
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*iter_end_check after each zone by Cloudy, determines whether model is complete */
00004 #include "cddefines.h"
00005 /*  */
00006 #ifdef EPS
00007 #       undef EPS
00008 #endif
00009 #define EPS     1.00001
00010 #include "lines.h"
00011 #include "mole.h"
00012 #include "conv.h"
00013 #include "rfield.h"
00014 #include "iterations.h"
00015 #include "trace.h"
00016 #include "dense.h"
00017 #include "colden.h"
00018 #include "taulines.h"
00019 #include "hmi.h"
00020 #include "prt.h"
00021 #include "phycon.h"
00022 #include "geometry.h"
00023 #include "stopcalc.h"
00024 #include "opacity.h"
00025 #include "thermal.h"
00026 #include "cooling.h"
00027 #include "pressure.h"
00028 #include "radius.h"
00029 #include "called.h"
00030 #include "wind.h"
00031 #include "hcmap.h"
00033 /*dmpary print all coolants for some zone, as from print cooling command */
00034 STATIC void dmpary(void);
00036 int iter_end_check(void)
00037 {
00038         bool lgDone, 
00039           lgEndFun_v, 
00040           lgPrinted;
00041         long int i;
00042         double oxy_in_grains;
00044         DEBUG_ENTRY( "iter_end_check()" );
00046         /* >>chng 05 nov 22 - NPA.  Stop calculation when fraction of oxygen frozen
00047          * out on grains gets too high - 
00048          * NB this test is not used since StopCalc.StopDepleteFrac is set to > 1 */
00049         oxy_in_grains = 0.0f;
00050         for(i=0;i<mole.num_comole_calc;++i)
00051         {
00052                 /* define the abundance of oxygen frozen out on grain surfaces */
00053                 oxy_in_grains += (1 - COmole[i]->lgGas_Phase)*COmole[i]->hevmol*COmole[i]->nElem[ipOXYGEN];
00054         }
00055         /*fprintf(ioQQQ, "DEBUG oxy in grains %.2e %e %e\n", 
00056                 oxy_in_grains ,
00057                 oxy_in_grains/MAX2(SMALLFLOAT,dense.gas_phase[ipOXYGEN]) , StopCalc.StopDepleteFrac );*/
00059         if( trace.lgTrace )
00060         {
00061                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " iter_end_check called, zone %li.\n" , nzone);
00062         }
00063         ASSERT( hcmap.MapZone >= 00 || !conv.lgSearch );
00065         /* >>chng 97 jun 09, now called before first zone with nzone 0 */
00066         if( nzone == 0 )
00067         {
00068                 lgEndFun_v = false;
00070                 if( trace.lgTrace )
00071                 {
00072                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " iter_end_check returns, doing nothing since zone 0.\n" );
00073                 }
00074                 return( lgEndFun_v );
00075         }
00077         /* check whether trace is needed for this zone and iteration */
00078         if( (nzone >= trace.nznbug && iteration >= trace.npsbug) && trace.lgTrOvrd )
00079         {
00080                 if( trace.nTrConvg==0 )
00081                 {
00082                         geometry.nprint = 1;
00083                         trace.lgTrace = true;
00084                 }
00085                 else
00086                         /* trace convergence entered = but with negative flag = make positive,
00087                          * abs and not mult by -1 since may trigger more than one time */
00088                         trace.nTrConvg = abs( trace.nTrConvg );
00089         }
00091         /* option to turn printout on after certain zone */
00092         if( prt.lgPrtStart && prt.nstart == nzone )
00093         {
00094                 called.lgTalk = true;
00095         }
00097         /* check whether model is done, various criteria used. */
00098         lgDone = false;
00100         /* this is flag to check whether stopping reason was bad */
00101         conv.lgBadStop = false;
00103         /* set temperature floor option  -
00104          * go to constant temperature calculation if temperature
00105          * falls below floor */
00106         if( phycon.te < StopCalc.TeFloor )
00107         {
00108                 thermal.lgTemperatureConstant = true;
00109                 thermal.ConstTemp = (realnum)StopCalc.TeFloor;
00110                 phycon.te = thermal.ConstTemp;
00111                 TempChange(thermal.ConstTemp , false);
00112                 TotalInsanity();
00113         }
00115         /* check on radiation pressure - constant pressure unstable if dominated
00116          * by radiation pressure */
00117         if( (pressure.lgPres_radiation_ON && pressure.pbeta > 1.0) && 
00118                 (strcmp(dense.chDenseLaw ,"CPRE") == 0) && 
00119                 /* >>chng 03 aug 20, check on extreme values of pbeta, and abort if true */
00120                 (iterations.lgLastIt||(pressure.pbeta>1000.)) &&
00121                 /* >>chng 03 aug 19, add check on pbeta, and abort even if "no abort"
00122                  * was specified, since rad pres dominated limit can lead to VERY
00123                  * small H densities and crash due to underflow */
00124                 (pressure.lgRadPresAbortOK||(pressure.pbeta>1000.)) )
00125         {
00126                 /* const total pres model; if RadPres>PGAS, then unstable, stop */
00127                 if( called.lgTalk )
00128                 {
00129                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n STOP since P(rad)/P(gas)=%7.3f >1.0\n", 
00130                           pressure.pbeta );
00132                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Line contributors to radiation pressure follows:\n" );
00133                         PrtLinePres();
00134                 }
00135                 lgDone = true;
00136                 conv.lgBadStop = true;
00137                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "of radiation pressure.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00138         }
00140         /* radius and resulting volume too large for this cpu */
00141         if( radius.drad_x_fillfac*radius.r1r0sq > BIGFLOAT/10.)
00142         {
00143                 /* too big */
00144                 lgDone = true;
00145                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "volume too large for this cpu.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00146         }
00147         /* supersonic outflowing wind, initial velocity, windv0, was > 0,
00148          * but it has coasted to a stop - lgVelPos is false */
00149         else if( !wind.lgVelPos && wind.windv0 > 0.)
00150         {
00151                 /* wind solution with negative velocity */
00152                 lgDone = true;
00153                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "wind veloc too small.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00154         }
00156         else if( wind.windv!=0. && fabs(wind.windv) < StopCalc.StopVelocity )
00157         {
00158                 /* stop if absolute value of velocity falls below value */
00159                 lgDone = true;
00160                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "wind V too small.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00161         }
00163         else if( (StopCalc.nTotalIonizStop>0) && conv.nTotalIoniz> StopCalc.nTotalIonizStop )
00164         {
00165                 /* stop if exceed number of calls to conv base set with 
00166                  * stop nTotalIonizStop command */
00167                 lgDone = true;
00168                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "nTotalIonizStop reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00169         }
00171         /* this flag says that 21cm line optical depth is the stop quantity */
00172         else if( StopCalc.lgStop21cm && (HFLines[0].Emis->TauCon >=  StopCalc.tauend) )
00173         {
00174                 lgDone = true;
00175                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "21 cm optical depth.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00176         }
00178         else if( rfield.extin_mag_V_extended >= StopCalc.AV_extended )
00179         {
00180                 /* stop at specified AV for (1-g) in scattering opacity */
00181                 lgDone = true;
00182                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "A_V reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00183         }
00185         else if( rfield.extin_mag_V_point >= StopCalc.AV_point )
00186         {
00187                 /* stop at specified AV without (1-g) in scattering opacity */
00188                 lgDone = true;
00189                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "A_V reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00190         }
00192         else if( StopCalc.xMass!=0. &&
00193                 log10(SDIV(dense.xMassTotal))+1.0992099+ 2.*log10(radius.rinner) >= StopCalc.xMass )
00194         {
00195                 /* stop at specified AV without (1-g) in scattering opacity */
00196                 lgDone = true;
00197                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "mass reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00198         }
00200         /* >>chg 02 may 31, added pressure.lgSonicPoint logic */
00201         /* WJH 19 May 2004: for some models, we want to get through the
00202          * sonic point and out the other side */ 
00203         else if( pressure.lgSonicPoint && pressure.lgSonicPointAbortOK )
00204         {
00205                 /* D-critical solution reached sonic point */
00206                 lgDone = true;
00207                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "sonic point reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00208         }
00210         else if( dense.EdenTrue==0 )
00211         {
00212                 /* calculation failed */
00213                 conv.lgBadStop = true;
00214                 lgDone = true;
00215                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "zero electron density.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00216         }
00218         else if( radius.lgdR2Small )
00219         {
00220                 lgDone = true;
00221                 conv.lgBadStop = true;
00222                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "DR small rel to thick.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00223         }
00225         else if( dense.eden < StopCalc.StopElecDensity )
00226         {
00227                 lgDone = true;
00228                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "lowest EDEN reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00229         }
00231         else if( dense.eden/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN] < StopCalc.StopElecFrac )
00232         {
00233                 lgDone = true;
00234                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "low electron fraction.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00235         }
00237         /* >>chng 05 nov 22, NA add this stop condition - stop when too many molecules
00238          * are ices or solids on grains - the limit StopCalc.StopDepleteFrac is changed
00239          * with the stop molecular depletion command */
00240         else if( dense.lgElmtOn[ipOXYGEN] &&
00241                 (oxy_in_grains/MAX2(SMALLFLOAT,dense.gas_phase[ipOXYGEN])) > StopCalc.StopDepleteFrac )
00242         {
00243                 lgDone = true;
00244                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "freeze out fraction.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00245         }
00247         /*else if( 2.*hmi.Hmolec[ipMH2g]/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN] < StopCalc.StopH2MoleFrac )*/
00248         else if( 2.*hmi.H2_total/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN] > StopCalc.StopH2MoleFrac )
00249         {
00250                 lgDone = true;
00251                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "large H_2/H fraction.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00252         }
00254         else if( dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1]/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN] < 
00255                 StopCalc.StopHPlusFrac )
00256         {
00257                 lgDone = true;
00258                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "low H_+/H fraction.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00259         }
00261         else if( radius.lgDrMinUsed )
00262         {
00263                 /* dr became too small */
00264                 conv.lgBadStop = true;
00265                 lgDone = true;
00266                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "DRAD small- set DRMIN.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00267         }
00269         else if( radius.depth >= radius.router[iteration-1]/EPS || radius.lgDrNeg )
00270         {
00271                 lgDone = true;
00272                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "outer radius reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00273         }
00275         else if( StopCalc.iptnu >= 0 && 
00276                 opac.TauAbsGeo[0][StopCalc.iptnu-1] >= StopCalc.tauend/EPS )
00277         {
00278                 lgDone = true;
00279                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "optical depth reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00280         }
00282         else if( colden.colden[ipCOL_HTOT] >= StopCalc.HColStop/EPS )
00283         {
00284                 /* StopCalc.HColStop default set to COLUMN_INIT == 1e30 */
00285                 lgDone = true;
00286                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "H column dens reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00287         }
00289         else if( colden.colden[ipCOL_Hp] >= StopCalc.colpls/EPS )
00290         {
00291                 lgDone = true;
00292                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "H+ column dens reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00293         }
00295         else if( (colden.colden[ipCOL_H2g]+colden.colden[ipCOL_H2s]) >= StopCalc.col_h2/EPS )
00296         {
00297                 /* >>chng 03 apr 15, add molecular hydrogen */
00298                 lgDone = true;
00299                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "H2 column dens reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00300         }
00302         else if( (2.*(colden.colden[ipCOL_H2g]+colden.colden[ipCOL_H2s]) + colden.colden[ipCOL_H0]) >= StopCalc.col_h2_nut/EPS )
00303         {
00304                 /* >>chng 04 feb 10, stopping command for H2 + H I */
00305                 lgDone = true;
00306                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "H2+H0 column dens reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00307         }
00309         else if( colden.H0_ov_Tspin >= StopCalc.col_H0_ov_Tspin/EPS )
00310         {
00311                 /* >>chng 05 jan 09, stopping command for N(H0) / Tspin */
00312                 lgDone = true;
00313                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "N(H0)/Tspin column dens reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00314         }
00316         else if( findspecies("CO")->hevcol >= StopCalc.col_monoxco/EPS )
00317         {
00318                 /* >>chng 03 oct 27--Nick Abel, add carbon monoxide */
00319                 lgDone = true;
00320                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "CO column dens reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00321         }
00323         else if( colden.colden[ipCOL_H0] >= StopCalc.colnut/EPS )
00324         {
00325                 lgDone = true;
00326                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "H0 column dens reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00327         }
00329         /* >>chng 99 jul 7, when no h2 molecules, include h2 as neutral atomic hydrogen,
00330          * hmi.lgNoH2Mole is set false in zero, true with command no hydrogen molecules */
00331         else if( hmi.lgNoH2Mole &&
00332                 ( (colden.colden[ipCOL_H0]+2.*(colden.colden[ipCOL_H2g]+colden.colden[ipCOL_H2s])) >= StopCalc.colnut/EPS)  )
00333         {
00334                 lgDone = true;
00335                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "H0-H0+H2 column dens reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00336         }
00338         else if( phycon.te > StopCalc.T2High )
00339         {
00340                 lgDone = true;
00341                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "highest Te reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00342         }
00344         else if( phycon.te < StopCalc.tend )
00345         {
00346                 lgDone = true;
00347                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "lowest Te reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00348         }
00350         else if( nzone >= geometry.nend[iteration-1] )
00351         {
00352                 lgDone = true;
00353                 geometry.lgZoneTrp = true;
00354                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "NZONE reached.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00355         }
00357         /* option to stop calculation when line intensity ratio reaches certain value,
00358          * nstpl is number of stop line commands entered */
00359         else if( StopCalc.nstpl > 0 )
00360         {
00361                 /* line ratio exceeded maximum permitted value
00362                  * do not consider case where norm line has zero intensity */
00363                 for( i=0; i < StopCalc.nstpl; i++ )
00364                 {
00365                         /* the second line is always set to something, default is H beta */
00366                         if( LineSv[StopCalc.ipStopLin2[i]].sumlin[LineSave.lgLineEmergent] > 0. )
00367                         {
00368                                 char chString[10];
00369                                 if( LineSv[StopCalc.ipStopLin1[i]].sumlin[LineSave.lgLineEmergent]/
00370                                         LineSv[StopCalc.ipStopLin2[i]].sumlin[LineSave.lgLineEmergent] > StopCalc.stpint[i] )
00371                                 {
00372                                         lgDone = true;
00373                                         sprt_wl( chString , StopCalc.StopLineWl1[i] );
00374                                         sprintf( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "line %s %s reached", 
00375                                                 StopCalc.chStopLabel1[i] , chString );
00376                                 }
00377                         }
00378                 }
00379         }
00381         else if( radius.drNext <= 0. )
00382         {
00383                 /* this cant happen */
00384                 if( called.lgTalk )
00385                 {
00386                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " drNext=%10.2e STOP\n", radius.drNext );
00387                 }
00388                 lgDone = true;
00389                 conv.lgBadStop = true;
00390                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "internal error - DRAD.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00391                 ShowMe();
00392         }
00394         else if( lgAbort )
00395         {
00396                 /* calculation failed */
00397                 conv.lgBadStop = true;
00398                 lgDone = true;
00399                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "calculation aborted.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00400         }
00402         lgPrinted = false;
00403         if( lgDone )
00404         {
00405                 /* flag to call it quits */
00406                 lgEndFun_v = true;
00407                 PrtZone();
00408                 lgPrinted = true;
00409         }
00411         else
00412         {
00413                 /* passed all the tests, keep going */
00414                 /* check whether this zone should be printed */
00415                 if( ((nzone/geometry.nprint)*geometry.nprint == nzone || 
00416                   nzone == 1) || trace.nTrConvg )
00417                 {
00418                         PrtZone();
00419                         lgPrinted = true;
00420                 }
00421                 /* flag to keep going */
00422                 lgEndFun_v = false;
00423         }
00425         /* dump cooling arrays for this zone? */
00426         if( prt.nzdump == nzone || prt.nzdump == 0 )
00427                 dmpary();
00429         /* do map of cooling function if desired, and not yet done */
00430         /* >>chng 02 may 29, MapZone < = to <= 0 - map 0 did not work */
00431         /* >>chng 04 jun 16, change to MapZone = 0 for map of first zone then quit,
00432          * -1 is not set, positive, do map of that zone */
00433         if( !hcmap.lgMapDone && (hcmap.MapZone == 0 || nzone == hcmap.MapZone) )
00434         {
00435                 /* print last zone if not already done */
00436                 if( !lgPrinted )
00437                 {
00438                         PrtZone();
00439                 }
00441                 /* say that we are doing a map */
00442                 hcmap.lgMapBeingDone = true;
00444                 /* save old output file then redirect to map file */
00445                 /* >>chng 01 mar 28, ioMAP may not be initialized, PvH */
00446                 if( ioMAP != NULL )
00447                         map_do(ioMAP, " map");
00448                 else
00449                         map_do(ioQQQ, " map");
00451                 /* stop after doing map */
00452                 lgEndFun_v = true;
00453                 strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "MAP command used-stop.", sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00455                 /* >>chng 03 jun 06, reset iterations since we want to stop even if
00456                  * iterate xx is specified, bug caught by Joop Schaye */
00457                 iterations.itermx = 0;
00459                 /* make really sure that the string contained in StopCalc.chReasonStop is properly terminated */
00460                 StopCalc.chReasonStop[sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop)-1] = '\0';
00462                 if( trace.lgTrace )
00463                 {
00464                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " iter_end_check returns after map.\n" );
00465                 }
00466                 return( lgEndFun_v );
00467         }
00469         if( lgEndFun_v && prt.lgOnlyZone )
00470         {
00471                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00472         }
00474         /* the string contained in StopCalc.chReasonStop must be properly 
00475          * terminated -this can't fail - strlen returns the number of characters
00476          * in str, excluding the terminal NULL.*/
00477         if( strlen( StopCalc.chReasonStop ) >= nCHREASONSTOP-1 )
00478                 TotalInsanity();
00480         if( trace.lgTrace )
00481         {
00482                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " iter_end_check bottom return.\n" );
00483         }
00484         return( lgEndFun_v );
00485 }
00487 #ifdef EPS
00488 #       undef EPS
00489 #endif
00490 #define EPS     0.005
00491 /*dmpary print all coolants for some zone, as from print cooling command */
00492 STATIC void dmpary(void)
00493 {
00494         long int i;
00495         realnum ratio;
00497         DEBUG_ENTRY( "dmpary()" );
00499         fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00500                 " This is a print out of the cooling array for zone number %3ld\n", 
00501           nzone );
00503         fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00504                 " The total heating was HTOT=%10.2e erg/s/cm3, the total cooling was CTOT=%10.2e, and the temperature was%10.3eK.\n", 
00505           thermal.htot, thermal.ctot, phycon.te );
00507         fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00508                 " All coolants greater than%6.2f%% of the total will be printed.\n", 
00509           EPS*100. );
00511         /* flag all significant coolants */
00512         coolpr(ioQQQ,"ZERO",1,0.,"ZERO");
00513         for( i=0; i < thermal.ncltot; i++ )
00514         {
00515                 ratio = (realnum)(thermal.cooling[i]/thermal.ctot);
00516                 if( fabs(ratio) > EPS )
00517                 {
00518                         coolpr(ioQQQ,(char*)thermal.chClntLab[i],thermal.collam[i],
00519                           ratio,"DOIT");
00520                 }
00522                 ratio = (realnum)(thermal.heatnt[i]/thermal.ctot);
00523                 if( fabs(ratio) > EPS )
00524                 {
00525                         coolpr(ioQQQ,(char*)thermal.chClntLab[i],thermal.collam[i],
00526                           ratio,"DOIT");
00527                 }
00528         }
00529         coolpr(ioQQQ,"DONE",1,0.,"DONE");
00530         return;
00531 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:18 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7