t_rt Struct Reference

#include <rt.h>

Collaboration diagram for t_rt:

Data Fields

realnum wayin
realnum wayout
realnum fracin
realnum TAddHLya
realnum TAddHeI
realnum DoubleTau
long int ipxry
realnum tauxry
bool lgFstOn
int nLineContShield
bool lgElecScatEscape
realnum dTauMase
bool lgMaserSetDR
bool lgMaserCapHit
long int mas_species
long int mas_ion
long int mas_hi
long int mas_lo
bool lgStarkON

Detailed Description

Definition at line 228 of file rt.h.

Field Documentation

1 or two, set to double optical depth scale, set to 2 with double command default is 1

Definition at line 246 of file rt.h.

Referenced by ConvIterCheck(), ParseDoubleTau(), RT_line_one_tau_reset(), RT_tau_init(), and zero().

dTauMase is smallest maser optical depth in atoms, set in RT_tau_inc for H, and in tauchn for heavy elements it is negative or zero

Definition at line 266 of file rt.h.

Referenced by radius_next(), RT_line_one_tauinc(), RT_tau_inc(), and zero().

fractin = wayin / (wayin+wayout) when outer defined, else zero

Definition at line 238 of file rt.h.

Referenced by esc_CRDcore(), esc_CRDwing(), esc_PRD(), lincom(), lines(), lines_general(), PutLine_base(), RT_line_escape(), and RTesc_lya().

long int t_rt::ipxry

offset in continuum array for energy where x-ray opacity determined

Definition at line 249 of file rt.h.

Referenced by ContCreatePointers(), PrtFinal(), RT_tau_init(), and RT_tau_reset().

include electron scattering escape for lines?

Definition at line 261 of file rt.h.

Referenced by ParseDont(), RT_line_electron_scatter(), and zero().

option to turn off fine structure line optical depths

Definition at line 255 of file rt.h.

Referenced by ContCreatePointers(), ParseDont(), and zero().

flag set true in tauchn if maser cap ever hit, causes comment to be printed in prtComments

Definition at line 273 of file rt.h.

Referenced by IterStart(), RT_line_one_tauinc(), and zero().

set true in radius_next if maser ever sets zone thickness

Definition at line 269 of file rt.h.

Referenced by IterStart(), radius_next(), and zero().

flag saying that stark broadening is enabled, set false with no stark

Definition at line 279 of file rt.h.

Referenced by InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseDont(), and RT_stark().

long int t_rt::mas_hi

Definition at line 276 of file rt.h.

Referenced by radius_next(), RT_line_one_tauinc(), and RT_tau_inc().

long int t_rt::mas_ion

Definition at line 276 of file rt.h.

Referenced by radius_next(), RT_line_one_tauinc(), and RT_tau_inc().

long int t_rt::mas_lo

Definition at line 276 of file rt.h.

Referenced by radius_next(), RT_line_one_tauinc(), and RT_tau_inc().

these identify the species that had a major maser, for debugging

Definition at line 276 of file rt.h.

Referenced by radius_next(), RT_line_one_tauinc(), and RT_tau_inc().

which type of line continuum shielding function should be used?

Definition at line 258 of file rt.h.

Referenced by InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseSet(), and RT_continuum_shield_fcn().

Definition at line 241 of file rt.h.

optical depths to add to Lyman lines for three series

Definition at line 241 of file rt.h.

Referenced by RT_tau_init().

optical depth at this energy

Definition at line 252 of file rt.h.

Referenced by PrtFinal(), RT_tau_init(), and RT_tau_reset().

wayin - escape probability in inward direction

Definition at line 231 of file rt.h.

Referenced by esc_CRDcore(), esc_CRDwing(), esc_PRD(), and RTesc_lya().

wayout - escape probability in outward direction =1 when outward optical depths unknown (touton .false.)

Definition at line 231 of file rt.h.

Referenced by esc_CRDcore(), esc_CRDwing(), esc_PRD(), and RTesc_lya().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
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Generated on 15 Nov 2012 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.6.1