
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /* 
00004 * a set of  routines that are widely used across the code for various
00005 * housekeeping chores.  These do not do any physics and are unlikely to
00006 * change over time.  The prototypes are in cddefines.h and so are 
00007 * automatically picked up by all routines 
00008 */
00009 /*FFmtRead scan input line for free format number */
00010 /*e2 second exponential integral */
00011 /*caps convert input command line (through eol) to ALL CAPS */
00012 /*ShowMe produce request to send information to GJF after a crash */
00013 /*AnuUnit produce continuum energy in arbitrary units */
00014 /*cap4 convert first 4 char of input line chLab into chCAP all in caps, null termination */
00015 /*insane set flag saying that insanity has occurred */
00016 /*nMatch determine whether match to a keyword occurs on command line,
00017  * return value is 0 if no match, and position of match within string if hit */
00018 /*fudge enter fudge factors, or some arbitrary number, with fudge command*/
00019 /*GetElem scans line image, finds element. returns atomic number j, on C scale */
00020 /*GetQuote get any name between double quotes off command line
00021  * return string as chLabel, is null terminated */
00022 /*qip compute pow(x,n) for positive integer n through repeated squares */
00023 /*NoNumb general error handler for no numbers on input line */
00024 /*dsexp safe exponential function for doubles */
00025 /*sexp safe exponential function */
00026 /*TestCode set flag saying that test code is in place */
00027 /*CodeReview - placed next to code that needs to be checked */
00028 /*fixit - say that code needs to be fixed */
00029 /*broken set flag saying that the code is broken, */
00030 /*dbg_printf is a debug print routine that was provided by Peter Teuben,
00031  * as a component from his NEMO package.  It offers run-time specification
00032  * of the level of debugging */
00033 /*qg32 32 point Gaussian quadrature, original Fortran given to Gary F by Jim Lattimer */
00034 /*TotalInsanity general error handler for something that cannot happen */
00035 /*BadRead general error handler for trying to read data, but failing */
00036 /*BadOpen general error handler for trying to open file, but failing */
00037 /*MyMalloc wrapper for malloc().  Returns a good pointer or dies. */
00038 /*MyCalloc wrapper for calloc().  Returns a good pointer or dies. */
00039 /*spsort netlib routine to sort array returning sorted indices */
00040 /*chLineLbl use information in line transfer arrays to generate a line label *
00041  * this label is null terminated */
00042 /*chIonLbl use information in line array to generate a null terminated ion label in "Fe 2" */
00043 /*csphot returns photoionization cross section from opacity stage using std pointers */
00044 /*MyAssert a version of assert that fails gracefully */
00045 /*RandGauss normal random variate generator */
00046 /*MyGaussRand a wrapper for RandGauss, see below */
00047 #include <ctype.h>
00048 #include <stdarg.h>     /* ANSI variable arg macros */
00049 #include "cddefines.h"
00050 #include "physconst.h"
00051 #include "cddrive.h"
00052 #include "called.h"
00053 #include "opacity.h"
00054 #include "rfield.h"
00055 #include "hextra.h"
00056 #include "hmi.h"
00057 #include "fudgec.h"
00058 #include "broke.h"
00059 #include "trace.h"
00060 #include "input.h"
00061 #include "elementnames.h"
00062 #include "punch.h"
00063 #include "version.h"
00064 #include "warnings.h"
00065 #include "conv.h"
00066 #include "thirdparty.h"
00068 /*read_whole_line - safe version of fgets - read a line, 
00069  * return null if cannot read line or if input line is too long */
00070 char *read_whole_line( char *chLine , int nChar , FILE *ioIN )
00071 {
00072         char *chRet ,
00073                 *chEOL;
00075         DEBUG_ENTRY( "read_whole_line()" );
00077         if( (chRet = fgets( chLine , nChar, ioIN )) == NULL )
00078         {
00079                 return NULL;
00080         }
00082         /* check that there are less than nChar characters in the line */
00083         /*chEOL = strchr(chLine , '\0' );*/
00084         chEOL = (char*)memchr( chLine , '\0' , nChar );
00086         /* return null if input string longer than nChar, the longest we can read.
00087          * Print and return null but chLine still has as much of the line as 
00088          * could be placed in cdLine */
00089         if( (chEOL==NULL) || (chEOL - chLine)>=nChar-1 )
00090         {
00091                 if( called.lgTalk )
00092                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "DISASTER PROBLEM read_whole_line found input"
00093                         " with a line too long to be read.\n" );
00095                 lgAbort = true;
00096                 return NULL;
00097         }
00098         return chRet;
00099 }
00102 void Split(const string& str,   // input string
00103            const string& sep,   // separator, may be multiple characters
00104            vector<string>& lst, // the separated items will be appended here
00105            split_mode mode)     // SPM_RELAX, SPM_KEEP_EMPTY, or SPM_STRICT; see cddefines.h
00106 {
00107         DEBUG_ENTRY( "Split()" );
00109         bool lgStrict = ( mode == SPM_STRICT );
00110         bool lgKeep = ( mode == SPM_KEEP_EMPTY );
00111         bool lgFail = false;
00112         string::size_type ptr1 = 0;
00113         string::size_type ptr2 = str.find( sep );
00114         string sstr = str.substr( ptr1, ptr2-ptr1 );
00115         if( sstr.length() > 0 )
00116                 lst.push_back( sstr );
00117         else {
00118                 if( lgStrict ) lgFail = true;
00119                 if( lgKeep ) lst.push_back( sstr );
00120         }
00121         while( ptr2 != string::npos ) {
00122                 // the separator is skipped
00123                 ptr1 = ptr2 + sep.length();
00124                 if( ptr1 < str.length() ) {
00125                         ptr2 = str.find( sep, ptr1 );
00126                         sstr = str.substr( ptr1, ptr2-ptr1 );
00127                         if( sstr.length() > 0 )
00128                                 lst.push_back( sstr );
00129                         else {
00130                                 if( lgStrict ) lgFail = true;
00131                                 if( lgKeep ) lst.push_back( sstr );
00132                         }
00133                 }
00134                 else {
00135                         ptr2 = string::npos;
00136                         if( lgStrict ) lgFail = true;
00137                         if( lgKeep ) lst.push_back( "" );
00138                 }
00139         }
00140         if( lgFail )
00141         {
00142                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " A syntax error occurred while splitting the string: \"%s\"\n", str.c_str() );
00143                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " The separator is \"%s\". Empty substrings are not allowed.\n", sep.c_str() );
00144                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00145         }
00146 }
00148 /* a version of assert that fails gracefully */
00149 void MyAssert(const char *file, int line)
00150 {
00151         DEBUG_ENTRY( "MyAssert()" );
00153         fprintf(ioQQQ," PROBLEM DISASTER An assert has been thrown, this is bad.\n");
00154         fprintf(ioQQQ," It happened in the file %s at line number %i\n", file, line );
00155         fprintf(ioQQQ," This is iteration %li, nzone %li, fzone %.2f, lgSearch=%c.\n", 
00156                 iteration , 
00157                 nzone ,
00158                 fnzone ,
00159                 TorF(conv.lgSearch) );
00161         ShowMe();
00162 #       if defined ASSERTDEBUG
00163         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00164 #       endif
00165 }
00167 /*AnuUnit produce continuum energy in arbitrary units */
00168 double AnuUnit(realnum energy_ryd)
00169 /*static double AnuUnit(long int ip)*/
00170 {
00171         double AnuUnit_v;
00173         DEBUG_ENTRY( "AnuUnit()" );
00175         /* energy comes in in Ryd */
00176         if( energy_ryd <=0. )
00177         {
00178                 /* this is insanity */
00179                 AnuUnit_v = 0.;
00180         }
00181         else if( strcmp(punch.chConPunEnr[punch.ipConPun],"ryd ") == 0 )
00182         {
00183                 /* energy in Ryd */
00184                 AnuUnit_v = energy_ryd;
00185         }
00186         else if( strcmp(punch.chConPunEnr[punch.ipConPun],"micr") == 0 )
00187         {
00188                 /* wavelength in microns */
00189                 AnuUnit_v = RYDLAM/energy_ryd*1e-4;
00190         }
00191         else if( strcmp(punch.chConPunEnr[punch.ipConPun]," kev") == 0 )
00192         {
00193                 /* energy in keV */
00194                 AnuUnit_v = energy_ryd*EVRYD*1.e-3;
00195         }
00196         else if( strcmp(punch.chConPunEnr[punch.ipConPun]," ev ") == 0 )
00197         {
00198                 /* energy in eV */
00199                 AnuUnit_v = energy_ryd*EVRYD;
00200         }
00201         else if( strcmp(punch.chConPunEnr[punch.ipConPun],"angs") == 0 )
00202         {
00203                 /* wavelength in Angstroms */
00204                 AnuUnit_v = RYDLAM/energy_ryd;
00205         }
00206         else if( strcmp(punch.chConPunEnr[punch.ipConPun],"cent") == 0 )
00207         {
00208                 /* wavelength in centimeters */
00209                 AnuUnit_v = RYDLAM/energy_ryd*1e-8;
00210         }
00211         else if( strcmp(punch.chConPunEnr[punch.ipConPun],"wave") == 0 )
00212         {
00213                 /* wavenumbers */
00214                 AnuUnit_v = RYD_INF*energy_ryd;
00215         }
00216         else if( strcmp(punch.chConPunEnr[punch.ipConPun]," mhz") == 0 )
00217         {
00218                 /* MHz */
00219                 AnuUnit_v = RYD_INF*energy_ryd*SPEEDLIGHT/1e6;
00220         }
00221         else
00222         {
00223                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " insane units in AnuUnit =%4.4s\n", 
00224                   punch.chConPunEnr[punch.ipConPun] );
00225                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00226         }
00228         return AnuUnit_v;
00229 }
00231 /*ShowMe produce request to send information to GJF after a crash */
00232 void ShowMe(void)
00233 {
00235         DEBUG_ENTRY( "ShowMe()" );
00237         /* print info if output unit is defined */
00238         if( ioQQQ != NULL )
00239         {
00240                 /* >>chng 06 mar 02 - check if molecular but cosmic rays are ignored */
00241                 if( (hextra.cryden == 0.) && hmi.BiggestH2 > 0.1 )
00242                 {
00243                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " >>> \n >>> \n >>> Cosmic rays are not included and the gas is molecular.  "
00244                                 "THIS IS KNOWN TO BE UNSTABLE.  Add cosmic rays and try again.\n >>> \n >>>\n\n");
00245                 }
00246                 else
00247                 {
00248                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n\n\n" );
00249                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "           vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv \n" );
00250                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "          > PROBLEM DISASTER PROBLEM DISASTER.      <\n" );
00251                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "          > Sorry, something bad has happened.      <\n" );
00252                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "          > Please post this on the Cloudy web site <\n" );
00253                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "          > discussion board at www.nublado.org     <\n" );
00254                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "          > Please send all following information:  <\n" );
00255                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \n" );
00256                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n\n" );
00259                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Cloudy version number is %s\n", 
00260                                 t_version::Inst().chVersion );
00261                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " %s\n\n", t_version::Inst().chInfo );
00263                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "%5ld warnings,%3ld cautions,%3ld temperature failures.  Messages follow.\n", 
00264                           warnings.nwarn, warnings.ncaun, conv.nTeFail );
00266                         /* print the warnings first */
00267                         cdWarnings(ioQQQ);
00269                         /* now print the cautions */
00270                         cdCautions(ioQQQ);
00272                         /* now output the commands */
00273                         cdPrintCommands(ioQQQ);
00275                         /* if init command was present, this is the number of lines in it -
00276                          * if no init then still set to zero as done in cdInit */
00277                         if( input.nSaveIni )
00278                         {
00279                                 fprintf(ioQQQ," This input stream included an init file.\n");
00280                                 fprintf(ioQQQ," If this init file is not part of the standard Cloudy distribution\n"); 
00281                                 fprintf(ioQQQ," then I will need a copy of it too.\n");
00282                         }
00283                 }
00284         }
00285         return;
00286 }
00288 /*cap4 convert first 4 char of input line chLab into chCAP all in caps, null termination */
00289 void cap4(
00290                 char *chCAP ,   /* output string, cap'd first 4 char of chLab, */
00291                                                 /* with null terminating */
00292                 char *chLab)    /* input string ending with eol*/
00293 {
00294         long int /*chr,*/ 
00295           i;
00297         DEBUG_ENTRY( "cap4()" );
00299         /* convert 4 character string in chLab to ALL CAPS in chCAP */
00300         for( i=0; i < 4; i++ )
00301         {
00302                 /* toupper is function in ctype that converts to upper case */
00303                 chCAP[i] = (char)toupper( chLab[i] );
00304         }
00306         /* now end string with eol */
00307         chCAP[4] = '\0';
00308         return;
00309 }
00311 /*uncaps convert input command line (through eol) to all lowercase */
00312 void uncaps(char *chCard )
00313 {
00314         long int i;
00316         DEBUG_ENTRY( "caps()" );
00318         /* convert full character string in chCard to ALL CAPS */
00319         i = 0;
00320         while( chCard[i]!= '\0' )
00321         {
00322                 chCard[i] = (char)tolower( chCard[i] );
00323                 ++i;
00324         }
00325         return;
00326 }
00328 /*caps convert input command line (through eol) to ALL CAPS */
00329 void caps(char *chCard )
00330 {
00331         long int i;
00333         DEBUG_ENTRY( "caps()" );
00335         /* convert full character string in chCard to ALL CAPS */
00336         i = 0;
00337         while( chCard[i]!= '\0' )
00338         {
00339                 chCard[i] = (char)toupper( chCard[i] );
00340                 ++i;
00341         }
00342         return;
00343 }
00345 /*e2 second exponential integral */
00346 /*>>chng 07 jan 17, PvH discover that exp-t is not really
00347  * exp-t - this changed results in several tests */
00348 double e2(
00349         /* the argument to E2 */
00350         double t )
00351 {
00352         /* use recurrence relation */
00353         /* ignore exp_mt, it is *very* unreliable */
00354         double hold = sexp(t) - t*ee1(t);
00355         DEBUG_ENTRY( "e2()" );
00356         /* guard against negative results, this can happen for very large t */
00357         return max( hold, 0. );
00358 }
00360 /*ee1 first exponential integral */
00361 double ee1(double x)
00362 {
00363         double ans, 
00364           bot, 
00365           top;
00366         static double a[6]={-.57721566,.99999193,-.24991055,.05519968,-.00976004,
00367           .00107857};
00368         static double b[4]={8.5733287401,18.0590169730,8.6347608925,.2677737343};
00369         static double c[4]={9.5733223454,25.6329561486,21.0996530827,3.9584969228};
00371         DEBUG_ENTRY( "ee1()" );
00373         /* computes the exponential integral E1(x),
00374          * from Abramowitz and Stegun
00375          * stops with error condition for negative argument,
00376          * returns zero in large x limit 
00377          * */
00379         /* error - does not accept negative arguments */
00380         if( x <= 0 )
00381         {
00382                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " DISASTER negative argument in function ee1, x<0\n" );
00383                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00384         }
00386         /* branch for x less than 1 */
00387         else if( x < 1. )
00388         {
00389                 /* abs. accuracy better than 2e-7 */
00390                 ans = ((((a[5]*x + a[4])*x + a[3])*x + a[2])*x + a[1])*x + a[0] - log(x);
00391         }
00393         /* branch for x greater than, or equal to, one */
00394         else
00395         {
00396                 /* abs. accuracy better than 2e-8 */
00397                 top = (((x + b[0])*x + b[1])*x + b[2])*x + b[3];
00398                 bot = (((x + c[0])*x + c[1])*x + c[2])*x + c[3];
00399                 ans = top/bot/x*exp(-x);
00400         }
00401         return ans;
00402 }
00404 /* same as ee1, except without factor of exp(x) in returned value       */
00405 double ee1_safe(double x)
00406 {
00407         double ans, 
00408           bot, 
00409           top;
00410         /*static double a[6]={-.57721566,.99999193,-.24991055,.05519968,-.00976004,
00411           .00107857};*/
00412         static double b[4]={8.5733287401,18.0590169730,8.6347608925,.2677737343};
00413         static double c[4]={9.5733223454,25.6329561486,21.0996530827,3.9584969228};
00415         DEBUG_ENTRY( "ee1_safe()" );
00417         ASSERT( x > 1. );
00419         /* abs. accuracy better than 2e-8 */
00420         /*      top = powi(x,4) + b[0]*powi(x,3) + b[1]*x*x + b[2]*x + b[3]; */
00421         top = (((x + b[0])*x + b[1])*x + b[2])*x + b[3];
00422         /*      bot = powi(x,4) + c[0]*powi(x,3) + c[1]*x*x + c[2]*x + c[3]; */
00423         bot = (((x + c[0])*x + c[1])*x + c[2])*x + c[3];
00425         ans = top/bot/x;
00426         return ans;
00427 }
00429 /*FFmtRead scan input line for free format number */
00430 double FFmtRead(const char *chCard, 
00431                 long int *ipnt, 
00432                 /* the contents of this array element is the last that will be read */
00433                 long int last, 
00434                 bool *lgEOL)
00435 {
00436         DEBUG_ENTRY( "FFmtRead()" );
00438         const int MAX_SIZE = 1001;
00439         char chr = '\0', chLocal[MAX_SIZE];
00440         const char *eol_ptr = &chCard[last]; // eol_ptr points one beyond last valid char
00441         const char *ptr = min(&chCard[*ipnt-1],eol_ptr); // ipnt is on fortran scale
00443         ASSERT( *ipnt > 0 && last - *ipnt + 2 <= MAX_SIZE );
00445         while( ptr < eol_ptr && ( chr = *ptr++ ) != '\0' )
00446         {
00447                 const char *lptr = ptr;
00448                 char lchr = chr;
00449                 if( lchr == '-' || lchr == '+' )
00450                         lchr = *lptr++;
00451                 if( lchr == '.' )
00452                         lchr = *lptr;
00453                 if( isdigit(lchr) )
00454                         break;
00455         }
00457         if( ptr == eol_ptr || chr == '\0' )
00458         {
00459                 *ipnt = last+1;
00460                 *lgEOL = true;
00461                 return 0.;
00462         }
00464         // stripping commas is deprecated, this loop should be deleted in due course
00465         char* ptr2 = chLocal;
00466         do
00467         {
00468                 if( chr != ',' )
00469                         *ptr2++ = chr;
00470 #               if 0
00471                 else
00472                 {
00473                         if( ptr != eol_ptr )
00474                         {
00475                                 /* don't complain about comma if it appears after number, 
00476                                  * as determined by space following comma */
00477                                 char tmpChar = *ptr;
00478                         }
00479                 }
00480 #               endif
00481                 if( ptr == eol_ptr )
00482                         break;
00483                 chr = *ptr++;
00484         }
00485         while( isdigit(chr) || chr == '.' || chr == '-' || chr == '+' || chr == ',' || chr == 'e' || chr == 'E' );
00486         *ptr2 = '\0';
00488         /*if( lgCommaFound )
00489                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " PROBLEM - a comma was found embedded in a number, this is deprecated.\n" );*/
00491         double value = atof( chLocal );
00493         *ipnt = (long)(ptr - chCard); // ptr already points 1 beyond where next read should start
00494         *lgEOL = false;
00495         return value;
00496 }
00498 /*nMatch determine whether match to a keyword occurs on command line,
00499  * return value is 0 if no match, and position of match within string if hit */
00500 long nMatch(const char *chKey, 
00501             const char *chCard)
00502 {
00503         const char *ptr;
00504         long Match_v;
00506         DEBUG_ENTRY( "nMatch()" );
00508         ASSERT( strlen(chKey) > 0 );
00510         if( ( ptr = strstr( chCard, chKey ) ) == NULL )
00511         {
00512                 /* did not find match, return 0 */
00513                 Match_v = 0L;
00514         }
00515         else
00516         {
00517                 /* return position within chCard (fortran scale) */
00518                 Match_v = (long)(ptr-chCard+1);
00519         }
00520         return Match_v;
00521 }
00523 /* fudge enter fudge factors, or some arbitrary number, with fudge command
00524  * other sections of the code access these numbers by calling fudge
00525  * fudge(0) returns the first number that was entered
00526  * prototype for this function is in cddefines.h so that it can be used without
00527  * declarations 
00528  * fudge(-1) queries the routine for the number of fudge parameters that were entered,
00529  * zero returned if none */
00530 double fudge(long int ipnt)
00531 {
00532         double fudge_v;
00534         DEBUG_ENTRY( "fudge()" );
00536         if( ipnt < 0 )
00537         {
00538                 /* this is special case, return number of arguments */
00539                 fudge_v = fudgec.nfudge;
00540                 fudgec.lgFudgeUsed = true;
00541         }
00542         else if( ipnt >= fudgec.nfudge )
00543         {
00544                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " FUDGE factor not entered for array number %3ld\n", 
00545                   ipnt );
00546                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00547         }
00548         else
00549         {
00550                 fudge_v = fudgec.fudgea[ipnt];
00551                 fudgec.lgFudgeUsed = true;
00552         }
00553         return fudge_v;
00554 }
00556 /*GetElem scans line image, finds element. returns atomic number j, 
00557  * on C scale, -1 if no hit.  chCARD_CAPS must be in CAPS to hit element */
00558 long int GetElem(char *chCARD_CAPS )
00559 {
00560         int i;
00562         DEBUG_ENTRY( "GetElem()" );
00564         /* find which element */
00566         /* >>>chng 99 apr 17, lower limit to loop had been 1, so search started with helium,
00567          * change to 0 so we can pick up hydrogen.  needed for parseasserts command */
00568         /* find match with element name, start with helium */
00569         for( i=0; i<(int)LIMELM; ++i )
00570         {
00571                 if( nMatch( elementnames.chElementNameShort[i], chCARD_CAPS ) )
00572                 {
00573                         /* return value is in C counting, hydrogen would be 0*/
00574                         return i;
00575                 }
00576         }
00577         /* fall through, did not hit, return -1 as error condition */
00578         return (-1 );
00579 }
00581 /* GetQuote get any name between double quotes off command line
00582  * return string as chLabel, is null terminated 
00583  * returns zero for success, 1 for did not find double quotes */
00584 int GetQuote(
00585                 /* we will generate a label and stuff it here */
00586                 char *chLabel,  
00587                 /* local capd line, we will blank this out */
00588                 char *chCard ,
00589                 /* if true then abort if no double quotes found, 
00590                  * if false then return null string in this case */
00591                 bool lgABORT )
00592 {
00593         char *i0,       /* pointer to first " */
00594           *i1,          /* pointer to second ", name is in between */
00595           *iLoc;        /* pointer to first " in local version of card in calling routine */
00596         size_t len;
00598         DEBUG_ENTRY( "GetQuote()" );
00600         /*label within quotes returned within chLabel
00601          *label in line image is set to blanks when complete */
00603         /* find start of string, string must begin and end with double quotes */
00604         /* get pointer to first quote */
00605         i0 = strchr( input.chOrgCard,'\"' );
00607         if( i0 != NULL ) 
00608         {
00609                 /* get pointer to next quote */
00610                 /*i1 = strrchr( input.chOrgCard,'\"' );*/
00611                 i1 = strchr( i0+1 ,'\"' );
00612         }
00613         else 
00614         {
00615                 i1 = NULL;
00616         }
00618         /* check that pointers were not NULL */
00619         /* >>chng 00 apr 27, check for i0 and i1 equal not needed anymore, by PvH */
00620         if( i0 == NULL || i1 == NULL )
00621         {
00622                 if( lgABORT )
00623                 {
00624                         /* this case really do need this to work - it did not, so must abort */
00625                         fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00626                                 " A filename or label must be specified within double quotes, but no quotes were encountered on this command.\n" );
00627                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Name must be surrounded by exactly two double quotes, like \"name.txt\". \n" );
00628                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " The line image follows:\n" );
00629                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " %s\n", input.chOrgCard);
00630                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Sorry\n" );
00631                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00632                 }
00633                 else
00634                 {
00635                         /* this branch, ok if not present, return null string in that case */
00636                         chLabel[0] = '\0';
00637                         /* return value of 1 indicates did not find double quotes */
00638                         return 1;
00639                 }
00640         }
00642         /* now copy the text in between quotes */
00643         len = (size_t)(i1-i0-1);
00644         strncpy(chLabel,i0+1,len);
00645         /* strncpy doesn't terminate the label */
00646         chLabel[len] = '\0';
00648         /* get pointer to first quote in local copy of line image in calling routine */
00649         iLoc = strchr( chCard ,'\"' );
00650         if( iLoc == NULL )
00651         {
00652                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " Insanity in GetQuote - line image follows:\n" );
00653                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " %s\n", input.chOrgCard);
00654                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00655         }
00657         /* >>chng 97 jul 01, blank out label once finished, to not be picked up later */
00658         /* >>chng 00 apr 27, erase quotes as well, so that we can find second label, by PvH */
00659         while( i0 <= i1 )
00660         {
00661                 *i0 = ' ';
00662                 *iLoc = ' ';
00663                 ++i0;
00664                 ++iLoc;
00665         }
00666         /* return condition of 0 indicates success */
00667         return 0;
00668 }
00670 /* powi.c - calc x^n, where n is an integer! */
00672 /* Very slightly modified version of power() from Computer Language, Sept. 86,
00673         pg 87, by Jon Snader (who extracted the binary algorithm from Donald Knuth,
00674         "The Art of Computer Programming", vol 2, 1969).
00675         powi() will only be called when an exponentiation with an integer
00676         exponent is performed, thus tests & code for fractional exponents were 
00677         removed.
00678  */
00680 /* want to define this only if no native os support exists */
00681 #if !HAVE_POWI
00683 double powi( double x, long int n )     /* returns:  x^n */
00684 /* x;    base */
00685 /* n;    exponent */
00686 {
00687         double p;       /* holds partial product */
00689         DEBUG_ENTRY( "powi()" );
00691         if( x == 0 )
00692                 return 0.;
00694         /* test for negative exponent */
00695         if( n < 0 )
00696         {       
00697                 n = -n;
00698                 x = 1/x;
00699         }
00701         p = is_odd(n) ? x : 1;  /* test & set zero power */
00703         /*lint -e704 shift right of signed quantity */
00704         /*lint -e720 Boolean test of assignment */
00705         while( n >>= 1 )
00706         {       /* now do the other powers */
00707                 x *= x;                 /* sq previous power of x */
00708                 if( is_odd(n) ) /* if low order bit set */
00709                         p *= x;         /*      then, multiply partial product by latest power of x */
00710         }
00711         /*lint +e704 shift right of signed quantity */
00712         /*lint +e720 Boolean test of assignment */
00713         return p;
00714 }
00716 #endif /* HAVE_POWI */
00718 long ipow( long m, long n )     /* returns:  m^n */
00719 /* m;            base */
00720 /* n;            exponent */
00721 {
00722         long p; /* holds partial product */
00724         DEBUG_ENTRY( "ipow()" );
00726         if( m == 0 || (n < 0 && m > 1) )
00727                 return 0L;
00728         /* NOTE: negative exponent always results in 0 for integers!
00729          * (except for the case when m==1 or -1) */
00731         if( n < 0 )
00732         {       /* test for negative exponent */
00733                 n = -n;
00734                 m = 1/m;
00735         }
00737         p = is_odd(n) ? m : 1;  /* test & set zero power */
00739         /*lint -e704 shift right of signed quantity */
00740         /*lint -e720 Boolean test of assignment */
00741         while( n >>= 1 )
00742         {       /* now do the other powers */
00743                 m *= m;                 /* sq previous power of m */
00744                 if( is_odd(n) ) /* if low order bit set */
00745                         p *= m;         /*      then, multiply partial product by latest power of m */
00746         }
00747         /*lint +e704 shift right of signed quantity */
00748         /*lint +e720 Boolean test of assignment */
00749         return p;
00750 }
00752 /*PrintE82 - series of routines to mimic 1p, e8.2 fortran output */
00753 /***********************************************************
00754  * contains the following sets of routines to get around   *
00755  * the MS C++ compilers unusual exponential output.        *
00756  * PrintEfmt <= much faster, no overhead with unix         *
00757  * PrintE93                                                *
00758  * PrintE82                                                *
00759  * PrintE71                                                *
00760  **********************************************************/
00762 /**********************************************************/
00763 /*
00764 * Instead of printf'ing with %e or %.5e or whatever, call
00765 * efmt("%e", val) and print the result with %s.  This lets
00766 * us work around bugs in VS C 6.0.
00767 */
00768 char *PrintEfmt(const char *fmt, double val /* , char *buf */) 
00769 {
00770         static char buf[30]; /* or pass it in */
00772         DEBUG_ENTRY( "PrintEfmt()" );
00774         /* create the string */
00775         sprintf(buf, fmt, val);
00777         /* we need to fix e in format if ms vs */
00778 #       ifdef _MSC_VER
00779         {
00780                 /* code to fix incorrect ms v e format.  works only for case where there is
00781                  * a leading space in the format - for formats like 7.1, 8.2, 9.3, 10.4, etc
00782                  * result will have 1 too many characters */
00783                 char *ep , buf2[30];
00785                 /* msvc behaves badly in different ways for positive vs negative sign vals,
00786                  * if val is positive must create a leading space */
00787                 if( val >= 0.)
00788                 {
00789                         strcpy(buf2 , " " );
00790                         strcat(buf2 , buf);
00791                         strcpy( buf , buf2);
00792                 }
00794                 /* allow for both e and E formats */
00795                 if((ep = strchr(buf, 'e')) == NULL)
00796                 {
00797                         ep = strchr(buf, 'E');
00798                 }
00800                 /* ep can still be NULL if val is Inf or NaN */
00801                 if(ep != NULL) 
00802                 {
00803                         /* move pointer two char past the e, to pick up the e and sign */
00804                         ep += 2;
00806                         /* terminate buf where the e is, *ep points to this location */
00807                         *ep = '\0';
00809                         /* skip next char, */
00810                         ++ep;
00812                         /* copy resulting string to return string */
00813                         strcat( buf, ep );
00814                 }
00815         }
00816 #       endif
00817         return buf;
00818 }
00820 /**********************************************************/
00821 void PrintE82( FILE* ioOUT, double value )
00822 {
00823         double frac , xlog , xfloor , tvalue;
00824         int iExp;
00826         DEBUG_ENTRY( "PrintE82()" );
00828         if( value < 0 )
00829         {
00830                 fprintf(ioOUT,"********");
00831         }
00832         else if( value == 0 )
00833         {
00834                 fprintf(ioOUT,"0.00E+00");
00835         }
00836         else
00837         {
00838                 /* round number off for 8.2 format (not needed since can't be negative) */
00839                 tvalue = value;
00840                 xlog = log10( tvalue );
00841                 xfloor = floor(xlog);
00842                 /* this is now the fractional part */
00843                 frac = tvalue*pow(10.,-xfloor);
00844                 /*this is the possibly signed exponential part */
00845                 iExp = (int)xfloor;
00846                 if( frac>9.9945 )
00847                 {
00848                         frac /= 10.;
00849                         iExp += 1;
00850                 }
00851                 /* print the fractional part*/
00852                 fprintf(ioOUT,"%.2f",frac);
00853                 /* E for exponent */
00854                 fprintf(ioOUT,"E");
00855                 /* if positive throw a + sign*/
00856                 if(iExp>=0 )
00857                 {
00858                         fprintf(ioOUT,"+");
00859                 }
00860                 fprintf(ioOUT,"%.2d",iExp);
00861         }
00862         return;
00863 }
00864 /*
00865  *==============================================================================
00866  */
00867 void PrintE71( FILE* ioOUT, double value )
00868 {
00869         double frac , xlog , xfloor , tvalue;
00870         int iExp;
00872         DEBUG_ENTRY( "PrintE71()" );
00874         if( value < 0 )
00875         {
00876                 fprintf(ioOUT,"*******");
00877         }
00878         else if( value == 0 )
00879         {
00880                 fprintf(ioOUT,"0.0E+00");
00881         }
00882         else
00883         {
00884                 /* round number off for 8.2 format (not needed since can't be negative) */
00885                 tvalue = value;
00886                 xlog = log10( tvalue );
00887                 xfloor = floor(xlog);
00888                 /* this is now the fractional part */
00889                 frac = tvalue*pow(10.,-xfloor);
00890                 /*this is the possibly signed exponential part */
00891                 iExp = (int)xfloor;
00892                 if( frac>9.9945 )
00893                 {
00894                         frac /= 10.;
00895                         iExp += 1;
00896                 }
00897                 /* print the fractional part*/
00898                 fprintf(ioOUT,"%.1f",frac);
00899                 /* E for exponent */
00900                 fprintf(ioOUT,"E");
00901                 /* if positive throw a + sign*/
00902                 if(iExp>=0 )
00903                 {
00904                         fprintf(ioOUT,"+");
00905                 }
00906                 fprintf(ioOUT,"%.2d",iExp);
00907         }
00908         return;
00909 }
00911 /*
00912  *==============================================================================
00913  */
00914 void PrintE93( FILE* ioOUT, double value )
00915 {
00916         double frac , xlog , xfloor, tvalue;
00917         int iExp;
00919         DEBUG_ENTRY( "PrintE93()" );
00921         if( value < 0 )
00922         {
00923                 fprintf(ioOUT,"*********");
00924         }
00925         else if( value == 0 )
00926         {
00927                 fprintf(ioOUT,"0.000E+00");
00928         }
00929         else
00930         {
00931                 /* round number off for 9.3 format, neg numb not possible */
00932                 tvalue = value;
00933                 xlog = log10( tvalue );
00934                 xfloor = floor(xlog);
00935                 /* this is now the fractional part */
00936                 frac = tvalue*pow(10.,-xfloor);
00937                 /*this is the possibly signed exponential part */
00938                 iExp = (int)xfloor;
00939                 if( frac>9.99949 )
00940                 {
00941                         frac /= 10.;
00942                         iExp += 1;
00943                 }
00944                 /* print the fractional part*/
00945                 fprintf(ioOUT,"%5.3f",frac);
00946                 /* E for exponent */
00947                 fprintf(ioOUT,"E");
00948                 /* if positive throw a + sign*/
00949                 if(iExp>=0 )
00950                 {
00951                         fprintf(ioOUT,"+");
00952                 }
00953                 fprintf(ioOUT,"%.2d",iExp);
00954         }
00955         return;
00956 }
00958 /*TotalInsanity general error handler for something that cannot happen */
00959 NORETURN void TotalInsanity(void)
00960 {
00962         DEBUG_ENTRY( "TotalInsanity()" );
00964         /* something that cannot happen, happened,
00965          * if this message is triggered, simply place a breakpoint here
00966          * and debug the error */
00967         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Something that cannot happen, has happened.\n" );
00968         fprintf( ioQQQ, " This is TotalInsanity, I live in service.cpp.\n" );
00969         ShowMe();
00971         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00972 }
00975 /*BadRead general error handler for trying to read data, but failing */
00976 NORETURN void BadRead(void)
00977 {
00979         DEBUG_ENTRY( "BadRead()" );
00981         /* read failed */
00982         fprintf( ioQQQ, " A read of internal input data has failed.\n" );
00983         fprintf( ioQQQ, " This is BadRead, I live in service.c.\n" );
00984         ShowMe();
00986         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00987 }
00989 /*BadOpen general error handler for trying to open file, but failing */
00990 NORETURN void BadOpen(void)
00991 {
00993         DEBUG_ENTRY( "BadOpen()" );
00995         /* read failed */
00996         fprintf( ioQQQ, " An attempt at opening a files has failed.\n" );
00997         fprintf( ioQQQ, " This is BadOpen, I live in service.c.\n" );
00998         ShowMe();
01000         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
01001 }
01003 /*NoNumb general error handler for no numbers on input line */
01004 NORETURN void NoNumb(char *chCard)
01005 {
01007         DEBUG_ENTRY( "NoNumb()" );
01009         /* general catch-all for no number when there should have been */
01010         fprintf( ioQQQ, " There is a problem on the following command line:\n" );
01011         fprintf( ioQQQ, " %s\n", chCard );
01012         fprintf( ioQQQ, " There should have been a number on this line.   Sorry.\n" );
01013         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
01014  }
01016 /*sexp safe exponential function */
01017 sys_float sexp(sys_float x)
01018 {
01019         sys_float sexp_v;
01021         DEBUG_ENTRY( "sexp()" );
01023         /* SEXP_LIMIT is 84 in cddefines.h */
01024         if( x < SEXP_LIMIT )
01025         {
01026                 sexp_v = exp(-x);
01027         }
01028         else
01029         {
01030                 sexp_v = 0.f;
01031         }
01032         return sexp_v;
01033 }
01035 /*sexp safe exponential function */
01036 double sexp(double x)
01037 {
01038         double sexp_v;
01040         DEBUG_ENTRY( "sexp()" );
01042         /* SEXP_LIMIT is 84 in cddefines.h */
01043         if( x < SEXP_LIMIT )
01044         {
01045                 sexp_v = exp(-x);
01046         }
01047         else
01048         {
01049                 sexp_v = 0.;
01050         }
01051         return sexp_v;
01052 }
01055 /*dsexp safe exponential function for doubles */
01056 double dsexp(double x)
01057 {
01058         double dsexp_v;
01060         DEBUG_ENTRY( "dsexp()" );
01062         if( x < 680. )
01063         {
01064                 dsexp_v = exp(-x);
01065         }
01066         else
01067         {
01068                 dsexp_v = 0.;
01069         }
01070         return dsexp_v;
01071 }
01073 /*TestCode set flag saying that test code is in place 
01074  * prototype in cddefines.h */
01075 void TestCode(void)
01076 {
01078         DEBUG_ENTRY( "TestCode( )" );
01080         /* called if test code is in place */
01081         lgTestCodeCalled = true;
01082         return;
01083 }
01085 /*broken set flag saying that the code is broken, */
01086 void broken(void)
01087 {
01089         DEBUG_ENTRY( "broken( )" );
01091         broke.lgBroke = true;
01092         return;
01093 }
01095 /*fixit say that code needs to be fixed */
01096 void fixit(void)
01097 {
01098         DEBUG_ENTRY( "fixit( )" );
01100         broke.lgFixit = true;
01101         return;
01102 }
01104 /*CodeReview placed next to code that needs to be checked */
01105 void CodeReview(void)
01106 {
01107         DEBUG_ENTRY( "CodeReview( )" );
01109         broke.lgCheckit = true;
01110         return;
01111 }
01114 int dprintf(FILE *fp, const char *format, ...)
01115 {
01116         va_list ap;
01117         int i1, i2;
01119         DEBUG_ENTRY( "dprintf()" );
01120         va_start(ap,format);
01121         i1 = fprintf(fp,"DEBUG ");
01122         if (i1 >= 0)
01123                 i2 = vfprintf(fp,format,ap);
01124         else
01125                 i2 = 0;
01126         if (i2 < 0)
01127                 i1 = 0;
01128         va_end(ap);
01130         return i1+i2;
01131 }
01133 /* dbg_printf is a debug print routine that was provided by Peter Teuben,
01134  * as a component from his NEMO package.  It offers run-time specification
01135  * of the level of debugging */
01136 int dbg_printf(int debug, const char *fmt, ...)
01137 {
01138         va_list ap;
01139         int i=0;
01141         DEBUG_ENTRY( "dbg_printf()" );
01143         /* print this debug message? (debug_level not currently used)*/
01144         if(debug <= trace.debug_level) 
01145         {               
01146                 va_start(ap, fmt);      
01148                 i = vfprintf(ioQQQ, fmt, ap);
01149                 /* drain ioQQQ */
01150                 fflush(ioQQQ);
01151                 va_end(ap);
01152         }
01153         return i;
01154 }
01157 /*qg32 32 point Gaussian quadrature, originally given to Gary F by Jim Lattimer */
01158 double qg32(
01159         double xl, /*lower limit to integration range*/
01160         double xu, /*upper limit to integration range*/
01161         /*following is the pointer to the function that will be evaluated*/
01162         double (*fct)(double) )
01163 {
01164         double a, 
01165           b, 
01166           c, 
01167           y;
01169         DEBUG_ENTRY( "qg32()" );
01171         /********************************************************************************
01172          *                                                                              *
01173          *  32-point Gaussian quadrature                                                *
01174          *  xl  : the lower limit of integration                                        *
01175          *  xu  : the upper limit                                                       *
01176          *  fct : the (external) function                                               *
01177          *  returns the value of the integral                                           *
01178          *                                                                              *
01179          * simple call to integrate sine from 0 to pi                                   *
01180          * double agn = qg32( 0., 3.141592654 ,  sin );                                 *
01181          *                                                                              *
01182          *******************************************************************************/
01184         a = .5*(xu + xl);
01185         b = xu - xl;
01186         c = .498631930924740780*b;
01187         y = .35093050047350483e-2*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01188         c = b*.49280575577263417;
01189         y += .8137197365452835e-2*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01190         c = b*.48238112779375322;
01191         y += .1269603265463103e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01192         c = b*.46745303796886984;
01193         y += .17136931456510717e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01194         c = b*.44816057788302606;
01195         y += .21417949011113340e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01196         c = b*.42468380686628499;
01197         y += .25499029631188088e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01198         c = b*.3972418979839712;
01199         y += .29342046739267774e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01200         c = b*.36609105937014484;
01201         y += .32911111388180923e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01202         c = b*.3315221334651076;
01203         y += .36172897054424253e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01204         c = b*.29385787862038116;
01205         y += .39096947893535153e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01206         c = b*.2534499544661147;
01207         y += .41655962113473378e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01208         c = b*.21067563806531767;
01209         y += .43826046502201906e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01210         c = b*.16593430114106382;
01211         y += .45586939347881942e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01212         c = b*.11964368112606854;
01213         y += .46922199540402283e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01214         c = b*.7223598079139825e-1;
01215         y += .47819360039637430e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c));
01216         c = b*.24153832843869158e-1;
01217         y = b*(y + .482700442573639e-1*((*fct)(a+c) + (*fct)(a-c)));
01218         /* the answer */
01219         return y;
01220 }
01222 /*spsort netlib routine to sort array returning sorted indices */
01223 void spsort(
01224           /* input array to be sorted */
01225           realnum x[], 
01226           /* number of values in x */
01227           long int n, 
01228           /* permutation output array */
01229           long int iperm[], 
01230           /* flag saying what to do - 1 sorts into increasing order, not changing
01231            * the original vector, -1 sorts into decreasing order. 2, -2 change vector */
01232           int kflag, 
01233           /* error condition, should be 0 */
01234           int *ier)
01235 {
01236         /*
01237          ****BEGIN PROLOGUE  SPSORT
01238          ****PURPOSE  Return the permutation vector generated by sorting a given
01239          *            array and, optionally, rearrange the elements of the array.
01240          *            The array may be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.
01241          *            A slightly modified quicksort algorithm is used.
01242          ****LIBRARY   SLATEC
01243          ****CATEGORY  N6A1B, N6A2B
01246          ****AUTHOR  Jones, R. E., (SNLA)
01247          *           Rhoads, G. S., (NBS)
01248          *           Wisniewski, J. A., (SNLA)
01249          ****DESCRIPTION
01250          *
01251          *   SPSORT returns the permutation vector IPERM generated by sorting
01252          *   the array X and, optionally, rearranges the values in X.  X may
01253          *   be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  A slightly modified
01254          *   quicksort algorithm is used.
01255          *
01256          *   IPERM is such that X(IPERM(I)) is the Ith value in the rearrangement
01257          *   of X.  IPERM may be applied to another array by calling IPPERM,
01258          *   SPPERM, DPPERM or HPPERM.
01259          *
01260          *   The main difference between SPSORT and its active sorting equivalent
01261          *   SSORT is that the data are referenced indirectly rather than
01262          *   directly.  Therefore, SPSORT should require approximately twice as
01263          *   long to execute as SSORT.  However, SPSORT is more general.
01264          *
01265          *   Description of Parameters
01266          *      X - input/output -- real array of values to be sorted.
01267          *          If ABS(KFLAG) = 2, then the values in X will be
01268          *          rearranged on output; otherwise, they are unchanged.
01269          *      N - input -- number of values in array X to be sorted.
01270          *      IPERM - output -- permutation array such that IPERM(I) is the
01271          *              index of the value in the original order of the
01272          *              X array that is in the Ith location in the sorted
01273          *              order.
01274          *      KFLAG - input -- control parameter:
01275          *            =  2  means return the permutation vector resulting from
01276          *                  sorting X in increasing order and sort X also.
01277          *            =  1  means return the permutation vector resulting from
01278          *                  sorting X in increasing order and do not sort X.
01279          *            = -1  means return the permutation vector resulting from
01280          *                  sorting X in decreasing order and do not sort X.
01281          *            = -2  means return the permutation vector resulting from
01282          *                  sorting X in decreasing order and sort X also.
01283          *      IER - output -- error indicator:
01284          *          =  0  if no error,
01285          *          =  1  if N is zero or negative,
01286          *          =  2  if KFLAG is not 2, 1, -1, or -2.
01287          ****REFERENCES  R. C. Singleton, Algorithm 347, An efficient algorithm
01288          *                 for sorting with minimal storage, Communications of
01289          *                 the ACM, 12, 3 (1969), pp. 185-187.
01290          ****ROUTINES CALLED  XERMSG
01291          ****REVISION HISTORY  (YYMMDD)
01292          *   761101  DATE WRITTEN
01293          *   761118  Modified by John A. Wisniewski to use the Singleton
01294          *           quicksort algorithm.
01295          *   870423  Modified by Gregory S. Rhoads for passive sorting with the
01296          *           option for the rearrangement of the original data.
01297          *   890620  Algorithm for rearranging the data vector corrected by R.
01298          *           Boisvert.
01299          *   890622  Prologue upgraded to Version 4.0 style by D. Lozier.
01300          *   891128  Error when KFLAG.LT.0 and N=1 corrected by R. Boisvert.
01301          *   920507  Modified by M. McClain to revise prologue text.
01302          *   920818  Declarations section rebuilt and code restructured to use
01303          *           IF-THEN-ELSE-ENDIF.  (SMR, WRB)
01304          ****END PROLOGUE  SPSORT
01305          *     .. Scalar Arguments ..
01306          */
01307         long int i, 
01308           ij, 
01309           il[21], 
01310           indx, 
01311           indx0, 
01312           istrt, 
01313           istrt_, 
01314           iu[21], 
01315           j, 
01316           k, 
01317           kk, 
01318           l, 
01319           lm, 
01320           lmt, 
01321           m, 
01322           nn;
01323         realnum r, 
01324           ttemp;
01326         DEBUG_ENTRY( "spsort()" );
01328         /*     .. Array Arguments .. */
01329         /*     .. Local Scalars .. */
01330         /*     .. Local Arrays .. */
01331         /*     .. External Subroutines .. */
01332         /*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
01334         *ier = 0;
01335         nn = n;
01336         if( nn < 1 )
01337         {
01338                 *ier = 1;
01339                 return;
01340         }
01341         else
01342         {
01343                 kk = labs(kflag);
01344                 if( kk != 1 && kk != 2 )
01345                 {
01346                         *ier = 2;
01347                         return;
01348                 }
01349                 else
01350                 {
01352                         /* Initialize permutation vector to index on f scale
01353                          * */
01354                         for( i=0; i < nn; i++ )
01355                         {
01356                                 iperm[i] = i+1;
01357                         }
01359                         /* Return if only one value is to be sorted */
01360                         if( nn == 1 )
01361                         { 
01362                                 --iperm[0];
01363                                 return;
01364                         }
01366                         /* Alter array X to get decreasing order if needed */
01367                         if( kflag <= -1 )
01368                         {
01369                                 for( i=0; i < nn; i++ )
01370                                 {
01371                                         x[i] = -x[i];
01372                                 }
01373                         }
01375                         /* Sort X only */
01376                         m = 1;
01377                         i = 1;
01378                         j = nn;
01379                         r = .375e0;
01380                 }
01381         }
01383         while( true )
01384         {
01385                 if( i == j )
01386                         goto L_80;
01387                 if( r <= 0.5898437e0 )
01388                 {
01389                         r += 3.90625e-2;
01390                 }
01391                 else
01392                 {
01393                         r -= 0.21875e0;
01394                 }
01396 L_40:
01397                 k = i;
01399                 /*     Select a central element of the array and save it in location L
01400                  * */
01401                 ij = i + (long)((j-i)*r);
01402                 lm = iperm[ij-1];
01404                 /*     If first element of array is greater than LM, interchange with LM
01405                  * */
01406                 if( x[iperm[i-1]-1] > x[lm-1] )
01407                 {
01408                         iperm[ij-1] = iperm[i-1];
01409                         iperm[i-1] = lm;
01410                         lm = iperm[ij-1];
01411                 }
01412                 l = j;
01414                 /*     If last element of array is less than LM, interchange with LM
01415                  * */
01416                 if( x[iperm[j-1]-1] < x[lm-1] )
01417                 {
01418                         iperm[ij-1] = iperm[j-1];
01419                         iperm[j-1] = lm;
01420                         lm = iperm[ij-1];
01422                         /*        If first element of array is greater than LM, interchange
01423                          *        with LM
01424                          * */
01425                         if( x[iperm[i-1]-1] > x[lm-1] )
01426                         {
01427                                 iperm[ij-1] = iperm[i-1];
01428                                 iperm[i-1] = lm;
01429                                 lm = iperm[ij-1];
01430                         }
01431                 }
01433                 /* Find an element in the second half of the array which is smaller
01434                  * than LM */
01435                 while( true )
01436                 {
01437                         l -= 1;
01438                         if( x[iperm[l-1]-1] <= x[lm-1] )
01439                         {
01441                                 /* Find an element in the first half of the array which is greater
01442                                  * than LM */
01443                                 while( true )
01444                                 {
01445                                         k += 1;
01446                                         if( x[iperm[k-1]-1] >= x[lm-1] )
01447                                                 break;
01448                                 }
01450                                 /* Interchange these elements */
01451                                 if( k > l )
01452                                         break;
01453                                 lmt = iperm[l-1];
01454                                 iperm[l-1] = iperm[k-1];
01455                                 iperm[k-1] = lmt;
01456                         }
01457                 }
01459                 /* Save upper and lower subscripts of the array yet to be sorted */
01460                 if( l - i > j - k )
01461                 {
01462                         il[m-1] = i;
01463                         iu[m-1] = l;
01464                         i = k;
01465                         m += 1;
01466                 }
01467                 else
01468                 {
01469                         il[m-1] = k;
01470                         iu[m-1] = j;
01471                         j = l;
01472                         m += 1;
01473                 }
01475 L_90:
01476                 if( j - i >= 1 )
01477                         goto L_40;
01478                 if( i == 1 )
01479                         continue;
01480                 i -= 1;
01482                 while( true )
01483                 {
01484                         i += 1;
01485                         if( i == j )
01486                                 break;
01487                         lm = iperm[i];
01488                         if( x[iperm[i-1]-1] > x[lm-1] )
01489                         {
01490                                 k = i;
01492                                 while( true )
01493                                 {
01494                                         iperm[k] = iperm[k-1];
01495                                         k -= 1;
01497                                         if( x[lm-1] >= x[iperm[k-1]-1] )
01498                                                 break;
01499                                 }
01500                                 iperm[k] = lm;
01501                         }
01502                 }
01504                 /* Begin again on another portion of the unsorted array */
01505 L_80:
01506                 m -= 1;
01507                 if( m == 0 )
01508                         break;
01509                 /*lint -e644 not explicitly initialized */
01510                 i = il[m-1];
01511                 j = iu[m-1];
01512                 /*lint +e644 not explicitly initialized */
01513                 goto L_90;
01514         }
01516         /* Clean up */
01517         if( kflag <= -1 )
01518         {
01519                 for( i=0; i < nn; i++ )
01520                 {
01521                         x[i] = -x[i];
01522                 }
01523         }
01525         /* Rearrange the values of X if desired */
01526         if( kk == 2 )
01527         {
01529                 /* Use the IPERM vector as a flag.
01530                  * If IPERM(I) < 0, then the I-th value is in correct location */
01531                 for( istrt=1; istrt <= nn; istrt++ )
01532                 {
01533                         istrt_ = istrt - 1;
01534                         if( iperm[istrt_] >= 0 )
01535                         {
01536                                 indx = istrt;
01537                                 indx0 = indx;
01538                                 ttemp = x[istrt_];
01539                                 while( iperm[indx-1] > 0 )
01540                                 {
01541                                         x[indx-1] = x[iperm[indx-1]-1];
01542                                         indx0 = indx;
01543                                         iperm[indx-1] = -iperm[indx-1];
01544                                         indx = labs(iperm[indx-1]);
01545                                 }
01546                                 x[indx0-1] = ttemp;
01547                         }
01548                 }
01550                 /* Revert the signs of the IPERM values */
01551                 for( i=0; i < nn; i++ )
01552                 {
01553                         iperm[i] = -iperm[i];
01554                 }
01555         }
01557         for( i=0; i < nn; i++ )
01558         {
01559                 --iperm[i];
01560         }
01561         return;
01562 }
01564 /*MyMalloc wrapper for malloc().  Returns a good pointer or dies. 
01565  * memory is filled with NaN
01566  * >>chng 05 dec 14, do not set to NaN since tricks debugger 
01567  * routines within code do not call this or malloc, but rather MALLOC
01568  * which is resolved into MyMalloc or malloc depending on whether 
01569  * NDEBUG is set by the compiler to indicate "not debugging",
01570  * in typical negative C style */
01571 void *MyMalloc( 
01572         /*use same type as library function MALLOC*/ 
01573         size_t size ,
01574         const char *chFile, 
01575         int line
01576         )
01577 {
01578         void *ptr;
01580         DEBUG_ENTRY( "MyMalloc()" );
01582         ASSERT( size > 0 );
01584         /* debug branch for printing malloc args */
01585         {
01586                 /*@-redef@*/
01587                 enum{DEBUG_LOC=false};
01588                 /*@+redef@*/
01589                 if( DEBUG_LOC)
01590                 {
01591                         static long int kount=0, nTot=0;
01592                         nTot += (long)size;
01593                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"%li\t%li\t%li\n", 
01594                                 kount , 
01595                                 (long)size , 
01596                                 nTot );
01597                         ++kount;
01598                 }
01599         }
01601         if( ( ptr = malloc( size ) ) == NULL )
01602         {
01603                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"DISASTER MyMalloc could not allocate %lu bytes.  Exit in MyMalloc.",
01604                         (unsigned long)size );
01605                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"MyMalloc called from file %s at line %i.\n",
01606                         chFile , line );
01607                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
01608         }
01610         /* flag -DNOINIT will turn off this initialization which can fool valgrind/purify */
01611 #       if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(NOINIT)
01613         size_t nFloat = size/4;
01614         size_t nDouble = size/8;
01615         sys_float *fptr = static_cast<sys_float*>(ptr);
01616         double *dptr = static_cast<double*>(ptr);
01618         /* >>chng 04 feb 03, fill memory with invalid numbers, PvH */
01619         /* on IA32/AMD64 processors this will generate NaN's for both float and double;
01620          * on most other (modern) architectures it is likely to do the same... */
01621         /* >>chng 05 dec 14, change code to generate signaling NaN's for most cases (but not all!) */
01622         if( size == nDouble*8 )
01623         {
01624                 /* this could be an array of doubles as well as floats -> we will hedge our bets
01625                  * we will fill the array with a pattern that is interpreted as all signaling
01626                  * NaN's for doubles, and alternating signaling and quiet NaN's for floats:
01627                  * byte offset:  0      4      8     12     16
01628                  * double        | SNaN        | SNan        |
01629                  * float         | SNaN | QNaN | SNan | QNaN |  (little-endian, e.g. Intel, AMD, alpha)
01630                  * float         | QNaN | SNaN | QNan | SNaN |  (big-endian, e.g. Sparc, PowerPC, MIPS) */
01631                 set_NaN( dptr, (long)nDouble );
01632         }
01633         else if( size == nFloat*4 )
01634         {
01635                 /* this could be an arrays of floats, but not doubles -> init to all float SNaN */
01636                 set_NaN( fptr, (long)nFloat );
01637         }
01638         else
01639         {
01640                 memset( ptr, 0xff, size );
01641         }
01643 #       endif /* !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(NOINIT) */
01644         return ptr;
01645 }
01648 /* wrapper for calloc().  Returns a good pointer or dies. 
01649  * routines within code do not call this or malloc, but rather CALLOC
01650  * which is resolved into MyCalloc or calloc depending on whether 
01651  * NDEBUG is set in cddefines. \h */
01652 void *MyCalloc( 
01653         /*use same type as library function CALLOC*/ 
01654         size_t num ,
01655         size_t size )
01656 {
01657         void *ptr;
01659         DEBUG_ENTRY( "MyCalloc()" );
01661         ASSERT( size > 0 );
01663         /* debug branch for printing malloc args */
01664         {
01665                 /*@-redef@*/
01666                 enum{DEBUG_LOC=false};
01667                 /*@+redef@*/
01668                 if( DEBUG_LOC)
01669                 {
01670                         static long int kount=0;
01671                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"%li\tcall\t%li\tbytes\n", kount, 
01672                                 (long)size );
01673                         ++kount;
01674                 }
01675         }
01677         if( ( ptr = calloc( num , size ) ) == NULL )
01678         {
01679                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"MyCalloc could not allocate %lu bytes.  Exit in MyCalloc.",
01680                         (unsigned long)size );
01681                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
01682         }
01683         return ptr;
01684 }
01686 /* wrapper for realloc().  Returns a good pointer or dies. 
01687  * routines within code do not call this or malloc, but rather REALLOC
01688  * which is resolved into MyRealloc or realloc depending on whether 
01689  * NDEBUG is set in cddefines.h */
01690 void *MyRealloc( 
01691         /*use same type as library function realloc */ 
01692         void *p ,
01693         size_t size )
01694 {
01695         void *ptr;
01697         DEBUG_ENTRY( "MyRealloc()" );
01699         ASSERT( size > 0 );
01701         /* debug branch for printing malloc args */
01702         {
01703                 /*@-redef@*/
01704                 enum{DEBUG_LOC=false};
01705                 /*@+redef@*/
01706                 if( DEBUG_LOC)
01707                 {
01708                         static long int kount=0;
01709                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"%li\tcall\t%li\tbytes\n", kount, 
01710                                 (long)size );
01711                         ++kount;
01712                 }
01713         }
01715         if( ( ptr = realloc( p , size ) ) == NULL )
01716         {
01717                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"MyRealloc could not allocate %lu bytes.  Exit in MyRealloc.",
01718                         (unsigned long)size );
01719                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
01720         }
01721         return ptr;
01722 }
01724 /* function to facilitate addressing opacity array */
01725 double csphot(
01726         /* INU is array index pointing to frequency where opacity is to be evaluated
01727          * on f not c scale */
01728         long int inu, 
01729         /* ITHR is pointer to threshold*/
01730         long int ithr, 
01731         /* IOFSET is offset as defined in opac0*/
01732         long int iofset)
01733 {
01734         double csphot_v;
01736         DEBUG_ENTRY( "csphot()" );
01738         csphot_v = opac.OpacStack[inu-ithr+iofset-1];
01739         return csphot_v;
01740 }
01742 /*RandGauss normal Gaussian random number generator
01743  * the user must call srand to set the seed before using this routine.
01745  * the random numbers will have a mean of xMean and a standard deviation of s
01747  * The convention is for srand to be called when the command setting 
01748  * the noise is parsed 
01750  * for very small dispersion there are no issues, but when the dispersion becomes
01751  * large the routine will find negative values - so most often used in this case
01752  * to find dispersion in log space 
01753  * this routine will return a normal Gaussian - must be careful in how this is
01754  * used when adding noise to physical quantity */
01755 /*
01756 NB - following from Ryan Porter:
01757 I discovered that I unintentionally created an antisymmetric skew in my 
01758 Monte Carlo.  RandGauss is symmetric in log space, which means it is not 
01759 symmetric in linear space.  But to get the right standard deviation you 
01760 have to take 10^x, where x is the return from RandGauss.  The problem is 
01761 10^x will happen less frequently than 10^-x, so without realizing it, the 
01762 average "tweak" to every piece of atomic data in my Monte Carlo run was 
01763 not 1.0 but something greater than 1.0, causing every single line to have 
01764 an average Monte Carlo emissivity greater than the regular value.  Any place
01765 that takes 10^RandGauss() needs to be adjusted if what is intended is +/- x. */
01766 double RandGauss(
01767         /* mean value */
01768         double xMean, 
01769         /*standard deviation s */
01770         double s )
01771 {
01772         double  x1, x2, w, yy1;
01773         static double yy2=-BIGDOUBLE;
01774         static int use_last = false;
01776         DEBUG_ENTRY( "RandGauss()" );
01778         if( use_last )
01779         {
01780                 yy1 = yy2;
01781                 use_last = false;
01782         }
01783         else
01784         {
01785                 do {
01786                         x1 = 2.*genrand_real3() - 1.;
01787                         x2 = 2.*genrand_real3() - 1.;
01788                         w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2;
01789                 } while ( w >= 1.0 );
01791                 w = sqrt((-2.0*log(w))/w);
01792                 yy1 = x1 * w;
01793                 yy2 = x2 * w;
01794                 use_last = true;
01795         }
01796         return xMean + yy1 * s;
01797 }
01799 /* MyGaussRand takes as input a percent uncertainty less than 50%
01800  * (expressed as 0.5). The routine then assumes this input variable represents two
01801  * standard deviations about a mean of unity, and returns a random number within
01802  * that range.  A hard cutoff is imposed at the two standard deviations, which 
01803  * eliminates roughly 2% of the normal distribution.  In other words, the routine
01804  * returns a number in a normal distribution with standard deviation equal to
01805  * half of the input, and returns a number between 1-2*stdev and 1+2*stdev. */
01806 double MyGaussRand( double PctUncertainty )
01807 {
01808         double StdDev;
01809         double result;
01811         DEBUG_ENTRY( "MyGaussRand()" );
01813         ASSERT( PctUncertainty < 0.5 );
01814         /* We want this "percent uncertainty to represent two standard deviations */
01815         StdDev = 0.5 * PctUncertainty;
01817         do
01818         {
01819                 /*result = pow( 10., RandGauss( 0., logStdDev ) );*/
01820                 result = 1.+RandGauss( 0., StdDev );
01821         }
01822         /* This will give us a result that is less than or equal to the
01823          * percent uncertainty about 98% of the time. */
01824         while( (result < 1.-PctUncertainty) || (result > 1+PctUncertainty) );
01826         ASSERT( result>0. && result<2. );
01827         return result;
01828 }
01830 /*plankf evaluate Planck function for any cell at current electron temperature */
01831 double plankf(long int ip)
01832 {
01833         double plankf_v;
01835         DEBUG_ENTRY( "plankf()" );
01837         /* evaluate Planck function
01838          * argument is pointer to cell energy in ANU
01839          * return photon flux for cell IP */
01840         if( rfield.ContBoltz[ip] <= 0. )
01841         {
01842                 plankf_v = 1e-35;
01843         }
01844         else
01845         {
01846                 plankf_v = 6.991e-21*POW2(FR1RYD*rfield.anu[ip])/
01847                         (1./rfield.ContBoltz[ip] - 1.)*FR1RYD*4.;
01848         }
01849         return plankf_v;
01850 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:27 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7