
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*ContCreateMesh calls fill to set up continuum energy mesh if first call, 
00004  * otherwise reset to original mesh */
00005 /*fill define the continuum energy grid over a specified range */
00006 /*ChckFill perform sanity check confirming that the energy array has been properly filled */
00007 /*rfield_opac_malloc MALLOC space for opacity arrays */
00008 /*read_continuum_mesh read the continuum definition from the file continuum_mesh.ini */
00009 #include "cddefines.h"
00010 #include "rfield.h"
00011 #include "iterations.h"
00012 #include "physconst.h"
00013 #include "doppvel.h"
00014 #include "dense.h"
00015 #include "trace.h"
00016 #include "opacity.h"
00017 #include "ipoint.h"
00018 #include "geometry.h"
00019 #include "continuum.h"
00021 /* read the continuum definition from the file continuum_mesh.ini */
00022 STATIC void read_continuum_mesh( void );
00024 /*fill define the continuum energy grid over a specified range */
00025 STATIC void fill(double fenlo, 
00026   double fenhi, 
00027   double resolv, 
00028   long int *n0, 
00029   long int *ipnt,
00030   /* this says only count, do not fill */
00031   bool lgCount );
00033 /*rfield_opac_malloc MALLOC space for opacity arrays */
00034 STATIC void rfield_opac_malloc(void);
00036 /*ChckFill perform sanity check confirming that the energy array has been properly filled */
00037 STATIC void ChckFill(void);
00039 void ContCreateMesh(void)
00040 {
00041         long int 
00042           i, 
00043           ipnt, 
00044           n0;
00046         /* flag to say whether pointers have ever been evaluated */
00047         static bool lgPntEval = false;
00049         DEBUG_ENTRY( "ContCreateMesh()" );
00051         /* lgPntEval is local static variable defined false when defined. 
00052          * it is set true below, so that pointers only created one time in the
00053          * history of this coreload. */
00054         if( lgPntEval )
00055         {
00056                 if( trace.lgTrace )
00057                 {
00058                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " ContCreateMesh called, not evaluating.\n" );
00059                 }
00060                 /* now save current form of energy array */
00061                 for( i=0; i < rfield.nupper; i++ )
00062                 {
00063                         rfield.anu[i] = rfield.AnuOrg[i];
00064                         rfield.anu2[i] = rfield.anu[i]*rfield.anu[i];
00065                 }
00066                 return;
00067         }
00068         else
00069         {
00070                 if( trace.lgTrace )
00071                 {
00072                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " ContCreateMesh called first time.\n" );
00073                 }
00074                 lgPntEval = true;
00075         }
00077         /* set size of arrays that continuum iteration information */
00079         /* read in the continuum mesh resolution definition */
00080         /* >>chng 01 sep 29, add external file "continuum_mesh.ini" with fill parameters */
00081         read_continuum_mesh();
00083         /* fill in continuum with freq points
00084          * arg are range pointer, 2 energy limits, resolution
00085          * first argument is lower energy of the continuum range to be defined
00086          * second argument is upper range; both are in Rydbergs
00087          * third number is the relative energy resolution, dnu/nu,
00088          * for that range of the continuum
00089          * last two numbers are internal book keeping
00090          * N0 is number of energy cells used so far
00091          * IPNT is a counter for the number of fills used
00092          *
00093          * if this is changed, then also change warning in GetTable about using
00094          * transmitted continuum - it says version number where continuum changed
00095          * */
00096         n0 = 1;
00097         ipnt = 0;
00098         /* this is number of ranges that will be introduced below*/
00099         continuum.nrange = 0;
00101         /* ================================================================ */
00102         /* NB - this block must agree exactly with the one that follows     */
00103         n0 = 1;
00104         ipnt = 0;
00105         /* this is number of ranges that will be introduced below*/
00106         continuum.nrange = 0;
00107         continuum.StoredEnergy[continuum.nStoredBands-1] = rfield.egamry;
00109         fill(rfield.emm, continuum.StoredEnergy[0] , continuum.StoredResolution[0],&n0,&ipnt,true );
00110         for(i=1; i<continuum.nStoredBands; ++i )
00111         {
00112                 fill(continuum.StoredEnergy[i-1]      , 
00113                         continuum.StoredEnergy[i],  
00114                         continuum.StoredResolution[i],
00115                         &n0,&ipnt,true);
00116         }
00117         /* ================================================================ */
00119         /* at this point debugger shows that anu and widflx are defined 
00120          * up through n0-2 - due to c offset -1 from Fortran! */
00121         rfield.nupper = n0 - 1;
00122         /* there must be a cell above nflux for us to pass unity through the vol integrator */
00123         if( rfield.nupper >= NCELL )
00124         {
00125                 fprintf(ioQQQ," Currently the arrays that hold interpolated tables can only hold %i points.\n",NCELL);
00126                 fprintf(ioQQQ," This continuum mesh really needs to have %li points.\n",rfield.nupper);
00127                 fprintf(ioQQQ," Please increase the value of NCELL in rfield.h and recompile.\n Sorry.");
00128                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00129         }
00131         /*>>chng 04 oct 10, from nflux = nupper to nupper-1 since vectors must malloc to nupper, but
00132          * will address [nflux] for unit continuum test */
00133         rfield.nflux = rfield.nupper-1;
00135         /* allocate space for continuum arrays within rfield.h and opacity arrays in opacity.h
00136          * sets lgRfieldMalloced true */
00137         rfield_opac_malloc();
00139         /* geometry.nend_max is largest number of zones needed on any iteration,
00140          * will use it to malloc arrays that save source function as function of zone */
00141         /* now change all limits, for all iterations, to this value */
00142         geometry.nend_max = geometry.nend[0];
00143         for( i=1; i < iterations.iter_malloc; i++ )
00144         {
00145                 geometry.nend_max = MAX2( geometry.nend_max , geometry.nend[i] );
00146         }
00147         /* nend_max+1 because search phase is zone 0, first zone at illumin face is 1 */
00148         rfield.ConEmitLocal = (realnum**)MALLOC( (size_t)(geometry.nend_max+1)*sizeof(realnum *)  );
00149         for( i=0;i<(geometry.nend_max+1); ++i )
00150         {
00151                 rfield.ConEmitLocal[i] = (realnum*)MALLOC( (size_t)rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)  );
00152         }
00154         /* ================================================================ */
00155         n0 = 1;
00156         ipnt = 0;
00158         /* this is number of ranges that will be introduced below*/
00159         continuum.nrange = 0;
00161         /* the default array values are set in continuum_mesh.ini */
00162         fill(rfield.emm, continuum.StoredEnergy[0] , continuum.StoredResolution[0] , 
00163                 &n0,&ipnt,false);
00164         for(i=1; i<continuum.nStoredBands; ++i )
00165         {
00166                 fill(continuum.StoredEnergy[i-1]      , 
00167                         continuum.StoredEnergy[i],  
00168                         continuum.StoredResolution[i],
00169                         &n0,&ipnt,false);
00170         }
00172         /* ================================================================ */
00174         /* fill in the false highest cell used for unit verification */
00175         rfield.widflx[rfield.nupper] = rfield.widflx[rfield.nupper-1];
00176         rfield.anu[rfield.nupper] = rfield.anu[rfield.nupper-1] + 
00177                 rfield.widflx[rfield.nupper];
00179         /* there must be a cell above nflux for us to pass unity through the vol integrator
00180          * as a sanity check.  assert that this is true so we will crash if ever changed 
00181         ASSERT( rfield.nupper +1 <= rfield.nupper );*/
00183         /* this is done here when the space is first allocated, 
00184          * then done on every subsequent initialization in zero.c */
00185         rfield_opac_zero( 0 , rfield.nupper );
00187         /* this is a sanity check for results produced above by fill */
00188         ChckFill();
00190         /* now fix widflx array so that it is correct */
00191         for( i=1; i<rfield.nupper-1; ++i )
00192         {
00193                 rfield.widflx[i] = ((rfield.anu[i+1] - rfield.anu[i]) + (rfield.anu[i] - 
00194                         rfield.anu[i-1]))/2.f;
00195         }
00197         ipnt = 0;
00198         /* now save current form of array, and define some quantities related to it */
00199         for( i=0; i < rfield.nupper; i++ )
00200         {
00201                 double alf , bet;
00203                 rfield.AnuOrg[i] = rfield.anu[i];
00204                 rfield.anusqr[i] = (realnum)sqrt(rfield.AnuOrg[i]);
00205                 /* following are Compton exchange factors from Tarter */
00206                 /* this code also appears in highen, but coef needed before that routine called. */
00207                 alf = 1./(1. + rfield.anu[i]*(1.1792e-4 + 7.084e-10*rfield.anu[i]));
00208                 bet = 1. - alf*rfield.anu[i]*(1.1792e-4 + 2.*7.084e-10*rfield.anu[i])/4.;
00209                 rfield.csigh[i] = (realnum)(alf*rfield.anu[i]*rfield.anu[i]*3.858e-25);
00210                 rfield.csigc[i] = (realnum)(alf*bet*rfield.anu[i]*3.858e-25);
00211                 rfield.anu2[i] = rfield.anu[i]*rfield.anu[i];
00213                 /* >>chng 05 feb 28, add transmission and mapping coef */
00214                 /* map these coarse continua into fine continuum grid */
00215                 if( rfield.anu[i] < rfield.fine_ener_lo || rfield.anu[i]>rfield.fine_ener_hi )
00216                 {
00217                         /* 0 (false) says not defined */
00218                         rfield.ipnt_coarse_2_fine[i] = 0;
00219                 }
00220                 else
00221                 {
00222                         if( ipnt==0 )
00223                         {
00224                                 /* this is the first one that maps onto the fine array */
00225                                 rfield.ipnt_coarse_2_fine[i] = 0;
00226                                 ipnt = 1;
00227                         }
00228                         else
00229                         {
00230                                 /* find first fine frequency that is greater than this coarse value */
00231                                 while (ipnt < rfield.nfine_malloc && rfield.fine_anu[ipnt]<rfield.anu[i] )
00232                                 {
00233                                         ++ipnt;
00234                                 }
00235                                 rfield.ipnt_coarse_2_fine[i] = ipnt;
00236                         }
00237                 }
00238                 /*fprintf(ioQQQ," coarse %li nu= %.3e points to fine %li nu=%.3e\n",
00239                         i, rfield.anu[i] , rfield.ipnt_coarse_2_fine[i] , rfield.fine_anu[rfield.ipnt_coarse_2_fine[i]] );*/
00240                 rfield.trans_coef_zone[i] = 1.f;
00241                 rfield.trans_coef_total[i] = 1.f;
00242         }
00243         return;
00244 }
00246 /*fill define the continuum energy grid over a specified range, called by ContCreateMesh */
00247 STATIC void fill(
00248   /* lower bounds to this energy range */
00249   double fenlo, 
00250   /* upper bounds to this continuum range */
00251   double fenhi, 
00252   /* relative energy resolution */
00253   double resolv, 
00254   /* starting index within frequency grid */
00255   long int *n0, 
00256   /* which energy band this is */
00257   long int *ipnt,  
00258   /* this says only count, do not fill */
00259   bool lgCount )
00260 {
00261         long int i, 
00262           nbin;
00263         realnum widtot;
00264         double aaa , bbb;
00266         DEBUG_ENTRY( "fill()" );
00268         ASSERT( fenlo>0. && fenhi>0. && resolv>0. );
00270         /* this is the number of cells needed to fill the array with numbers at the requested resolution */
00271         nbin = (long int)(log(10.)*log10(fenhi/fenlo)/resolv + 1);
00273         if( lgCount )
00274         {
00275                 /* true means only count number of cells, don't do anything */
00276                 *n0 += nbin;
00277                 return;
00278         }
00280         if( *ipnt > 0 && fabs(1.-fenlo/continuum.filbnd[*ipnt]) > 1e-4 )
00281         {
00282                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " FILL improper bounds.\n" );
00283                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " ipnt=%3ld fenlo=%11.4e filbnd(ipnt)=%11.4e\n", 
00284                   *ipnt, fenlo, continuum.filbnd[*ipnt] );
00285                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00286         }
00288         ASSERT( *ipnt < continuum.nStoredBands );
00290         continuum.ifill0[*ipnt] = *n0 - 1;
00291         continuum.filbnd[*ipnt] = (realnum)fenlo;
00292         continuum.filbnd[*ipnt+1] = (realnum)fenhi;
00294         /* this is the number of cells needed to fill the array with numbers 
00295         nbin = (long int)(log(10.)*log10(fenhi/fenlo)/resolv + 1);*/
00296         continuum.fildel[*ipnt] = (realnum)(log10(fenhi/fenlo)/nbin);
00298         if( continuum.fildel[*ipnt] < 0.01 )
00299         {
00300                 continuum.filres[*ipnt] = (realnum)(log(10.)*continuum.fildel[*ipnt]);
00301         }
00302         else
00303         {
00304                 continuum.filres[*ipnt] = (realnum)((pow(10.,2.*continuum.fildel[*ipnt]) - 1.)/2./
00305                         pow((realnum)10.f,continuum.fildel[*ipnt]));
00306         }
00308         if( (*n0 + nbin-2) > rfield.nupper )
00309         {
00310                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " Fill would need %ld cells to get to an energy of %.3e\n", 
00311                   *n0 + nbin, fenhi );
00312                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " This is a major logical error in fill.\n");
00313                 ShowMe();
00314                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00315         }
00317         widtot = 0.;
00318         for( i=0; i < nbin; i++ )
00319         {
00320                 bbb = continuum.fildel[*ipnt]*((realnum)(i) + 0.5);
00321                 aaa = pow( 10. , bbb );
00323                 rfield.anu[i+continuum.ifill0[*ipnt]] = (realnum)(fenlo*aaa);
00325                 rfield.widflx[i+continuum.ifill0[*ipnt]] = rfield.anu[i+continuum.ifill0[*ipnt]]*
00326                   continuum.filres[*ipnt];
00328                 widtot += rfield.widflx[i+continuum.ifill0[*ipnt]];
00329         }
00331         *n0 += nbin;
00332         if( trace.lgTrace && (trace.lgConBug || trace.lgPtrace) )
00333         {
00334                 fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00335                         " FILL range%2ld from%10.3e to%10.3eR in%4ld cell; ener res=%10.3e WIDTOT=%10.3e\n", 
00336                   *ipnt, 
00337                   rfield.anu[continuum.ifill0[*ipnt]] - rfield.widflx[continuum.ifill0[*ipnt]]/2., 
00338                   rfield.anu[continuum.ifill0[*ipnt]+nbin-1] + rfield.widflx[continuum.ifill0[*ipnt]+nbin-1]/2., 
00339                   nbin, 
00340                   continuum.filres[*ipnt], 
00341                   widtot );
00343                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " The requested range was%10.3e%10.3e The requested resolution was%10.3e\n", 
00344                   fenlo, fenhi, resolv );
00345         }
00347         /* nrange is number of ranges  */
00348         *ipnt += 1;
00349         continuum.nrange = MAX2(continuum.nrange,*ipnt);
00350         return;
00351 }
00353 /*ChckFill perform sanity check confirming that the energy array has been properly filled */
00354 STATIC void ChckFill(void)
00355 {
00356         bool lgFail;
00357         long int i, 
00358           ipnt;
00359         double energy;
00361         DEBUG_ENTRY( "ChckFill()" );
00363         ASSERT( rfield.anu[0] >= rfield.emm*0.99 );
00364         ASSERT( rfield.anu[rfield.nupper-1] <= rfield.egamry*1.01 );
00366         lgFail = false;
00367         for( i=0; i < continuum.nrange; i++ )
00368         {
00369                 /* test middle of energy bound */
00370                 energy = (continuum.filbnd[i] + continuum.filbnd[i+1])/2.;
00371                 ipnt = ipoint(energy);
00372                 if( energy < rfield.anu[ipnt-1] - rfield.widflx[ipnt-1]*0.5 )
00373                 {
00374                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " ChckFill middle test low fail\n" );
00375                         lgFail = true;
00376                 }
00378                 /* >>chng 02 jul 16, add second test - when "set resol 10" used,
00379                  * very large values of cell width, combined with fact that cells
00380                  * are log increasing, causes problem.  */
00381                 else if( (energy > rfield.anu[ipnt-1] + rfield.widflx[ipnt-1]*0.5) &&
00382                         ( energy > rfield.anu[ipnt] - rfield.widflx[ipnt]*0.5 ) )
00383                 {
00384                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " ChckFill middle test high fail\n" );
00385                         lgFail = true;
00386                 }
00388                 /* test near low bound */
00389                 energy = continuum.filbnd[i]*0.99 + continuum.filbnd[i+1]*0.01;
00390                 ipnt = ipoint(energy);
00391                 if( energy < rfield.anu[ipnt-1] - rfield.widflx[ipnt-1]*0.5 )
00392                 {
00393                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " ChckFill low test low fail\n" );
00394                         lgFail = true;
00395                 }
00397                 else if( energy > rfield.anu[ipnt-1] + rfield.widflx[ipnt-1]* 0.5 )
00398                 {
00399                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " ChckFill low test high fail\n" );
00400                         lgFail = true;
00401                 }
00403                 /* test near high bound */
00404                 energy = continuum.filbnd[i]*0.01 + continuum.filbnd[i+1]*0.99;
00405                 ipnt = ipoint(energy);
00407                 if( energy < rfield.anu[ipnt-1] - rfield.widflx[ipnt-1]*0.5 )
00408                 {
00409                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " ChckFill high test low fail\n" );
00410                         lgFail = true;
00411                 }
00412                 /* >>chng 02 jul 16, add second test - when "set resol 10" used,
00413                  * very large values of cell width, combined with fact that cells
00414                  * are log increasing, causes problem.  */
00415                 else if( (energy > rfield.anu[ipnt-1] + rfield.widflx[ipnt-1]*0.5) &&
00416                         ( energy > rfield.anu[ipnt] - rfield.widflx[ipnt]*0.5 ) )
00417                 {
00418                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " ChckFill high test high fail\n" );
00419                         lgFail = true;
00420                 }
00421         }
00423         if( lgFail )
00424         {
00425                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00426         }
00427         return;
00428 }
00430 /* MALLOC arrays within rfield */
00431 STATIC void rfield_opac_malloc(void)
00432 {
00433         long i;
00435         DEBUG_ENTRY( "rfield_opac_malloc()" );
00437         /* allocate one more than we use for the unit integration,
00438          * will back up at end of routine */
00439         ++rfield.nupper;
00441         /* >>chng 03 feb 12, add fine mesh fine grid fine opacity array to keep track of line overlap */
00446         /* frequency range in Rydberg needed for all resonance lines */
00447         rfield.fine_ener_lo = 0.05f;
00448         rfield.fine_ener_hi = 1500.f;
00450         /* set resolution of fine continuum mesh. 
00451          * rfield.fine_opac_velocity_width is width per cell, cm/s 
00452          * choose width so that most massive species (usually Fe) is well resolved
00453          * 
00454          * rfield.fine_opac_nelem is the most massive (hence sharpest line)
00455          * we will worry about.  By default this is irion but can be changed
00456          * with SET FINE CONTINUUM command 
00457          * 
00458          * TeLowestFineOpacity of 1e4 K is temperature were line width is 
00459          * evaluated.  Tests were done using the stop temperature in its place
00460          * Te below 1e4 K made fine opacity grid huge 
00461          * do not let temp get higher than 1e4 either - code run with stop temp 10 set
00462          * stop temp of 1e10K and assert thrown at line 204 of cont_createpointers.c 
00463          * simply use 1e4 K as a characteristic temperature */
00466         double TeLowestFineOpacity = 1e4;
00467         rfield.fine_opac_velocity_width = 
00468                 (realnum)sqrt(2.*BOLTZMANN/ATOMIC_MASS_UNIT*TeLowestFineOpacity/
00469                 dense.AtomicWeight[rfield.fine_opac_nelem] ) / 
00470                 /* we want fine_opac_nresolv continuum elements across this line
00471                  * default is 1, changed with SET FINE CONTINUUM command */
00472                 rfield.fine_opac_nresolv;
00474         /* we are at first zone so velocity shift is zero */
00475         rfield.ipFineConVelShift = 0;
00477         /* dimensionless resolution, dE/E, this is used in ipoint to get offset in find mesh */
00478         rfield.fine_resol = rfield.fine_opac_velocity_width / SPEEDLIGHT;
00480         /* the number of cells needed */
00481         rfield.nfine_malloc = (long)(log10( rfield.fine_ener_hi / rfield.fine_ener_lo ) / log10( 1. + rfield.fine_resol ) );
00482         if( rfield.nfine_malloc <= 0 )
00483                 TotalInsanity();
00484         rfield.nfine = rfield.nfine_malloc;
00486         /* this is the fine opacity array to ghost the main low-resolution array */
00487         rfield.fine_opac_zone = (realnum *)MALLOC(sizeof(realnum)*(unsigned)rfield.nfine_malloc );
00488         memset(rfield.fine_opac_zone , 0 , (unsigned long)rfield.nfine_malloc*sizeof(realnum) );
00490         /* this is the fine total optical array to ghost the main low-resolution array */
00491         rfield.fine_opt_depth = (realnum *)MALLOC(sizeof(realnum)*(unsigned)rfield.nfine_malloc );
00492         memset(rfield.fine_opt_depth , 0 , (unsigned long)rfield.nfine_malloc*sizeof(realnum) );
00494         rfield.fine_anu = (realnum *)MALLOC(sizeof(realnum)*(unsigned)rfield.nfine_malloc );
00496         /* now fill in energy array */
00497         ASSERT( rfield.fine_ener_lo > 0. && rfield.fine_resol > 0 );
00498         for( i=0;i<rfield.nfine_malloc; ++i )
00499         {
00500                 rfield.fine_anu[i] = rfield.fine_ener_lo * (realnum)pow( (1.+rfield.fine_resol), (i+1.) );
00501         }
00502         /* done with fine array */
00504         /* used to count number of lines per cell */
00505         rfield.line_count = (long *)MALLOC(sizeof(long)*(unsigned)NCELL );
00506         for( i=0; i<rfield.nupper; ++i)
00507         {
00508                 rfield.line_count[i] = 0;
00509         }
00510         rfield.anu = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00511         rfield.AnuOrg = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00512         rfield.widflx = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00513         rfield.anulog = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00514         rfield.anusqr = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00515         rfield.anu2 = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00516         rfield.anu3 = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00517         rfield.flux_beam_time = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00518         rfield.flux_isotropic = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00519         rfield.flux_beam_const = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00520         rfield.flux = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00521         rfield.flux_accum = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00522         rfield.convoc = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00523         rfield.OccNumbBremsCont = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00524         rfield.OccNumbIncidCont = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00525         rfield.OccNumbDiffCont = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00526         rfield.OccNumbContEmitOut = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00527         rfield.ConEmitReflec = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00528         rfield.ConEmitOut = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00529         rfield.ConInterOut = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00530         rfield.ConRefIncid = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00531         rfield.SummedCon = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00532         rfield.SummedDif = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00533         rfield.SummedDifSave = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00534         rfield.SummedOcc = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00535         rfield.ConOTS_local_photons = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00536         rfield.TotDiff2Pht = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00537         rfield.ConOTS_local_OTS_rate = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00538         rfield.otslin = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00539         rfield.otscon = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00540         rfield.otslinNew = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00541         rfield.otsconNew = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00542         rfield.outlin = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00543         rfield.outlin_noplot = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00544         rfield.reflin = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00545         rfield.flux_total_incident = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00546         rfield.flux_beam_const_save = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00547         rfield.flux_time_beam_save = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00548         rfield.flux_isotropic_save = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00549         rfield.trans_coef_zone = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00550         rfield.trans_coef_total = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00551         rfield.ipnt_coarse_2_fine = (long int*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(long int)) );
00553         /* chng 02 may 16, by Ryan...added array for gaunt factors for ALL charges, malloc here.        */
00554         /* First index is EFFECTIVE CHARGE MINUS ONE!   */
00555         rfield.gff = (realnum**)MALLOC((size_t)((LIMELM+1)*sizeof(realnum*)) );
00556         for( i = 1; i <= LIMELM; i++ )
00557         {
00558                 rfield.gff[i] = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00559         }
00561         rfield.csigh = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00562         rfield.csigc = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00563         rfield.ConTabRead = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00565         rfield.comdn = (double*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(double)) );
00566         rfield.comup = (double*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(double)) );
00567         rfield.ContBoltz = (double*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(double)) );
00569         /*realnum rfield.otssav[NC_ELL][2];*/
00570         rfield.otssav = (realnum**)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum*)));
00571         for( i=0; i<rfield.nupper; ++i)
00572         {
00573                 rfield.otssav[i] = (realnum*)MALLOC(2*sizeof(realnum));
00574         }
00577         /* char rfield.chLineLabel[NLINES][5];*/
00578         rfield.chLineLabel = (char**)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(char*)));
00579         rfield.chContLabel = (char**)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(char*)));
00581         /* now allocate all the labels for each of the above lines */
00582         for( i=0; i<rfield.nupper; ++i)
00583         {
00584                 rfield.chLineLabel[i] = (char*)MALLOC(5*sizeof(char));
00585                 rfield.chContLabel[i] = (char*)MALLOC(5*sizeof(char));
00586         }
00588         opac.TauAbsFace = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00589         memset( opac.TauAbsFace , 0 , rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum) );
00591         opac.TauScatFace = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00592         opac.E2TauAbsFace = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00593         opac.E2TauAbsTotal = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00594         opac.TauAbsTotal = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00595         opac.E2TauAbsOut = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00596         opac.ExpmTau = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00597         opac.tmn = (realnum*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum)) );
00599         opac.opacity_abs = (double*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(double)) );
00600         opac.opacity_abs_savzon1 = (double*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(double)) );
00601         opac.OldOpacSave = (double*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(double)) );
00602         opac.opacity_sct = (double*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(double)) );
00603         opac.albedo = (double*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(double)) );
00604         opac.opacity_sct_savzon1 = (double*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(double)) );
00605         opac.OpacStatic = (double*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(double)) );
00606         opac.FreeFreeOpacity = (double*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(double)) );
00607         opac.ExpZone = (double*)MALLOC((size_t)(rfield.nupper*sizeof(double)) );
00609         opac.TauAbsGeo = (realnum**)MALLOC((size_t)(2*sizeof(realnum *)) );
00610         opac.TauScatGeo = (realnum**)MALLOC((size_t)(2*sizeof(realnum *)) );
00611         opac.TauTotalGeo = (realnum**)MALLOC((size_t)(2*sizeof(realnum *)) );
00613         for( i=0; i<2; ++i)
00614         {
00615                 opac.TauAbsGeo[i] = (realnum*)MALLOC(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum));
00616                 opac.TauScatGeo[i] = (realnum*)MALLOC(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum));
00617                 opac.TauTotalGeo[i] = (realnum*)MALLOC(rfield.nupper*sizeof(realnum));
00618         }
00620         /* fix allocate trick for one more than we use for the unit integration */
00621         --rfield.nupper;
00623         /* say that space exists */
00624         lgRfieldMalloced = true;
00625         return;
00626 }
00629 /* read the continuum definition from the file continuum_mesh.ini */
00630 STATIC void read_continuum_mesh( void )
00631 {
00632         FILE *ioDATA;
00633         char chLine[INPUT_LINE_LENGTH];
00634         long i;
00635         bool lgEOL;
00636         long i1 , i2 , i3;
00638         DEBUG_ENTRY( "read_continuum_mesh()" );
00640         if( trace.lgTrace )
00641                 fprintf( ioQQQ," read_continuum_mesh opening continuum_mesh.ini:");
00643         ioDATA = open_data( "continuum_mesh.ini", "r" );
00645         /* first line is a version number and does not count */
00646         if( read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine) , ioDATA ) == NULL )
00647         {
00648                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " read_continuum_mesh could not read first line of continuum_mesh.ini.\n");
00649                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00650         }
00651         /* count how many lines are in the file, ignoring all lines
00652          * starting with '#' */
00653         continuum.nStoredBands = 0;
00654         while( read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine) , ioDATA ) != NULL )
00655         {
00656                 /* we want to count the lines that do not start with #
00657                  * since these contain data */
00658                 if( chLine[0] != '#')
00659                         ++continuum.nStoredBands;
00660         }
00662         /* we now have number of lines containing pairs of bounds,
00663          * allocate space for the arrays we will need */
00664         continuum.filbnd = 
00665                 ((realnum *)MALLOC( (size_t)(continuum.nStoredBands+1)*sizeof(realnum )));
00666         continuum.fildel = 
00667                 ((realnum *)MALLOC( (size_t)(continuum.nStoredBands+1)*sizeof(realnum )));
00668         continuum.filres = 
00669                 ((realnum *)MALLOC( (size_t)(continuum.nStoredBands+1)*sizeof(realnum )));
00670         continuum.ifill0 = 
00671                 ((long *)MALLOC( (size_t)(continuum.nStoredBands+1)*sizeof(long )));
00672         continuum.StoredEnergy = 
00673                 ((double *)MALLOC( (size_t)(continuum.nStoredBands+1)*sizeof(double )));
00674         continuum.StoredResolution = 
00675                 ((double *)MALLOC( (size_t)(continuum.nStoredBands+1)*sizeof(double )));
00677         /* now rewind the file so we can read it a second time*/
00678         if( fseek( ioDATA , 0 , SEEK_SET ) != 0 )
00679         {
00680                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " read_continuum_mesh could not rewind continuum_mesh.ini.\n");
00681                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00682         }
00684         /* check that magic number is ok */
00685         if( read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine) , ioDATA ) == NULL )
00686         {
00687                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " read_continuum_mesh could not read first line of continuum_mesh.ini.\n");
00688                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00689         }
00691         i = 1;
00692         /* level 1 magic number */
00693         i1 = (long)FFmtRead(chLine,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00694         i2 = (long)FFmtRead(chLine,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00695         i3 = (long)FFmtRead(chLine,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00697         /* the following is the set of numbers that appear at the start of continuum_mesh.ini 01 08 10 */
00698         if( ( i1 != 1 ) || ( i2 != 9 ) || ( i3 != 29 ) )
00699         {
00700                 fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00701                         " read_continuum_mesh: the version of continuum_mesh.ini is not the current version.\n" );
00702                 fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00703                         " I expected to find the number 01 09 29 and got %li %li %li instead.\n" ,
00704                         i1 , i2 , i3 );
00705                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "Here is the line image:\n==%s==\n", chLine );
00706                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00707         }
00709         /* this starts at 1 not 0 since zero is reserved for the
00710          * dummy line */
00711         continuum.nStoredBands = 0;
00712         while( read_whole_line( chLine , (int)sizeof(chLine) , ioDATA ) != NULL )
00713         {
00714                 /* only look at lines without '#' in first col */
00715                 if( chLine[0] != '#')
00716                 {
00717                         i = 1;
00718                         continuum.StoredEnergy[continuum.nStoredBands] = FFmtRead(chLine,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00719                         continuum.StoredResolution[continuum.nStoredBands] = FFmtRead(chLine,&i,INPUT_LINE_LENGTH,&lgEOL);
00721                         /* option to enter numbers as logs if less than zero */
00722                         if( continuum.StoredEnergy[continuum.nStoredBands]<0. )
00723                                 continuum.StoredEnergy[continuum.nStoredBands] = 
00724                                 pow(10.,continuum.StoredEnergy[continuum.nStoredBands]);
00726                         if( continuum.StoredResolution[continuum.nStoredBands]<0. )
00727                                 continuum.StoredResolution[continuum.nStoredBands] = 
00728                                 pow(10.,continuum.StoredResolution[continuum.nStoredBands]);
00730                         /* this is option to rescale resolution with set resolution command */
00731                         continuum.StoredResolution[continuum.nStoredBands] *= continuum.ResolutionScaleFactor;
00733                         if( continuum.StoredResolution[continuum.nStoredBands] == 0. )
00734                         {
00735                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00736                                         " read_continuum_mesh: A continuum resolution was zero - this is not allowed.\n" );
00737                                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00738                         }
00740                         ++continuum.nStoredBands;
00741                 }
00742         }
00744         fclose( ioDATA );
00746         /* now verify continuum grid is ok - first are all values but the last positive? */
00747         for( i=1; i<continuum.nStoredBands-1; ++i )
00748         {
00749                 if( continuum.StoredEnergy[i-1]>=continuum.StoredEnergy[i] )
00750                 {
00751                         fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00752                                 " read_continuum_mesh: The continuum definition array energies must be in increasing order.\n" );
00753                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00754                 }
00755         }
00756         if( continuum.StoredEnergy[continuum.nStoredBands-1]!=0 )
00757         {
00758                 fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00759                         " read_continuum_mesh: The last continuum array energies must be zero.\n" );
00760                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00761         }
00762         return;
00763 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:13 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7