
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*ion_trim raise or lower most extreme stages of ionization considered,
00004  * called by ConvBase - ion limits were originally set by  */
00005 #include "cddefines.h"
00006 #include "elementnames.h"
00007 #include "radius.h"
00008 #include "heavy.h"
00009 #include "conv.h"
00010 #include "rfield.h"
00011 #include "phycon.h"
00012 #include "mole.h"
00013 #include "thermal.h"
00014 #include "iso.h"
00015 #include "dense.h"
00016 #include "conv.h"
00017 #include "struc.h"
00018 #include "ionbal.h"
00020 void ion_trim(
00021         /* nelem is on the C scale, 0 for H, 5 for C */
00022         long int nelem )
00023 {
00025         /* this will remember that higher stages trimed up or down */
00026         bool lgHi_Down = false;
00027         bool lgHi_Up = false;
00028         bool lgHi_Up_enable;
00029         /* this will remember that lower stages trimmed up or own*/
00030         bool lgLo_Up = false;
00031         bool lgLo_Down = false;
00032         long int ion_lo_save = dense.IonLow[nelem],
00033                 ion_hi_save = dense.IonHigh[nelem];
00034         long int ion;
00035         realnum trimhi , trimlo;
00037         /* this is debugging code that turns on print after certain number of calls */
00038         /*realnum xlimit = SMALLFLOAT *10.;*/
00039         /*static int ncall=0;
00040         if( nelem==5 )
00041                 ++ncall;*/
00043         DEBUG_ENTRY( "ion_trim()" );
00045         /* this routine should not be called early in the simulation, before
00046          * things have settled down */
00047         ASSERT( conv.nTotalIoniz>2 );
00049         /*confirm all ionization stages are within their range of validity */
00050         ASSERT( nelem >= ipHELIUM && nelem < LIMELM );
00051         ASSERT( dense.IonLow[nelem] >= 0 );
00052         ASSERT( dense.IonHigh[nelem] <= nelem+1 );
00053         /* IonHigh can be equal to IonLow if both are zero - so no ionization,
00054          * or is ionization has been set with "element ionization" command */
00055         ASSERT( dense.IonLow[nelem] < dense.IonHigh[nelem] || 
00056                 (dense.IonLow[nelem]==0 && dense.IonHigh[nelem]==0 )  || 
00057                 dense.lgSetIoniz[nelem] );
00059         /* during search phase of mostly neutral matter the electron density
00060          * can be vastly too large, and the ionization suppressed as a result.
00061          * during search do not trim down or up as much */
00062         if( conv.lgSearch )
00063         {
00064                 trimhi = (realnum)ionbal.trimhi * 1e-4f;
00065                 trimlo = (realnum)ionbal.trimlo * 1e-4f;
00066         }
00067         else
00068         {
00069                 trimhi = (realnum)ionbal.trimhi;
00070                 trimlo = (realnum)ionbal.trimlo;
00071         }
00073         /* helium is special case since abundance is so high, and He+ CT with 
00074          * CO is the dominant CO destruction process in molecular regions */
00075         if( nelem == ipHELIUM )
00076         {
00077                 /* never want to trip up a lower stage of ionization */
00078                 trimlo = SMALLFLOAT;
00080                 /* if He+ is highest stage of ionization, probably want to keep it
00081                  * since important for CO chemistry in molecular clouds */
00082                 if( dense.IonHigh[ipHELIUM] == 1 )
00083                 {
00084                         trimhi = MIN2( trimhi , 1e-20f );
00085                 }
00086                 else if( dense.IonHigh[ipHELIUM] == 2 )
00087                 {
00088                         if( conv.lgSearch )
00089                         {
00090                                 /* during search phase we may be quite far from solution, in the
00091                                  * case of a PDR sim the electron density may be vastly higher 
00092                                  * than it will be with stable solution.  He++ can be very important
00093                                  * for the chemistry and we want to consider it.  Make the
00094                                  * threshold for ignoring He++ much higher than normal to prevent
00095                                  * a premature removal of the ion */
00096                                 trimhi = MIN2( trimhi , 1e-17f ); 
00097                         }
00098                         else
00099                         {
00100                                 /* similar smaller upper limit for ion*/
00101                                 trimhi = MIN2( trimhi , 1e-12f ); 
00102                         }
00103                 }
00104         }
00106         /* logic for PDRs, for elements included in chemistry, need stable solutions, 
00107          * keep 3 ion stages in most cases - added by NA to do HII/PDR sims */
00108         if( mole.lgElem_in_chemistry[nelem] )
00109         {
00110                 trimlo = SMALLFLOAT;
00111                 if(dense.IonHigh[nelem] ==2)
00112                 {
00113                         trimhi = MIN2(trimhi, 1e-20f);
00114                 }
00115         }
00117         /* raise or lower highest and lowest stages of ionization to
00118          * consider only significant stages
00119          * IonHigh[nelem]  stage of ionization  */
00121         /* this is a special block for initialization only - it checks on absurd abundances
00122          * and can trim multiple stages of ionization at one time. */
00123         if( conv.lgSearch )
00124         {
00125                 /* special - trim down higher stages if they have essentially zero abundance */
00126                 while( 
00127                         (dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]]/dense.gas_phase[nelem] < dense.density_low_limit || 
00128                         dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]] < dense.density_low_limit ) && 
00129                         /* >>chng 02 may 12, rm +1 since this had effect of not allowing fully atomic */
00130                         dense.IonHigh[nelem] > dense.IonLow[nelem] )
00131                 {
00132                         /* dense.xIonDense[nelem][i] is density of i+1 th ionization stage (cm^-3)
00133                          * the -1 is correct for the heating, -1 since heating is caused by ionization of stage below it */
00134                         dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]] = 0.;
00135                         thermal.heating[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]-1] = 0.;
00136                         if( dense.IonHigh[nelem] == nelem+1-NISO )
00137                         {
00138                                 long int ipISO = nelem - dense.IonHigh[nelem];
00139                                 ASSERT( ipISO>=0 && ipISO<NISO );
00140                                 StatesElem[ipISO][nelem][0].Pop = 0.;
00141                         }
00143                         /* decrement high stage limit */
00144                         --dense.IonHigh[nelem];
00145                         ASSERT( dense.IonHigh[nelem] >= 0);
00146                         /* remember this happened */
00147                         lgHi_Down = true;
00148                 }
00150                 /* special - trim up lower stages trim if they have essentially zero abundance */
00151                 while( 
00152                         (dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]]/dense.gas_phase[nelem] < dense.density_low_limit || 
00153                         dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]] < dense.density_low_limit ) && 
00154                         dense.IonLow[nelem] < dense.IonHigh[nelem] - 1 )
00155                 {
00156                         /* dense.xIonDense[nelem][i] is density of ith ionization stage (cm^-3)
00157                          * there is no-1 since we are removing the agent that heats */
00158                         dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]] = 0.;
00159                         /* >>chng 01 aug 04, remove -1 which clobbers thermal.heating when IonLow == 0 */
00160                         /*thermal.heating[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]-1] = 0.;*/
00161                         thermal.heating[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]] = 0.;
00162                         if( dense.IonLow[nelem] == nelem+1-NISO )
00163                         {
00164                                 long int ipISO = nelem - dense.IonLow[nelem];
00165                                 ASSERT( ipISO>=0 && ipISO<NISO );
00166                                 StatesElem[ipISO][nelem][0].Pop = 0.;
00167                         }
00169                         /* increment low stage limit */
00170                         ++dense.IonLow[nelem];
00171                         lgLo_Up = true;
00172                 }
00173         }
00175         /* sanity check */
00176         /* IonHigh can be equal to IonLow if both are zero - no ionization*/
00177         ASSERT( dense.IonLow[nelem] < dense.IonHigh[nelem] || 
00178                 (dense.IonLow[nelem]==0 && dense.IonHigh[nelem]==0 )  || 
00179                 dense.lgSetIoniz[nelem] );
00181         /* this checks on error condition where the gas is stupendously highly ionized,
00182          * the low limit is already one less than high, and we need to raise the low
00183          * limit further */
00184         if( dense.IonHigh[nelem] > 1 &&
00185                 (dense.IonLow[nelem]==dense.IonHigh[nelem]-1) &&
00186                 (dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]] < dense.density_low_limit) )
00187         {
00188                 fprintf(ioQQQ,
00189                         "PROBLEM DISASTER the density of ion %li of element %s is too small to be computed on this cpu.\n",
00190                         dense.IonLow[nelem]+1,
00191                         elementnames.chElementName[nelem]);
00192                 fprintf(ioQQQ,
00193                         "Turn off the element with the command ELEMENT XXX OFF or do not consider "
00194                         "gas with low density, the current hydrogen density is %.2e cm-3.\n",
00195                         dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN]);
00196                 fprintf(ioQQQ,
00197                         "The outer radius of the cloud is %.2e cm - should a stopping "
00198                         "radius be set?\n",
00199                         radius.Radius );
00200                 fprintf(ioQQQ,
00201                         "The abort flag is being set - the calculation is stopping.\n");
00202                 lgAbort = true;
00203                 return;
00204         }
00206         /* trim down high stages that have too small an abundance */
00207         if( 
00208                 dense.IonHigh[nelem] > dense.IonLow[nelem]  && 
00209                 ( (dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]]/dense.gas_phase[nelem] <= 
00210                 trimhi ) ||
00211                 (dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]] <= dense.density_low_limit ) )
00212                 ) 
00213         {
00214                 /* >>chng 03 sep 30, the atom and its first ion are a special case
00215                  * since we want to compute even trivial ions in molecular clouds */
00216                 if( dense.IonHigh[nelem]>1 ||
00217                         (dense.IonHigh[nelem]==1&&dense.xIonDense[nelem][1]<100.*dense.density_low_limit) )
00218                 {
00219                         dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]] = 0.;
00220                         thermal.heating[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]-1] = 0.;
00221                         if( dense.IonHigh[nelem] == nelem+1-NISO )
00222                         {
00223                                 long int ipISO = nelem - dense.IonHigh[nelem];
00224                                 ASSERT( ipISO>=0 && ipISO<NISO );
00225                                 StatesElem[ipISO][nelem][0].Pop = 0.;
00226                         }
00227                         --dense.IonHigh[nelem];
00228                         lgHi_Down = true;
00229                 }
00230         }
00232         /* trim up highest stages - will this be done? */
00233         lgHi_Up_enable = true;
00234         /* trimming can be turned off */
00235         if( !ionbal.lgTrimhiOn )
00236                 lgHi_Up_enable = false;
00237         /* high stage is already fully stripped */
00238         if( dense.IonHigh[nelem]>=nelem+1 )
00239                 lgHi_Up_enable = false;
00240         /* we have previously trimmed this stage down */
00241         if( lgHi_Down )
00242                 lgHi_Up_enable = false;
00243         /* we are in neutral gas */
00244         if( dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1]/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN]<0.9  )
00245                 lgHi_Up_enable = false;
00247         if( lgHi_Up_enable )
00248         {
00249                 realnum abundold = 0;
00250                 if( nzone>2 ) 
00251                         abundold = struc.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]][nzone-3]/
00252                         SDIV( struc.gas_phase[nelem][nzone-3]);
00253                 realnum abundnew = dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]]/dense.gas_phase[nelem];
00254                 /* only raise highest stage if ionization potential of next highest stage is within
00255                  * continuum array and the abundance of the highest stage is significant */
00256                 if( (Heavy.Valence_IP_Ryd[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]] < rfield.anu[rfield.nflux-1] ||
00257                         Heavy.Valence_IP_Ryd[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]] < phycon.te_ryd*10.) &&
00258                         dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]]/dense.gas_phase[nelem] > 1e-4f &&
00259                         /* this checks that abundance of highest stage is increasing */
00260                         abundnew > abundold*1.01 )
00261                 {
00262                         /*fprintf(ioQQQ,"uuppp %li %li \n", nelem, dense.IonHigh[nelem] );*/
00263                         /* raise highest level of ionization */
00264                         ++dense.IonHigh[nelem];
00265                         lgHi_Up = true;
00266                         /* set abundance to almost zero so that sanity check elsewhere will be ok */
00267                         dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]] = (realnum)(dense.density_low_limit*10.);
00268                 }
00269         }
00271         /* sanity check 
00272          * IonHigh can be equal to IonLow if both are zero - no ionization*/
00273         ASSERT( dense.IonLow[nelem] < dense.IonHigh[nelem] || 
00274                 (dense.IonLow[nelem]==0 && dense.IonHigh[nelem]==0 )  || 
00275                 dense.lgSetIoniz[nelem] );
00277         /* lower lowest stage of ionization if we have significant abundance at current lowest */
00278         if( dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]]/dense.gas_phase[nelem] > 1e-3f && 
00279                 dense.IonLow[nelem] > 0 )
00280         {
00281                 /* lower lowest level of ionization */
00282                 --dense.IonLow[nelem];
00283                 lgLo_Down = true;
00284                 /* >>chng 01 aug 02, set this to zero so that sanity check elsewhere will be ok */
00285                 dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]] = (realnum)dense.density_low_limit;
00286         }
00288         /* raise lowest stage of ionization, but only if we are near illuminated face of cloud*/
00289         else if( nzone < 10 &&
00290                 (dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]]/dense.gas_phase[nelem] <= (realnum)trimlo) && 
00291                 (dense.IonLow[nelem] < (dense.IonHigh[nelem] - 2) ) )
00292         {
00293                 /* raise lowest level of ionization */
00294                 dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]] = 0.;
00295                 /* no minus one in below since this is low bound, already bounds at atom */
00296                 thermal.heating[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]] = 0.;
00297                 if( dense.IonLow[nelem] == nelem+1-NISO )
00298                 {
00299                         long int ipISO = nelem - dense.IonLow[nelem];
00300                         ASSERT( ipISO>=0 && ipISO<NISO );
00301                         StatesElem[ipISO][nelem][0].Pop = 0.;
00302                 }
00303                 ++dense.IonLow[nelem];
00304                 lgLo_Up = true;
00305         }
00306         /* test on zero */
00307         else if( (dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]] < dense.density_low_limit) && 
00308                 /*>>chng 06 may 24, from IonLow < IonHigh to <IonHigh-1 because
00309                  * old test would allow low to be raised too high, which then
00310                  * leads to insanity */
00311                 (dense.IonLow[nelem] < dense.IonHigh[nelem]-1) )
00312         {
00313                 while(dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]] < dense.density_low_limit && 
00314                         /* >>chng 07 feb 27 from < IonHigh to < IonHigh-1 to prevent raising
00315                          * low to high */
00316                         (dense.IonLow[nelem] < dense.IonHigh[nelem]-1) )
00317                 {
00318                         /* raise lowest level of ionization */
00319                         dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]] = 0.;
00320                         /* no minus one in below since this is low bound, already bounds at atom */
00321                         thermal.heating[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]] = 0.;
00322                         if( dense.IonLow[nelem] == nelem+1-NISO )
00323                         {
00324                                 long int ipISO = nelem - dense.IonLow[nelem];
00325                                 ASSERT( ipISO>=0 && ipISO<NISO );
00326                                 StatesElem[ipISO][nelem][0].Pop = 0.;
00327                         }
00328                         ++dense.IonLow[nelem];
00329                         lgLo_Up = true;
00330                 }
00331         }
00333         /* sanity check */
00334         /* IonHigh can be equal to IonLow if both are zero - no ionization*/
00335         ASSERT( dense.IonLow[nelem] < dense.IonHigh[nelem] || 
00336                 (dense.IonLow[nelem]==0 && dense.IonHigh[nelem]==0 )  || 
00337                 dense.lgSetIoniz[nelem] );
00339         /* these are standard bounds checks that appear throughout this routine
00340          * dense.xIonDense[IonLow] is first one with positive abundances
00341          * 
00342          * in case where lower ionization stage was just lowered the abundance
00343          * was set to dense.density_low_limit so test must be < dense.density_low_limit */
00344         ASSERT( dense.IonLow[nelem] <= 1 ||
00345                 dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]-1] == 0. );
00347         ASSERT( (dense.IonLow[nelem]==0 && dense.IonHigh[nelem]==0 ) || lgLo_Up ||
00348                 dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]] >= dense.density_low_limit ||
00349                 dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonLow[nelem]]/dense.gas_phase[nelem] >= dense.density_low_limit ||
00350                 /*>>chng 06 may 24, include this to cover case where cap is set by not allowing
00351                  * lower limit to come up to upper limit */
00352                 (dense.IonLow[nelem]==dense.IonHigh[nelem]-1 ));
00354         {
00355                 /* option to print out what has happened so far .... */
00356                 enum {DEBUG_LOC=false};
00357                 if( DEBUG_LOC && nelem == ipHELIUM )
00358                 {
00359                         if( lgHi_Down ||lgHi_Up ||lgLo_Up ||lgLo_Down )
00360                         {
00361                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"DEBUG TrimZone\t%li\t",nzone );
00362                                 if(  lgHi_Down )
00363                                 {
00364                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"high dn %li to %li",
00365                                                 ion_hi_save , 
00366                                                 dense.IonHigh[nelem] );
00367                                 }
00368                                 if( lgHi_Up )
00369                                 {
00370                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"high up %li to %li",
00371                                                 ion_hi_save , 
00372                                                 dense.IonHigh[nelem] );
00373                                 }
00374                                 if( lgLo_Up )
00375                                 {
00376                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"low up %li to %li",
00377                                                 ion_lo_save , 
00378                                                 dense.IonLow[nelem] );
00379                                 }
00380                                 if( lgLo_Down )
00381                                 {
00382                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"low dn %li to %li",
00383                                                 ion_lo_save , 
00384                                                 dense.IonLow[nelem] );
00385                                 }
00386                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"\n" );
00387                         }
00388                 }
00389         }
00391         /* only assert that the stage above the highest has a population of
00392          * zero if that stage exists */
00393         if(dense.IonHigh[nelem] < nelem+1 )
00394                 ASSERT( dense.xIonDense[nelem][dense.IonHigh[nelem]+1] == 0. );
00396         /* option to print if any trimming occurred */
00397         if( lgHi_Down || lgHi_Up || lgLo_Up || lgLo_Down )
00398         {
00399                 conv.lgIonStageTrimed = true;
00400                 {
00401                         /* option to print out what has happened so far .... */
00402                         enum {DEBUG_LOC=false};
00403                         if( DEBUG_LOC && nelem==ipHELIUM )
00404                         {
00405                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"DEBUG ion_trim zone\t%.2f \t%li\t", fnzone, nelem);
00406                                 if( lgHi_Down  )
00407                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"\tHi_Down");
00408                                 if( lgHi_Up )
00409                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"\tHi_Up");
00410                                 if( lgLo_Up )
00411                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"\tLo_Up");
00412                                 if( lgLo_Down )
00413                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"\tLo_Down");
00414                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"\n");
00415                         }
00416                 }
00417         }
00419         /* asserts that that densities of ion stages that are now turned 
00420          * off are zero */
00421         for( ion=0; ion<dense.IonLow[nelem]; ++ion )
00422         {
00423                 ASSERT( dense.xIonDense[nelem][ion] == 0. );
00424         }
00425         for( ion=dense.IonHigh[nelem]+1; ion<nelem+1; ++ion )
00426         {
00427                 ASSERT( dense.xIonDense[nelem][ion] == 0. );
00428         }
00430         for( ion=dense.IonLow[nelem]; ion<=dense.IonHigh[nelem]; ++ion )
00431         {
00432                 /* in case where ionization stage was changed the
00433                  * density is zero, we set it to SMALLFLOAT since a density
00434                  * of zero is not possible */
00435                 dense.xIonDense[nelem][ion] = MAX2(dense.xIonDense[nelem][ion], SMALLFLOAT);
00436         }
00437         return;
00438 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:18 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7