1.

x optical depth argument, returns e1(tau) * exp(x)

Definition at line 350 of file service.cpp.

References ASSERT, and DEBUG_ENTRY.

double FFmtRead ( const char *  chCard,
long int *  ipnt,
long int  last,
bool *  lgEOL 

FFmtRead - the free-format number reader

*chCard string giving the line image
*ipnt the index for the character in the string where we shall start
last the number of characters in the string - do not search beyond it
*lgEOL true if hit end of line with no number

Definition at line 375 of file service.cpp.


Referenced by atmdat_LAMDA_readin(), atmdat_readin(), Badnell_rec_init(), cdGetLineList(), ContBandsCreate(), database_readin(), dgaunt(), DrvCaseBHS(), DrvEscP(), DrvHyas(), FeIIBandsCreate(), FillGFF(), GetStandardHeLines(), H2_Read_hminus_distribution(), H2_ReadDissprob(), H2_ReadEnergies(), H2_ReadTransprob(), HeCollidSetup(), HelikeTransProbSetup(), HyperfineCreate(), iso_recomb_setup(), ParseDrive(), ptrcer(), read_continuum_mesh(), read_Helike_cross_sections(), read_hm05(), and read_SH98_He1_cross_sections().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool FindAndErase ( string &  str,
const string &  substr 
) [inline]

in string str, erase the first instance of substr returns true if an instance of substr was erased

Definition at line 1548 of file cddefines.h.

References FindAndReplace().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool FindAndReplace ( string &  str,
const string &  substr,
const string &  newstr 
) [inline]

in string str, replace the first instance of substr with newstr returns true if an instance of substr was found and replaced

Definition at line 1536 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by FindAndErase().

void fixit ( void   ) 
bool fp_bound ( double  lo,
double  x,
double  hi,
int  n = 3 
) [inline]

Definition at line 941 of file cddefines.h.

References ASSERT, fp_equal(), and isnan.

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool fp_bound ( sys_float  lo,
sys_float  x,
sys_float  hi,
int  n = 3 
) [inline]

checks whether a number is within bounds

Definition at line 929 of file cddefines.h.

References ASSERT, fp_equal(), and isnan.

Referenced by DynaStartZone().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool fp_bound_tol ( double  lo,
double  x,
double  hi,
double  tol 
) [inline]

Definition at line 965 of file cddefines.h.

References ASSERT, fp_equal_tol(), and isnan.

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool fp_bound_tol ( sys_float  lo,
sys_float  x,
sys_float  hi,
sys_float  tol 
) [inline]

Definition at line 953 of file cddefines.h.

References ASSERT, fp_equal_tol(), and isnan.

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool fp_equal ( double  x,
double  y,
int  n = 3 
) [inline]

Definition at line 887 of file cddefines.h.

References ASSERT, isnan, max(), min(), and sign3().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool fp_equal ( sys_float  x,
sys_float  y,
int  n = 3 
) [inline]
bool fp_equal_tol ( double  x,
double  y,
double  tol 
) [inline]

Definition at line 917 of file cddefines.h.

References ASSERT, isnan, and max().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool fp_equal_tol ( sys_float  x,
sys_float  y,
sys_float  tol 
) [inline]

Definition at line 906 of file cddefines.h.

References ASSERT, isnan, and max().

Referenced by atmdat_readin(), ffun1(), fp_bound_tol(), and transition::outline().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double fudge ( long int  ipnt  ) 

fudge enter fudge factors, or some arbitrary number, with fudge command return value is the fudge factor fudge(-1) queries the routine for the number of fudge parameters that were entered, zero returned if none

ipnt integer saying which of the possible numbers on the fudge command to use - 0 would be the first

Definition at line 475 of file service.cpp.

References cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, t_fudgec::fudgea, fudgec, ioQQQ, t_fudgec::lgFudgeUsed, and t_fudgec::nfudge.

Referenced by Fe7Lev8(), GrainChargeTemp(), H2_Cooling(), InitEmissivities(), iso_radiative_recomb(), and PresTotCurrent().

template<class T >
const T* get_ptr ( const vector< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1143 of file cddefines.h.

template<class T >
const T* get_ptr ( const valarray< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1139 of file cddefines.h.

template<class T >
T* get_ptr ( vector< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1135 of file cddefines.h.

template<class T >
T* get_ptr ( valarray< T > &  v  )  [inline]

get_ptr attribute shim to get raw pointer to contained data with correct type

Definition at line 1131 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by multi_arr< realnum, 3 >::data(), GetBins(), GetModel(), and ParseMonitorResults().

int GetQuote ( char *  chLabel,
char *  chCard,
char *  chCardRaw,
bool  lgABORT 

GetQuote get any name between double quotes off command line return string as chLabel, is null terminated returns zero for success, 1 for did not find double quotes

*chLabel null terminated string between quotes
*chCard input line, imagae, we set string between quotes to spaces
lgABORT if true then abort if no double quotes found, if false then return null string in this case,
0 if found double quotes, 1 if did not, string between quotes set to spaces

Definition at line 507 of file service.cpp.

References cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, ioQQQ, strchr_s(), and TotalInsanity().

Referenced by cdRead().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double hmrate4 ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c,
double  te 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1100 of file cddefines.h.

References pow().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void invalidate_array ( sys_float p,
size_t  size 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1124 of file cddefines.h.

References set_NaN().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void invalidate_array ( double *  p,
size_t  size 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1119 of file cddefines.h.

References set_NaN().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class T >
void invalidate_array ( T *  p,
size_t  size 
) [inline]
long int ipow ( long  ,



Definition at line 633 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, and is_odd().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool is_odd ( long  j  )  [inline]

Definition at line 767 of file cddefines.h.

bool is_odd ( int  j  )  [inline]

checks whether argument is odd

Definition at line 766 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by expn(), fsff(), H2_Create(), ipow(), ParseSave(), powi(), and SaveDo().

double max ( double  a,
sys_float  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 830 of file cddefines.h.

double max ( sys_float  a,
double  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 829 of file cddefines.h.

long max ( long  a,
int  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 828 of file cddefines.h.

long max ( int  a,
long  b 
) [inline]
double min ( double  a,
sys_float  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 778 of file cddefines.h.

double min ( sys_float  a,
double  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 777 of file cddefines.h.

long min ( long  a,
int  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 776 of file cddefines.h.

long min ( int  a,
long  b 
) [inline]
void MyAssert ( const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  comment 

MyAssert a version of assert that fails gracefully


Definition at line 148 of file service.cpp.

References cdEXIT, conv, DEBUG_ENTRY, fnzone, ioQQQ, iteration, t_conv::lgSearch, nzone, ShowMe(), and TorF().

Referenced by cdMain().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void* MyCalloc ( size_t  num,
size_t  size 

MyCalloc wrapper for calloc(). Returns a good pointer or dies.

num use same type as library function CALLOC

Definition at line 1518 of file service.cpp.

References ASSERT, cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, and ioQQQ.

double MyGaussRand ( double  PctUncertainty  ) 

A custom wrapper for RandGauss than truncates at two standard deviations.


Definition at line 1668 of file service.cpp.

References ASSERT, DEBUG_ENTRY, and RandGauss().

Referenced by iso_error_generation(), and iso_radiative_recomb().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void* MyMalloc ( size_t  size,
const char *  file,
int  line 

MyMalloc wrapper for malloc(). Returns a good pointer or dies.

size use same type as library function malloc

Definition at line 1433 of file service.cpp.

References ASSERT, cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, ioQQQ, t_struc::nzlim, set_NaN(), and struc.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void* MyRealloc ( void *  p,
size_t  size 

MyRealloc wrapper for realloc(). Returns a good pointer or dies.

num use same type as library function REALLOC

Definition at line 1554 of file service.cpp.

References ASSERT, cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, and ioQQQ.

long nint ( double  x  )  [inline]
long nMatch ( const char *  chKey,
const char *  chCard 

nMatch determine whether match to a keyword occurs on command line, return value is 0 if no match, and position of match within string if hit


Definition at line 445 of file service.cpp.

References ASSERT, DEBUG_ENTRY, and strstr_s().

Referenced by atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), Badnell_rec_init(), cdRead(), t_input::echo(), lines_helium(), mie_read_mix(), mie_read_rfi(), mie_read_szd(), ParseGrain(), ParseSave(), PrtFinal(), SaveDo(), StandardEnergyUnit(), StandardFluxUnit(), and vary_input().

Here is the call graph for this function:

NORETURN void OUT_OF_RANGE ( const char *  str  )  [inline]
double plankf ( long int  ip  ) 

plankf evaluate Planck function for any cell at current electron temperature


Definition at line 1692 of file service.cpp.

References t_rfield::anu, t_rfield::ContBoltz, DEBUG_ENTRY, FR1RYD, POW2, and rfield.

Referenced by SaveDo().

double pow ( double  x,
sys_float  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 808 of file cddefines.h.

References pow().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double pow ( sys_float  x,
double  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 804 of file cddefines.h.

References pow().

Here is the call graph for this function:

sys_float pow ( sys_float  x,
long  i 
) [inline]

Definition at line 800 of file cddefines.h.

References powi().

Here is the call graph for this function:

sys_float pow ( sys_float  x,
int  i 
) [inline]

Definition at line 796 of file cddefines.h.

References powi().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double pow ( double  x,
long  i 
) [inline]

Definition at line 792 of file cddefines.h.

References powi().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double pow ( double  x,
int  i 
) [inline]

Definition at line 788 of file cddefines.h.

References powi().

Referenced by AbundancesTable(), AgeCheck(), atmdat_dielrec_fe(), atmdat_HS_caseB(), atmdat_readin(), Badnell_rec_init(), Badnell_RR_rate_eval(), cdIonFrac(), cdTemp(), ChargTranEval(), CHIANTI_Upsilon(), chkCaHeps(), t_ADfA::coll_ion(), ColStrGBar(), conorm(), ContCreatePointers(), ContSetIntensity(), ConvInitSolution(), ConvIterCheck(), CoolAlum(), CoolCarb(), CoolChlo(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolIron(), CoolNick(), CoolNitr(), CoolSili(), CoolSulf(), CoStarListModels(), cross_section(), CS_l_mixing_PS64(), CS_PercivalRichards78(), da(), dense_fabden(), dense_parametric_wind(), dense_tabden(), dgaunt(), doop(), DoSutherland(), DrvCaseBHS(), DrvEscP(), DynaFlux(), esc_PRD_1side(), extin(), FeIIContCreate(), ffun1(), fill(), FillExtraLymanLine(), FillGFF(), ForbiddenAuls(), FreeFreeGaunt(), GetDensity(), Parser::getNumberCheckAlwaysLog(), Parser::getNumberCheckAlwaysLogLim(), Parser::getNumberCheckLogLinNegImplLog(), Parser::getNumberDefaultAlwaysLog(), Parser::getNumberDefaultNegImplLog(), GetOptColDen(), GetOptTemp(), GetPotValues(), GetProbDistr_HighLimit(), GetProbDistr_LowLimit(), GrainDrive(), GrainMakeDiffuse(), GrainScreen(), GrainsInit(), GrainTemperature(), GravitationalPressure(), h21_t_ge_10(), H21cm_electron(), H2_CollidRateEvalOne(), H2_Create(), H2_He_coll(), H2_LevelPops(), H2_ORH2_coll(), H2_PAH2_coll(), H2_Read_hminus_distribution(), t_ADfA::H_rad_rec(), HCoolRatio(), HCTIon(), HCTRecom(), He2cs123(), he_1trans(), helike_quantum_defect(), highen(), hmole_reactions(), hmole_step(), hmrate(), hmrate4(), t_ADfA::hpfit(), hrii_log(), Hydcs123(), hydro_transprob(), hydro_vs_coll_recomb(), hydro_vs_ioniz(), HydroRecCool(), HyperfineCS(), HyperGeoInt(), Hypergeometric2F1(), hypho(), InitEmissivities(), InterpolateGridCoStar(), InterpolateRectGrid(), ion_recom_calculate(), ion_recomb(), IonCalci(), IonPotas(), iso_cascade(), iso_collide(), iso_continuum_lower(), iso_cool(), iso_create(), iso_dielec_recomb_rate(), iso_radiative_recomb_effective(), iso_radrecomb_from_cross_section(), iso_recomb_setup(), iso_RRCoef_Te(), iso_satellite_update(), iso_state_lifetime(), iter_end_check(), IterRestart(), lgCheckMonitors(), lgCompileAtmosphereCoStar(), lgConvPres(), lgMolecAver(), lgValidModel(), lines_helium(), lines_hydro(), lines_lv1_li_ne(), lines_lv1_na_ar(), Magnetic_evaluate(), map_do(), mie_auxiliary(), mie_read_opc(), mie_read_rfi(), mie_read_szd(), mie_write_opc(), mxify_log10(), ofit(), OpacityCreateAll(), OpacityCreatePowerLaw(), optimize_func(), pah2_fun(), ParseAbundances(), ParseAge(), ParseAgn(), ParseAtomH2(), ParseAtomISO(), ParseBackgrd(), ParseBlackbody(), ParseBremsstrahlung(), ParseCaseB(), ParseCExtra(), ParseCMB(), ParseConstant(), ParseCoronal(), ParseCosmicRays(), ParseCovering(), ParseCylinder(), ParseDistance(), ParseDrive(), ParseDynaWind(), ParseEden(), ParseElement(), ParseEnergy(), ParseExtinguish(), ParseF_nu(), ParseFill(), ParseFluc(), ParseForceTemperature(), ParseGlobule(), ParseGrain(), ParseGravity(), ParseHDEN(), ParseHExtra(), ParseIntensity(), ParseInterp(), ParseIonPar(), ParseLaser(), ParseMap(), ParseMetal(), ParseMonitorResults(), ParseNeutrons(), ParseOptimize(), ParsePhi(), ParsePowerlawContinuum(), ParsePrint(), ParseRadius(), ParseRangeOption(), ParseRatio(), ParseSave(), ParseSet(), ParseStop(), ParseTable(), ParseTauMin(), ParseTurbulence(), t_ADfA::phfit(), pltmap(), pow(), PrintE71(), PrintE82(), PrintE93(), prt_smooth_predictions(), PrtComment(), PrtFinal(), PrtHeader(), PrtLineSum(), PrtZone(), ptrcer(), punchFITS_ParamData(), qheat_init(), t_ADfA::rad_rec(), radius_first(), radius_next(), RebinQHeatResults(), RebinSingleCell(), t_ADfA::rec_lines(), Recomb_Seaton59(), resetBltin(), rfield_opac_malloc(), RT_continuum_shield_fcn(), RT_LineWidth(), RT_stark(), RT_tau_init(), RTesc_lya_1side(), S62_Therm_ave_coll_str(), SanityCheckBegin(), SaveDo(), SaveGaunts(), SaveSpecial(), SetLimits(), sii_cs(), size_distr(), StarburstInitialize(), tfidle(), uderiv(), WavlenErrorGet(), X1Int(), X2Int(), xinvrs(), Yan_H2_CS(), and ZoneStart().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class T >
T pow2 ( a  )  [inline]
template<class T >
T pow3 ( a  )  [inline]
template<class T >
T pow4 ( a  )  [inline]

Definition at line 997 of file cddefines.h.

double powi ( double  ,
long  int 
void PrintE71 ( FILE *  ,

print with 1p,e8.1 format onto stream FILE

Definition at line 779 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, and pow().

Referenced by PrtFinal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void PrintE82 ( FILE *  ,

print with 1p,e8.2 format onto stream FILE all are located in printe82.c

Definition at line 733 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, and pow().

Referenced by AbundancesSet(), PrtAllTau(), PrtFinal(), and PrtHeader().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void PrintE93 ( FILE *  ,

print with 1p,e9.3 format onto stream FILE

Definition at line 826 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, and pow().

Referenced by HydroLevel(), PrtAllTau(), PrtFinal(), PrtHeader(), PrtHydroTrace1a(), PrtZone(), and save_opacity().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double qg32 ( double  ,
double  ,

32 point gaussian quadrature integration

xl lower limit to integration
xu - upper limit to integration
(*fct) - pointer to routine to be integrated, arg is x val

Definition at line 1038 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY.

Referenced by AngerJ(), cont_gaunt_calc(), CS_ThermAve_PR78(), iso_radrecomb_from_cross_section(), Recomb_Seaton59(), and SanityCheckBegin().

double RandGauss ( double  xMean,
double  s 

normal random variate generator

xMean mean value
s standard deviation s

Definition at line 1628 of file service.cpp.

References BIGDOUBLE, DEBUG_ENTRY, genrand_real3(), x1, and x2.

Referenced by H2_Create(), ion_recomb(), and MyGaussRand().

Here is the call graph for this function:

char* read_whole_line ( char *  chLine,
int  nChar,
FILE *  ioIN 

read_whole_line safe version of fgets - read a line, return null if cannot read line or if input line is too long

char *chLine - previously allocated string where the line image will be stored
int nChar size of chLine, we will return NULL if input line is longer than this
FILE *ioIN a previously opened file handle, will read from from here

Definition at line 66 of file service.cpp.

References called, DEBUG_ENTRY, ioQQQ, lgAbort, and t_called::lgTalk.

Referenced by atmdat_LAMDA_readin(), atmdat_readin(), Badnell_rec_init(), cdGetLineList(), cdMain(), ContBandsCreate(), database_readin(), dgaunt(), DrvCaseBHS(), DrvEscP(), DrvHyas(), FeIIBandsCreate(), FeIICreate(), FillGFF(), GetNextLine(), GetStandardHeLines(), H2_CollidRateRead(), H2_He_coll_init(), H2_ORH2_coll_init(), H2_PAH2_coll_init(), H2_Read_hminus_distribution(), H2_ReadDissprob(), H2_ReadEnergies(), H2_ReadTransprob(), HeCollidSetup(), HelikeTransProbSetup(), HyperfineCreate(), t_yield::init_yield(), iso_recomb_setup(), lgCompileAtmosphereCoStar(), mie_next_line(), ParseDrive(), ParseInit(), ptrcer(), RauchInitializeSub(), read_continuum_mesh(), read_Helike_cross_sections(), read_hm05(), read_SH98_He1_cross_sections(), ReadTable(), and StarburstInitialize().

double safe_div ( double  x,
double  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1087 of file cddefines.h.

References safe_div().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double safe_div ( double  x,
double  y,
double  res_0by0 
) [inline]

safe_div( x, y ) - do a really safe division x/y returns +/-DBL_MAX if the division would have overflowed (includes div by 0) returns NaN (i.e. crashes) when x or y are NaN, returns res_0by0 when evaluating 0/0

Definition at line 1054 of file cddefines.h.

References isnan, and sign3().

Here is the call graph for this function:

sys_float safe_div ( sys_float  x,
sys_float  y 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1046 of file cddefines.h.

References safe_div().

Here is the call graph for this function:

sys_float safe_div ( sys_float  x,
sys_float  y,
sys_float  res_0by0 
) [inline]

safe_div( x, y ) - do a really safe division x/y returns +/-FLT_MAX if the division would have overflowed (includes div by 0) returns NaN (i.e. crashes) when x or y are NaN, returns res_0by0 when evaluating 0/0

Definition at line 1013 of file cddefines.h.

References isnan, and sign3().

Referenced by ConvEdenIoniz(), ConvTempEdenIoniz(), eden_sum(), EdenError(), iso_departure_coefficients(), iter_track::next_val(), RT_diffuse(), safe_div(), and SaveDo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double SDIV ( double  x  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1006 of file cddefines.h.

References SMALLFLOAT.

sys_float SDIV ( sys_float  x  )  [inline]

SDIV safe division - div by SDIV(x) - if abs val of arg >SMALLFLOAT, returns arg, if < SMALLFLOAT, returns SMALLFLOAT - with negative arg return is +SMALLFLOAT so sign changes

Definition at line 1004 of file cddefines.h.

References SMALLFLOAT.

Referenced by AbundancesSet(), t_fe2ovr_la::atoms_fe2ovr(), AtomSeqBoron(), cdTemp(), ChargTranEval(), ChemImportance(), CO_drive(), CO_solve(), ConvBase(), ConvInitSolution(), CoolCarb(), CoolChlo(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolNitr(), CoolOxyg(), CoolSave(), DynaPunchTimeDep(), Fe2_cooling(), FeIILevelPops(), FeIIPunPop(), fill_array(), GammaPrt(), get_total_abundance_ions(), GrainDrive(), H21_cm_pops(), H2_CollidRateEvalAll(), H2_Cooling(), H2_gs_rates(), H2_Level_low_matrix(), H2_LevelPops(), H2_Prt_column_density(), H2_Prt_Zone(), H2_PunchDo(), H2_RTMake(), H2_Solomon_rate(), H2_X_coll_rate_evaluate(), hmole(), hmole_reactions(), hmole_step(), ion_recom_calculate(), ion_recomb(), ion_trim(), IonHydro(), iso_cool(), iso_level(), iter_end_check(), IterEnd(), IterStart(), lgCheckMonitors(), lgCoolHeatCheckConverge(), lgHomogeneousSource(), lgMolecAver(), lines_continuum(), lines_grains(), t_mean::MeanInc(), oi_othercs(), ParseTable(), PresTotCurrent(), prt_smooth_predictions(), PrtColumns(), PrtComment(), PrtFinal(), PrtZone(), radius_first(), radius_increment(), radius_next(), RT_continuum(), RT_continuum_shield_fcn(), RT_line_all(), RT_line_one_tauinc(), RT_OTS_Update(), RT_stark(), SaveDo(), SaveHeat(), SaveLineData(), and timestep_next().

double sexp ( double  x  ) 

Definition at line 918 of file service.cpp.


sys_float sexp ( sys_float  x  ) 
void ShowMe ( void   ) 
template<class T >
T sign ( x,
) [inline]

FP sign transfer (fortran sign function) - sign of y times abs value of x


Definition at line 852 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by bessel_jn(), bessel_yn(), ConvEdenIoniz(), ConvPresTempEdenIoniz(), ConvTempEdenIoniz(), CoolSave(), DynaPresChngFactor(), iter_track::next_val(), qheat_init(), setstp(), xinvrs(), and ZoneStart().

template<class T >
int sign3 ( x  )  [inline]

sign3 returns -1 for negative arguments, +1 for positive, and 0 for zero (pascal sign function)

Definition at line 860 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by find_arr(), fp_equal(), iter_track::init_bracket(), mie_read_rfi(), RebinFind(), and safe_div().

void Split ( const string &  str,
const string &  sep,
vector< string > &  lst,
split_mode  mode 

Split: split a string into substrings using "sep" as separator

Definition at line 101 of file service.cpp.


Referenced by t_cpu::t_cpu(), and t_version::t_version().

void spsort ( realnum  x[],
long int  n,
long int  iperm[],
int  kflag,
int *  ier 

spsort netlib routine to sort array returning sorted indices

x[] input array to be sorted
n number of values in x
iperm[] permutation output array
kflag flag saying what to do - 1 sorts into increasing order, not changing
kflag the original routine
*ier error condition, should be 0

Definition at line 1085 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY.

Referenced by atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), CoolSave(), H2_Create(), H2_PunchDo(), PrtFinal(), PrtLinePres(), SanityCheckBegin(), and SaveHeat().

char* strchr_s ( char *  s,
int  c 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1649 of file cddefines.h.

const char* strchr_s ( const char *  s,
int  c 
) [inline]
char* strstr_s ( char *  haystack,
const char *  needle 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1639 of file cddefines.h.

const char* strstr_s ( const char *  haystack,
const char *  needle 
) [inline]
void TestCode ( void   ) 

TestCode set flag saying that test code is in place

Definition at line 957 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, and lgTestCodeCalled.

Referenced by RT_continuum().

unsigned char tolower ( unsigned char  c  )  [inline]

Definition at line 747 of file cddefines.h.

References tolower().

Here is the call graph for this function:

char tolower ( char  c  )  [inline]

Definition at line 743 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by tolower(), and uncaps().

char TorF ( bool  l  )  [inline]
NORETURN void TotalInsanity ( void   ) 

TotalInsanity general error handler for something that cannot happen, exits

Definition at line 871 of file service.cpp.

References cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, ioQQQ, and ShowMe().

Referenced by AbundancesPrt(), multi_arr< realnum, 3 >::alloc(), atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), atmdat_LAMDA_readin(), atmdat_readin(), atom_level3(), atom_levelN(), AtomCSInterp(), Badnell_rec_init(), cdInit(), cdLine(), cdMain(), cdRead(), CHIANTI_Upsilon(), CO_solve(), collision_strength_VF01(), conorm(), ContSetIntensity(), ConvInitSolution(), ConvIterCheck(), ConvTempEdenIoniz(), CoolCarb(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolIron(), CoolNitr(), CoolOxyg(), CoolSili(), CoolSulf(), cross_section(), CS_PercivalRichards78(), database_readin(), dBase_solve(), DebyeDeriv(), DynaPunchTimeDep(), DynaSave(), Fe7Lev8(), Fe_10_11_13_cs(), multi_geom< d, MEM_LAYOUT_VAL >::finalize(), ForbiddenAuls(), ForcePass(), t_cpu::getPathList(), GetQuote(), GrainChargeTemp(), GravitationalPressure(), GridGatherInCloudy(), GrnStdDpth(), H21_cm_pops(), H2_Create(), H2_LevelPops(), he_1trans(), helike_quantum_defect(), hmole_reactions(), t_yield::init_yield(), InterpolateGridCoStar(), InterpolateModel(), InterpolateRectGrid(), ion_recom_calculate(), ion_wrapper(), IonCSInterp(), irsl2ind(), iso_assign_quantum_numbers(), iso_collapsed_Aul_update(), iso_collapsed_bnl_set(), iso_collide(), iso_create(), iso_cross_section(), iso_get_total_num_levels(), iso_radrecomb_from_cross_section(), iter_end_check(), lgCheckMonitors(), lgConvPres(), lgInputComment(), lgMolecAver(), lgOptimize_do(), lines(), lines_setup(), Opacity_iso_photo_cs(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_barrier(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_execute_job(), multi_arr< realnum, 3 >::p_setupArray(), pah2_fun(), ParseAtomFeII(), ParseAtomISO(), ParseBlackbody(), ParseCosmology(), ParseGrain(), ParseMonitorResults(), ParseSave(), ParseSet(), ParseTable(), PresTotCurrent(), prme(), PrtColumns(), PrtComment(), PrtFinal(), PrtMeanIon(), radius_first(), radius_next(), read_hm05(), read_SH98_He1_cross_sections(), ReadBadnellAIData(), rfield_opac_malloc(), RT_continuum(), RT_continuum_shield_fcn(), RT_OTS_ChkSum(), save_average(), SaveDo(), sprt_wl(), state_get_put(), tbl_fun(), tfidle(), timestep_next(), TlustyInterpolate(), TotalInsanityAsStub(), vary_input(), and ZoneStart().

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class T >
T TotalInsanityAsStub (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 502 of file cddefines.h.

References TotalInsanity(), and ZeroNum.

Here is the call graph for this function:

unsigned char toupper ( unsigned char  c  )  [inline]

Definition at line 756 of file cddefines.h.

References toupper().

Here is the call graph for this function:

char toupper ( char  c  )  [inline]

Definition at line 752 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by cap4(), caps(), database_readin(), mie_read_word(), process_output(), and toupper().

void uncaps ( char *  chCard  ) 

uncaps convert input command line (through eol) to all lowercase

chCard - line image as string of characters

Definition at line 257 of file service.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, and tolower().

Referenced by atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), and database_readin().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double vfun ( double  damp,
double  x 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1770 of file cddefines.h.

References sexp().

Referenced by my_Integrand::operator()(), my_Integrand_con_pump_op::operator()(), and outline_base().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

const double DEPTH_OFFSET = 1.e-30

this is used to add to depth to prevent div or log of zero

Definition at line 250 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by ParseSet(), and zero().

const double DSEXP_LIMIT = 680.

this is -ln of smallest number dsexp can handle

Definition at line 1683 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by dsexp().

const int FILENAME_PATH_LENGTH = 200

FILENAME_PATH_LENGTH is the size of the string that holds the path. The longest string that can be held is one less than this, due to the end end of string sentinel in C. Increase this is a larger string is needed to hold the path on your system

Definition at line 221 of file cddefines.h.

EXTERN double fnzone
const int INPUT_LINE_LENGTH = 2000

Definition at line 10 of file cdinit.cpp.

Referenced by CloseSaveFiles(), iter_end_check(), ParseMap(), ParseSave(), and SaveFilesInit().


we shall write errors to this file, it is set to stderr in cdInit

Definition at line 175 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by t_cpu::t_cpu(), and zero().


ioQQQ is the file handle to the output file itself, ioQQQ is set to stdout by default, and is reset to anything else by calling cdOutput

Definition at line 167 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbortErrorMessage(), abund_starburst(), AbundancesPrt(), AbundancesSet(), AbundancesTable(), t_PredCont::add(), AddLine2Stack(), AGN_Hemis(), AtlasCompile(), atmdat_2phot_rate(), atmdat_3body(), atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), atmdat_dielrec_fe(), atmdat_LAMDA_readin(), atmdat_outer_shell(), atmdat_readin(), AtmospheresAvail(), atom_level3(), atom_levelN(), atom_oi_calc(), atom_pop5(), AtomSeqBeryllium(), Badnell_rec_init(), badprt(), BadRead(), bangin(), bessel_k0(), bessel_k0_scaled(), bessel_k1(), bessel_k1_scaled(), bessel_y0(), bessel_y1(), bessel_yn(), C6cs123(), Ca20cs123(), caunin(), cdClock(), cdColm(), cdDrive(), cdExecTime(), cdGetLineList(), cdH2_colden(), cdInit(), cdIonFrac(), cdLine(), cdMain(), cdOutput(), cdPrepareExit(), cdRead(), cdSPEC(), cdSPEC2(), cdTemp(), ChargTranPun(), ChargTranSumHeat(), ChckFill(), CheckVal(), ChemImportance(), chi2_func(), CHIANTI_Upsilon(), chMolBranch(), CloseSaveFiles(), cloudy(), cnewton(), CO_drive(), CO_punch_mol(), CO_solve(), CO_zero(), Parser::CommandError(), conorm(), ContBandsCreate(), ContCreateMesh(), ContCreatePointers(), ContNegative(), ContRate(), ContSetIntensity(), ConvBase(), ConvEdenIoniz(), ConvFail(), ConvInitSolution(), ConvIoniz(), ConvPresTempEdenIoniz(), ConvTempEdenIoniz(), CoolCalc(), CoolCarb(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolHeatError(), CoolIron(), CoolNitr(), CoolOxyg(), coolpr(), CoolSili(), CoolSulf(), CoolSum(), CoStarCompile(), CoStarListModels(), database_readin(), DatabasePrintReference(), dBase_solve(), dbg_printf(), dense_tabden(), dgaunt(), dmpary(), do_dump_state(), do_restore_state(), DoFSMixing(), doop(), Drive_cdLine(), DrvCaseBHS(), DrvEscP(), DrvHyas(), DumpCoolStack(), DumpHeatStack(), DumpLine(), DynaEndZone(), DynaIonize(), DynaIterEnd(), DynaIterStart(), DynaNewStep(), DynaPresChngFactor(), DynaPrtZone(), DynaStartZone(), Parser::echo(), eden_sum(), EdenError(), ee1(), ellpk(), endFindLevLine(), escmase(), expn(), F2_1(), factorial(), Fe11Lev5(), Fe13Lev5(), Fe26cs123(), Fe2_cooling(), Fe3Lev14(), Fe4Lev12(), Fe7Lev8(), FeII_Colden(), FeII_RT_Make(), FeIIAddLines(), FeIIBandsCreate(), FeIICollRatesBoltzmann(), FeIICreate(), FeIILevelPops(), FeIIPunData(), FeIIRadPress(), FeIISaveLines(), FFmtRead(), Parser::FFmtRead(), ffun(), ffun1(), fill(), FillExtraLymanLine(), FillGFF(), FillJ(), find_arr(), find_solution(), FindIndex(), fndneg(), fndstr(), FreeFreeGaunt(), fudge(), GammaPrtShells(), gauss_legendre(), Energy::get(), get_total_abundance_ions(), GetBins(), GetFracPop(), GetLineRec(), GetModel(), GetNextLine(), Parser::getNumberCheckAlwaysLogLim(), GetOptColDen(), GetOptLineInt(), GetOptTemp(), GetPotValues(), GetProbDistr_HighLimit(), GetProbDistr_LowLimit(), GetQuote(), GetStandardHeLines(), GrainCharge(), GrainChargeTemp(), GrainCollHeating(), GrainDrift(), GrainDrive(), GrainMakeDiffuse(), GrainsInit(), GrainTemperature(), GravitationalPressure(), grid_do(), GridCompile(), gridXspec(), GrnStdDpth(), H21_cm_pops(), H2_Colden(), H2_CollidRateEvalAll(), H2_CollidRateEvalOne(), H2_CollidRateRead(), H2_Cooling(), H2_Create(), H2_He_coll(), H2_Level_low_matrix(), H2_LevelPops(), H2_ORH2_coll(), H2_PAH2_coll(), H2_ParseSave(), H2_Prt_Zone(), H2_Punch_line_data(), H2_RadPress(), H2_Read_hminus_distribution(), H2_ReadDissprob(), H2_ReadEnergies(), H2_ReadTransprob(), H2_Reset(), H2_RTMake(), H2_X_coll_rate_evaluate(), H_Einstein_A_lin(), H_Einstein_A_log10(), H_photo_cs_lin(), H_photo_cs_log10(), HCSAR_interp(), HCTIon(), HCTRecom(), He2cs123(), he_1trans(), HeCollidSetup(), HeCSInterp(), HelikeTransProbSetup(), highen(), hmole(), hmole_reactions(), hmole_step(), t_ADfA::hpfit(), hv(), Hydcs123(), HydroEinstA(), HydroLevel(), HydroRecCool(), HyperfineCreate(), IncidentContinuumHere(), t_yield::init_yield(), InitEmissivities(), InitGrid(), InitSimPostparse(), InterpolateGff(), InterpolateGridCoStar(), InterpolateModel(), InterpolateModelCoStar(), InterpolateRectGrid(), inv_ufunct(), ion_photo(), ion_recom_calculate(), ion_recomb(), ion_recombAGN(), ion_solver(), ion_trim(), ion_wrapper(), IonAlumi(), IonBeryl(), IonBoron(), IonCarbo(), IonHelium(), IonHydro(), IonIron(), IonMagne(), IonNeon(), IonNitro(), IonOxyge(), IonSodiu(), ipContEnergy(), ipFindLevLine(), ipLineEnergy(), ipoint(), ipShells(), iso_cascade(), iso_collapsed_bnl_print(), iso_collide(), iso_continuum_lower(), iso_cool(), iso_ionize_recombine(), iso_level(), iso_photo(), iso_prt_pops(), iso_radiative_recomb(), iso_radiative_recomb_effective(), iso_recomb_setup(), iso_update_num_levels(), iter_end_check(), IterEnd(), IterRestart(), IterStart(), Kurucz79Compile(), lfactorial(), lgCheckMonitors(), lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgCompileAtmosphereCoStar(), lgConserveEnergy(), lgConvPres(), lgConvTemp(), lgCoolNetConverge(), lgHomogeneousSource(), lgIonizConverg(), lgMolecAver(), lgOptimize_do(), lgValidModel(), ligbar(), LimitSh(), lines(), lines_continuum(), lines_general(), lines_helium(), lines_hydro(), lines_lv1_k_zn(), lines_lv1_li_ne(), lines_lv1_na_ar(), lines_setup(), lines_table(), makelist(), makeplist(), map_do(), mie_auxiliary(), mie_auxiliary2(), mie_cs(), mie_cs_size_distr(), mie_find_slope(), mie_next_line(), mie_read_double(), mie_read_long(), mie_read_mix(), mie_read_opc(), mie_read_realnum(), mie_read_rfi(), mie_read_szd(), mie_repair(), mie_write_opc(), MihalasCompile(), mole_H2_LTE(), MyAssert(), MyCalloc(), MyMalloc(), MyRealloc(), Ne10cs123(), Parser::NoNumb(), notein(), oi_level_pops(), opacity_more_memory(), OpacityAddTotal(), OpacityCreateAll(), OpacityCreateReilMan(), open_data(), optimize_func(), optimize_phymir(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_execute_job(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_execute_job_parallel(), Flux::p_InternalFluxUnit(), phymir_state< X, Y, NP, NSTR >::p_process_output(), EnergyEntry::p_set_ip(), parse_save_average(), parse_save_colden(), parse_save_line(), Parse_Save_Line_RT(), ParseAbsMag(), ParseAbundances(), ParseAge(), ParseAgn(), ParseAperture(), ParseAtom(), ParseAtomFeII(), ParseAtomH2(), ParseAtomISO(), ParseBackgrd(), ParseBlackbody(), ParseBremsstrahlung(), ParseCMB(), ParseCommands(), ParseCompile(), ParseConstant(), ParseCoronal(), ParseCosm(), ParseCosmicRays(), ParseCosmology(), ParseCovering(), ParseCrashDo(), ParseDarkMatter(), ParseDielectronic(), ParseDiffuse(), ParseDLaw(), ParseDont(), ParseDrive(), ParseDynaTime(), ParseDynaWind(), ParseElement(), ParseEnergy(), ParseExtinguish(), ParseF_nu(), ParseFail(), ParseFill(), ParseFluc(), ParseForceTemperature(), ParseGlobule(), ParseGrain(), ParseGravity(), ParseGrid(), ParseHDEN(), ParseHeLike(), ParseHelp(), ParseHydrogen(), ParseIlluminate(), ParseInit(), ParseInitCount(), ParseIntensity(), ParseInterp(), ParseIonPar(), ParseLaser(), ParseLuminosity(), ParseMagnet(), ParseMap(), ParseMetal(), ParseMonitorResults(), ParseNorm(), ParseOptimize(), ParsePGrains(), ParsePhi(), ParsePlot(), ParsePlotRangeContin(), ParsePlotRangeOption(), ParsePowerlawContinuum(), ParsePrint(), ParsePrtLineSum(), ParseQH(), ParseRadius(), ParseRangeOption(), ParseRatio(), ParseSave(), ParseSet(), ParseSphere(), ParseState(), ParseStop(), ParseTable(), ParseTest(), ParseTLaw(), ParseTolerance(), ParseTrace(), ParseTurbulence(), PlanckIntegral(), plot(), pltcon(), pltmap(), pltopc(), pltr(), PntForLine(), PressureChange(), PresTotCurrent(), bad_assert::print(), iter_track::print_history(), iter_track::print_status(), t_cpu::printDataPath(), PrintRates(), PrintRatio(), prme(), process_output(), prt_constants(), prt_smooth_predictions(), PrtAllTau(), PrtComment(), PrtContinuum(), PrtElem(), PrtFinal(), PrtHeader(), PrtHydroTrace1(), PrtHydroTrace1a(), PrtLineSum(), PrtMacros(), PrtMeanIon(), prtmet(), prtPunOpacSummary(), PrtZone(), ptrcer(), punchFITS_SpectraData(), qheat(), qheat_init(), qintr(), t_ADfA::rad_rec(), radius_first(), radius_increment(), radius_next(), RauchCompile(), RauchInitializeSub(), RauchReadMPP(), read_continuum_mesh(), read_Helike_cross_sections(), read_hm05(), read_whole_line(), t_input::readarray(), ReadAugerData(), ReadBadnellAIData(), ReadTable(), RebinQHeatResults(), RT_continuum(), RT_DestProb(), RT_diffuse(), RT_line_all(), RT_line_escape(), RT_line_one(), RT_line_one_tau_reset(), RT_OTS(), RT_OTS_AddLine(), RT_OTS_ChkSum(), RT_OTS_PrtRate(), RT_recom_effic(), RT_tau_inc(), RT_tau_init(), RT_tau_reset(), RTesc_lya_1side(), SanityCheck(), SanityCheckBegin(), save_average(), save_colden(), save_line(), Save_Line_RT(), save_opacity(), SaveDo(), saveFITSfile(), SaveHeat(), SaveLineData(), SaveLineStuff(), SaveResults1Line(), ScanProbDistr(), search_limit(), Energy::set(), SetLimits(), ShowMe(), size_distr(), solveions(), spline_cubic_set(), Split(), StandardEnergyUnit(), StandardFluxUnit(), StarburstCompile(), StarburstInitialize(), state_do(), state_get_put(), store_new_densities(), StuffComment(), t_ADfA::t_ADfA(), t_cpu::t_cpu(), t_fe2ovr_la::t_fe2ovr_la(), t_version::t_version(), TempChange(), TempInterp(), tfidle(), timestep_next(), TlustyCompile(), TotalInsanity(), totlin(), uderiv(), ufunct(), UpdatePot(), ValidateGrid(), vary_input(), warnin(), WernerCompile(), WMBASICCompile(), XERBLA(), y0b01(), Yfunc(), zero(), and ZoneStart().

const int ipAL_LIKE = 12

Definition at line 351 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by atmdat_readin().

const int ipALUMINIUM = 12
const int ipAR_LIKE = 17

Definition at line 356 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipARGON = 17
const int ipB_LIKE = 4

Definition at line 343 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipBE_LIKE = 3

Definition at line 342 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipBERYLLIUM = 3

Definition at line 362 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), ion_wrapper(), IonBeryl(), and PrtZone().

const int ipBORON = 4

Definition at line 363 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), ion_wrapper(), IonBoron(), and PrtZone().

const int ipC_LIKE = 5

Definition at line 344 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipCALCIUM = 19
const int ipCARBON = 5
const int ipCHLORINE = 16
const int ipCHROMIUM = 23

Definition at line 382 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), CoolChro(), ion_wrapper(), and IonChrom().

const int ipCL_LIKE = 16

Definition at line 355 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipCOBALT = 26

Definition at line 385 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), ion_wrapper(), and IonCobal().

const int ipCOPPER = 28

Definition at line 387 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), ion_wrapper(), and IonCoppe().

const int ipCRD = -1
const int ipCRDW = 2
const int ipDEST_INCOM = 2

Definition at line 288 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by RT_DestProb(), and RT_line_escape().

const int ipDEST_K2 = 1

Definition at line 286 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by RT_DestProb(), and RT_line_escape().

const int ipDEST_SIMPL = 3

Definition at line 290 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by RT_DestProb().

const int ipF_LIKE = 8

Definition at line 347 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipFLUORINE = 8

Definition at line 367 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), ion_wrapper(), and IonFluor().

const int ipH1s = 0
const int ipH2p = 2
const int ipH2s = 1
const int ipH3d = 5

Definition at line 299 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by iso_create(), lines_continuum(), OpacityAddTotal(), and RT_tau_init().

const int ipH3p = 4
const int ipH3s = 3
const int ipH4d = 8

Definition at line 302 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by lines_general(), and OpacityAddTotal().

const int ipH4f = 9

Definition at line 303 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by OpacityAddTotal().

const int ipH4p = 7

Definition at line 301 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by lines_general(), lines_hydro(), OpacityAddTotal(), and PrtAllTau().

const int ipH4s = 6

Definition at line 300 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by lines_general(), lines_hydro(), OpacityAddTotal(), and PrtAllTau().

const int ipH_LIKE = 0

these are array indices for isoelectronic sequences, same as element but used for array addressing to make context totally clear

Definition at line 339 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by atmdat_2phot_rate(), atmdat_2phot_shapefunction(), atom_oi_calc(), t_fe2ovr_la::atoms_fe2ovr(), cdTemp(), ChargTranSumHeat(), chkCaHeps(), collision_strength_VF01(), ContCreatePointers(), ContRate(), ContSetIntensity(), ConvBase(), ConvIterCheck(), CoolCalc(), CoolEvaluate(), CS_l_mixing_VF01(), CS_PercivalRichards78(), DynaCreateArrays(), DynaIonize(), DynaNewStep(), DynaSaveLast(), DynaStartZone(), DynaZero(), eden_sum(), Fe2_cooling(), FeIILevelPops(), FeIILyaPump(), FillExtraLymanLine(), GrainRateDr(), GrainTemperature(), H21_cm_pops(), t_ADfA::h_coll_str(), hmole_step(), hydro_transprob(), HydroCSInterp(), HydroLevel(), HydroRecCool(), HydroRenorm(), InitCoreload(), InitCoreloadPostparse(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), InitSimPostparse(), ion_recomb(), IonHelium(), IonHydro(), IonMagne(), IonOxyge(), ipShells(), iso_allocate(), iso_assign_quantum_numbers(), iso_cascade(), iso_collapsed_Aul_update(), iso_collapsed_bnl_print(), iso_collapsed_bnl_set(), iso_collide(), iso_cool(), iso_create(), iso_cross_section(), iso_drive(), iso_get_total_num_levels(), iso_level(), iso_prt_pops(), iso_radrecomb_from_cross_section(), iso_solve(), iso_suprathermal(), iso_update_rates(), iso_zero(), IterRestart(), IterStart(), lgCheckMonitors(), lines(), lines_continuum(), lines_general(), lines_helium(), lines_hydro(), lines_lv1_k_zn(), Opacity_iso_photo_cs(), OpacityAddTotal(), OpacityCreateAll(), ParseAtom(), ParseAtomISO(), ParseCompile(), ParseDont(), ParseElement(), ParseMonitorResults(), ParsePrint(), ParseTest(), ParseTrace(), PresTotCurrent(), PrtAllTau(), PrtComment(), PrtContinuum(), PrtFinal(), PrtHeader(), PrtHydroTrace1(), PrtHydroTrace1a(), prtmet(), PrtZone(), radius_first(), radius_increment(), radius_next(), RT_continuum(), RT_DestProb(), RT_diffuse(), RT_line_all(), RT_line_driving(), RT_OTS(), RT_stark(), RT_tau_inc(), RT_tau_init(), RT_tau_reset(), RTesc_lya(), SanityCheckBegin(), save_opacity(), SaveDo(), SaveLineData(), SaveLineStuff(), SaveSpecial(), state_get_put(), tfidle(), and zero().

const int ipHe1s1S = 0
const int ipHe2p1P = 6
const int ipHe2p3P0 = 3
const int ipHe2p3P1 = 4
const int ipHe2p3P2 = 5
const int ipHe2s1S = 2
const int ipHe2s3S = 1
const int ipHe3d1D = 11

Definition at line 323 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AGN_He1_CS(), and PrtZone().

const int ipHe3d3D = 10

Definition at line 322 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AGN_He1_CS(), lines_helium(), PrtAllTau(), and PrtZone().

const int ipHe3p1P = 12

Definition at line 324 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by PrtAllTau(), and PrtZone().

const int ipHe3p3P = 9

Definition at line 321 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AGN_He1_CS(), lines_helium(), PrtAllTau(), and PrtZone().

const int ipHe3s1S = 8

Definition at line 320 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by PrtZone().

const int ipHe3s3S = 7

Definition at line 319 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AGN_He1_CS(), ForbiddenAuls(), he_1trans(), lines_helium(), and PrtZone().

const int ipHe4d1D = 17

Definition at line 331 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipHe4d3D = 16

Definition at line 330 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by lines_helium().

const int ipHe4f1F = 19

Definition at line 333 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipHe4f3F = 18

Definition at line 332 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipHe4p1P = 20

Definition at line 334 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipHe4p3P = 15

Definition at line 329 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by lines_helium().

const int ipHe4s1S = 14

Definition at line 328 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipHe4s3S = 13

Definition at line 327 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by he_1trans(), and lines_helium().

const int ipHE_LIKE = 1
const int ipHELIUM = 1

Definition at line 360 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesSet(), AbundancesZero(), AGN_Hemis(), AtomCSInterp(), Badnell_rec_init(), ChargTranEval(), ChargTranPun(), ChargTranSumHeat(), CO_Init(), ContCreatePointers(), ContSetIntensity(), ConvBase(), CoolCarb(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolOxyg(), cross_section(), dBase_solve(), fill_array(), FillExtraLymanLine(), ForbiddenAuls(), GetStandardHeLines(), GrainDrift(), GrainRateDr(), H2_PunchDo(), H2_X_coll_rate_evaluate(), he_1trans(), HeCollidSetup(), HeCSInterp(), helike_energy(), helike_quantum_defect(), HelikeTransProbSetup(), hmole_reactions(), hmole_step(), t_yield::init_yield(), InitCoreload(), InitSimPostparse(), ion_recomb(), ion_trim(), ion_wrapper(), IonCSInterp(), IonHelium(), iso_allocate(), iso_assign_quantum_numbers(), iso_cascade(), iso_charge_transfer_update(), iso_collapsed_bnl_set(), iso_collide(), iso_continuum_lower(), iso_create(), iso_ionize_recombine(), iso_level(), iso_put_recomb_error(), iso_radiative_recomb(), iso_update_rates(), iso_zero(), IterRestart(), lgCheckMonitors(), lines(), lines_general(), lines_helium(), lines_hydro(), lines_lv1_li_ne(), lines_molecules(), map_do(), OpacityAddTotal(), OpacityCreateAll(), ParseElement(), ParseMonitorResults(), ParsePrint(), ParseSave(), PressureChange(), PrintRates(), PrtAllTau(), PrtComment(), PrtFinal(), PrtHeader(), PrtMeanIon(), PrtZone(), radius_increment(), radius_next(), read_Helike_cross_sections(), RT_diffuse(), RT_OTS(), RT_OTS_PrtRate(), RT_tau_init(), SanityCheckBegin(), save_opacity(), SaveDo(), and zero().

const int ipHYDROGEN = 0

these are indices for some elements, on the C scale

Definition at line 359 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesPrt(), AbundancesSet(), AbundancesZero(), AGN_Hemis(), atmdat_readin(), atom_oi_calc(), t_fe2ovr_la::atoms_fe2ovr(), Badnell_rec_init(), cdColm(), cdIonFrac(), cdTemp(), ChargTranSumHeat(), chkCaHeps(), CO_drive(), CO_Init(), CO_solve(), conorm(), ContCreatePointers(), ContRate(), ContSetIntensity(), ConvBase(), ConvFail(), ConvInitSolution(), ConvPresTempEdenIoniz(), ConvTempEdenIoniz(), CoolCalc(), CoolCarb(), CoolChlo(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolIron(), CoolNick(), CoolOxyg(), CoolSili(), CoolSulf(), crnurate(), dBase_solve(), DynaCreateArrays(), DynaIonize(), DynaIterEnd(), DynaNewStep(), DynaPresChngFactor(), DynaPrtZone(), DynaPunchTimeDep(), DynaSave(), DynaSaveLast(), DynaStartZone(), eden_sum(), Fe2_cooling(), FeIILevelPops(), FeIILyaPump(), fill_array(), find_solution(), get_total_abundance_ions(), GrainChargeTemp(), GrainCollHeating(), GrainDrift(), GrainDrive(), GrainMakeDiffuse(), GrainRateDr(), GrainsInit(), GrainTemperature(), GrainUpdateRadius1(), GrnStdDpth(), GrnVryDpth(), H21_cm_pops(), H2_Cooling(), H2_LevelPops(), H2_PunchDo(), H2_PunchLineStuff(), H2_RadPress(), H2_RT_tau_inc(), H2_RTMake(), H2_X_coll_rate_evaluate(), t_ADfA::h_coll_str(), he_1trans(), t_dynamics::Heat(), helike_quantum_defect(), highen(), hmole(), hmole_reactions(), hmole_step(), Hydcs123(), HydroCSInterp(), HydroLevel(), HydroRenorm(), t_yield::init_yield(), InitBinAugerData(), InitCoreload(), InitCoreloadPostparse(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), InitSimPostparse(), ion_recom_calculate(), ion_recomb(), ion_recombAGN(), ion_solver(), ion_trim(), ion_wrapper(), IonHydro(), IonMagne(), IonOxyge(), iso_charge_transfer_update(), iso_collapsed_bnl_set(), iso_collide(), iso_continuum_lower(), iso_ionize_recombine(), iso_level(), iso_photo(), iso_suprathermal(), iso_update_rates(), iso_zero(), iter_end_check(), IterRestart(), IterStart(), lgCheckMonitors(), lgConvPres(), lgHomogeneousSource(), lgMolecAver(), lgOH_ChargeTransferDominant(), lines_continuum(), lines_general(), lines_helium(), lines_hydro(), lines_lv1_li_ne(), lines_molecules(), map_do(), t_mean::MeanInc(), mie_read_form(), mole_H2_form(), newspecies(), oi_cs(), oi_othercs(), OpacityAddTotal(), OpacityCreateAll(), pah1_fun(), ParseAtomISO(), ParseCommands(), ParseDLaw(), ParseElement(), ParseFluc(), ParseGlobule(), ParseHDEN(), ParsePrint(), ParseSave(), pltopc(), PressureChange(), PresTotCurrent(), PrintRates(), prt_smooth_predictions(), PrtAllTau(), PrtColumns(), PrtComment(), PrtContinuum(), PrtFinal(), PrtHeader(), PrtHydroTrace1(), PrtMeanIon(), PrtZone(), radius_first(), radius_increment(), radius_next(), read_Helike_cross_sections(), RT_continuum(), RT_DestProb(), RT_diffuse(), RT_line_all(), RT_OTS(), RT_tau_init(), SanityCheckBegin(), save_opacity(), SaveDo(), SaveLineData(), SaveSpecial(), state_get_put(), store_new_densities(), tfidle(), and zero().

const int ipIRON = 25
const int ipLI_LIKE = 2

Definition at line 341 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by atmdat_readin().

const int ipLITHIUM = 2
const int ipLY_A = -2
const int ipMAGNESIUM = 11
const int ipMANGANESE = 24

Definition at line 383 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), ChargTranEval(), ion_wrapper(), and IonManga().

const int ipMG_LIKE = 11

Definition at line 350 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by atmdat_readin().

const int ipN_LIKE = 6

Definition at line 345 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipNA_LIKE = 10

Definition at line 349 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by atmdat_readin().

const int ipNE_LIKE = 9

Definition at line 348 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipNEON = 9
const int ipNICKEL = 27

Definition at line 386 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), ChargTranEval(), ion_wrapper(), and IonNicke().

const int ipNITROGEN = 6
const int ipO_LIKE = 7

Definition at line 346 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipOXYGEN = 7
const int ipP_LIKE = 14

Definition at line 353 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipPHOSPHORUS = 14

Definition at line 373 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), ChargTranEval(), CoolPhos(), ion_wrapper(), and IonPhosi().

const int ipPOTASSIUM = 18

Definition at line 377 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), ChargTranEval(), ion_wrapper(), IonPotas(), and OpacityCreateAll().

const int ipPRD = 1

with the above, the total radiative rec per ion is iso.RadRecomb[ipISO][nelem][n][ipRecRad]* iso.RadRecomb[ipISO][nelem][n][ipRecNetEsc]*dense.eden;

Definition at line 278 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by atmdat_readin(), emislines_fillredis(), lines_setup(), ParseAtomFeII(), ParseAtomISO(), ReadBadnellAIData(), RT_continuum_shield_fcn(), RT_line_escape(), and zero().

const int ipRecEsc = 2

Definition at line 267 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by iso_radiative_recomb(), iso_zero(), lines_continuum(), RT_diffuse(), RT_OTS(), and SaveDo().

const int ipRecNetEsc = 1
const int ipRecRad = 0
const int ipS_LIKE = 15

Definition at line 354 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipSCANDIUM = 20

Definition at line 379 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), CoolScan(), ion_wrapper(), and IonScand().

const int ipSI_LIKE = 13

Definition at line 352 of file cddefines.h.

const int ipSILICON = 13
const int ipSODIUM = 10

Definition at line 369 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), ChargTranEval(), CoolSodi(), ion_wrapper(), IonSodiu(), and SaveDo().

const int ipSULPHUR = 15
const int ipTITANIUM = 21

Definition at line 380 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), ChargTranEval(), CoolTita(), ion_wrapper(), and IonTitan().

const int ipVANADIUM = 22

Definition at line 381 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), CoolVana(), ion_wrapper(), and IonVanad().

const int ipZINC = 29

Definition at line 388 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesZero(), helike_energy(), ion_wrapper(), and IonZinc().

EXTERN long int iteration
EXTERN bool lgAbort
EXTERN bool lgPrnErr

this is flag saying whether to print errors to standard error output

Definition at line 190 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by ParsePrint(), t_cpu::t_cpu(), and zero().

EXTERN bool lgTestCodeCalled

flag lgTestIt turned on if routine TestCode ever called, only generates comment that test code is in place

Definition at line 182 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by PrtComment(), TestCode(), and zero().

EXTERN bool lgTestCodeEnabled

flag lgTestOn set true with SET TEST command for some test code to be run somewhere

Definition at line 186 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by ParseSet(), and zero().

const int LIMELM = 30

This is the number of elements included in the code, is used to set lengths of many vectors

Definition at line 233 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by abund_starburst(), AbundancesPrt(), AbundancesSet(), AbundancesZero(), atmdat_3body(), atmdat_DielSupres(), atmdat_readin(), Badnell_DR_rate_eval(), Badnell_rec_init(), Badnell_RR_rate_eval(), cdColm(), cdIonFrac(), cdTemp(), ChargTranEval(), ChargTranPun(), ChargTranSumHeat(), chIonLbl(), CO_drive(), CO_Init(), CO_solve(), collision_strength_VF01(), ContCreatePointers(), ContSetIntensity(), ConvBase(), ConvInitSolution(), ConvIterCheck(), CoolEvaluate(), dBase_solve(), DumpHeatStack(), DynaCreateArrays(), DynaIonize(), DynaNewStep(), DynaSaveLast(), DynaStartZone(), eden_sum(), fill_array(), FillGFF(), get_total_abundance_ions(), Parser::GetElem(), GetStandardHeLines(), GrainChargeTemp(), GrainChrgTransferRates(), GrainCollHeating(), GrainDrive(), GrainElecEmis1(), GrainElecRecomb1(), GrainScreen(), GrainsInit(), GrainUpdateRadius1(), H2_Create(), HCTIon(), HCTRecom(), HeatSum(), HeCollidSetup(), helike_quantum_defect(), HelikeTransProbSetup(), highen(), HighestIonStage(), hmole_step(), Hydcs123(), HydroLevel(), t_yield::init_yield(), InitBinAugerData(), InitCoreload(), InitCoreloadPostparse(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), InitSimPostparse(), ion_collis(), ion_photo(), ion_recom_calculate(), ion_recomb(), ion_recombAGN(), ion_solver(), ion_trim(), ion_wrapper(), IonCSInterp(), IonIron(), ipFindLevLine(), ipShells(), iso_allocate(), iso_assign_quantum_numbers(), iso_charge_transfer_update(), iso_collide(), iso_continuum_lower(), iso_cool(), iso_create(), iso_drive(), iso_ionize_recombine(), iso_level(), iso_photo(), iso_put_error(), iso_radiative_recomb(), iso_recomb_malloc(), iso_recomb_setup(), iso_satellite(), iso_satellite_update(), iso_suprathermal(), iso_zero(), IterRestart(), IterStart(), lgIonizConverg(), lines(), lines_continuum(), lines_general(), lines_helium(), lines_hydro(), lines_setup(), MakeHCTData(), map_do(), t_mean::MeanInc(), mie_read_form(), mie_read_mix(), mie_read_opc(), mie_read_rfi(), mie_write_form(), mie_write_opc(), NewChargeData(), newspecies(), OpacityAdd1Element(), OpacityAddTotal(), OpacityCreate1Element(), OpacityCreateAll(), GrainVar::p_clear0(), GrainVar::p_clear1(), ParseAbundances(), ParseAtomISO(), ParseCompile(), ParseDrive(), ParseElement(), ParseMetal(), ParsePrint(), ParseSave(), PressureChange(), PresTotCurrent(), PrtColumns(), PrtComment(), PrtLinePres(), PrtMeanIon(), prtmet(), PrtZone(), radius_increment(), radius_next(), ReadAugerData(), rfield_opac_malloc(), RT_diffuse(), RT_line_all(), RT_line_driving(), RT_OTS(), RT_stark(), RT_tau_inc(), RT_tau_init(), RT_tau_reset(), RTesc_lya(), SanityCheckBegin(), save_opacity(), SaveDo(), SaveGaunts(), SaveHeat(), SaveLineData(), SaveLineStuff(), SaveResults(), state_get_put(), states_nelemfill(), store_new_densities(), t_mean::t_mean(), t_yield::t_yield(), tfidle(), UpdatePot1(), UpdateRecomZ0(), and zero().

const double MAX_DENSITY = 1.e24

this is the maximum particle density allowed in cm^-3

Definition at line 247 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AbundancesSet(), CO_update_species_cache(), ConvBase(), find_solution(), get_total_abundance_ions(), iso_collide(), iso_continuum_lower(), ParseHDEN(), and store_new_densities().

const int N_H_MOLEC = 8
const int NHYDRO_MAX_LEVEL = 401

following is real limit to how many levels can be computed for model hydrogen atom - this has the one extra included, so at most iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE] can be NHYDRO_MAX_LEVEL-1 and vectors should be dim NHYDRO_MAX_LEVEL

Definition at line 241 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by t_ADfA::H_rad_rec(), t_ADfA::hpfit(), iso_radiative_recomb(), iso_recomb_setup(), Opacity_iso_photo_cs(), ParseAtomISO(), and t_ADfA::t_ADfA().

const int NISO = 2
EXTERN long int nzone

nzone is zone counter, incremented in routine cloudy is zero during search phase, 1 for first zone at illuminated face

Definition at line 194 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by AgeCheck(), AGN_Hemis(), t_fe2ovr_la::atoms_fe2ovr(), cdDepth_depth(), cdMain(), cdnZone(), cdPressure_depth(), cloudy(), CO_drive(), CO_solve(), ContNegative(), ConvBase(), ConvFail(), ConvIterCheck(), ConvPresTempEdenIoniz(), CoolCarb(), CoolEvaluate(), CoolHeatError(), dmpary(), DynaIonize(), DynaNewStep(), DynaPresChngFactor(), DynaPrtZone(), DynaSaveLast(), DynaStartZone(), escmase(), Fe2_cooling(), FeIIAddLines(), FeIIRadPress(), fndstr(), GetProbDistr_HighLimit(), GetProbDistr_LowLimit(), gett2(), gett2o3(), GrainChargeTemp(), GrainDrive(), H2_Cooling(), H2_Level_low_matrix(), H2_LevelPops(), H2_RT_tau_inc(), hmole(), hmole_reactions(), hmole_step(), ion_trim(), IonHelium(), IonMagne(), IonNitro(), IonOxyge(), iso_cool(), iso_level(), iso_photo(), iso_update_rates(), iter_end_check(), IterEnd(), lgCheckMonitors(), lgConserveEnergy(), lgConvPres(), lgHomogeneousSource(), lgMolecAver(), lines_continuum(), lines_hydro(), lines_lv1_k_zn(), map_do(), MyAssert(), NewChargeData(), OpacityAddTotal(), pltcon(), PressureChange(), PresTotCurrent(), PrintRates(), PrtComment(), PrtFinal(), PrtLineSum(), PrtZone(), qheat(), radius_first(), radius_increment(), radius_next(), RT_continuum(), RT_DestProb(), RT_diffuse(), RT_line_all(), RT_line_one(), RT_OTS(), RT_stark(), RT_tau_inc(), save_line(), SaveDo(), SaveLineIntensity(), store_new_densities(), tauff(), zero(), and ZoneStart().

const double SEXP_LIMIT = 84.

this is -ln of smallest number sexp can handle

Definition at line 1681 of file cddefines.h.

Referenced by RT_diffuse(), sexp(), and tfidle().

const double ZeroNum

this is the number zero, used to trick clever compilers when dividing by it to crash program there is a routine called zero - this name cannot overlap definition is in cddefines.cpp

Definition at line 14 of file cdinit.cpp.

Referenced by ParseCrashDo(), and TotalInsanityAsStub().

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Generated on 15 Nov 2012 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.6.1