
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*RT_tau_init set initial outward optical depths at start of first iteration,
00004  * it is only called by cloudy one time per complete calculation, just after
00005  * continuum set up and before start of convergence attempts. 
00006  * 
00007  * RT_tau_reset after first iteration, updates the optical depths, mirroring this
00008  * routine but with the previous iteration's variables */
00009 #include "cddefines.h"
00010 #define TAULIM  1e8
00011 #include "taulines.h"
00012 #include "doppvel.h"
00013 #include "iso.h"
00014 #include "h2.h"
00015 #include "lines_service.h"
00016 #include "rfield.h"
00017 #include "dense.h"
00018 #include "opacity.h"
00019 #include "thermal.h"
00020 #include "geometry.h"
00021 #include "stopcalc.h"
00022 #include "ipoint.h"
00023 #include "abund.h"
00024 #include "conv.h"
00025 #include "atomfeii.h"
00026 #include "rt.h"
00027 #include "trace.h"
00029 void RT_tau_init(void)
00030 {
00031         long int i, 
00032           nelem,
00033           ipISO,
00034           ipHi, 
00035           ipLo,
00036           nHi;
00037         long lgHit; /* used for logic check */
00039         double AbunRatio, 
00040           balc, 
00041           coleff;
00043         realnum f, BalmerTauOn;
00045         DEBUG_ENTRY( "RT_tau_init()" );
00047         ASSERT( dense.eden > 0. );
00049         /* Zero lines first */
00050         for( ipISO=ipH_LIKE; ipISO<NISO; ++ipISO )
00051         {
00052                 for( nelem=ipISO; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00053                 {
00054                         if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00055                         {
00056                                 for( ipHi=1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipISO][nelem]; ipHi++ )
00057                                 {
00058                                         if( iso.lgDielRecom[ipISO] )
00059                                                 TransitionZero( &SatelliteLines[ipISO][nelem][ipHi] );
00061                                         for( ipLo=0; ipLo < ipHi; ipLo++ )
00062                                         {
00063                                                 TransitionZero( &Transitions[ipISO][nelem][ipHi][ipLo] );
00064                                         }
00065                                 }
00066                                 for( ipHi=2; ipHi <iso.nLyman[ipISO]; ipHi++ )
00067                                 {
00068                                         TransitionZero( &ExtraLymanLines[ipISO][nelem][ipHi] );
00069                                 }
00070                         }
00071                 }
00072         }
00074         /* initialize heavy element line array */
00075         for( i=1; i <= nLevel1; i++ )
00076         {
00077                 TransitionZero( &TauLines[i] );
00078         }
00079         /* this is a dummy optical depth array for non-existant lines 
00080          * when this goes over to struc, make sure all are set to zero here since
00081          * init in grid may depend on it */
00082         TransitionZero( &TauDummy );
00084         /* lines in cooling function with Mewe approximate collision strengths */
00085         for( i=0; i < nWindLine; i++ )
00086         {
00087                 if( TauLine2[i].Hi->IonStg < TauLine2[i].Hi->nelem+1-NISO )
00088                 {
00089                         /* inward optical depth */
00090                         TransitionZero( &TauLine2[i] );
00091                 }
00092         }
00094         /* inner shell lines */
00095         for( i=0; i < nUTA; i++ )
00096         {
00097                 /* these are line optical depth arrays
00098                  * inward optical depth */
00099                 /* heat is special for this array - it is heat per pump */
00100                 double hsave = UTALines[i].Coll.heat;
00101                 TransitionZero( &UTALines[i] );
00102                 UTALines[i].Coll.heat = hsave;
00103         }
00105         /* hyperfine structure lines */
00106         for( i=0; i < nHFLines; i++ )
00107         {
00108                 TransitionZero( &HFLines[i] );
00109         }
00111         /*Atoms & Molecules*/
00112         for( i=0; i < linesAdded2; i++)
00113         {
00114                 TransitionZero( atmolEmis[i].tran );
00115         }
00117         /* CO carbon monoxide lines */
00118         for( i=0; i < nCORotate; i++ )
00119         {
00120                 /* >>chng 03 feb 14, use main zero function */
00121                 TransitionZero( &C12O16Rotate[i] );
00122                 TransitionZero( &C13O16Rotate[i] );
00123         }
00125         /* initialize optical depths in H2 */
00126         H2_LineZero();
00128         /* initialize large atom FeII arrays */
00129         FeII_LineZero();
00131         /* ==================================================================*/
00132         /* end setting lines to zero */
00134         /* >>chng 02 feb 08, moved to here from opacitycreateall, which was called later.
00135          * bug inhibited convergence in some models.  Caught by PvH */
00136         /* this is option to stop at certain optical depth */
00137         if( StopCalc.taunu > 0. )
00138         {
00139                 StopCalc.iptnu = ipoint(StopCalc.taunu);
00140                 StopCalc.iptnu = MIN2(StopCalc.iptnu,rfield.nupper-1);
00141         }
00142         else
00143         {
00144                 StopCalc.iptnu = rfield.nupper;
00145                 /* >>chng 04 dec 21, remove from here and init to 1e30 in zero */
00146                 /*StopCalc.tauend = 1e30f;*/
00147         }
00149         /* if taunu was set with a stop optical depth command, then iptnu must
00150          * have also been set to a continuum index before this code is reaced */
00151         ASSERT( StopCalc.taunu == 0. || StopCalc.iptnu >= 0 );
00153         /* set initial and total optical depths in arrays
00154          * TAUNU is set when lines read in, sets stopping radius */
00155         if( StopCalc.taunu > 0. )
00156         {
00157                 /*  an optical depth has been specified */
00158                 if( StopCalc.iptnu >= iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s] )
00159                 {
00160                         /* at ionizing energies */
00161                         for( i=0; i < (iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s] - 1); i++ )
00162                         {
00163                                 /* taumin set to 1e-20, can be reset with taumin command */
00164                                 opac.TauAbsGeo[1][i] = opac.taumin;
00165                                 opac.TauScatGeo[1][i] = opac.taumin;
00166                                 opac.TauTotalGeo[1][i] = opac.taumin;
00167                         }
00169                         for( i=iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s]-1; i < rfield.nupper; i++ )
00170                         {
00171                                 /* TauAbsGeo(i,2) = tauend * (anu(i)/anu(iptnu))**(-2.43) */
00172                                 opac.TauAbsGeo[1][i] = StopCalc.tauend;
00173                                 opac.TauScatGeo[1][i] = opac.taumin;
00174                                 opac.TauTotalGeo[1][i] = opac.TauAbsGeo[1][i] + opac.TauScatGeo[1][i];
00175                         }
00176                 }
00178                 else
00179                 {
00180                         /* not specified at ionizing energies */
00181                         for( i=0; i < (iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s] - 1); i++ )
00182                         {
00183                                 opac.TauAbsGeo[1][i] = StopCalc.tauend;
00184                                 opac.TauScatGeo[1][i] = StopCalc.tauend;
00185                                 opac.TauTotalGeo[1][i] = StopCalc.tauend;
00186                         }
00188                         for( i=iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s]-1; i < rfield.nupper; i++ )
00189                         {
00190                                 opac.TauAbsGeo[1][i] = (realnum)(TAULIM*pow(rfield.anu[i],(realnum)-2.43f));
00191                                 opac.TauScatGeo[1][i] = opac.taumin;
00192                                 opac.TauTotalGeo[1][i] = opac.TauAbsGeo[1][i] + opac.TauScatGeo[1][i];
00193                         }
00195                 }
00196         }
00198         else
00199         {
00200                 /*  ending optical depth not specified, assume 1E8 at 1 Ryd */
00201                 for( i=0; i < (iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s] - 1); i++ )
00202                 {
00203                         opac.TauAbsGeo[1][i] = opac.taumin;
00204                         opac.TauScatGeo[1][i] = opac.taumin;
00205                         opac.TauTotalGeo[1][i] = opac.taumin;
00206                 }
00208                 for( i=iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s]-1; i < rfield.nupper; i++ )
00209                 {
00210                         opac.TauAbsGeo[1][i] = (realnum)(TAULIM*pow(rfield.anu[i],(realnum)-2.43f));
00211                         opac.TauScatGeo[1][i] = opac.taumin;
00212                         opac.TauTotalGeo[1][i] = opac.TauAbsGeo[1][i] + opac.TauScatGeo[1][i];
00213                 }
00214         }
00216         /* if lgSphere then double outer, set inner to half
00217          * assume will be optically thin at sub-ionizing energies */
00218         if( geometry.lgSphere || opac.lgCaseB )
00219         {
00220                 for( i=0; i < (iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s] - 1); i++ )
00221                 {
00222                         opac.TauAbsGeo[0][i] = opac.taumin;
00223                         opac.TauAbsGeo[1][i] = opac.taumin*2.f;
00224                         opac.TauScatGeo[0][i] = opac.taumin;
00225                         opac.TauScatGeo[1][i] = opac.taumin*2.f;
00226                         opac.TauTotalGeo[0][i] = 2.f*opac.taumin;
00227                         opac.TauTotalGeo[1][i] = 4.f*opac.taumin;
00228                 }
00230                 for( i=iso.ipIsoLevNIonCon[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH1s]-1; i < rfield.nupper; i++ )
00231                 {
00232                         opac.TauAbsGeo[0][i] = opac.TauAbsGeo[1][i];
00233                         opac.TauAbsGeo[1][i] *= 2.;
00234                         opac.TauScatGeo[0][i] = opac.TauScatGeo[1][i];
00235                         opac.TauScatGeo[1][i] *= 2.;
00236                         opac.TauTotalGeo[0][i] = opac.TauTotalGeo[1][i];
00237                         opac.TauTotalGeo[1][i] *= 2.;
00238                 }
00240                 if( StopCalc.taunu > 0. )
00241                 {
00242                         /* ending optical depth specified, and lgSphere also */
00243                         StopCalc.tauend *= 2.;
00244                 }
00245         }
00247         /* fix escape prob for He, metals, first set log of Te, needed by RECEFF
00248          * do not do this if temperature has been set by command */
00249         if( !thermal.lgTemperatureConstant )
00250         {
00251                 double TeNew;
00252                 /* this is a typical temperature for the H+ zone, and will use it is
00253                  * the line widths & opt depth in the following.  this is not meant to be the first
00254                  * temperature during the search phase. */
00255                 TeNew = 2e4;
00256                 /* >>chng 05 jul 19, in PDR models the guess of the optical depth in Lya could
00257                  * be very good since often limiting column density is set, but must use
00258                  * the temperature of H0 gas.  in a dense BLR this is roughly 7000K and
00259                  * closer to 100K for a low-density PDR - use these guesses */
00260                 if( dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN] >= 1e9 )
00261                 {
00262                         /* this is a typical BLR H0 temp */
00263                         TeNew = 7000.;
00264                 }
00265                 else if( dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN] <= 1e5 )
00266                 {
00267                         /* this is a typical PDR H0 temp */
00268                         TeNew = 100.;
00269                 }
00270                 else
00271                 {
00272                         /* power law interpolation between them */
00273                         TeNew = 0.5012 * pow( (double)dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN], 0.46 );
00274                 }
00276                 /* propagate this temperature through the code */
00277                 /* must not call tfidle at this stage since not all vectors have been allocated */
00278                 TempChange(TeNew );
00279         }
00281         /* set inward optical depths for hydrogenic ions to small number proportional to abundance */
00282         for( nelem=0; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00283         {
00284                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00285                 {
00286                         /* now get actual optical depths */
00287                         AbunRatio = abund.solar[nelem]/abund.solar[0];
00288                         for( ipLo=ipH1s; ipLo < (iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem] - 1); ipLo++ )
00289                         {
00290                                 for( ipHi=ipLo + 1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]; ipHi++ )
00291                                 {
00292                                         /* set all inward optical depths to taumin, regardless of abundance
00293                                          * this is a very small number, 1e-20 */
00294                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauIn = opac.taumin;
00295                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauTot = 2.f*opac.taumin;
00296                                 }
00297                         }
00299                         /* La may be case B, tlamin set to 1e9 by default with case b command */
00300                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn = opac.tlamin;
00302                         /* scale factor so that all other lyman lines are appropriate for this Lya optical depth*/
00303                         f = opac.tlamin/Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->opacity;
00304                         fixit(); /* this appears to be redundant to code below. */
00306                         for( nHi=3; nHi<=iso.n_HighestResolved_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]; nHi++ )
00307                         {
00308                                 ipHi = iso.QuantumNumbers2Index[ipH_LIKE][nelem][nHi][1][2];
00309                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn = MAX2( opac.taumin, 
00310                                         f*Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->opacity );
00311                         }
00312                         for( ipHi=iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem] - iso.nCollapsed_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]; ipHi++ )
00313                         {
00314                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn = MAX2( opac.taumin, 
00315                                         f*Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->opacity );
00316                         }
00318                         /* after this set of if's the total lya optical depth will be known,
00319                          * common code later on will set rest of lyman lines
00320                          * if case b then set total lyman to twice inner */
00321                         if( opac.lgCaseB )
00322                         {
00323                                 /* force outer optical depth to twice inner if case B */
00324                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot = 
00325                                         (realnum)(2.*Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn);
00326                                 /* force off Balmer et al optical depths */
00327                                 BalmerTauOn = 0.f;
00328                         }
00330                         else
00331                         {
00332                                 /* usual case for H LyA; try to guess outer optical depth */
00333                                 if( StopCalc.colnut < 6e29 )
00334                                 {
00335                                         /* neutral column is defined */
00336                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot = (realnum)(StopCalc.colnut*
00337                                           rt.DoubleTau*Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->opacity/
00338                                           DoppVel.doppler[nelem]*AbunRatio);
00339                                         ASSERT( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot > 0. );
00340                                 }
00341                                 /* has optical depth at some energy where we want to stop been specified?
00342                                  * taunu is energy where
00343                                  * this has been specified - this checks on Lyman continuum, taunu = 1 */
00344                                 else if( StopCalc.taunu < 3. && StopCalc.taunu >= 0.99 )
00345                                 {
00346                                         /* Lyman continuum optical depth defined */
00347                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot = (realnum)(StopCalc.tauend*
00348                                           1.2e4*1.28e6/DoppVel.doppler[nelem]*rt.DoubleTau*AbunRatio);
00349                                         ASSERT( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot > 0. );
00350                                 }
00351                                 else if( StopCalc.HColStop < 6e29 )
00352                                 {
00353                                         /* neutral column not defined, guess from total col and U */
00354                                         coleff = StopCalc.HColStop - 
00355                                                 MIN2(MIN2(rfield.qhtot/dense.eden,1e24)/2.6e-13,0.6*StopCalc.HColStop);
00357                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot = (realnum)(coleff*
00358                                           7.6e-14*AbunRatio);
00359                                         ASSERT( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot > 0. );
00360                                 }
00361                                 else
00362                                 {
00363                                         /* no way to estimate 912 optical depth, set to large number */
00364                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot = (realnum)(1e20*
00365                                           AbunRatio);
00366                                         ASSERT( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot > 0. );
00367                                 }
00368                                 /* allow Balmer et al. optical depths */
00369                                 BalmerTauOn = 1.f;
00370                         }
00372                         /* Lya total optical depth now known, is it optically thick?*/
00373                         if( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot > 1. )
00374                         {
00375                                 rt.TAddHLya = (realnum)MIN2(1.,Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot/
00376                                   1e4);
00377                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn += rt.TAddHLya;
00378                         }
00380                         else
00381                         {
00382                                 rt.TAddHLya = opac.tlamin;
00383                         }
00385                         /* this scale factor is to set other lyman lines, given the Lya optical depth */
00386                         f = Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot/
00387                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->opacity;
00389                         ipISO = ipH_LIKE;
00390                         ASSERT( ipISO<NISO && nelem < LIMELM );
00391                         for( nHi=3; nHi<=iso.n_HighestResolved_max[ipISO][nelem]; nHi++ )
00392                         {
00393                                 ipHi = iso.QuantumNumbers2Index[ipISO][nelem][nHi][1][2];
00394                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot = MAX2( opac.taumin, 
00395                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->opacity * f );
00397                                 /* increment inward optical depths by rt all lyman lines, inward
00398                                  * optical depth was set above, this adds to it.  this was originally
00399                                  * set some place above */
00400                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn += rt.TAddHLya*
00401                                   Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->opacity/
00402                                   Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->opacity;
00404                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn = MAX2( 
00405                                         opac.taumin, Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn );
00406                         }
00407                         for( ipHi=iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem] - iso.nCollapsed_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]; ipHi++ )
00408                         {
00409                                 /* set total optical depth for higher lyman lines */
00410                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot = MAX2( opac.taumin, 
00411                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->opacity * f );
00413                                 /* increment inward optical depths by rt all lyman lines, inward
00414                                  * optical depth was set above, this adds to it.  this was originally
00415                                  * set some place above */
00416                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn += rt.TAddHLya*
00417                                   Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->opacity/
00418                                   Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->opacity;
00420                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn = MAX2( 
00421                                         opac.taumin, Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn );
00422                         }
00424                         /* try to guess what Balmer cont optical guess,
00425                          * first branch is case where we will stop at a balmer continuum optical
00426                          * depth - taunu is energy where tauend was set */
00427                         if( StopCalc.taunu > 0.24 && StopCalc.taunu < 0.7 )
00428                         {
00429                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH3p][ipH2s].Emis->TauTot = (realnum)(StopCalc.tauend*
00430                                   3.7e4*BalmerTauOn*AbunRatio + 1e-20);
00432                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH3s][ipH2p].Emis->TauTot = (realnum)(StopCalc.tauend*
00433                                   3.7e4*BalmerTauOn*AbunRatio + 1e-20);
00435                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH3d][ipH2p].Emis->TauTot = (realnum)(StopCalc.tauend*
00436                                   3.7e4*BalmerTauOn*AbunRatio + 1e-20);
00437                         }
00439                         else
00440                         {
00441                                 /* this is a guess based on Ferland&Netzer 1979, but it gets very large */
00442                                 balc = rfield.qhtot*2.1e-19*BalmerTauOn*AbunRatio + 1e-20;
00444                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH3p][ipH2s].Emis->TauTot = 
00445                                         (realnum)(MIN2(2e5, balc*3.7e4*BalmerTauOn+1e-20));
00447                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH3s][ipH2p].Emis->TauTot = 
00448                                         (realnum)(MIN2(2e5, balc*3.7e4*BalmerTauOn+1e-20));
00450                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH3d][ipH2p].Emis->TauTot = 
00451                                         (realnum)(MIN2(2e5, balc*3.7e4*BalmerTauOn+1e-20));
00453                                 ASSERT( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH3p][ipH2s].Emis->TauTot > 0.);
00454                                 ASSERT( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH3s][ipH2p].Emis->TauTot > 0.);
00455                                 ASSERT( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH3d][ipH2p].Emis->TauTot > 0.);
00456                         }
00458                         /* 2s - 1s strongly forbidden */
00459                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2s][ipH1s].Emis->TauTot = 2.f*opac.taumin;
00460                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH2s][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn = opac.taumin;
00462                         /* transitions down to 2s are special since 'alpha' (2s-2p) has
00463                          * small optical depth, so use 3 to 2p instead */
00464                         f = Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH3s][ipH2p].Emis->TauTot/
00465                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipH3s][ipH2p].Emis->opacity* BalmerTauOn;
00467                         ipLo = ipH2s;
00468                         for( ipHi=ipLo + 1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]; ipHi++ )
00469                         {
00470                                 if( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].ipCont <= 0 )
00471                                         continue;
00473                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauTot = opac.taumin +
00474                                         f* Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->opacity;
00475                                 ASSERT(Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauTot > 0.);
00476                         }
00478                         /* this is for rest of lines, scale from opacity */
00479                         for( ipLo=ipH2p; ipLo < (iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem] - 1); ipLo++ )
00480                         {
00481                                 long ipISO = ipH_LIKE, ipNS, ipNPlusOneP;
00483                                 /* scale everything with same factor we use for n+1 P -> nS */
00484                                 ipNS = iso.QuantumNumbers2Index[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ N_(ipLo) ][0][2];
00485                                 if( ( N_(ipLo) + 1 ) <= 
00486                                         (iso.n_HighestResolved_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem] + iso.nCollapsed_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem] ) )
00487                                 {
00488                                         ipNPlusOneP = iso.QuantumNumbers2Index[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ N_(ipLo)+1 ][1][2];
00489                                 }
00490                                 else
00491                                 {
00492                                         ipNPlusOneP = ipNS + 1;
00493                                 }
00495 #if     1                       /* old way */
00496                                 ipNS = ipLo;
00497                                 ipNPlusOneP = ipNS + 1;
00498 #endif
00500                                 if( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipNPlusOneP][ipNS].ipCont <= 0 )
00501                                 {       
00502                                         f = SMALLFLOAT;
00503                                 }
00504                                 else
00505                                 {
00506                                         f = Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipNPlusOneP][ipNS].Emis->TauTot/
00507                                           Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipNPlusOneP][ipNS].Emis->opacity*
00508                                           BalmerTauOn;
00509                                 }
00511                                 for( ipHi=ipLo + 1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]; ipHi++ )
00512                                 {
00513                                         if( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].ipCont <= 0 )
00514                                                 continue;
00516                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauTot = opac.taumin +
00517                                                 f* Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->opacity;
00518                                         ASSERT(Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauTot > 0.);
00519                                 }
00520                         }
00522                         /* this loop is over all possible H lines, do some final cleanup */
00523                         for( ipLo=ipH1s; ipLo < (iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem] - 1); ipLo++ )
00524                         {
00525                                 for( ipHi=ipLo + 1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]; ipHi++ )
00526                                 {
00527                                         if( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].ipCont <= 0 )
00528                                                 continue;
00530                                         /* TauCon is line optical depth to inner face used for continuum pumping rate,
00531                                          * not equal to TauIn in case of static sphere since TauCon will never
00532                                          * count the far side line optical depth */
00533                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauCon = 
00534                                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauIn;
00536                                         /* make sure inward optical depth is not larger than half total */
00537                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauIn = 
00538                                                 MIN2(   Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauIn ,
00539                                                 Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauTot/2.f );
00540                                         ASSERT(Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauIn > 0.f);
00542                                         /* this is fraction of line that goes inward, not known until second iteration*/
00543                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->FracInwd = 0.5;
00544                                 }
00545                         }
00546                 }
00547         }
00549         /* initialize all he-like optical depths */
00550         for( nelem=ipHELIUM; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00551         {
00552                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00553                 {
00554                         for( ipLo=0; ipLo < (iso.numLevels_max[ipHE_LIKE][nelem] - 1); ipLo++ )
00555                         {
00556                                 for( ipHi=ipLo + 1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipHE_LIKE][nelem]; ipHi++ )
00557                                 {
00558                                         /* set all inward optical depths to taumin, regardless of abundance
00559                                          * this is a very small number, 1e-20 */
00560                                         Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauIn = opac.taumin;
00561                                         Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauTot = 2.f*opac.taumin;
00562                                 }
00563                         }
00564                 }
00565         }
00567         /* now do helium like sequence if case b */
00568         if( opac.lgCaseB )
00569         {
00570                 for( nelem=1; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00571                 {
00572                         if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00573                         {
00574                                 double Aprev;
00575                                 realnum ratio;
00576                                 /* La may be case B, tlamin set to 1e9 by default with case b command */
00577                                 Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][ipHe2p1P][ipHe1s1S].Emis->TauIn = opac.tlamin;
00579                                 Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][ipHe2p1P][ipHe1s1S].Emis->TauCon = 
00580                                         Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][ipHe2p1P][ipHe1s1S].Emis->TauIn;
00582                                 Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][ipHe2p1P][ipHe1s1S].Emis->TauTot = 
00583                                         2.f*Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][ipHe2p1P][ipHe1s1S].Emis->TauIn;
00585                                 ratio = opac.tlamin/Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][ipHe2p1P][ipHe1s1S].Emis->opacity;
00587                                 /* this will be the trans prob of the previous lyman line, will use this to 
00588                                  * find the next one up in the series */
00589                                 Aprev = Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][ipHe2p1P][ipHe1s1S].Emis->Aul;
00591                                 i = ipHe2p1P+1;
00592                                 /* >>chng 02 jan 05, remove explicit list of lyman lines, use As to guess
00593                                  * which are which - this will work for any number of levels */
00594                                 for( i=ipHe2p1P+1; i < iso.numLevels_max[ipHE_LIKE][nelem]; i++ )
00595                                 {
00596                                         if( Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][i][ipHe1s1S].ipCont <= 0 )
00597                                                 continue;
00599                                         /* >>chng 02 mar 15, add test for collapsed levels - As are very much
00600                                          * smaller at boundary between collapsed/resolved so this test is needed*/
00601                                         if( Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][i][ipHe1s1S].Emis->Aul> Aprev/10. ||
00602                                                 StatesElem[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][i].S < 0 )
00603                                         {
00604                                                 Aprev = Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][i][ipHe1s1S].Emis->Aul;
00606                                                 Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][i][ipHe1s1S].Emis->TauIn = 
00607                                                         ratio*Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][i][ipHe1s1S].Emis->opacity;
00608                                                 /* reset line optical depth to continuum source */
00609                                                 Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][i][ipHe1s1S].Emis->TauCon = 
00610                                                         Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][i][ipHe1s1S].Emis->TauIn;
00611                                                 Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][i][ipHe1s1S].Emis->TauTot = 
00612                                                         2.f*Transitions[ipHE_LIKE][nelem][i][ipHe1s1S].Emis->TauIn;
00613                                         }
00614                                 }
00615                         }
00616                 }
00617         }
00619         /* begin sanity check, total greater than 1/0.9 time inward */
00620         lgHit = false;
00621         for( nelem=0; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00622         {
00623                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00624                 {
00625                         for( ipLo=ipH1s; ipLo < (iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem] - 1); ipLo++ )
00626                         {
00627                                 for( ipHi=ipLo + 1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][nelem]; ipHi++ )
00628                                 {
00629                                         if( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].ipCont <= 0 )
00630                                                 continue;
00632                                         if( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauTot < 
00633                                                 0.9f*Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauIn )
00634                                         {
00635                                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,
00636                                                         "RT_tau_init insanity for h line, Z=%li lo=%li hi=%li tot=%g in=%g \n",
00637                                                         nelem , ipLo, ipHi , Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauTot , 
00638                                                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][nelem][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauIn );
00639                                                 lgHit = true;
00640                                         }
00641                                 }
00642                         }
00643                 }
00644         }
00645         if( lgHit )
00646         {
00647                 fprintf( ioQQQ," stopping due to insanity in RT_tau_init\n");
00648                 ShowMe();
00649                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00650         }
00651         /*end sanity check */
00653         /* fix offset for effective column density optical depth */
00654         rt.tauxry = opac.TauAbsGeo[0][rt.ipxry-1];
00656         /* this is flag detected by dest prob routines to see whether ots rates are
00657          * oscaillating - damp them out if so */
00658         conv.lgOscilOTS = false;
00660         /* now that optical depths have been incremented, do escape prob, this
00661          * is located here instead on in cloudy.c (where it belongs) because
00662          * information generated by RT_line_all is needed for the following printout */
00664         RT_line_all(true , false );
00666         /* rest of routine is printout in case of trace */
00667         if( trace.lgTrace )
00668         {
00669                 /* default is h-like */
00670                 ipISO = ipH_LIKE;
00671                 if( trace.lgIsoTraceFull[ipHE_LIKE] )
00672                         ipISO = ipHE_LIKE;
00674                 if( trace.lgIsoTraceFull[ipISO] )
00675                 {
00676                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n\n   up Transitions[ipISO][hi][lo].TauTot array as set in RT_tau_init ipZTrace (nelem)= %ld\n", 
00677                           trace.ipIsoTrace[ipH_LIKE] );
00678                         for( ipHi=2; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]]; ipHi++ )
00679                         {
00680                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " %3ld", ipHi );
00681                                 for( ipLo=ipH1s; ipLo < ipHi; ipLo++ )
00682                                 {
00683                                         if( Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->Aul <= iso.SmallA )
00684                                                 continue;
00686                                         fprintf( ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e",
00687                                                 Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauTot ));
00688                                 }
00689                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00690                         }
00692                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n\n TauIn array\n" );
00693                         for( ipHi=1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]]; ipHi++ )
00694                         {
00695                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " %3ld", ipHi );
00696                                 for( ipLo=ipH1s; ipLo < ipHi; ipLo++ )
00697                                 {
00698                                         if( Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->Aul <= iso.SmallA )
00699                                                 continue;
00701                                         fprintf( ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 
00702                                                 Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->TauIn ));
00703                                 }
00704                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00705                         }
00707                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n\n Aul As array\n" );
00708                         for( ipHi=1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]]; ipHi++ )
00709                         {
00710                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " %3ld", ipHi );
00711                                 for( ipLo=ipH1s; ipLo < ipHi; ipLo++ )
00712                                 {
00713                                         if( Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->Aul <= iso.SmallA )
00714                                                 continue;
00716                                         fprintf( ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 
00717                                                 Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->Aul) );
00718                                 }
00719                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00720                         }
00722                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n\n Aul*esc array\n" );
00723                         for( ipHi=1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]]; ipHi++ )
00724                         {
00725                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " %3ld", ipHi );
00726                                 for( ipLo=ipH1s; ipLo < ipHi; ipLo++ )
00727                                 {
00728                                         if( Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->Aul <= iso.SmallA )
00729                                                 continue;
00731                                         fprintf( ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 
00732                                                 Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->Aul*
00733                                           (Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->Pdest + 
00734                                           Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->Pelec_esc +
00735                                           Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->Pesc) ));
00736                                 }
00737                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00738                         }
00740                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n\n H opac array\n" );
00741                         for( ipHi=1; ipHi < iso.numLevels_max[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]]; ipHi++ )
00742                         {
00743                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " %3ld", ipHi );
00744                                 for( ipLo=ipH1s; ipLo < ipHi; ipLo++ )
00745                                 {
00746                                         if( Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->Aul <= iso.SmallA )
00747                                                 continue;
00749                                         fprintf( ioQQQ,PrintEfmt("%9.2e", 
00750                                                 Transitions[ipISO][trace.ipIsoTrace[ipISO]][ipHi][ipLo].Emis->opacity ));
00751                                 }
00752                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00753                         }
00754                 }
00756                 else
00757                 {
00758                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " RT_tau_init called.\n" );
00759                 }
00760         }
00762         ASSERT( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->TauIn> 0. );
00763         ASSERT( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][ipH2p][ipH1s].Emis->PopOpc>= 0. );
00764         return;
00765 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:27 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7