
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*PunchLineData punches selected line data for all lines transferred in code */
00004 /*Punch1LineData punch data for one line */
00005 #include "cddefines.h"
00006 #include "taulines.h"
00007 #include "hmi.h"
00008 #include "iso.h"
00009 #include "phycon.h"
00010 #include "physconst.h"
00011 #include "elementnames.h"
00012 #include "hydrogenic.h"
00013 #include "lines_service.h"
00014 #include "dense.h"
00015 #include "atomfeii.h"
00016 #include "lines.h"
00017 #include "atmdat.h"
00018 #include "prt.h"
00019 #include "mole_co_atom.h"
00020 #include "h2.h"
00021 #include "thermal.h"
00022 #include "cooling.h"
00023 #include "punch.h"
00025 NORETURN void PunchLineData(FILE * ioPUN)
00026 {
00028         long int i, 
00029           j, 
00030           limit ,
00031           nelem ,
00032           ipHi , 
00033           ipLo;
00035         const long nskip=2; /* number of emission lines per line of output */
00036         double tot;
00037         bool lgElemOff=false;
00038         realnum a , b; /* dummy vars to pass to rotate cooling routine */
00040         DEBUG_ENTRY( "PunchLineData()" );
00042         /* routine punches out (on unit ioPUN) line data
00043          * for all recombination lines, and all transitions that are transferred */
00045         /* say what is happening so we know why we stopped */
00046         fprintf( ioQQQ, " punching line data, then stopping\n" );
00048         /* first check that all lines are turned on */
00049         for( nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00050         {
00051                 if( !dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00052                 {
00053                         fprintf(ioQQQ," WARNING - I am punching line data but element %s is turned off.\n",
00054                         elementnames.chElementName[nelem]);
00055                         lgElemOff = true;
00056                 }
00057         }
00058         if( lgElemOff )
00059         {
00060                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"Some elements are turned off and punch line data requested.\n");
00061                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"Code is now designed to do punch line data only with all elements on.\n");
00062                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"Please try again with all elements on.\n");
00063                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00064         }
00066         /* evaluate rec coefficient at constant temperature if this is set, else
00067          * use 10,000K */
00068         double TeNew;
00069         if( thermal.lgTemperatureConstant )
00070         {
00071                 TeNew = thermal.ConstTemp;
00072         }
00073         else
00074         {
00075                 TeNew = 1e4;
00076         }
00077         TempChange(TeNew , false);
00079         /* this is set of Dima's recombination lines */
00080         t_ADfA::Inst().rec_lines(phycon.te,LineSave.RecCoefCNO);
00081         fprintf( ioPUN, "\n       Recombination lines of C, N, O\n" );
00082         fprintf( ioPUN, "    Ion  WL(A)   Coef     Ion   WL(A)  Coef\n" );
00083         for( i=0; i<471; i+=nskip)
00084         {
00085                 /* nskip is set to 2 above */
00086                 limit = MIN2(471,i+nskip);
00087                 fprintf( ioPUN, "    " );
00088                 for( j=i; j < limit; j++ )
00089                 {
00090                         fprintf( ioPUN, "%2.2s%2ld%6ld%8.3f    ", 
00091                                 elementnames.chElementSym[(long)(LineSave.RecCoefCNO[0][j])-1], 
00092                           (long)(LineSave.RecCoefCNO[0][j]-LineSave.RecCoefCNO[1][j]+1.01), 
00093                           (long)(LineSave.RecCoefCNO[2][j]+0.5), 
00094                           log10(SDIV(LineSave.RecCoefCNO[3][j]) ) );
00095                 }
00096                 fprintf( ioPUN, "    \n" );
00097         }
00098         fprintf( ioPUN, "\n\n" );
00100         dense.eden = 1.;
00101         dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN] = 1.;
00102         dense.EdenHCorr = 1.;
00104         /* want very small neutral fractions so get mostly e- cs */
00105         dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1] = 1.e-5f;
00106         hmi.Hmolec[ipMH2g] = 0.;
00107         dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1] = 1.;
00108         for( i=1; i <= nLevel1; i++ )
00109         {
00110                 TauLines[i].Lo->Pop = 1.;
00111         }
00113         for( i=0; i < nWindLine; i++ )
00114         {
00115                 TauLine2[i].Lo->Pop = 1.;
00116         }
00118         for( i=0; i < nUTA; i++ )
00119         {
00120                 UTALines[i].Lo->Pop = 1.;
00121         }
00123         for( i=0; i < LIMELM; i++ )
00124         {
00125                 for( j=0; j < LIMELM+1; j++ )
00126                 {
00127                         dense.xIonDense[i][j] = 1.;
00128                 }
00129         }
00131         /* evaluate cooling, this forces evaluation of collision strengths */
00132         CoolEvaluate(&tot);
00134         fprintf( ioPUN, "       Level 1 transferred lines\n" );
00136         fprintf( ioPUN, "Ion   WL  gl gu    gf       A       CS   n(crt)\n" );
00138         for( i=1; i <= nLevel1; i++ )
00139         {
00140                 /* chLineLbl generates a 1 char string from the line transfer array info -
00141                  * "Ne 2  128" the string is null terminated,
00142                  * in following printout the first 4 char is used first, followed by
00143                  * an integer, followed by the rest of the array*/
00144                 Punch1LineData( &TauLines[i] , ioPUN , true);
00145         }
00147         fprintf( ioPUN, "\n\n\n" );
00148         fprintf( ioPUN, "       end level 1, start level 2\n" );
00149         fprintf( ioPUN, "Ion   WL  gl gu    gf       A       CS   n(crt)\n" );
00150         for( i=0; i < nWindLine; i++ )
00151         {
00152                 if( TauLine2[i].Hi->IonStg < TauLine2[i].Hi->nelem+1-NISO )
00153                 {
00154                         Punch1LineData( &TauLine2[i] , ioPUN , true);
00155                 }
00156         }
00158         fprintf( ioPUN, "\n\n\n" );
00159         fprintf( ioPUN, "       end level 2, start inner shell\n" );
00160         fprintf( ioPUN, "Ion   WL  gl gu    gf       A       CS   n(crt)\n" );
00162         for( i=0; i < nUTA; i++ )
00163         {
00164                 if( UTALines[i].Emis->Aul > 0. )
00165                         Punch1LineData( &UTALines[i] , ioPUN , true);
00166         }
00168         fprintf( ioPUN, "\n\n\n" );
00169         fprintf( ioPUN, "       end inner shell, start h-like iso seq\n" );
00170         fprintf( ioPUN, "Ion   WL  gl gu    gf       A       CS   n(crt)\n" );
00172         /* h-like iso sequence */
00173         /* the hydrogen like iso-sequence */
00174         for( nelem=0; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00175         {
00176                 iso_collide( ipH_LIKE, nelem );
00177                 if( nelem < 2 || dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00178                 {
00179                         /* arrays are dim'd iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]+1 */
00180                         /* keep this limit to iso.numLevels_max, instead of _local.  */
00181                         for( ipLo=ipH1s; ipLo < iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]-1; ipLo++ )
00182                         {
00183                                 for( ipHi=ipLo+1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]; ipHi++ )
00184                                 {
00185                                         Punch1LineData( &Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo] , ioPUN , false );
00186                                 }
00187                         }
00188                 }
00189         }
00191         fprintf( ioPUN, "\n\n\n" );
00192         fprintf( ioPUN, "       end h-like iso seq, start he-like iso seq\n" );
00193         fprintf( ioPUN, "Ion   WL  gl gu    gf       A       CS   n(crt)\n" );
00194         for( nelem=1; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00195         {
00196                 if( nelem < 2 || dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00197                 {
00198                         /* arrays are dim'd iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]+1  */
00199                         for( ipLo=ipHe1s1S; ipLo < iso.numLevels_max[ipHE_LIKE][nelem]-1; ipLo++ )
00200                         {
00201                                 for( ipHi=ipLo+1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipHE_LIKE][nelem]; ipHi++ )
00202                                 {
00203                                         Punch1LineData( &Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo] , ioPUN , false );
00204                                 }
00205                         }
00206                 }
00207         }
00209         fprintf( ioPUN, "\n\n\n" );
00210         fprintf( ioPUN, "       end he-like iso seq, start hyperfine structure lines\n" );
00211         fprintf( ioPUN, "Ion   WL  gl gu    gf       A       CS   n(crt)\n" );
00212         /* fine structure lines */
00213         for( i=0; i < nHFLines; i++ )
00214         {
00215                 Punch1LineData( &HFLines[i] , ioPUN , true);
00216         }
00218         fprintf( ioPUN, "\n\n\n" );
00219         fprintf( ioPUN, "       end hyperfine, start database lines\n" );
00220         fprintf( ioPUN, "Ion   WL  gl gu    gf       A       CS   n(crt)\n" );
00221         /* Databases: Atoms & Molecules*/
00222         for( i=0; i < linesAdded2; i++ )
00223         {
00224                 Punch1LineData( atmolEmis[i].tran , ioPUN , true);      
00225         }
00227         for( long ipISO = ipHE_LIKE; ipISO < NISO; ipISO++ )
00228         {
00229                 for( long nelem = ipISO; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00230                 {
00231                         /* must always do helium even if turned off */
00232                         if( nelem == ipISO || dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] ) 
00233                         {
00234                                 for( i=0; i<iso.numLevels_max[ipISO][nelem]; i++ )
00235                                 {
00236                                         Punch1LineData( &SatelliteLines[ipISO][nelem][i], ioPUN , true );
00237                                 }
00238                         }
00239                 }
00240         }
00242         /* want very small ionized fractions so get mostly H2 cs */
00243         dense.eden = 1e-6;
00244         dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN] = 1e-6f;
00245         dense.EdenHCorr = 1e-6f;
00246         dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1] = 1.;
00247         hmi.Hmolec[ipMH2g] = 1.;
00248         hmi.Hmolec[ipMH2s] = 1.;
00249         dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1] = 1e-6f;
00251         /* H2 molecule */
00252         fprintf( ioPUN, "\n\n\n" );
00253         fprintf( ioPUN, "       end database, start H2 lines\n" );
00254         fprintf( ioPUN, "Eu Vu Ju El Vl Jl        WL    gl gu    gf       A       CS   n(crt)\n" );
00256         /* ioPUN unit, and option to print all possible lines - false indicates
00257          * punch only significant lines */
00258         H2_LevelPops();
00259         H2_Punch_line_data( ioPUN , false );
00261         fprintf( ioPUN, "\n\n\n" );
00262         fprintf( ioPUN, "       end H2, start 12CO rotation lines\n" );
00263         fprintf( ioPUN, "Ion   WL  gl gu    gf       A       CS   n(crt)\n" );
00264         CO_PopsEmisCool(&C12O16Rotate, nCORotate ,1. , "12CO",&a,&b );
00265         for( j=0; j< nCORotate; ++j )
00266         {
00267                 Punch1LineData( &C12O16Rotate[j] , ioPUN , true);
00268         }
00270         fprintf( ioPUN, "\n\n\n" );
00271         fprintf( ioPUN, "       end 12CO start 13CO rotation lines\n" );
00272         fprintf( ioPUN, "Ion   WL  gl gu    gf       A       CS   n(crt)\n" );
00273         CO_PopsEmisCool(&C13O16Rotate, nCORotate , 1. ,"13CO",&a,&b );
00274         for( j=0; j< nCORotate; ++j )
00275         {
00276                 Punch1LineData( &C13O16Rotate[j] , ioPUN , true);
00277         }
00279         /* punch FeII data if atom is currently enabled */
00280         fprintf( ioPUN, "\n\n\n" );
00281         fprintf( ioPUN, "       end 13CO rotation lines, start FeII lines\n" );
00282         fprintf( ioPUN, " Lo  Hi  Ion  label   WL  gl gu    gf       A       CS   n(crt)\n" );
00284         /* ioPUN unit, and option to print all possible lines - false indicates
00285          * punch only significant lines */
00286         FeIIPunData( ioPUN , false );
00288         /* stop when done, we have done some serious damage to the code */
00289         cdEXIT(EXIT_SUCCESS);
00290 }
00292 /*Punch1LineData punch data for one line */
00293 void Punch1LineData( transition * t , FILE * ioPUN  , 
00294         /* flag saying whether to give collision strength too - in multi level atoms
00295          * it will be not valid without a great deal more work */
00296          bool lgCS_2 )
00297 {
00299         double CritDen;
00300         /* these are used for parts of the line label */
00301         char chLbl[11];
00303         DEBUG_ENTRY( "Punch1LineData()" );
00305         if( t->ipCont <= 0 )
00306         {
00307                 return;
00308         }
00315         /*iWL = iWavLen( t , &chUnits , &chShift );*/
00316         /* ion label, like C  1 */
00317         chIonLbl(chLbl , t );
00318         fprintf(ioPUN,"%s\t", chLbl );
00320         /* this is the second piece of the line label, pick up string after start */
00322         /* the wavelength */
00323         prt_wl(ioPUN, t->WLAng );
00325         fprintf( ioPUN, " %3ld%3ld",
00326           /* lower and upper stat weights */
00327           (long)(t->Lo->g), 
00328           (long)(t->Hi->g) );
00330         /* oscillator strength */
00331         fprintf( ioPUN,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",  t->Emis->gf));
00333         /* Einstein A for transition */
00334         fprintf( ioPUN,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",  t->Emis->Aul));
00336         /* next collision strengths, use different formats depending on size 
00337          * of collision strength */
00338         if( t->Coll.cs > 100. )
00339         {
00340                 fprintf( ioPUN, "%7.1f", t->Coll.cs );
00341         }
00342         else if( t->Coll.cs > 10. )
00343         {
00344                 fprintf( ioPUN, "%7.2f", t->Coll.cs );
00345         }
00346         else if( t->Coll.cs > 1. )
00347         {
00348                 fprintf( ioPUN, "%7.3f", t->Coll.cs );
00349         }
00350         else if( t->Coll.cs > .01 )
00351         {
00352                 fprintf( ioPUN, "%7.4f", t->Coll.cs );
00353         }
00354         else if( t->Coll.cs > 0.0 )
00355         {
00356                 fprintf( ioPUN, " %.3e", t->Coll.cs );
00357         }
00358         else
00359         {
00360                 fprintf( ioPUN, "%7.4f", 0. );
00361         }
00363         /* now print critical density but only if cs is positive 
00364          * >>chng 06 mar 24, add flag lgCS_2 - in multi-level systems do not want
00365          * to punch cs since not computed properly */
00366         if( lgCS_2 && t->Coll.cs> 0. )
00367         {
00368                 CritDen = t->Emis->Aul * t->Hi->g*phycon.sqrte / (t->Coll.cs*COLL_CONST);
00369                 CritDen = log10(CritDen);
00370         }
00371         else
00372         {
00373                 CritDen = 0.;
00374         }
00375         fprintf( ioPUN, "%7.3f\n",CritDen );
00376         return;
00377 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:27 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7