
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002 * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 #include "cddefines.h"
00004 #include "lines_service.h"
00005 #include "physconst.h"
00006 #include "taulines.h"
00007 #include "trace.h"
00008 #include "string.h"
00009 #include "thirdparty.h"
00011 #define DEBUGSTATE false
00013 void atmdat_Chianti_readin( long intNS )
00014 {
00015         DEBUG_ENTRY( "atmdat_Chianti_readin()" );
00017         int intCS,intCollIndex = -10000,intsplinepts,intTranType,intxs;
00018         /* type is set to 0 for non chianti and 1 for chianti*/
00019         long int i,j,nMolLevs,intCollTran,intcollindex,ipLo,ipHi;
00020         FILE *atmolLevDATA , *atmolTraDATA=NULL,*atmolEleColDATA=NULL,*atmolProColDATA=NULL;
00021         realnum  fstatwt,fenergyK,fenergyWN,fWLAng,fenergy,feinsteina;
00022         double fScalingParam,fEnergyDiff,fGF,*xs,*spl,*spl2;
00024         //Energy Column Start
00025         //Statistical Weight Start
00026         //Lower Level Start
00027         //Upper Level Start
00028         //Einstein A Start
00029         //Wavelength of transition start
00030         long ECS,SWS,LLS,ULS,EAS,WOTS;
00032         char chLine[FILENAME_PATH_LENGTH_2] ,
00033                 chEnFilename[FILENAME_PATH_LENGTH_2],
00034                 chTraFilename[FILENAME_PATH_LENGTH_2],
00035                 chEleColFilename[FILENAME_PATH_LENGTH_2],
00036                 chProColFilename[FILENAME_PATH_LENGTH_2];
00038         char *chDesired;
00039         realnum *atmolStatesEnergy;
00040         long int *intNewIndex=NULL,*intOldIndex=NULL;
00041         int interror;
00042         bool lgProtonData=false,lgEneLevOrder;
00044         /*This is to identify where the fields start */
00045         /*In Chianti(1),the energy field in cm-1 starts at 40 and has a width 15*/
00046         ECS = 71;/*We use the theoretical energy in cm-1*/
00047         SWS = 38;
00048         LLS = 1;
00049         ULS = 6;
00050         EAS = 41;
00051         WOTS = 11;
00053         /*For the CHIANTI DATABASE*/
00054         /*First Opening the energy levels file*/
00055         strcpy( chEnFilename , Species[intNS].chptrSpName );                    
00056         strcat( chEnFilename , ".elvlc");
00057         uncaps( chEnFilename );
00058         if(DEBUGSTATE)
00059                 printf("The data file is %s \n",chEnFilename);
00061         /*Open the files*/
00062         if( trace.lgTrace )
00063                 fprintf( ioQQQ," moldat_readin opening %s:",chEnFilename);
00065         atmolLevDATA = open_data( chEnFilename, "r" );
00067         /*Second:Opening the transition probabilities file*/
00068         strcpy( chTraFilename , Species[intNS].chptrSpName );                   
00069         strcat( chTraFilename , ".wgfa");
00070         uncaps( chTraFilename );
00071         if(DEBUGSTATE)
00072                 printf("The data file is %s \n",chTraFilename);
00074         /*Open the files*/
00075         if( trace.lgTrace )
00076                 fprintf( ioQQQ," moldat_readin opening %s:",chTraFilename);
00078         atmolTraDATA = open_data( chTraFilename, "r" );
00080         /*Third: Opening the electron collision data*/
00081         strcpy( chEleColFilename , Species[intNS].chptrSpName );                        
00082         strcat( chEleColFilename , ".splups");
00083         uncaps( chEleColFilename );
00084         if(DEBUGSTATE)
00085                 printf("The data file is %s \n",chEleColFilename);
00086         /*Open the files*/
00087         if( trace.lgTrace )
00088                 fprintf( ioQQQ," moldat_readin opening %s:",chEleColFilename);
00090         atmolEleColDATA = open_data( chEleColFilename, "r" );
00092         /*Fourth: Opening the proton collision data*/
00093         strcpy( chProColFilename , Species[intNS].chptrSpName );                        
00094         strcat( chProColFilename , ".psplups");
00095         uncaps( chProColFilename );
00096         if(DEBUGSTATE)
00097                 printf("The data file is %s \n",chProColFilename);
00098         /*Open the files*/
00099         if( trace.lgTrace )
00100                 fprintf( ioQQQ," moldat_readin opening %s:",chProColFilename);
00101         /*We will set a flag here to indicate if the proton collision strengths are available */
00102         if( ( atmolProColDATA = fopen( chProColFilename , "r" ) ) != NULL )
00103         {
00104                 lgProtonData = true;
00105                 fclose( atmolProColDATA );
00106                 atmolProColDATA = NULL;
00107         }
00108         else
00109         {
00110                 lgProtonData = false;
00111         }
00113         nMolLevs = 0;
00114         lgEneLevOrder = true;
00115         while( read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine) , atmolLevDATA ) != NULL )
00116         {       
00117                 chDesired = strtok(chLine," \t");
00118                 intCS = atoi(chDesired);
00119                 if (intCS == -1)
00120                 {       
00121                         break;
00122                 }
00123                 else
00124                         nMolLevs++;
00125         }
00127         if(DEBUGSTATE)
00128                 printf("The number of energy levels is %li",nMolLevs);
00130         if( nMolLevs <= 0 )
00131         {
00132                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "The number of energy levels is non-positive in datafile %s.\n", chEnFilename );
00133                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "The file must be corrupted.\n" );
00134                 cdEXIT( EXIT_FAILURE );
00135         }
00137         Species[intNS].numLevels_max = nMolLevs;
00138         Species[intNS].numLevels_local = nMolLevs;
00139         /*Malloc the energy array to check if the energy levels are in order*/
00140         atmolStatesEnergy = (realnum*)MALLOC((unsigned long)(nMolLevs)*sizeof(realnum));
00141         /*malloc the States array*/
00142         atmolStates[intNS] = (quantumState *)MALLOC((size_t)(nMolLevs)*sizeof(quantumState));
00143         /*malloc the Transition array*/
00144         atmolTrans[intNS] = (transition **)MALLOC(sizeof(transition*)*(unsigned long)nMolLevs);
00145         atmolTrans[intNS][0] = NULL;
00146         for( ipHi = 1; ipHi < nMolLevs; ipHi++)
00147         {
00148                 atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi] = (transition *)MALLOC(sizeof(transition)*(unsigned long)ipHi);
00149                 for(ipLo = 0; ipLo < ipHi; ipLo++)
00150                 {
00151                         atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo].Lo = &atmolStates[intNS][ipLo];
00152                         atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo].Hi = &atmolStates[intNS][ipHi];
00153                         atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo].Emis = &DummyEmis;
00154                 }
00155         }
00157         for( intcollindex = 0; intcollindex<NUM_COLLIDERS; intcollindex++ )
00158         {
00159                 CollRatesArray[intNS][intcollindex] = NULL;
00160         }
00161         /*Allocating space just for the electron*/
00162         CollRatesArray[intNS][0] = (double**)MALLOC((nMolLevs)*sizeof(double*));
00163         for( ipHi = 0; ipHi<nMolLevs; ipHi++ )
00164         {
00165                 CollRatesArray[intNS][0][ipHi] = (double*)MALLOC((unsigned long)(nMolLevs)*sizeof(double));
00166                 for( ipLo = 0; ipLo<nMolLevs; ipLo++)
00167                 {
00168                         CollRatesArray[intNS][0][ipHi][ipLo] = 0.0;
00169                 }
00170         }
00171         /*Allocating space for the proton*/
00172         if(lgProtonData)
00173         {
00174                 CollRatesArray[intNS][1] = (double**)MALLOC((nMolLevs)*sizeof(double*));
00175                 for( ipHi = 0; ipHi<nMolLevs; ipHi++ )
00176                 {
00177                         CollRatesArray[intNS][1][ipHi] = (double*)MALLOC((unsigned long)(nMolLevs)*sizeof(double));
00178                         for( ipLo = 0; ipLo<nMolLevs; ipLo++)
00179                         {
00180                                 CollRatesArray[intNS][1][ipHi][ipLo] = 0.0;
00181                         }
00182                 }
00183         }
00184         /*Rewind the energy levels files*/
00185         if( fseek( atmolLevDATA , 0 , SEEK_SET ) != 0 )
00186         {
00187                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " moldat_readin could not rewind %s.\n",chEnFilename);
00188                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00189         }
00192         /*Reading in the energy and checking that they are in order*/
00193         for( i=0; i<nMolLevs; i++ )
00194         {
00195                 if(read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine)  , atmolLevDATA ) == NULL )
00196                 {
00197                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " The data file %s is corrupted .\n",chEnFilename);
00198                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00199                 }
00200                 fenergy = (realnum) atof(&chLine[ECS]);
00201                 atmolStatesEnergy[i] = fenergy;
00203                 /*To check if energy levels are in order*/
00204                 /*If the energy levels are not in order a flag is set*/
00205                 if(i>0)
00206                 {
00207                         if (atmolStatesEnergy[i] < atmolStatesEnergy[i-1])
00208                         {
00209                                 lgEneLevOrder = false;  
00210                         }
00211                 }
00212         }
00214         if(DEBUGSTATE)
00215         {
00216                 for(i=0;i<nMolLevs;i++)
00217                 {
00218                         printf("The %ld value of the unsorted energy array is %f \n",i,atmolStatesEnergy[i]);
00219                 }
00220         }
00222         intNewIndex = (long int*)MALLOC((unsigned long)(nMolLevs)* sizeof(long int));
00224         if(lgEneLevOrder == false)
00225         {
00226                 /*If the energy levels are not in order and the flag is set(lgEneLevOrder=FALSE)
00227                 then we sort the energy levels to find the relation matrix between the old and new indices*/
00228                 intOldIndex = (long int*)MALLOC((unsigned long)(nMolLevs)* sizeof(long int));
00229                 /*We now do a modified quick sort*/
00230                 spsort(atmolStatesEnergy,nMolLevs,intOldIndex,2,&interror);
00231                 /*intNewIndex has the key to map*/
00232                 for( i=0; i<nMolLevs; i++ )
00233                 {
00234                         ASSERT( intOldIndex[i] < nMolLevs );
00235                         intNewIndex[intOldIndex[i]] = i;        
00236                 }
00237                 if(DEBUGSTATE)
00238                 {
00239                         for(i=0;i<nMolLevs;i++)
00240                         {
00241                                 printf("The %ld value of the relation matrix is %ld \n",i,intNewIndex[i]);
00242                         }
00243                         for( i=0; i<nMolLevs; i++ )
00244                         {
00245                                 printf("The %ld value of the sorted energy array is %f \n",i,atmolStatesEnergy[i]);
00246                         }
00247                 }
00249                 free( intOldIndex );
00250         }
00251         else
00252         {
00253                 /* if energies already in correct order, new index is same as original. */
00254                 for( i=0; i<nMolLevs; i++ )
00255                 {
00256                         intNewIndex[i] = i;     
00257                 }
00258         }
00260         /* insist that there the intNewIndex values are unique */
00261         for( i=0; i<nMolLevs; i++ )
00262         {
00263                 for( j=i+1; j<nMolLevs; j++ )
00264                 {
00265                         ASSERT( intNewIndex[i] != intNewIndex[j] );     
00266                 }
00267         }
00270         /*After we read in the energies we rewind the energy levels file */
00271         if( fseek( atmolLevDATA , 0 , SEEK_SET ) != 0 )
00272         {
00273                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " moldat_readin could not rewind %s.\n",chEnFilename);
00274                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00275         }
00277         for( i=0; i<nMolLevs; i++ )
00278         {
00279                 long j = intNewIndex[i];
00281                 if(read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine)  , atmolLevDATA ) == NULL )
00282                 {
00283                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " The data file %s is corrupted .\n",chEnFilename);
00284                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00285                 }
00286                 /*information needed for label*/
00287                 strcpy(atmolStates[intNS][j].chLabel, "    ");
00288                 strncpy(atmolStates[intNS][j].chLabel,Species[intNS].chptrSpName, 4);
00289                 atmolStates[intNS][j].chLabel[4] = '\0';
00291                 fstatwt = (realnum)atof(&chLine[SWS]);
00292                 if(fstatwt <= 0.)
00293                 {
00294                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " A positive non zero value is expected for the statistical weight .\n");
00295                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " The data file %s is corrupted .\n",chEnFilename);
00296                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00298                 }
00299                 atmolStates[intNS][j].g = fstatwt;
00300                 fenergy = (realnum) atof(&chLine[ECS]);
00301                 atmolStates[intNS][j].energy = fenergy;
00303                 if(DEBUGSTATE)
00304                 {
00305                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "The %ld value of g after populating is %f \n",
00306                                 j,atmolStates[intNS][j].g);
00307                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "The %ld value of energy after populating is %f \n",
00308                                 j,atmolStates[intNS][j].energy);
00309                 }
00310         }
00313         /* fill in all transition energies, can later overwrite for specific radiative transitions */
00314         for( i=1; i<nMolLevs; i++ )
00315         {
00316                 for( j=0; j<i; j++ )
00317                 {
00318                         fenergyWN = MAX2( (realnum)1E-10, atmolStates[intNS][i].energy - atmolStates[intNS][j].energy );
00319                         fenergyK = (realnum)(fenergyWN*T1CM);
00321                         atmolTrans[intNS][i][j].EnergyK = fenergyK;
00322                         atmolTrans[intNS][i][j].EnergyWN = fenergyWN;
00323                         atmolTrans[intNS][i][j].EnergyErg = (realnum)ERG1CM *fenergyWN;
00324                         atmolTrans[intNS][i][j].WLAng = (realnum)(1e+8/fenergyWN/RefIndex(fenergyWN));
00325                 }
00326         }
00328         /************************************************************************/
00329         /*** Read in the level numbers, Einstein A and transition wavelength  ***/
00330         /************************************************************************/
00331         if(read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine)  ,atmolTraDATA ) == NULL )
00332         {
00333                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " The data file %s is corrupted .\n",chTraFilename);
00334                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00335         }
00337         while(atoi(chLine)!= -1)
00338         {
00339                 ipLo = atoi(&chLine[LLS])-1;
00340                 ipHi = atoi(&chLine[ULS])-1;
00342                 /* translate to properly sorted indices */
00343                 ipLo = intNewIndex[ipLo];
00344                 ipHi = intNewIndex[ipHi];
00346                 ASSERT( ipHi > ipLo );
00348                 fWLAng = (realnum)atof(&chLine[WOTS]);
00350                 /* \todo 2 Chianti labels the H 1 2-photon transition as z wavelength of zero.  
00351                  * Should we just ignore all of the wavelengths in this file and use the
00352                  * difference of level energies instead. */
00353                 if( fWLAng == 0. )
00354                 {
00355                         fWLAng = (realnum)1e8/
00356                                 (atmolStates[intNS][ipHi].energy - atmolStates[intNS][ipLo].energy);
00357                 }
00359                 feinsteina = (realnum)atof(&chLine[EAS]);
00360                 atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo].Emis 
00361                                 = AddLine2Stack(feinsteina, &atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo]);
00362                 atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo].WLAng = fWLAng;
00363                 fenergyWN = (realnum)(1e+8/fWLAng);
00364                 fenergyK = (realnum)(fenergyWN*T1CM);
00366                 atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo].EnergyK = fenergyK;
00367                 atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo].EnergyWN = fenergyWN;
00368                 atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo].EnergyErg = (realnum)ERG1CM *fenergyWN;
00369                 atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo].WLAng = (realnum)(1e+8/fenergyWN/RefIndex(fenergyWN));
00371                 ASSERT( !isnan( atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo].EnergyK ) );
00373                 if(DEBUGSTATE)
00374                 {
00375                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "The lower level is %ld \n",ipLo);
00376                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "The upper level is %ld \n",ipHi);
00377                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "The Einstein A is %f \n",atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->Aul);
00378                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "The wavelength of the transition is %f \n",atmolTrans[intNS][ipHi][ipLo].WLAng );
00379                 }
00381                 if(read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine) , atmolTraDATA ) == NULL )
00382                 {
00383                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Data is expected on this line.\n");
00384                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " The data file %s is corrupted .\n",chTraFilename);
00385                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00386                 }
00387         }
00389         /* Malloc space for splines */
00391         AtmolCollSplines[intNS] = (CollSplinesArray***)MALLOC(nMolLevs *sizeof(CollSplinesArray**));
00392         for( i=0; i<nMolLevs; i++ )
00393         {
00394                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][i] = (CollSplinesArray **)MALLOC((unsigned long)(nMolLevs)*sizeof(CollSplinesArray *));
00395                 for( j=0; j<nMolLevs; j++ )
00396                 {
00397                         AtmolCollSplines[intNS][i][j] = 
00398                                 (CollSplinesArray *)MALLOC((unsigned long)(NUM_COLLIDERS)*sizeof(CollSplinesArray ));
00400                         for( long k=0; k<NUM_COLLIDERS; k++ )
00401                         {
00402                                 /* initialize all spline variables */
00403                                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][i][j][k].collspline = NULL;
00404                                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][i][j][k].SplineSecDer = NULL;
00405                                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][i][j][k].nSplinePts = -1; 
00406                                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][i][j][k].intTranType = -1;
00407                                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][i][j][k].gf = BIGDOUBLE;
00408                                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][i][j][k].EnergyDiff = BIGDOUBLE;
00409                                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][i][j][k].ScalingParam = BIGDOUBLE;
00410                         }
00411                 }
00412         }
00414         fixit(); /* This is where the loop of colliders should begin */
00416         /*********************************************/
00417         /*** Read in the electron collisional data ***/
00418         /*********************************************/
00419         intCollIndex = 0;
00420         intCollTran = 0;
00421         if(read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine)  ,atmolEleColDATA ) == NULL )
00422         {
00423                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " The data file %s is corrupted .\n",chEleColFilename);
00424                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00425         }
00426         /*We need to find the number of collisional transitions */
00427         while(atoi(chLine)!= -1)
00428         {
00429                 intCollTran++;
00430                 if(read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine) , atmolEleColDATA ) == NULL )
00431                 {
00432                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Data is expected on this line.\n");
00433                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " The data file %s is corrupted .\n",chEleColFilename);
00434                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00436                 }
00437         }
00439         if(DEBUGSTATE)
00440                 printf("\n The number of collisional transitions is %li",intCollTran);
00442         /*We rewind the file*/
00443         if( fseek( atmolEleColDATA , 0 , SEEK_SET ) != 0 )
00444         {
00445                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " moldat_readin could not rewind %s.\n",chEleColFilename);
00446                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00447         }
00448         /*Dummy string used for convenience*/
00449         strcpy(chLine,"A");
00451         if(read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine)  ,atmolEleColDATA ) == NULL )
00452         {
00453                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " The data file %s is corrupted .\n",chEleColFilename);
00454                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00455         }
00457         /*If the file exists,the first line cannot be "-1"*/
00458         if(atoi(chLine)== -1)
00459         {
00460                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " If the file %s exists,the first line cannot be -1 .\n",chEleColFilename);
00461                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00462         }
00464         while(atoi(chLine)!= -1)
00465         {
00466                 i = 1;
00467                 bool lgEOL;
00469                 (void)FFmtRead( chLine, &i, sizeof(chLine), &lgEOL ); // intAtomicNo
00470                 (void)FFmtRead( chLine, &i, sizeof(chLine), &lgEOL ); // intIonStage
00471                 /* level indices */
00472                 ipLo = (long)FFmtRead( chLine, &i, sizeof(chLine), &lgEOL ) - 1;
00473                 ipHi = (long)FFmtRead( chLine, &i, sizeof(chLine), &lgEOL ) - 1;
00474                 intTranType = (long)FFmtRead( chLine, &i, sizeof(chLine), &lgEOL );
00475                 /*gf*/
00476                 fGF = (realnum)FFmtRead( chLine, &i, sizeof(chLine), &lgEOL );
00477                 /*Energy Difference*/
00478                 fEnergyDiff = (realnum)FFmtRead( chLine, &i, sizeof(chLine), &lgEOL );
00479                 /*Scaling Parameter*/
00480                 fScalingParam = (realnum)FFmtRead( chLine, &i, sizeof(chLine), &lgEOL );
00482                 /* translate to properly sorted indices */
00483                 ipLo = intNewIndex[ipLo];
00484                 ipHi = intNewIndex[ipHi];
00486                 ASSERT( ipLo < nMolLevs );
00487                 ASSERT( ipHi < nMolLevs );
00488                 ASSERT( AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].collspline == NULL );
00489                 ASSERT( AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].SplineSecDer == NULL );
00491                 fixit(); /* use a macro for the 5 and 9 that appear here. */
00492                 /*We malloc the space here*/
00493                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].collspline = 
00494                         (double *)MALLOC((unsigned long)(9)*sizeof(double));
00495                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].SplineSecDer = 
00496                         (double *)MALLOC((unsigned long)(9)*sizeof(double));
00498                 /* always read at least 5 */
00499                 for( intsplinepts=0; intsplinepts<10; intsplinepts++ )
00500                 {
00501                         double temp = (double)FFmtRead( chLine, &i, sizeof(chLine), &lgEOL );
00503                         if( lgEOL )
00504                         {
00505                                 /* there should be 5 or 9 spline points.  If we got EOL, 
00506                                  * insist that we were trying to read the 6th or 10th. */
00507                                 if( (intsplinepts != 5) && (intsplinepts != 9) )
00508                                 {
00509                                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " There should have been 5 or 9 spline points.  Sorry.\n" );
00510                                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "string==%s==\n" ,chLine );
00511                                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00512                                 }
00513                                 else
00514                                         break;
00515                         }
00516                         else 
00517                         {
00518                                 ASSERT( intsplinepts < 9 );
00519                                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].collspline[intsplinepts] = temp;
00520                         }
00521                 }
00523                 ASSERT( (intsplinepts == 5) || (intsplinepts == 9) );
00525                 /*The zeroth element contains the number of spline points*/             
00526                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].nSplinePts = intsplinepts; 
00527                 /*Transition type*/
00528                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].intTranType = intTranType;
00529                 /*gf value*/
00530                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].gf = fGF;
00531                 /*Energy difference between two levels in Rydbergs*/
00532                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].EnergyDiff = fEnergyDiff;
00533                 /*Scaling parameter C*/
00534                 AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].ScalingParam = fScalingParam;
00536                 /*Once the spline points have been filled,fill the second derivatives structure*/
00537                 /*Creating spline points array*/
00538                 xs = (double *)MALLOC((unsigned long)intsplinepts*sizeof(double));
00539                 spl = (double *)MALLOC((unsigned long)intsplinepts*sizeof(double));
00540                 spl2 = (double *)MALLOC((unsigned long)intsplinepts*sizeof(double));
00542                 if(intsplinepts == 5)
00543                 {
00544                         for(intxs=0;intxs<5;intxs++)
00545                         {
00546                                 xs[intxs] = 0.25*intxs;
00547                                 spl[intxs] = AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].collspline[intxs];
00548                         }
00549                 }
00550                 else if(intsplinepts == 9)
00551                 {
00552                         for(intxs=0;intxs<9;intxs++)
00553                         {
00554                                 xs[intxs] = 0.125*intxs;
00555                                 spl[intxs] = AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].collspline[intxs];       
00556                         }
00557                 }
00558                 else
00559                         TotalInsanity();
00561                 spline(xs, spl,intsplinepts,2e31,2e31,spl2);
00563                 /*Filling the second derivative structure*/
00564                 for(i=0;i<intsplinepts;i++)
00565                 {
00566                         AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].SplineSecDer[i] = spl2[i];
00567                 }
00569                 free( xs );
00570                 free( spl );
00571                 free( spl2 );
00573                 if(read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine)  ,atmolEleColDATA ) == NULL )
00574                 {
00575                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " The data file %s is corrupted .\n",chEleColFilename);
00576                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00577                 }
00578         }
00580         /*****************************************/
00581         /*** Print the AtmolCollSplines Values ***/
00582         /*****************************************/
00584         if(DEBUGSTATE)
00585         {
00586                 intNS = 0;
00587                 intCollIndex = 0;
00588                 ipHi = 1;
00589                 ipLo = 0;
00591                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "Collisional Data: %li\t%li\t%f\t%f\t%f",
00592                         AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].nSplinePts,
00593                         AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].intTranType,
00594                         AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].gf,
00595                         AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].EnergyDiff,
00596                         AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].ScalingParam );
00597                 for( j=0; j< AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].nSplinePts; j++)
00598                 {
00599                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\t%f",AtmolCollSplines[intNS][ipHi][ipLo][intCollIndex].collspline[j]);
00600                 }
00601                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00602         }
00604         free( atmolStatesEnergy );
00605         free( intNewIndex );
00607         fclose( atmolLevDATA );
00608         fclose( atmolTraDATA );
00609         fclose( atmolEleColDATA );
00611         return;
00612 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:12 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7