/home66/gary/public_html/cloudy/c08_branch/source/prt.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  t_prt


void PrtZone (void)
void PrtContinuum (void)
void PrtComment (void)
void PrtFinal (void)
void prt_wl (FILE *io, realnum wavelength)
void sprt_wl (char *chString, realnum wl)
void PrtHeader (void)
void prt_LineLabels (FILE *io, bool lgPrintAll)
void prtmet (void)
void prme (const char *chDoIt, transition *t)
void PrtMeanIon (char chType, bool lgDensity, FILE *)
double PrtLineSum (const char *chDo)
void PrtLinePres (void)
void PrtColumns (FILE *ioMEAN)
void PrtAllTau (void)


EXTERN struct t_prt prt

Function Documentation

void prme ( const char *  chDoIt,
transition t 

prme print heavy element line optical depths at end of calculation


Definition at line 101 of file prt_met.cpp.

References t_quantumState::chLabel, chLineLbl(), DEBUG_ENTRY, t_transition::Emis, t_transition::Hi, ioQQQ, t_transition::ipCont, PrintEfmt(), prt, t_prt::PrtTauFnt, sprt_wl(), t_emission::TauIn, TotalInsanity(), and t_transition::WLAng.

Referenced by H2_Prt_line_tau(), and prtmet().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void prt_LineLabels ( FILE *  io,
bool  lgPrintAll 

prt_LineLabels punch all labels and wavelengths for emission line array

io file handle to write output
lgPrintAll print all if true, if false then do not print parts of transferred lines

Definition at line 166 of file prt.cpp.

References t_LineSave::chHoldComments, DEBUG_ENTRY, LineSave, LineSv, t_LineSave::nsum, prt_wl(), wavelength, and t_tag_LineSv::wavelength.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void prt_wl ( FILE *  io,
realnum  wavelength 

prt_wl write wavelength to io


Definition at line 11 of file prt.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, and sprt_wl().

Referenced by badprt(), cdLine(), cdLineListPunch(), cdPrtWL(), GetOptLineInt(), lgCheckAsserts(), lines_lv1_k_zn(), lines_setup(), lines_table(), optimize_func(), prt_LineLabels(), pun1Line(), Punch1LineData(), and PunResults1Line().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void PrtAllTau ( void   ) 

PrtAllTau master routine controlling printout of optical depths at end of calculation

Definition at line 14 of file prt_alltau.cpp.

References ASSERT, t_elementnames::chElementSym, colden, t_colden::colden, DEBUG_ENTRY, dense, elementnames, geometry, ioQQQ, ipCOL_H0, ipCOL_H2p, ipH1s, ipH2p, ipH2s, ipH3p, ipH3s, ipH4p, ipH4s, ipH5p, ipH_LIKE, ipHE_LIKE, ipHELIUM, ipHYDROGEN, t_iso::ipIsoLevNIonCon, iso, t_dense::lgElmtOn, t_geometry::lgSphere, t_geometry::lgStatic, MAX2, NUMB_PER_LINE, t_iso::numLevels_local, opac, PrintE82(), PrintE93(), PrintEfmt(), prtmet(), t_opac::TauAbsGeo, t_opac::TauTotalGeo, t_opac::telec, t_opac::thmin, and Transitions.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void PrtColumns ( FILE *  ioMEAN  ) 

PrtColumns print column densities of all elements

ioMEAN this is stream used for io, is stdout when called by final, is punch unit when punch output generated

Definition at line 13 of file prt_columns.cpp.

References cdColm(), t_elementnames::chElementName, t_elementnames::chElementNameShort, DEBUG_ENTRY, dense, elementnames, ipHYDROGEN, t_dense::lgElmtOn, LIMELM, MAX2, molcol(), and TotalInsanity().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void PrtComment ( void   ) 

PrtComment analyze model, generating comments on its features

2 extend to all iso and elem

Definition at line 76 of file prt_comment.cpp.

References ASSERT, atmdat, atoms, badprt(), bangin(), broke, caunin(), cdEXIT, cdLine(), t_thermal::chCoolHeatMax, t_elementnames::chElementSym, t_conv::chNotConverged, t_StopCalc::chReasonStop, t_warnings::chRgcln, colden, t_colden::colden, t_thermal::ConstTemp, continuum, conv, t_hmi::CoolH2DexcMax, t_thermal::CoolHeatMax, t_dynamics::CoolMax, t_hextra::cryden, DEBUG_ENTRY, t_struc::DenMass, dense, t_radius::depth, t_DoppVel::DispScale, DoppVel, dynamics, t_struc::ednstr, elementnames, t_wind::emdot, t_he::frac_he0dest_23S, t_he::frac_he0dest_23S_photo, fudgec, t_iso::gamnc, t_dense::gas_phase, t_struc::GasPressure, geometry, t_atmdat::HCharCoolMax, t_atmdat::HCharHeatMax, hcmap, t_hydro::HCollIonMax, he, t_hmi::HeatH2DexcMax, t_dynamics::HeatMax, hextra, t_atmdat::HIonFracMax, hmi, hydro, input, INPUT_LINE_LENGTH, Singleton< T >::Inst(), ioQQQ, ipCOL_H0, ipCOL_Hp, ipH1s, ipH_LIKE, ipHELIUM, ipHYDROGEN, iso, iteration, iterations, t_iterations::itermx, lgAbort, t_conv::lgAutoIt, t_magnetic::lgB, t_conv::lgBadStop, t_input::lgBracketFound, t_broke::lgBroke, t_opac::lgCaseB, t_broke::lgCheckit, t_rfield::lgComUndr, t_iso::lgCritDensLMix, t_secondaries::lgCSetOn, t_radius::lgdR2Small, t_radius::lgDrMinUsed, t_dense::lgEdenBad, t_dense::lgElmtOn, t_broke::lgFixit, t_fudgec::lgFudgeUsed, t_atmdat::lgHCaseBOK, t_rfield::lgHionRad, t_iterations::lgIterAgain, t_hcmap::lgMapDone, t_hcmap::lgMapOK, t_dynamics::lgRecom, t_dynamics::lgStatic, t_thermal::lgTemperatureConstant, lgTestCodeCalled, t_trace::lgTrace, t_input::lgUnderscoreFound, t_wind::lgWindOK, t_geometry::lgZoneSet, t_geometry::lgZoneTrp, magnetic, t_fudgec::nfudge, NISO, notein(), t_thermal::nUnstable, t_dense::nzEdenBad, t_struc::nzlim, nzone, t_he::nzone, opac, outsum(), oxy, phycon, t_oxy::poiii2Max, t_oxy::poiii3Max, t_oxy::poimax, t_thermal::power, t_radius::r1r0sq, radius, rfield, t_radius::rinner, t_secondaries::SecHIonMax, secondaries, ShowMe(), SMALLFLOAT, StopCalc, struc, t_phycon::TEMP_STOP_DEFAULT, t_StopCalc::tend, t_struc::testr, thermal, TotalInsanity(), t_continuum::TotalLumin, totlin(), trace, t_hextra::TurbHeat, t_rfield::uh, warnin(), warnings, wcnint(), wind, t_wind::windv, t_wind::windv0, t_thermal::wlCoolHeatMax, and t_atoms::xMg2Max.

Referenced by cloudy().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void PrtContinuum ( void   ) 

PrtContinuum print information about continuum if requested with PRINT CONTINUUM command

Definition at line 15 of file prt_continuum.cpp.

References t_rfield::anu, t_rfield::ConInterOut, DEBUG_ENTRY, t_rfield::flux, t_opac::ipCKshell, t_prt::lgPrtCont, t_rfield::nflux, NFLUXSV, NXBD, opac, t_rfield::outlin, t_rfield::outlin_noplot, prt, t_radius::r1r0sq, radius, and rfield.

void PrtFinal ( void   ) 

PrtFinal create final pages of printout, emission line intensities, etc

Definition at line 51 of file prt_final.cpp.

References ASSERT, called, cap4(), caps(), t_input::chCARDCAPS, t_input::chCardSav, DEBUG_ENTRY, input, Singleton< T >::Inst(), ioQQQ, lgAbort, t_called::lgTalk, LineSave, nMatch(), t_input::nSave, t_LineSave::nsum, nzone, rfield, t_rfield::uh, and wavelength.

Referenced by cloudy().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void PrtHeader ( void   ) 

PrtHeader print large block of incident continuum numbers at start, just after echoing input commands

Definition at line 17 of file prt_header.cpp.

References t_rfield::anu, called, t_rfield::cmcool, t_rfield::cmheat, t_rfield::ConInterOut, continuum, t_rfield::csigc, t_rfield::csigh, DEBUG_ENTRY, dense, t_dense::eden, t_rfield::egamry, EN1RYD, t_continuum::fbeta, t_rfield::flux, t_continuum::fluxv, t_prt::GammaLumin, ioQQQ, t_prt::ipeak, ipoint(), t_rfield::lgComUndr, t_radius::lgRadiusKnown, t_called::lgTalk, MAX2, t_rfield::nflux, t_rfield::OccNumbIncidCont, t_rfield::outlin, t_rfield::outlin_noplot, t_prt::pbal, t_radius::pirsq, t_prt::powion, t_prt::pradio, PrintE82(), PrintE93(), PrintEfmt(), prt, t_prt::q, t_rfield::qbal, t_prt::qgam, t_rfield::qhe, t_rfield::qheii, t_rfield::qhtot, t_prt::qx, radius, rfield, SOLAR_LUMINOSITY, t_continuum::TotalLumin, t_rfield::widflx, and t_prt::xpow.

Referenced by cloudy().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void PrtLinePres ( void   ) 

PrtLinePres print line radiation pressures for current conditions

1 make this and eval rad pressure same routine, with flag saying to print contributors - copy code from other routine - this code has been left behind

Definition at line 15 of file prt_linepres.cpp.

References ASSERT, chIonLbl(), DEBUG_ENTRY, dense, t_dense::IonHigh, iso, LIMELM, MIN2, t_iso::nCollapsed_local, NISO, NLINE, t_iso::numLevels_local, t_pressure::pres_radiation_lines_curr, pressure, PressureRadiationLine(), t_iso::SmallA, SMALLFLOAT, THRESH, Transitions, wl, and t_dense::xIonDense.

Referenced by PrtZone().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double PrtLineSum ( const char *  chDo  ) 

PrtLineSum parse print line sum command to enter set of lines into sum

chDo the job to do, either " SUM" or "READ"

Definition at line 13 of file prt_linesum.cpp.

References caps(), cdEXIT, cdLine(), cdLine_ip(), t_input::chCARDCAPS, t_radius::Conv2PrtInten, DEBUG_ENTRY, FFmtRead(), input, INPUT_LINE_LENGTH, input_readarray(), ioQQQ, t_LineSave::ipass, LineSave, MALLOC, NRDSUM, nzone, radius, and wavelength.

Referenced by lines(), and ParsePrint().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void PrtMeanIon ( char  chType,
bool  lgDensity,
FILE *   

PrtMeanIon print mean ionization fractions for all elements, output will go to stream pointed to by argument chTyp is either 'i' or 't' for mean ionization or temperature

lgDensity true include density, false do not

Definition at line 11 of file prt_meanion.cpp.

References ASSERT, t_elementnames::chElementName, DEBUG_ENTRY, dense, elementnames, geometry, ioQQQ, ipHELIUM, ipHYDROGEN, t_dense::lgElmtOn, t_geometry::lgGeoPP, LIMELM, MeanIonVolume(), and MIN2.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void prtmet ( void   ) 

prtmet print all line optical depths at end of iteration

Definition at line 13 of file prt_met.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, dense, ioQQQ, ipH_LIKE, iso, t_dense::lgElmtOn, t_prt::lgPrtTau, LIMELM, NISO, t_iso::numLevels_local, prme(), prt, TauLines, and Transitions.

Referenced by PrtAllTau().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void PrtZone ( void   ) 

PrtZone print out individual zone results

Definition at line 34 of file prt_zone.cpp.

References abund, t_wind::AccelCont, t_wind::AccelGravity, t_wind::AccelLine, t_wind::AccelPres, t_wind::AccelTot, t_rfield::anu, ASSERT, BOLTZMANN, called, t_rfield::cmcool, t_rfield::cmheat, colden, t_colden::colden, t_ionbal::CompRecoilHeatLocal, t_rfield::ConInterOut, conv, DEBUG_ENTRY, dense, t_iso::DepartCoef, t_radius::depth_mid_zone, t_radius::drad, dynamics, DynaPrtZone(), t_dense::eden, EN1RYD, t_geometry::FillFac, t_rfield::flux, t_dense::gas_phase, geometry, t_hmi::H2_total, t_hmi::h2dep, t_hmi::h2pdep, t_hmi::h3pdep, t_hydro::H_ion_frac_photo, t_thermal::heating, hmi, t_hmi::hmidep, t_hmi::Hmolec, t_thermal::htot, hydro, ionbal, ioQQQ, ipCOL_H0, ipCOL_Hp, ipH1s, ipH_LIKE, ipHe1s1S, ipHe2p1P, ipHe2p3P0, ipHe2p3P1, ipHe2p3P2, ipHe2s1S, ipHe2s3S, ipHe3d1D, ipHe3d3D, ipHe3p1P, ipHe3p3P, ipHe3s1S, ipHe3s3S, ipHE_LIKE, ipHELIUM, ipHYDROGEN, t_iso::ipIsoLevNIonCon, ipMH2p, ipMHeHp, ipMHm, iso, iso_prt_pops(), t_abund::lgAbTaON, t_dynamics::lgAdvection, t_dense::lgDenFlucOn, t_dense::lgElmtOn, t_prt::lgPrintHeating, t_iso::lgPrtDepartCoef, t_iso::lgPrtLevelPops, t_called::lgTalk, t_thermal::lgUnstable, LIMELM, N_H_MOLEC, t_rfield::nflux, NISO, t_conv::nPres2Ioniz, t_hmi::nProton, t_trace::nTrConvg, t_iso::numPrintLevels, nzone, opac, t_rfield::outlin, t_rfield::outlin_noplot, t_pressure::pbeta, phycon, pressure, PrintE93(), PrintEfmt(), prt, PrtLinePres(), t_radius::r1r0sq, radius, t_radius::Radius_mid_zone, rfield, SDIV(), SPEEDLIGHT, StatesElem, t_opac::TauAbsGeo, t_phycon::te, thermal, trace, wind, t_wind::windv, and t_dense::xIonDense.

Referenced by ConvFail().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void sprt_wl ( char *  chString,
realnum  wl 

sprt_wl write wavelength to string - must be kept parallel with prt_wl


Definition at line 23 of file prt.cpp.

References ASSERT, DEBUG_ENTRY, LineSave, t_LineSave::sig_figs, and TotalInsanity().

Referenced by ParsePunch(), prme(), prt_wl(), and punch_line().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

EXTERN struct t_prt prt

Referenced by AgeCheck(), cloudy(), grid_do(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), ipLineEnergy(), main(), ParseDont(), ParsePrint(), ParseSet(), prme(), PrtContinuum(), PrtHeader(), prtmet(), PrtZone(), RT_line_one_tau_reset(), and writeCloudyDetails().

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:11:31 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7