
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*OpacityAddTotal derive total opacity for this position,
00004  * called by ConvBase */
00005 #include "cddefines.h"
00006 #include "physconst.h"
00007 #include "iso.h"
00008 #include "grainvar.h"
00009 #include "ca.h"
00010 #include "rfield.h"
00011 #include "oxy.h"
00012 #include "mole.h"
00013 #include "dense.h"
00014 #include "atoms.h"
00015 #include "conv.h"
00016 #include "ionbal.h"
00017 #include "trace.h"
00018 #include "hmi.h"
00019 #include "phycon.h"
00020 #include "opacity.h"
00022 void OpacityAddTotal(void)
00023 {
00024         long int i, 
00025           ion,
00026           ipHi,
00027           ipISO,
00028           ipop,
00029           limit,
00030           low,
00031           nelem,
00032           n; 
00033         double DepartCoefInv ,
00034           fac, 
00035           sum;
00036         realnum SaveOxygen1 , 
00037                 SaveCarbon1;
00039         DEBUG_ENTRY( "OpacityAddTotal()" );
00041         /* OpacityZero will zero out scattering and absorption opacities,
00042          * and set OldOpacSave to opac to save it */
00043         OpacityZero();
00045         /* free electron scattering opacity, Compton recoil energy loss */
00046         /* >>chng 02 mar 26, make this loop only one over electrons alone */
00047         /*for( i=0; i < (ionbal.ipCompRecoil[ipHYDROGEN][0] - 1); i++ )*/
00048         for( i=0; i < rfield.nflux; i++ )
00049         {
00050                 /* scattering part of total opacity */
00051                 opac.opacity_sct[i] += opac.OpacStack[i-1+opac.iopcom]*
00052                   dense.eden;
00053         }
00055         /* opacity due to compton bound recoil ionization */
00056         /* >>chng 01 dec 19, rewrite as loop over all elements */
00057         /* >>chng 02 mar 26, add in ions */
00058         for( nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00059         {
00060                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00061                 { 
00062                         for( ion=0; ion<nelem+1; ++ion )
00063                         {
00064                                 realnum factor = dense.xIonDense[nelem][ion];
00065                                 /*>>chng 05 nov 26, add molecular hydrogen assuming same
00066                                  * as two free hydrogen atoms - hence mult density by two
00067                                  *>>KEYWORD     H2 bound Compton ionization */
00068                                 if( nelem==ipHYDROGEN )
00069                                         factor += hmi.H2_total*2.f;
00070                                 if( factor > 0. )
00071                                 {
00072                                         // loop_min and loop_max are needed to work around a bug in icc 10.0
00073                                         long loop_min = ionbal.ipCompRecoil[nelem][ion]-1;
00074                                         long loop_max = rfield.nflux;
00075                                         /* ionbal.nCompRecoilElec number of electrons in valence shell
00076                                          * that can compton recoil ionize */
00077                                         factor *= ionbal.nCompRecoilElec[nelem-ion];
00078                                         for( i=loop_min; i < loop_max; i++ )
00079                                         {
00080                                                 /* add in bound hydrogen electron scattering, treated as absorption */
00081                                                 opac.opacity_abs[i] += opac.OpacStack[i-1+opac.iopcom]*factor;
00082                                         }
00083                                 }
00084                         }
00085                 }
00086         }
00088         /* opacity due to pair production - does not matter what form these
00089          * elements are in */
00091         sum = dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN] + 4.*dense.gas_phase[ipHELIUM];
00092         OpacityAdd1Subshell(opac.ioppr,opac.ippr,rfield.nflux,(realnum)sum,'s');
00094         /* free-free free free brems emission for all ions */
00096         /* >>chng 02 jul 21, use full set of ions and gaunt factor */
00097         /* ipEnergyBremsThin is index to energy where gas goes optically thin to brems,
00098          * so this loop is over optically thick frequencies */
00099         static double *TotBremsAllIons;
00100         static bool lgFirstTime=true;
00101         double BremsThisEner,bfac, bhfac,sumion[LIMELM+1];
00102         long int ion_lo , ion_hi;
00104         if( lgFirstTime )
00105         {
00106                 /* rfield.nupper will not change in one coreload, so just malloc this once */
00107                 TotBremsAllIons = (double *)MALLOC((unsigned long)rfield.nupper*sizeof(double));
00108                 lgFirstTime = false;
00109         }
00110         bfac = (dense.eden/1e20)/phycon.sqrte/1e10;
00111         /* gaunt factors depend only on photon energy and ion charge, so do
00112          * sum of ions here before entering into loop over photon energy */
00113         sumion[0] = 0.;
00114         for(ion=1; ion<=LIMELM; ++ion )
00115         {
00116                 sumion[ion] = 0.;
00117                 for( nelem=ipHELIUM; nelem < LIMELM; ++nelem )
00118                 {
00119                         if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] && ion<=nelem+1 )
00120                         {
00121                                 sumion[ion] += dense.xIonDense[nelem][ion];
00122                         }
00123                 }
00124                 /* now include the charge, density, and temperature */
00125                 sumion[ion] *= POW2((double)ion)*bfac;
00126         }
00127         /* now find lowest and highest ion we need to consider - following loop is over
00128          * full continuum and eats time 
00129          * >>chng 05 oct 20, following had tests on ion being within bounds, bug,
00130          * changed to ion_lo and ion_hi */
00131         ion_lo = 1;
00132         while( sumion[ion_lo]==0 && ion_lo<LIMELM-1 )
00133                 ++ion_lo;
00134         ion_hi = LIMELM;
00135         while( sumion[ion_hi]==0 && ion_hi>0 )
00136                 --ion_hi;
00138         bhfac = bfac*(dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1]+hmi.Hmolec[ipMH2p]+hmi.Hmolec[ipMH3p]);
00139         for( i=0; i < rfield.nflux; i++ )
00140         {
00141                 /* do hydrogen first, before main loop since want to add on H- brems */
00142                 nelem = ipHYDROGEN;
00143                 ion = 1;/* >>chng 02 nov 07, add charged ions as H+ */
00145                 /* for case of hydrogen, add H- brems - OpacStack contains the ratio
00146                  * of the H- to H brems cross section - multiply by this and the fraction in ground */
00147                 BremsThisEner = bhfac * rfield.gff[ion][i]*
00148                         (1.+opac.OpacStack[i-1+opac.iphmra]*StatesElem[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s].Pop);
00149                 /*TotBremsAllIons[i] = BremsThisIon;*/
00150                 /* there is at least one standard test (grainlte) which has ZERO ionization -
00151                  * this assert will pass that test (the ==0) and also the usual case */
00152                 /* ASSERT( (dense.xIonDense[nelem][ion]==0.) || (TotBremsAllIons[i] > 0.) );*/
00154                 /* chng 02 may 16, by Ryan...do all brems for all ions in one fell swoop,
00155                 * using gaunt factors from rfield.gff.  */
00156                 /* >>chng 05 jul 11 reorganize loop for speed */
00157                 for(ion=ion_lo; ion<=ion_hi; ++ion )
00158                 {
00159                         BremsThisEner += sumion[ion]*rfield.gff[ion][i];
00160                 }
00161                 TotBremsAllIons[i] = BremsThisEner;
00163                 /* >>>chng 05 jul 12, bring these two loops together */
00164                 if( rfield.ContBoltz[i] < 0.995 )
00165                 {
00166                         TotBremsAllIons[i] *= opac.OpacStack[i-1+opac.ipBrems]*
00167                                 (1. - rfield.ContBoltz[i]);
00168                 }
00169                 else
00170                 {
00171                         TotBremsAllIons[i] *= opac.OpacStack[i-1+opac.ipBrems]*
00172                                 rfield.anu[i]*TE1RYD/phycon.te;
00173                 }
00174                 opac.FreeFreeOpacity[i] = TotBremsAllIons[i];
00175                 /* >>chng 02 jul 23, from >0 to >=0, some models have no ionization,
00176                  * like grainlte.in */
00177                 /*ASSERT( (opac.FreeFreeOpacity[i] > 0.) || (dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1] == 0.) );*/
00178                 opac.opacity_abs[i] += opac.FreeFreeOpacity[i];
00179         }
00182         /* H minus absorption, with correction for stimulated emission */
00183         if( hmi.hmidep > SMALLFLOAT )
00184         {
00185                 DepartCoefInv = 1./hmi.hmidep;
00186         }
00187         else
00188         {
00189                 /* the hmidep departure coef can become vastly small in totally
00190                  * neutral gas (no electrons) */
00191                 DepartCoefInv = 1.;
00192         }
00194         limit = iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][0];
00195         if(limit > rfield.nflux)
00196                 limit = rfield.nflux;
00198         for( i=hmi.iphmin-1; i < limit; i++ )
00199         {
00200                 double factor;
00201                 factor = 1. - rfield.ContBoltz[i]*DepartCoefInv;
00202                 if(factor > 0)
00203                         opac.opacity_abs[i] += opac.OpacStack[i-hmi.iphmin+opac.iphmop]*
00204                                                                                          hmi.Hmolec[ipMHm]*factor;
00205         }
00207         /* H2P h2plus bound free opacity */
00208         limit = opac.ih2pnt[1]; 
00209         if(limit > rfield.nflux)
00210                 limit = rfield.nflux;
00211         for( i=opac.ih2pnt[0]-1; i < limit; i++ )
00212         {
00213                 opac.opacity_abs[i] += hmi.Hmolec[ipMH2p]*opac.OpacStack[i-opac.ih2pnt[0]+opac.ih2pof];
00214         }
00216         /* get total population of hydrogen ground to do Rayleigh scattering */
00217         if( dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1] <= 0. )
00218         {
00219                 fac = dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][0];
00220         }
00221         else
00222         {
00223                 fac = dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1]*StatesElem[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s].Pop;
00224         }
00226         /* Ly a damp wing opac (Rayleigh scattering) */
00227         limit = iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s];
00228         if(limit > rfield.nflux)
00229                 limit = rfield.nflux;
00230         for( i=0; i < limit; i++ )
00231         {
00232                 opac.opacity_sct[i] += (fac*opac.OpacStack[i-1+opac.ipRayScat]);
00233         }
00235          /* remember largest correction for stimulated emission */
00236         if( iso.DepartCoef[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s] > 1e-30 && !conv.lgSearch )
00237         {
00238                 realnum factor;
00239                 factor = (realnum)(rfield.ContBoltz[iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s]-1]/iso.DepartCoef[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s]);
00240                 if(opac.stimax[0] < factor)
00241                         opac.stimax[0] = factor;
00242         }
00244         if( iso.DepartCoef[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH2p] > 1e-30 && !conv.lgSearch )
00245         {
00246                 realnum factor;
00247                 factor = (realnum)(rfield.ContBoltz[iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH2p]-1]/iso.DepartCoef[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH2p]);
00248                 if(opac.stimax[1] < factor)
00249                         opac.stimax[1] = factor;
00250         }
00252 #       if 0
00253         /* check whether hydrogen or Helium singlets mased, if not in search mode */
00254         if( !conv.lgSearch )
00255         {
00256                 if( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH2p][ipH1s].PopOpc < 0. )
00257                 {
00258                         hydro.lgHLyaMased = true;
00259                 }
00260         }
00261 #       endif
00263         /* >>chng 05 nov 25, use Yan et al. H2 photo cs
00264          * following reference gives cross section for all energies
00265          * >>refer      H2      photo cs        Yan, M., Sadeghpour, H.R., & Dalgarno, A., 1998, ApJ, 496, 1044 
00266          * Wilms, J., Allen, A., & McCray, R. 2000, ApJ, 542, 914 */
00267         /* >>chng 02 jan 16, approximate inclusion of H_2 photoelectric opacity 
00268          * include H_2 in total photoelectric opacity as twice H0 cs */
00269         /* set lower and upper limits to this range */
00270         /*>>KEYWORD     H2      photoionization opacity */
00271         low = opac.ipH2_photo_thresh;
00272         ipHi = rfield.nupper;
00273         ipop = opac.ipH2_photo_opac_offset;
00274         /* OpacityAdd1Subshell just returns for static opacities if opac.lgRedoStatic not set*/
00275         /* >>chng 05 nov 27, change on nov 25 had left 2*density from H0, so
00276          * twice the H2 density was used -       * also changed to static opacity 
00277          * this assumes that all v,J levels contribute the same opacity */
00278         OpacityAdd1Subshell( ipop , low , ipHi , hmi.H2_total , 's' );
00280         /*>>KEYWORD     CO photoionization opacity */
00281         /* include photoionization of CO - assume C and O in CO each have 
00282          * same photo cs as atom - this should only be significant in highly
00283          * shielded regions where only very hard photons penetrate 
00284          * also H2O condensed onto grain surfaces - very important deep in cloud */
00285         SaveOxygen1 = dense.xIonDense[ipOXYGEN][0];
00286         SaveCarbon1 = dense.xIonDense[ipCARBON][0];
00287         dense.xIonDense[ipOXYGEN][0] += findspecies("CO")->hevmol + findspecies("H2Ogrn")->hevmol;
00288         dense.xIonDense[ipCARBON][0] += findspecies("CO")->hevmol;
00290         /* following loop adds standard opacities for first 30 elements 
00291          * most heavy element opacity added here */
00292         for( nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00293         {
00294                 /* this element may be turned off */
00295                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00296                 { 
00297                         OpacityAdd1Element(nelem);
00298                 }
00299         }
00301         /* now reset the abundances */
00302         dense.xIonDense[ipOXYGEN][0] = SaveOxygen1;
00303         dense.xIonDense[ipCARBON][0] = SaveCarbon1;
00305         /* following are opacities due to specific excited levels */
00307         /* nitrogen opacity
00308          * excited level of N+ */
00309         OpacityAdd1Subshell(opac.in1[2],opac.in1[0],opac.in1[1],
00310                 dense.xIonDense[ipNITROGEN][0]*atoms.p2nit , 'v' );
00312         /* oxygen opacity
00313          * excited level of Oo */
00314         OpacityAdd1Subshell(opac.ipo1exc[2],opac.ipo1exc[0],opac.ipo1exc[1],
00315           dense.xIonDense[ipOXYGEN][0]*oxy.poiexc,'v');
00317         /* O2+ excited states */
00318         OpacityAdd1Subshell(opac.ipo3exc[2],opac.ipo3exc[0],opac.ipo3exc[1],
00319           dense.xIonDense[ipOXYGEN][2]*oxy.poiii2,'v');
00321         OpacityAdd1Subshell(opac.ipo3exc3[2],opac.ipo3exc3[0],opac.ipo3exc3[1],
00322           dense.xIonDense[ipOXYGEN][2]*oxy.poiii3,'v');
00324         /* magnesium opacity
00325          * excited level of Mg+ */
00326         OpacityAdd1Subshell(opac.ipOpMgEx,opac.ipmgex,iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s],
00327                 dense.xIonDense[ipMAGNESIUM][1]* atoms.popmg2,'v');
00329         /* calcium opacity
00330          * photoionization of excited levels of Ca+ */
00331         OpacityAdd1Subshell(opac.ica2op,opac.ica2ex[0],opac.ica2ex[1],
00332           ca.popca2ex,'v');
00334         /*******************************************************************
00335          *
00336          * complete evaluation of total opacity by adding in the static part and grains
00337          *
00338          *******************************************************************/
00340         /* this loop defines the variable iso.ConOpacRatio[ipH_LIKE][nelem][n],
00341          * the ratio of not H to Hydrogen opacity.  for grain free environments
00342          * at low densities this is nearly zero.  The correction includes 
00343          * stimulated emission correction */
00344         for( ipISO=ipH_LIKE; ipISO<NISO; ++ipISO )
00345         {
00346                 for( nelem=ipISO; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00347                 {
00348                         /* this element may be turned off */
00349                         if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00350                         { 
00351                                 /* this branch is for startup only */
00352                                 if( nzone < 1 )
00353                                 {
00354                                         /* >>chng 06 aug 17, should go to numLevels_local instead of _max */
00355                                         for( n=0; n < iso.numLevels_local[ipISO][nelem]; n++ )
00356                                         {
00357                                                 if(iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipISO][nelem][n] < rfield.nflux )
00358                                                 {
00359                                                         /*>>chng 04 dec 12, had tested against 1e-30, set to zero if not
00360                                                          * greater than this - caused oscillations as opacity fell below
00361                                                          * and around this value - change to greater than 0 */
00362                                                         /*if( opac.opacity_abs[iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipISO][nelem][n]-1] > 1e-30 )*/
00363                                                         if( opac.opacity_abs[iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipISO][nelem][n]-1] > 0. )
00364                                                         {
00365                                                                 /* >>chng 02 may 06, use general form of threshold cs */
00366                                                                 /*double t1 = atmdat_sth(n)/(POW2(nelem+1.-ipISO));*/
00367                                                                 long int ip = iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipISO][nelem][n];
00368                                                                 double t2 = csphot(
00369                                                                         ip ,
00370                                                                         ip ,
00371                                                                         iso.ipOpac[ipISO][nelem][n] );
00373                                                                 iso.ConOpacRatio[ipISO][nelem][n] = 1.f-(realnum)(
00374                                                                         (StatesElem[ipISO][nelem][n].Pop*dense.xIonDense[nelem][nelem+1-ipISO]*t2)/
00375                                                                         opac.opacity_abs[ip-1]);
00376                                                         }
00377                                                         else
00378                                                         {
00379                                                                 iso.ConOpacRatio[ipISO][nelem][n] = 0.;
00380                                                         }
00381                                                 }
00382                                         }
00383                                 }
00384                                 /* end branch for startup only, start branch for all zones including startup */
00385                                 /* >>chng 06 aug 17, should go to numLevels_local instead of _max */
00386                                 for( n=0; n < iso.numLevels_local[ipISO][nelem]; n++ )
00387                                 {
00388                                         /* ratios of other to total opacity for continua of all atoms done with iso model */
00389                                         if(iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipISO][nelem][n] < rfield.nflux )
00390                                         {
00391                                                 /*>>chng 04 dec 12, had tested against 1e-30, set to zero if not
00392                                                  * greater than this - caused oscillations as opacity fell below
00393                                                  * and around this value - change to greater than 0 */
00394                                                 /*if( opac.opacity_abs[iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipISO][nelem][n]-1] > 1e-30 )*/
00395                                                 if( opac.opacity_abs[iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipISO][nelem][n]-1] > 0. )
00396                                                 {
00397                                                         /* first get departure coef */
00398                                                         if( iso.DepartCoef[ipISO][nelem][n] > 1e-30 && (!conv.lgSearch ) )
00399                                                         {
00400                                                                 /* this is the usual case, use inverse of departure coef */
00401                                                                 fac = 1./iso.DepartCoef[ipISO][nelem][n];
00402                                                         }
00403                                                         else if( conv.lgSearch )
00404                                                         {
00405                                                                 /* do not make correction for stim emission during search
00406                                                                 * for initial temperature solution, since trys are very non-equil */
00407                                                                 fac = 0.;
00408                                                         }
00409                                                         else
00410                                                         {
00411                                                                 fac = 1.;
00412                                                         }
00416                                                         /* now get opaicty ratio with correction for stimulated emission */
00417                                                         /*>>chng 04 dec 12, had tested against 1e-30, set to zero if not
00418                                                          * greater than this - caused oscillations as opacity fell below
00419                                                          * and around this value - change to greater than 0 */
00420                                                         /*if( opac.opacity_abs[iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipISO][nelem][n]-1] > 1e-30 )*/
00421                                                         if( opac.opacity_abs[iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipISO][nelem][n]-1] > 0. )
00422                                                         {
00423                                                                 /* >>chng 02 may 06, use general form of threshold cs */
00424                                                                 long int ip = iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipISO][nelem][n];
00426                                                                 double t2 = csphot(
00427                                                                         ip ,
00428                                                                         ip ,
00429                                                                         iso.ipOpac[ipISO][nelem][n] );
00431                                                                 double opacity_this_species = 
00432                                                                         StatesElem[ipISO][nelem][n].Pop*dense.xIonDense[nelem][nelem+1-ipISO]*t2*
00433                                                                         (1. - fac*rfield.ContBoltz[ip-1]);
00435                                                                 double opacity_fraction =  1. - opacity_this_species / opac.opacity_abs[ip-1];
00436                                                                 if(opacity_fraction < 0)
00437                                                                         opacity_fraction = 0.;
00439                                                                 /* use mean of old and new ratios */
00440                                                                 iso.ConOpacRatio[ipISO][nelem][n] = (realnum)(
00441                                                                         iso.ConOpacRatio[ipISO][nelem][n]* 0.75 + 0.25*opacity_fraction );
00443                                                                 if(iso.ConOpacRatio[ipISO][nelem][n] < 0.)
00444                                                                         iso.ConOpacRatio[ipISO][nelem][n] = 0.;
00445                                                         }
00446                                                         else
00447                                                         {
00448                                                                 iso.ConOpacRatio[ipISO][nelem][n] = 0.;
00449                                                         }
00450                                                 }
00451                                                 else
00452                                                 {
00453                                                         iso.ConOpacRatio[ipISO][nelem][n] = 0.;
00454                                                 }
00455                                         }
00456                                         else
00457                                         {
00458                                                 iso.ConOpacRatio[ipISO][nelem][n] = 0.;
00459                                         }
00460                                 }
00461                         }
00462                 }
00463         }
00465         /* add dust grain opacity if dust present */
00466         if( gv.lgDustOn )
00467         {
00468                 /* generate current grain opacities since may be function of depth */
00469                 /* >>chng 01 may 11, removed code to update grain opacities, already done by GrainChargeTemp */
00470                 for( i=0; i < rfield.nflux; i++ )
00471                 {
00472                         /* units cm-1 */
00473                         opac.opacity_sct[i] += gv.dstsc[i]*dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN];
00474                         opac.opacity_abs[i] += gv.dstab[i]*dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN];
00475                 }
00476         }
00478         /* check that opacity is sane */
00479         for( i=0; i < rfield.nflux; i++ )
00480         {
00481                 /* OpacStatic was zeroed in OpacityZero, incremented in opacityadd1subshell */
00482                 opac.opacity_abs[i] += opac.OpacStatic[i];
00483                 /* make sure that opacity is positive */
00484                 /*ASSERT( opac.opacity_abs[i] > 0. );*/
00485         }
00487         /* compute gas albedo here */
00488         for( i=0; i < rfield.nflux; i++ )
00489         {
00490                 opac.albedo[i] = opac.opacity_sct[i]/
00491                         (opac.opacity_sct[i] + opac.opacity_abs[i]);
00492         }
00494         /* during search phase set old opacity array to current value */
00495         if( conv.lgSearch )
00496                 OpacityZeroOld();
00498         if( trace.lgTrace )
00499         {
00500                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "     OpacityAddTotal returns; grd rec eff (opac) for Hn=1,4%10.2e%10.2e%10.2e%10.2e%10.2e%10.2e%10.2e%10.2e%10.2e%10.2e HeI,II:%10.2e%10.2e\n", 
00501                   iso.ConOpacRatio[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s], 
00502                   iso.ConOpacRatio[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH2s], 
00503                   iso.ConOpacRatio[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH2p], 
00504                   iso.ConOpacRatio[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH3s], 
00505                   iso.ConOpacRatio[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH3p], 
00506                   iso.ConOpacRatio[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH3d], 
00507                   iso.ConOpacRatio[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH4s], 
00508                   iso.ConOpacRatio[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH4p], 
00509                   iso.ConOpacRatio[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH4d], 
00510                   iso.ConOpacRatio[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH4f],
00511                   iso.ConOpacRatio[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHe1s1S],
00512                   iso.ConOpacRatio[ipH_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipH1s] );
00513         }
00514         {
00515                 /* following should be set true to print strongest ots contributors */
00516                 /*@-redef@*/
00517                 enum {DEBUG_LOC=false};
00518                 /*@+redef@*/
00519                 if( DEBUG_LOC && (nzone>=378) )
00520                 {
00521                         if( nzone > 380 ) 
00522                                 cdEXIT( EXIT_FAILURE );
00523                         for( i=0; i<rfield.nflux; ++i )
00524                         {
00525                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"rtotsbugggg\t%li\t%.3e\t%.3e\t%.3e\t%.3e\n",
00526                                         conv.nPres2Ioniz,
00527                                         rfield.anu[i],
00528                                         opac.opacity_abs[i],
00529                                         rfield.otscon[i],
00530                                         rfield.otslin[i]);
00531                         }
00532                 }
00533         }
00534         return;
00535 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:20 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7