
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*PrtZone print out individual zone results */
00004 #include "cddefines.h"
00005 #include "physconst.h"
00006 #include "iso.h"
00007 #include "grainvar.h"
00008 #include "pressure.h"
00009 #include "wind.h"
00010 #include "conv.h"
00011 #include "trace.h"
00012 #include "magnetic.h"
00013 #include "dense.h"
00014 #include "called.h"
00015 #include "dynamics.h"
00016 #include "h2.h"
00017 #include "mole.h"
00018 #include "secondaries.h"
00019 #include "opacity.h"
00020 #include "colden.h"
00021 #include "geometry.h"
00022 #include "hmi.h"
00023 #include "rfield.h"
00024 #include "thermal.h"
00025 #include "radius.h"
00026 #include "phycon.h"
00027 #include "abund.h"
00028 #include "hydrogenic.h"
00029 #include "ionbal.h"
00030 #include "elementnames.h"
00031 #include "atomfeii.h"
00032 #include "prt.h"
00034 void PrtZone(void)
00035 {
00036         char chField7[8];
00037         char chLet, 
00038           chQHMark;
00039         long int i, 
00040           ishift, 
00041           nelem ,
00042           nd,
00043                 mol;
00044         double cdif, 
00045           coninc,
00046           con_density,
00047           fac, 
00048           hatmic;
00050         DEBUG_ENTRY( "PrtZone()" );
00052         if( thermal.lgUnstable )
00053         {
00054                 chLet = 'u';
00055         }
00056         else
00057         {
00058                 chLet = ' ';
00059         }
00061         /* middle of zone for printing
00062         rmidle = radius.Radius - radius.drad*0.5*radius.dRadSign;
00063         dmidle = radius.depth - radius.drad*0.5; */
00065         /* option to print single line when quiet but tracing convergence
00066          * with "trace convergence" command */
00067         if( called.lgTalk || trace.nTrConvg )
00068         {
00069                 /* print either ####123 or ###1234 */
00070                 if( nzone <= 999 )
00071                 {
00072                         sprintf( chField7, "####%3ld", nzone );
00073                 }
00074                 else
00075                 {
00076                         sprintf( chField7, "###%4ld", nzone );
00077                 }
00079                 fprintf(ioQQQ, " %7.7s %cTe:",chField7, chLet);
00080                 PrintE93(ioQQQ,phycon.te);
00081                 fprintf(ioQQQ," Hden:");
00082                 PrintE93(ioQQQ,dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN]);
00083                 fprintf(ioQQQ," Ne:");
00084                 PrintE93(ioQQQ,dense.eden);
00085                 fprintf(ioQQQ," R:");
00086                 PrintE93(ioQQQ,radius.Radius_mid_zone );
00087                 fprintf(ioQQQ," R-R0:");
00088                 PrintE93(ioQQQ,radius.depth_mid_zone);
00089                 fprintf(ioQQQ," dR:");
00090                 PrintE93(ioQQQ,radius.drad);
00091                 fprintf(ioQQQ," NTR:%3ld Htot:",conv.nPres2Ioniz);
00092                 PrintE93(ioQQQ,thermal.htot);
00093                 fprintf(ioQQQ," T912:");
00094                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",opac.TauAbsGeo[0][iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s]-1] ));
00095                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"###\n");
00097                 if( trace.nTrConvg )
00098                 {
00099                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " H:%.2e %.2e 2H2/H: %.2e He: %.2e %.2e %.2e\n", 
00100                           dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][0]/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN], 
00101                           dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1]/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN], 
00102                           2.*hmi.H2_total/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN],
00103                           dense.xIonDense[ipHELIUM][0]/SDIV(dense.gas_phase[ipHELIUM]), 
00104                           dense.xIonDense[ipHELIUM][1]/SDIV(dense.gas_phase[ipHELIUM]), 
00105                           dense.xIonDense[ipHELIUM][2]/SDIV(dense.gas_phase[ipHELIUM])
00106                           );
00107                 }
00108         }
00110         /* now return if not talking */
00111         if( !called.lgTalk || trace.nTrConvg )
00112         { 
00113                 return;
00114         }
00116         /* lgDenFlucOn set to true in zero, only false when variable abundances are on,
00117          * lgAbTaON set true when element table used */
00118         if( !dense.lgDenFlucOn || abund.lgAbTaON )
00119         {
00120                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " Abun:" );
00121                 for( i=0; i < LIMELM; i++ )
00122                 {
00123                         fprintf( ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%8.1e", dense.gas_phase[i] ));
00124                 }
00125                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00126         }
00128         /*-------------------------------------------------
00129          * print wind parameters if windy model */
00130         fac = wind.windv*dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN]*radius.r1r0sq;
00131         if( wind.windv != 0. )
00132         {
00133                 /* find denominator for fractional contributions */
00134                 if( wind.AccelTot == 0. )
00135                         fac = 1.;
00136                 else
00137                         fac = wind.AccelTot;
00138                 fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00139                         " Dynamics wind V:%.3e km/s a(grav):%.2e a(tot):%.2e Fr(cont):%6.3f "
00140                         "Fr(line):%6.3f Fr(dP):%6.3f\n",
00141                         wind.windv/1e5 ,
00142                         -wind.AccelGravity,
00143                         wind.AccelTot,
00144                         wind.AccelCont/ fac, 
00145                         wind.AccelLine/fac, 
00146                         wind.AccelPres/fac );
00148                 /* print advection information */
00149                 if( dynamics.lgAdvection )
00150                         DynaPrtZone();
00151         }
00153         /* print line with radiation pressure if significant */
00154         if( pressure.pbeta > .05 )
00155                 PrtLinePres();
00157         /*---------------------------------------------------- */
00159         hatmic = 0.;
00160         for(mol = 0; mol < N_H_MOLEC; mol++) {
00161                 hatmic += hmi.Hmolec[mol]*hmi.nProton[mol];
00162         }
00163         ASSERT(hatmic > 0.);
00164         hatmic = (dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][0] + dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1])/hatmic;
00166         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Hydrogen     ");
00167         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][0]/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN]));
00168         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1]/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN]));
00169         fprintf( ioQQQ, " H+o/Hden");
00170         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",hatmic ));
00171         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",hmi.Hmolec[ipMHm]/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN] ));
00172         fprintf( ioQQQ, " H-    H2");
00173         /* this is total H2, the sum of "ground" and excited */
00174         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",hmi.H2_total/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN]));
00175         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",hmi.Hmolec[ipMH2p]/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN]));
00176         fprintf( ioQQQ, " H2+ HeH+");
00177         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",hmi.Hmolec[ipMHeHp]/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN]));
00178         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Ho+ ColD");
00179         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",colden.colden[ipCOL_H0]));
00180         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",colden.colden[ipCOL_Hp]));
00181         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n");
00183         /* print departure coef if desired */
00184         if( iso.lgPrtDepartCoef[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN] )
00185         {
00186                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " Hydrogen     " );
00187                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",  iso.DepartCoef[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s]));
00188                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",  1.));
00189                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " H+o/Hden");
00190                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", (dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][0] + dense.xIonDense[ipHYDROGEN][1])/dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN]));
00191                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", hmi.hmidep));
00192                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " H-    H2");
00193                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", hmi.h2dep));
00194                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "      H2+");
00195                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", hmi.h2pdep));
00196                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "      H3+");
00197                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",hmi.h3pdep));
00198                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00199         }
00201         if( prt.lgPrintHeating )
00202         {
00203                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "              ");
00204                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[0][0]/thermal.htot));
00205                 fprintf( ioQQQ,"         ");
00206                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[0][15]/thermal.htot));
00207                 fprintf( ioQQQ,"         ");
00208                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[0][16]/thermal.htot));
00209                 fprintf( ioQQQ,"\n");
00210         }
00212         /* temperature correspoding to radiation fields */
00213         coninc = 0.;
00214         cdif = 0.;
00215         for( i=0; i < rfield.nflux; i++ )
00216         {
00217                 /* integrated energy flux, ergs s^-1 cm^-2 */
00218                 coninc += rfield.flux[i]*(rfield.anu[i]*EN1RYD);
00219                 cdif += (rfield.outlin[i] + rfield.outlin_noplot[i] +
00220                         rfield.ConInterOut[i])* (rfield.anu[i]*EN1RYD);
00221         }
00222         /* convert flux in attenuated incident continuum, diffuse emission, into equivalent temperature */
00223         coninc = pow(coninc/SPEEDLIGHT/7.56464e-15,0.25);
00224         cdif = pow(cdif/SPEEDLIGHT/7.56464e-15,0.25);
00226         /* convert sum of flux into energy density, then equivalent pressure */
00227         con_density = (coninc + cdif) / SPEEDLIGHT;
00228         con_density /= BOLTZMANN;
00230         if( prt.lgPrintHeating )
00231         {
00232                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "              ");
00233                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[0][1]/thermal.htot ));
00234                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "         ");
00235                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 0. ));
00236                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " BoundCom");
00237                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", ionbal.CompRecoilHeatLocal/ thermal.htot));
00238                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "   Extra:");
00239                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",thermal.heating[0][20]/thermal.htot));
00240                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "   Pairs:");
00241                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[0][21]/ thermal.htot ));
00242                 fprintf( ioQQQ,"  H-lines\n");
00243         }
00245         /* Helium */
00246         if( dense.lgElmtOn[ipHELIUM] )
00247         {
00248                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " Helium       " );
00249                 for( i=0; i < 3; i++ )
00250                 {
00251                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", dense.xIonDense[ipHELIUM][i]/dense.gas_phase[ipHELIUM]) );
00252                 }
00254                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " He I2SP3");
00255                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 
00256                         StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHe2s3S].Pop*dense.xIonDense[ipHELIUM][1]/dense.gas_phase[ipHELIUM] ));
00257                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " Comp H,C");
00258                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", rfield.cmheat ));
00259                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",  rfield.cmcool*phycon.te));
00260                 fprintf( ioQQQ , " Fill Fac");
00261                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", geometry.FillFac));
00262                 fprintf( ioQQQ , " Gam1/tot");
00263                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", hydro.H_ion_frac_photo));
00264                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n");
00266                 /* option to print departure coef */
00267                 if( iso.lgPrtDepartCoef[ipH_LIKE][ipHELIUM] )
00268                 {
00269                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Helium       " );
00270                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", iso.DepartCoef[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][0]));
00271                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", iso.DepartCoef[ipH_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipH1s]));
00272                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 1.));
00274                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Comp H,C");
00275                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", rfield.cmheat ));
00276                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", rfield.cmcool*phycon.te ));
00277                         fprintf( ioQQQ , " Fill Fac");
00278                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", geometry.FillFac ));
00279                         fprintf( ioQQQ , " Gam1/tot");
00280                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", hydro.H_ion_frac_photo));
00281                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n");
00282                 }
00284                 /* print heating from He (and others) if desired
00285                  * entry "lines" is induced line heating
00286                  * 1,12 ffheat:  2,3 he triplets, 1,20 compton */
00287                 if( prt.lgPrintHeating )
00288                 {
00289                         /*fprintf( ioQQQ, "            %10.3e%10.3e    Lines:%10.2e%10.2e  Compton:%10.3e FF Heatig%10.3e\n", 
00290                           thermal.heating[1][0]/thermal.htot, thermal.heating[1][1]/
00291                           thermal.htot, thermal.heating[0][22]/thermal.htot, thermal.heating[1][2]/
00292                           thermal.htot, thermal.heating[0][19]/thermal.htot, thermal.heating[0][11]/
00293                           thermal.htot );*/
00294                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "              ");
00295                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",thermal.heating[1][0]/thermal.htot));
00296                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",thermal.heating[1][1]/thermal.htot));
00297                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "   Lines:");
00298                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",thermal.heating[0][22]/thermal.htot));
00299                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",thermal.heating[1][2]/thermal.htot));
00300                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Compton:");
00301                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",thermal.heating[0][19]/thermal.htot));
00302                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " FFHeatig");
00303                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",thermal.heating[0][11]/thermal.htot));
00304                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n");
00305                 }
00307                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[ipHELIUM] )
00308                 {
00309                         /* helium singlets and triplets relative to total helium gas phase density */
00310                         fac = dense.xIonDense[ipHELIUM][1]/dense.gas_phase[ipHELIUM];
00311                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " He singlet n " );
00312                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][1][ipHe1s1S].Pop*fac ));
00313                         /* singlet n=2 complex */
00314                         if( iso.numPrintLevels[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM]>= ipHe2p1P )
00315                         {
00316                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][1][ipHe2s1S].Pop*fac ));
00317                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][1][ipHe2p1P].Pop*fac ));
00318                         }
00319                         else
00320                         {
00321                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 0. ));
00322                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 0. ));
00323                         }
00324                         /* singlet n=3 complex */
00325                         if( iso.numPrintLevels[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM]>= ipHe3p1P )
00326                         {
00327                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHe3s1S].Pop*fac ));
00328                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHe3p1P].Pop*fac ));
00329                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHe3d1D].Pop*fac ));
00330                         }
00331                         else
00332                         {
00333                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 0. ));
00334                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 0. ));
00335                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 0. ));
00336                         }
00338                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " He tripl" );
00339                         /* triplet n=2 complex */
00340                         if( iso.numPrintLevels[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM]>= ipHe2p3P2 )
00341                         {
00342                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHe2s3S].Pop*fac ));
00343                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 
00344                                         StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHe2p3P0].Pop*fac+
00345                                         StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHe2p3P1].Pop*fac+
00346                                         StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHe2p3P2].Pop*fac ));
00347                         }
00348                         else
00349                         {
00350                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 0. ));
00351                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 0. ));
00352                         }
00353                         /* triplet n=3 complex */
00354                         if( iso.numPrintLevels[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM]> ipHe3d3D )
00355                         {
00356                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHe3s3S].Pop*fac ));
00357                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHe3p3P].Pop*fac ));
00358                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHe3d3D].Pop*fac ));
00359                         }
00360                         else
00361                         {
00362                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 0. ));
00363                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 0. ));
00364                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 0. ));
00365                         }
00366                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00367                 }
00368         }
00370         /* loop over iso sequences to see if any populations
00371          * and/or departure coefficients need to be printed */
00372         for( long ipISO = ipH_LIKE; ipISO < NISO; ipISO++ )
00373         {
00374                 for( nelem=ipISO; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00375                 {
00376                         if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00377                         {
00378                                 if( iso.lgPrtLevelPops[ipISO][nelem] )
00379                                 {
00380                                         iso_prt_pops(ipISO, nelem, false);
00381                                 }
00382                                 if( iso.lgPrtDepartCoef[ipISO][nelem] )
00383                                 {
00384                                         /* true says print departure coefficients
00385                                          * instead of populations. */
00386                                         iso_prt_pops(ipISO, nelem, true);
00387                                 }
00388                         }
00389                 }
00390         }
00392         /* >>chng 01 dec 08, move pressure to line before grains, after radiation properties */
00393         /* gas pressure, pressure due to incident radiation field, rad accel */
00394         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Pressure      NgasTgas");
00395         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", pressure.PresGasCurr/BOLTZMANN));
00396         fprintf( ioQQQ, " P(total)");
00397         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", pressure.PresTotlCurr));
00398         fprintf( ioQQQ, " P( gas )");
00399         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", pressure.PresGasCurr));
00400         fprintf( ioQQQ, " P(Radtn)");
00401         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", pressure.pres_radiation_lines_curr));
00402         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Rad accl");
00403         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", wind.AccelTot));
00404         fprintf( ioQQQ, " ForceMul");
00405         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", wind.fmul));
00406         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00408         fprintf( ioQQQ , "               Texc(La)");
00409         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",  hydro.TexcLya ));
00410         fprintf( ioQQQ , " T(contn)");
00411         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",  coninc ));
00412         fprintf( ioQQQ , " T(diffs)");
00413         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",  cdif ));
00414         /* print the total radiation density expressed as an equivalent gas pressure */
00415         fprintf( ioQQQ , " nT (c+d)");
00416         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", con_density ));
00417         /* print the radiation to gas pressure */
00418         fprintf( ioQQQ , " Prad/Gas");
00419         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", pressure.pbeta ));
00420         /* magnetic to gas pressure ratio */
00421         fprintf( ioQQQ , " Pmag/Gas");
00422         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",  magnetic.pressure / pressure.PresGasCurr) );
00423         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00425         if( gv.lgGrainPhysicsOn )
00426         {
00427                 for( nd=0; nd < gv.nBin; nd++ )
00428                 {
00429                         /*  Change things so the quantum heated dust species are marked with an
00430                         *  asterisk just after the name (K Volk)
00431                         *  added QHMARK here and in the write statement */
00432                         chQHMark = (char)(( gv.bin[nd]->lgQHeat && gv.bin[nd]->lgUseQHeat ) ? '*' : ' ');
00433                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "%-12.12s%c  DustTemp",gv.bin[nd]->chDstLab, chQHMark);
00434                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", gv.bin[nd]->tedust));
00435                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Pot Volt");
00436                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", gv.bin[nd]->dstpot*EVRYD));
00437                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Chrg (e)");
00438                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", gv.bin[nd]->AveDustZ));
00439                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " drf cm/s");
00440                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", gv.bin[nd]->DustDftVel));
00441                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Heating:");
00442                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", gv.bin[nd]->GasHeatPhotoEl));
00443                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Frac tot");
00444                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", gv.bin[nd]->GasHeatPhotoEl/thermal.htot));
00445                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00446                 }
00447         }
00448         /* >>chng 00 apr 20, moved punch-out of quantum heating data to qheat(), by PvH */
00450         /* heavy element molecules */
00451         if( findspecies("CO")->hevmol > 0. )
00452         {
00453                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " Molecules     CH/Ctot:");
00454                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", findspecies("CH")->hevmol/dense.gas_phase[ipCARBON]));
00455                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " CH+/Ctot");
00456                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", findspecies("CH+")->hevmol/dense.gas_phase[ipCARBON]));
00457                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " CO/Ctot:");
00458                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", findspecies("CO")->hevmol/dense.gas_phase[ipCARBON]));
00459                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " CO+/Ctot");
00460                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", findspecies("CO+")->hevmol/dense.gas_phase[ipCARBON]));
00461                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " H2O/Otot");
00462                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", findspecies("H2O")->hevmol/dense.gas_phase[ipOXYGEN]));
00463                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " OH/Ototl");
00464                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", findspecies("OH")->hevmol/dense.gas_phase[ipOXYGEN]));
00465                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n");
00466         }
00468         /* information about the large H2 molecule - this just returns if not turned on */
00469         H2_Prt_Zone();
00471         /* Lithium, Beryllium */
00472         if( dense.lgElmtOn[ipLITHIUM] || dense.lgElmtOn[ipBERYLLIUM] || 
00473                 (secondaries.csupra[ipHYDROGEN][0]>0.) )
00474         {
00475                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " Lithium      " );
00476                 for( i=0; i < 4; i++ )
00477                 {
00478                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", dense.xIonDense[ipLITHIUM][i]/MAX2(1e-35,dense.gas_phase[ipLITHIUM]) ));
00479                 }
00480                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " Berylliu" );
00481                 for( i=0; i < 5; i++ )
00482                 {
00483                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",  dense.xIonDense[ipBERYLLIUM][i]/MAX2(1e-35,dense.gas_phase[ipBERYLLIUM])) );
00484                 }
00486                 /* print secondary ionization rate for atomic hydrogen */
00487                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " sec ion:" );
00488                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", secondaries.csupra[ipHYDROGEN][0]) );
00489                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00491                 /* option to print heating due to these stages*/
00492                 if( prt.lgPrintHeating )
00493                 {
00494                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "              " );
00495                         for( i=0; i < 3; i++ )
00496                         {
00497                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",  thermal.heating[ipLITHIUM][i]/ thermal.htot) );
00498                         }
00499                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "                    " );
00501                         for( i=0; i < 4; i++ )
00502                         {
00503                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[ipBERYLLIUM][i]/thermal.htot ));
00504                         }
00505                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00506                 }
00507         }
00509         /* Boron */
00510         if( dense.lgElmtOn[ipBORON] )
00511         {
00512                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " Boron        " );
00513                 for( i=0; i < 6; i++ )
00514                 {
00515                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", dense.xIonDense[ipBORON][i]/MAX2(1e-35,dense.gas_phase[ipBORON]) ));
00516                 }
00517                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00519                 /* option to print heating*/
00520                 if( prt.lgPrintHeating )
00521                 { 
00522                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "              " );
00523                         for( i=0; i < 5; i++ )
00524                         {
00525                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[ipBORON][i]/thermal.htot ));
00526                         }
00527                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00528                 }
00529         }
00531         /* Carbon */
00532         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Carbon       " );
00533         for( i=0; i < 7; i++ )
00534         {
00535                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", dense.xIonDense[ipCARBON][i]/SDIV(dense.gas_phase[ipCARBON])) );
00536         }
00537         /* some molecules trail the line */
00538         fprintf( ioQQQ, " H2O+/O  " );
00539         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", findspecies("H2O+")->hevmol/MAX2(1e-35,dense.gas_phase[ipOXYGEN]) ));
00540         fprintf( ioQQQ, " OH+/Otot" );
00541         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", findspecies("OH+")->hevmol/ MAX2(1e-35,dense.gas_phase[ipOXYGEN]) ));
00542         /* print extra heating, normally zero */
00543         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Hex(tot)" );
00544         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[0][20] ));
00545         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00547         /* option to print heating*/
00548         if( prt.lgPrintHeating )
00549         {
00550                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "              " );
00551                 for( i=0; i < ipCARBON+1; i++ )
00552                 {
00553                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[ipCARBON][i]/ thermal.htot) );
00554                 }
00555                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00556         }
00558         /* Nitrogen */
00559         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Nitrogen     " );
00560         for( i=1; i <= 8; i++ )
00561         {
00562                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",dense.xIonDense[ipNITROGEN][i-1]/ SDIV(dense.gas_phase[ipNITROGEN]) ));
00563         }
00564         fprintf( ioQQQ, " O2/Ototl" );
00565         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", findspecies("O2")->hevmol/MAX2(1e-35,dense.gas_phase[ipOXYGEN])));
00566         fprintf( ioQQQ, " O2+/Otot" );
00567         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", findspecies("O2+")->hevmol/ MAX2(1e-35,dense.gas_phase[ipOXYGEN]) ));
00568         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00570         /* option to print heating*/
00571         if( prt.lgPrintHeating )
00572         {
00573                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "              " );
00574                 for( i=0; i < ipNITROGEN+1; i++ )
00575                 {
00576                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[ipNITROGEN][i]/ thermal.htot ));
00577                 }
00578                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00579         }
00581 #       if 0
00582         /* Oxygen */
00583         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Oxygen       " );
00584         for( i=1; i <= 9; i++ )
00585         {
00586                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",dense.xIonDense[ipOXYGEN][i-1]/ SDIV(dense.gas_phase[ipOXYGEN]) ));
00587         }
00588         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00590         /* option to print heating*/
00591         if( prt.lgPrintHeating )
00592         {
00593                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "              " );
00594                 for( i=0; i < ipOXYGEN+1; i++ )
00595                 {
00596                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[ipOXYGEN][i]/ thermal.htot ));
00597                 }
00598                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00599         }
00600 #       endif
00602         /* now print rest of elements inside loops */
00603         /* fluorine through Magnesium */
00604         for( nelem=ipOXYGEN; nelem < ipALUMINIUM; ++nelem )
00605         {
00606                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00607                 {
00608                         /* print the element name and amount of shift */
00609                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " %10.10s   ", elementnames.chElementName[nelem]);
00611                         for( i=0; i < nelem+2; i++ )
00612                         {
00613                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", dense.xIonDense[nelem][i]/dense.gas_phase[nelem] ));
00614                         }
00615                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00617                         /* print heating but only if needed */
00618                         if( prt.lgPrintHeating )
00619                         {
00620                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "              " );
00621                                 for( i=0; i < nelem+1; i++ )
00622                                 {
00623                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[nelem][i]/thermal.htot ));
00624                                 }
00625                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00626                         }
00627                 }
00628         }
00630         /* Aluminium through Zinc */
00631         for( nelem=ipALUMINIUM; nelem < LIMELM; ++nelem )
00632         {
00633                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00634                 {
00635                         /* number of ionization stages to print across the page */
00636                         /*@-redef@*/
00637                         enum {LINE=13};
00638                         /*@+redef@*/
00639                         ishift = MAX2(0,dense.IonHigh[nelem]-LINE+1);
00641                         /* print the element name and amount of shift */
00642                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " %10.10s%2ld ", elementnames.chElementName[nelem],ishift );
00644                         for( i=0; i < LINE; i++ )
00645                         {
00646                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", dense.xIonDense[nelem][i+ishift]/dense.gas_phase[nelem]) );
00647                         }
00648                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00650                         /* print heating but only if needed */
00651                         if( prt.lgPrintHeating )
00652                         {
00653                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "              " );
00654                                 for( i=0; i < LINE; i++ )
00655                                 {
00656                                         fprintf(ioQQQ,
00657                                                 PrintEfmt("%9.2e", thermal.heating[nelem][i+ishift]/thermal.htot ));
00658                                 }
00659                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00660                         }
00661                 }
00662         }
00664         /* call FeII print routine if large atom is turned on */
00665         FeIIPrint();
00666         return;
00667 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:27 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7