
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*lines main routine to put emission line intensities into line stack,
00004  * calls lineset1, 2, 3, 4 */
00005 /*Drive_cdLine do the drive cdLine command */
00006 #include "cddefines.h"
00007 #include "physconst.h"
00008 #include "taulines.h"
00009 #include "thermal.h"
00010 #include "yield.h"
00011 #include "ionbal.h"
00012 #include "cddrive.h"
00013 #include "trace.h"
00014 #include "dense.h"
00015 #include "prt.h"
00016 #include "rt.h"
00017 #include "coolheavy.h"
00018 #include "rfield.h"
00019 #include "phycon.h"
00020 #include "elementnames.h"
00021 #include "iso.h"
00022 #include "hyperfine.h"
00023 #include "hydrogenic.h"
00024 #include "lines_service.h"
00025 #include "atmdat.h"
00026 #include "lines.h"
00027 #include "radius.h"
00028 STATIC void Drive_cdLine( void );
00030 void lines(void)
00031 {
00032         char chLabel[5];
00033         static bool lgRecOn;
00034         long int i, 
00035           ipnt,
00036           nelem;
00037         double BigstExtra, 
00038           ExtraCool,  
00039           f2, sum; 
00041         DEBUG_ENTRY( "lines()" );
00043         /* LineSave.ipass
00044          * -1 - space not yet allocated - just count number of lines entered into stack
00045          *  0 - first call with space allocated - must create labels and add in wavelengths
00046          * +1 - later calls - just add intensity 
00047          */
00049         /* major routines used here:
00050          *
00051          * PutLine( tarray )
00052          * this uses information in tarray to give various
00053          * contributions to lines, and their intensities
00054          *
00055          * PutExtra( extra )
00056          * extra is some extra intensity to add to the line
00057          * it will go into the totl contribution put out by PutLine,
00058          * and this contribution should be indicated by independent
00059          * call to linadd
00060          * */
00062         if( trace.lgTrace )
00063         {
00064                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " lines called\n" );
00065         }
00067         /* the drive cdline command, which checks that all lines can be pulled out by cdLine */
00068         if( trace.lgDrv_cdLine  && LineSave.ipass > 0 )
00069                 Drive_cdLine();
00071         /* total luminosity radiated by this model - will be compared with energy in incident
00072          * continuum when calculation is complete */
00073         thermal.power += thermal.htot*radius.dVeff;
00075         /* remember the total free-free heating */
00076         thermal.FreeFreeTotHeat += CoolHeavy.brems_heat_total*radius.dVeff;
00078         /* total Compton heating - cooling */
00079         rfield.comtot += rfield.cmheat*radius.dVeff;
00080         thermal.totcol += thermal.ctot*radius.dVeff;
00082         /* up up induced recombination cooling */
00083         for( nelem=0; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00084         {
00085                 hydro.cintot += iso.RecomInducCool_Rate[ipH_LIKE][nelem]*radius.dVeff;
00086         }
00088         /* nsum is line pointer within large stack of line intensities */
00089         LineSave.nsum = 0;
00090         LineSave.nComment = 0;
00092         /* this is used by lindst to proportion inward and outward.  should be 50% for
00093          * optically thin line.  putline sets this to actual value for particular line
00094          * and calls lindst then rests to 50% */
00095         rt.fracin = 0.5;
00097         /* last arg in call to lindst and linadd is info on line
00098          * info is char variable indicating type of line this is
00099          * 'c' cooling
00100          * 'h' heating
00101          * 'i' information only
00102          * 'r' recombination line
00103          *
00104          * all components of lines are entered into the main line stack here
00105          * when printing, filters exist to not print Inwd component */
00107         /* initialize routine that can generate pointers for forbidden lines,
00108          * these are lines that are not transferred otherwise,
00109          * in following routines there will be pairs of calls, first to
00110          * PntForLine to get pointer, then lindst to add to stack */
00111         PntForLine(0.,"FILL",&i);
00113         /* evaluate rec coefficient for rec lines of C, N, O
00114          * some will be used in LineSet2 and then zeroed out,
00115          * others left alone and used below */
00116         t_ADfA::Inst().rec_lines(phycon.te,LineSave.RecCoefCNO);
00118         /* initialize ExtraInten with a zero */
00119         PutExtra(0.);
00121         /* put in something impossible in element 0 of line stack */
00122         linadd(0.f,0,"zero",'i' , "null placeholder");
00124         /* this is compared with true volume in final.  The number can't
00125          * actually be unity since this would overflow on a 32 bit machine */
00126         /* integrate the volume as a sanity check */
00127         linadd( 1.e-10 , 1 , "Unit" , 'i' , "unit integration placeholder");
00129         /* initial set of general properties */
00130         lines_general();
00132         /* do all continua */
00133         lines_continuum();
00135         /* information about grains */
00136         lines_grains();
00138         /* update all satellite lines */
00139         iso_satellite_update();
00141         /* do all hydrogenic ions */
00142         lines_hydro();
00144         /* enter He-iso sequence lines */
00145         lines_helium();
00147 #if     0
00148         /* This is Ryan's code for dumping lots of Helium lines according to
00149          * quantum number rather than wavelength, principally for comparison with Rob
00150          * Bauman's code. */
00151         if( iteration > 1 )
00152         {
00153                 fprintf( ioQQQ,"ipHi\tipLo\tnu\tlu\tsu\tnl\tll\tsl\tWL\tintens\n" );
00154                 for( long ipHi=5; ipHi<= iso.numLevels_local[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM] - iso.nCollapsed_local[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM]; ipHi++ )
00155                 {
00156                         for( long ipLo=0; ipLo<ipHi; ipLo++ )
00157                         {
00158                                 if( Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHi][ipLo].ipCont > 0 )
00159                                 {
00160                                         double relint, absint;
00162                                         if( cdLine("He 1", 
00163                                                 Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHi][ipLo].WLAng,
00164                                                 &relint, &absint ) )
00165                                         {
00166                                                 //Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHi][ipLo].Hi->chLabel
00168                                                 if( Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHi][ipLo].WLAng < 1.1E4 &&
00169                                                         Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHi][ipLo].WLAng > 3.59E3 &&
00170                                                         ipLo!=3 && ipLo!=4 && relint >= 0.0009 )
00171                                                 {
00172                                                         fprintf( ioQQQ,"%li\t%li\t%li\t%li\t%li\t%li\t%li\t%li\t%e\t%e\n",
00173                                                                 ipHi,
00174                                                                 ipLo,
00175                                                                 StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHi].n,
00176                                                                 StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHi].l,
00177                                                                 StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHi].S,
00178                                                                 StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipLo].n,
00179                                                                 StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipLo].l,
00180                                                                 StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipLo].S,
00181                                                                 Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][ipHELIUM][ipHi][ipLo].WLAng,
00182                                                                 relint );
00183                                                 }
00184                                         }
00185                                 }
00186                         }
00187                 }
00188         }
00189 #endif
00191         /* do heavies, lithium through neon */
00192         lines_lv1_li_ne();
00194         /* do heavies, sodium through argon */
00195         lines_lv1_na_ar();
00197         /* do heavies, potassium through zinc */
00198         lines_lv1_k_zn();
00200         /* add up line intensities for certain set of lines */
00201         sum = PrtLineSum( " SUM" );
00202         /* zero out the location that will receive this information, 
00203          * remember that memory not allocated until ipass >= 0 */
00204         if( LineSave.ipass > 0 )
00205                 LineSv[LineSave.nsum].sumlin[LineSave.lgLineEmergent] = 0.;
00206         /* optional sum of certain emission lines, set with "print sum" */
00207         linadd(sum/radius.dVeff,0,"Stoy",'i' , 
00208                 "Stoy method energy sum ");
00210         /* next come some recombination lines */
00211         i = StuffComment( "recombination" );
00212         linadd( 0., (realnum)i , "####", 'i' ,
00213                 "recombination lines");
00215         /***********************************************************************
00216          * large number of C, N, and O recombination lines                     *
00217          *************************************************************************/
00219         if( LineSave.ipass <= 0 )
00220         {
00221                 /* initialize to true, may be set false if density is very high below */
00222                 lgRecOn = true;
00223         }
00225         for( i=0; i < 471; i++ )
00226         {
00227                 /* generate label for the line */
00228                 strcpy( chLabel, elementnames.chElementSym[(long)(LineSave.RecCoefCNO[0][i])-1] );
00229                 strcat( chLabel, elementnames.chIonStage[(long)(LineSave.RecCoefCNO[0][i]-
00230                         LineSave.RecCoefCNO[1][i]+1.01)-1] );
00232                 /* number of rec per unit vol
00233                  * >>chng 97 aug 28, do not predict rec intensities at high densities
00234                  * blr.in and oldblr.in go nuts if this is added in outward beam 
00235                  * these recombination coefficients were computed in the low density limit -
00236                  * they were not intended for high densities */
00237                 if( dense.eden < 1e8 && lgRecOn )
00238                 {
00239                         f2 = LineSave.RecCoefCNO[3][i]*dense.eden*
00240                                 dense.xIonDense[(long)(LineSave.RecCoefCNO[0][i])-1][(long)(LineSave.RecCoefCNO[0][i]-LineSave.RecCoefCNO[1][i]+2)-1];
00242                         /* convert to intensity */
00243                         f2 = f2*1.99e-8/LineSave.RecCoefCNO[2][i];
00244                 }
00245                 else
00246                 {
00247                         lgRecOn = false;
00248                         f2 = 0.;
00249                 }
00250                 /* finally stuff it into the stack */
00251                 PntForLine(LineSave.RecCoefCNO[2][i],chLabel,&ipnt);
00252                 lindst(f2,LineSave.RecCoefCNO[2][i],chLabel,ipnt, 'r',true ,
00253                         "recombination line");
00254         }
00256         /* next come the atom_level2 lines */
00257         i = StuffComment( "level2 lines" );
00258         linadd( 0., (realnum)i , "####", 'i' ,
00259                 "level2 lines");
00261         /* add in all the other level 2 wind lines
00262          * Dima's 6k lines */
00263         ExtraCool = 0.;
00264         BigstExtra = 0.;
00265         for( i=0; i < nWindLine; i++ )
00266         {
00267                 if( TauLine2[i].Hi->IonStg < TauLine2[i].Hi->nelem+1-NISO )
00268                 {
00269                         PutLine(&TauLine2[i],"level 2 line");
00270                         if( TauLine2[i].Coll.cool > BigstExtra )
00271                         {
00272                                 BigstExtra = TauLine2[i].Coll.cool;
00273                                 thermal.ipMaxExtra = i+1;
00274                         }
00275                         ExtraCool += TauLine2[i].Coll.cool;
00276                 }
00277         }
00278         /* keep track of how important this is */
00279         thermal.GBarMax = MAX2(thermal.GBarMax,(realnum)(ExtraCool/thermal.ctot));
00281         /* next come the hyperfine structure lines */
00282         i = StuffComment( "hyperfine structure" );
00283         linadd( 0., (realnum)i , "####", 'i' ,
00284                 "hyperfine structure lines ");
00286         /* this is total cooling due to all HF lines */
00287         linadd( hyperfine.cooling_total, 0., "hfin", 'i' ,
00288                 "total cooling all hyperfine structure lines ");
00290         /* remember largest local cooling for possible printout in comments */
00291         hyperfine.cooling_max = (realnum)MAX2(hyperfine.cooling_max,hyperfine.cooling_total/thermal.ctot);
00293         /* the hyperfine lines */
00294         for( i=0; i < nHFLines; i++ )
00295         {
00296                 PutLine(&HFLines[i],
00297                         "hyperfine structure line");
00298         }
00300         /* Databases: Atoms & Molecules: Added Oct 26 07*/
00301         i = StuffComment( "database lines" );
00302         linadd( 0., (realnum)i , "####", 'i' ,
00303                 "database lines ");
00305         /* Atoms & Molecules */
00306         for( i=0; i < linesAdded2; i++ )
00307         {
00308                 /* \todo 2 say which database in the comment */
00309                 PutLine(atmolEmis[i].tran, "lines from third-party databases", atmolEmis[i].tran->Hi->chLabel);
00310         }
00312         /* next come the inner shell fluorescent lines */
00313         i = StuffComment( "inner shell" );
00314         linadd( 0., (realnum)i , "####", 'i' ,
00315                 "inner shell lines");
00317         /* the group of inner shell fluorescent lines */
00318         for( i=0; i < t_yield::Inst().nlines(); ++i )
00319         {
00320                 double xInten = 
00321                         /* density of parent ion, cm-3 */
00322                         dense.xIonDense[t_yield::Inst().nelem(i)][t_yield::Inst().ion(i)] *
00323                         /* photo rate per atom per second, s-1 */
00324                         ionbal.PhotoRate_Shell[t_yield::Inst().nelem(i)][t_yield::Inst().ion(i)][t_yield::Inst().nshell(i)][0]*
00325                         /* fluor yield - dimensionless */
00326                         t_yield::Inst().yield(i) *
00327                         /* photon energy - ryd, converted into ergs */
00328                         t_yield::Inst().energy(i) * EN1RYD;
00330                 /* create label if initializing line stack */
00331                 if( LineSave.ipass == 0 )
00332                 {
00333                         /* only generate the line label if it is going to be used */
00334                         strcpy( chLabel , elementnames.chElementSym[t_yield::Inst().nelem(i)] );
00335                         strcat( chLabel , elementnames.chIonStage[t_yield::Inst().ion_emit(i)] );
00336 #                       if 0
00337                         /* only print yields for atoms */
00338                         if( t_yield::Inst().ion(i) == 0 && t_yield::Inst().nelem(i) == ipIRON )
00339                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"DEBUGyeild\t%s\t%.3f\t%.3e\n",
00340                                 /* line designation, energy in eV, yield */
00341                                 chLabel , t_yield::Inst().energy(i)*EVRYD, t_yield::Inst().yield(i) );
00342 #                       endif
00343                 }
00345                 /* the group of inner shell fluorescent lines */
00346                 lindst(
00347                         /* intensity of line */
00348                         xInten,
00349                         /* wavelength of line in Angstroms */
00350                         (realnum)RYDLAM / t_yield::Inst().energy(i),
00351                         /* label */
00352                         chLabel ,
00353                         /* continuum array offset for line as set in ipoint */
00354                         t_yield::Inst().ipoint(i), 
00355                         /* type of line - count as a recombination line */
00356                         'r',
00357                         /* include line in continuum? */
00358                         true ,
00359                         "inner shell line");
00360         }
00362         /* >>chng 06 jan 03, confirm that number of lines never changes once we have
00363          * created the labels */
00364         {
00365                 static long nLineSave=-1 , ndLineSave=-1;
00366                 if( LineSave.ipass == 0 )
00367                 {
00368                         nLineSave = LineSave.nsum;
00369                         ndLineSave = LineSave.nsum;
00370                 }
00371                 else if( LineSave.ipass > 0 )
00372                 {
00373                         /* this can't happen */
00374                         if( nLineSave<= 0 || ndLineSave < 0 )
00375                                 TotalInsanity();
00377                         /* now make sure that we have the same number of lines as we had previously
00378                          * created labels.  This would not pass if we did not add in exactly the same
00379                          * number of lines on each pass */
00380                         if( nLineSave != LineSave.nsum )
00381                         {
00382                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "DISASTER number of lines in LineSave.nsum changed between pass 0 and 1 - this is impossible\n" );
00383                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "DISASTER LineSave.nsum is %li and nLineSave is %li\n",
00384                                         LineSave.nsum , 
00385                                         nLineSave);
00386                                 ShowMe();
00387                                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00388                         }
00389                         if( ndLineSave != LineSave.nsum )
00390                         {
00391                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "DISASTER number of lines in LineSave.nsum changed between pass 0 and 1 - this is impossible\n" );
00392                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "DISASTER LineSave.nsum is %li and ndLineSave is %li\n",
00393                                         LineSave.nsum , 
00394                                         ndLineSave);
00395                                 ShowMe();
00396                                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00397                         }
00398                 }
00399         }
00401         /* now do all molecules - do last since so many H2 lines */
00402         lines_molecules();
00404         if( trace.lgTrace )
00405         {
00406                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " lines returns\n" );
00407         }
00408         return;
00409 }
00411 /*Drive_cdLine do the drive cdLine command */
00412 STATIC void Drive_cdLine( void )
00413 {
00414         long int j;
00415         bool lgMustPrintHeader = true;
00416         double absval , rel;
00418         DEBUG_ENTRY( "Drive_cdLine()" );
00420         for( j=1; j < LineSave.nsum; j++ )
00421         {
00422                 if( cdLine( LineSv[j].chALab , LineSv[j].wavelength , &absval , &rel ) <= 0 )
00423                 {
00424                         /* print header if first miss */
00425                         if( lgMustPrintHeader )
00426                         {
00427                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"n\tlab\twl\n");
00428                                 lgMustPrintHeader = false;
00429                         }
00431                         fprintf(ioQQQ,"%li\t%s\t%f\n", j, LineSv[j].chALab , LineSv[j].wavelength );
00432                 }
00433         }
00434         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Thanks for checking on the cdLine routine!\n" );
00435         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00436 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:26 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7