
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2008 by Gary J. Ferland and
00002  * others.  For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
00003 /*IterStart set and save values of many variables at start of iteration */
00004 /*IterRestart restart iteration */
00005 #include "cddefines.h"
00006 #include "cddrive.h"
00007 #include "physconst.h"
00008 #include "iso.h"
00009 #include "grainvar.h"
00010 #include "taulines.h"
00011 #include "hydrogenic.h"
00012 #include "struc.h"
00013 #include "dynamics.h"
00014 #include "prt.h"
00015 #include "hyperfine.h"
00016 #include "dense.h"
00017 #include "magnetic.h"
00018 #include "continuum.h"
00019 #include "geometry.h"
00020 #include "h2.h"
00021 #include "he.h"
00022 #include "grains.h"
00023 #include "atomfeii.h"
00024 #include "pressure.h"
00025 #include "stopcalc.h"
00026 #include "conv.h"
00027 #include "mean.h"
00028 #include "ca.h"
00029 #include "thermal.h"
00030 #include "atoms.h"
00031 #include "wind.h"
00032 #include "opacity.h"
00033 #include "timesc.h"
00034 #include "trace.h"
00035 #include "colden.h"
00036 #include "secondaries.h"
00037 #include "hmi.h"
00038 #include "radius.h"
00039 #include "phycon.h"
00040 #include "called.h"
00041 #include "mole.h"
00042 #include "rfield.h"
00043 #include "ionbal.h"
00044 #include "atmdat.h"
00045 #include "lines.h"
00046 #include "molcol.h"
00047 #include "input.h"
00048 #include "rt.h"
00049 #include "iterations.h"
00050 /* these are the static saved variables, set in IterStart and reset in IterRestart */
00052 static double h2plus_heat_save, HeatH2Dish_used_save, HeatH2Dexc_used_save,
00053         hmihet_save, hmitot_save, H2_Solomon_dissoc_rate_used_H2g_save,deriv_HeatH2Dexc_used_save,
00054         H2_Solomon_dissoc_rate_used_H2s_save, H2_H2g_to_H2s_rate_used_save, H2_photodissoc_used_H2s_save,
00055         H2_photodissoc_used_H2g_save, 
00056         UV_Cont_rel2_Draine_DB96_face,
00057         UV_Cont_rel2_Draine_DB96_depth , UV_Cont_rel2_Habing_TH85_face ,
00058         **saveMoleSource , **saveMoleSink;
00059 static realnum ***SaveMoleChTrRate;
00061 /* arguments are atomic number, ionization stage*/
00062 static realnum xIonFsave[LIMELM+3][LIMELM+1];
00063 static double HeatSave[LIMELM][LIMELM];
00064 static realnum supsav[LIMELM][LIMELM],
00065 dndtSave;
00066 /* save values of dr and drNext */
00067 static double drSave , drNextSave;
00069 /* also places to save them between iterations */
00070 static long int IonLowSave[LIMELM], 
00071         IonHighSave[LIMELM];
00073 /* these are used to reset the level populations of the h and he model atoms */
00074 /*static realnum hnsav[LIMELM][LMHLVL+1], */
00075 static bool lgHNSAV = false;
00077 static realnum  ***HOpacRatSav ,
00078   H_sum_in_CO_save;
00080 static realnum hmsav[N_H_MOLEC];
00082 static double ortho_save , para_save;
00083 static double ***hnsav,
00084   edsav;
00086 static realnum xMolFracsSave[LIMELM],
00087         gas_phase_save[LIMELM];
00089 void IterStart(void)
00090 {
00091         long int i, 
00092           ion, 
00093           ipISO,
00094           n ,
00095           nelem;
00096         double fhe1nx, 
00097           ratio;
00099         DEBUG_ENTRY( "IterStart()" );
00101         /* allocate two matrices if first time in this core load 
00102          * these variables are malloced here because they are file static - 
00103          * used to save values at start of first zone, and reset to this value at
00104          * start of new iteration */
00105         if( !lgHNSAV )
00106         {
00107                 /* set flag so we never do this again */
00108                 lgHNSAV = true;
00110                 HOpacRatSav = (realnum ***)MALLOC(sizeof(realnum **)*NISO );
00112                 hnsav = (double ***)MALLOC(sizeof(double **)*NISO );
00114                 for( ipISO=ipH_LIKE; ipISO<NISO; ++ipISO )
00115                 {
00117                         HOpacRatSav[ipISO] = (realnum **)MALLOC(sizeof(realnum *)*LIMELM );
00119                         hnsav[ipISO] = (double **)MALLOC(sizeof(double *)*LIMELM );
00121                         /* now do the second dimension */
00122                         for( nelem=ipISO; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00123                         {
00124                                 HOpacRatSav[ipISO][nelem] = (realnum *)MALLOC(sizeof(realnum)*(unsigned)(iso.numLevels_max[ipISO][nelem]+1) );
00126                                 hnsav[ipISO][nelem] = (double *)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*(unsigned)(iso.numLevels_max[ipISO][nelem]+1) );
00127                         }
00128                 }
00129                 saveMoleSource = 
00130                         (double**)MALLOC(sizeof(double*)*(unsigned)LIMELM );
00131                 saveMoleSink = 
00132                         (double**)MALLOC(sizeof(double*)*(unsigned)LIMELM );
00133                 SaveMoleChTrRate = 
00134                         (realnum***)MALLOC(sizeof(realnum**)*(unsigned)LIMELM );
00135                 for(nelem=0; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00136                 {
00137                         /* chemistry source and sink terms for ionization ladders */
00138                         saveMoleSource[nelem] = 
00139                                 (double*)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*(unsigned)(nelem+2) );
00140                         saveMoleSink[nelem] = 
00141                                 (double*)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*(unsigned)(nelem+2) );
00142                         SaveMoleChTrRate[nelem] = 
00143                                 (realnum**)MALLOC(sizeof(realnum*)*(unsigned)(nelem+2) );
00144                         for( ion=0; ion<nelem+2; ++ion )
00145                         {
00146                                 SaveMoleChTrRate[nelem][ion] = 
00147                                         (realnum*)MALLOC(sizeof(realnum)*(unsigned)(nelem+2) );
00148                         }
00149                 }
00150         }
00152         /* IterStart is called at the start of EVERY iteration */
00153         if( trace.lgTrace )
00154         {
00155                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " IterStart called.\n" );
00156         }
00158         /* check if this is the last iteration */
00159         if( iteration > iterations.itermx )
00160         {
00161                 iterations.lgLastIt = true;
00162         }
00163         else
00164         {
00165                 iterations.lgLastIt = false;
00166         }
00168         /* reset some vars dealing with H2
00169         H2_Reset(); */
00171         /* flag set true in RT_line_one_tauinc if maser ever capped */
00172         rt.lgMaserCapHit = false;
00174         /* zero out charge transfer heating and cooling fractions */
00175         atmdat.HCharHeatMax = 0.;
00176         atmdat.HCharCoolMax = 0.;
00178         /* the reason this calculation stops */
00179         strncpy( StopCalc.chReasonStop, "reason not specified.", 
00180                 sizeof(StopCalc.chReasonStop) );
00182         /* zero fractions of He0 destruction due to 23S */
00183         he.nzone = 0;
00184         he.frac_he0dest_23S = 0.;
00185         he.frac_he0dest_23S_photo = 0.;
00187         /* save expansion rate here */
00188         dndtSave = dynamics.dDensityDT;
00190         timesc.time_H2_Dest_longest = 0.;
00191         timesc.time_H2_Form_longest = 0.;
00192         /* remains neg if not evaluated */
00193         timesc.time_H2_Dest_here = -1.;
00194         timesc.time_H2_Form_here = 0.;
00196         for( i=0; i < mole.num_comole_calc; i++ )
00197         {
00198                 timesc.AgeCOMoleDest[i] = 0.;
00199         }
00200         timesc.BigCOMoleForm = 0.;
00201         timesc.TimeH21cm = 0.;
00202         thermal.CoolHeatMax = 0.;
00203         hydro.HCollIonMax = 0.;
00205         atmdat.HIonFracMax = 0.;
00207         /* will save highest n=2p/1s ratio for hydrogen atom*/
00208         hydro.pop2mx = 0.;
00209         hydro.lgHiPop2 = false;
00211         hydro.nLyaHot = 0;
00212         hydro.TLyaMax = 0.;
00214         /* evaluate the gas and radiation pressure */
00215         /* this sets values of pressure.PresTotlCurr */
00216         pressure.PresInteg = 0.;
00217         pressure.pinzon = 0.;
00218         PresTotCurrent();
00220         dynamics.HeatMax = 0.;
00221         dynamics.CoolMax = 0.;
00223         /* reset these since we now have a valid solution */
00224         pressure.pbeta = 0.;
00225         pressure.RadBetaMax = 0.;
00226         pressure.lgPradCap = false;
00227         pressure.lgPradDen = false;
00228         /* this flag will say we hit the sonic point */
00229         pressure.lgSonicPoint = false;
00230         pressure.lgStrongDLimbo = false;
00232         /* define two timescales for equilibrium, Compton and thermal */
00233         timesc.tcmptn = 1.e0/(rfield.qtot*6.65e-25*dense.eden);
00234         timesc.time_therm_long = 1.5*dense.pden*BOLTZMANN*phycon.te/thermal.ctot;
00236         /* this will be total mass in computed structure */
00237         dense.xMassTotal = 0.;
00239         for( nelem=0; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00240         {
00242                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00243                 {
00245                         /* now zero out the ionic fractions */
00246                         for( ion=0; ion < (nelem + 2); ion++ )
00247                         {
00248                                 xIonFsave[nelem][ion] = dense.xIonDense[nelem][ion];
00249                         }
00251                         for( ion=0; ion < LIMELM; ion++ )
00252                         {
00253                                 HeatSave[nelem][ion] = thermal.heating[nelem][ion];
00254                         }
00255                 }
00256         }
00258         /* >>chng 02 jan 28, add ipISO loop */
00259         for( ipISO=ipH_LIKE; ipISO<NISO; ++ipISO )
00260         {
00261                 /* >>chng 03 apr 11, from 0 to ipISO */
00262                 for( nelem=ipISO; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00263                 {
00264                         if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
00265                         {
00266                                 for( n=0; n < iso.numLevels_max[ipISO][nelem]; n++ )
00267                                 {
00268                                         HOpacRatSav[ipISO][nelem][n] = iso.ConOpacRatio[ipISO][nelem][n];
00269                                         hnsav[ipISO][nelem][n] = StatesElem[ipISO][nelem][n].Pop;
00270                                 }
00271                         }
00272                         iso.TwoNu_induc_dn_max[ipISO][nelem] = 0.;
00273                 }
00274         }
00276         rfield.ipEnergyBremsThin = 0;
00277         rfield.EnergyBremsThin = 0.;
00279         atoms.nNegOI = 0;
00280         for( i=0; i< N_OI_LEVELS; ++i )
00281         {
00282                 atoms.popoi[i] = 0.;
00283         }
00285         /* save molecular fractions and ionization range */
00286         for( nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
00287         {
00288                 /* save molecular densities */
00289                 xMolFracsSave[nelem] = dense.xMolecules[nelem];
00290                 gas_phase_save[nelem] = dense.gas_phase[nelem];
00291                 IonLowSave[nelem] = dense.IonLow[nelem];
00292                 IonHighSave[nelem] = dense.IonHigh[nelem];
00293         }
00294         /*fprintf(ioQQQ,"DEBUG IterStart save set to gas_phase hden %.4e \n",
00295                 dense.gas_phase[0]);*/
00297         edsav = dense.eden;
00298         H_sum_in_CO_save = dense.H_sum_in_CO;
00300         /* save molecular densities */
00301         for( i=0; i<N_H_MOLEC; i++) 
00302         {
00303                 hmsav[i] = hmi.Hmolec[i];
00304         }
00305         ortho_save = h2.ortho_density;
00306         para_save = h2.para_density;
00308         for( i=0; i<mole.num_comole_calc; ++i )
00309         {
00310                 COmole[i]->hevmol_save = COmole[i]->hevmol;
00311         }
00313         for( nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem < LIMELM; ++nelem )
00314         {
00315                 /* these have one more ion than above */
00316                 for( ion=0; ion<nelem+2; ++ion )
00317                 {
00318                         long int ion2;
00319                         /* zero out the source and sink arrays */
00320                         saveMoleSource[nelem][ion] = mole.source[nelem][ion];
00321                         saveMoleSink[nelem][ion] = mole.sink[nelem][ion];
00322                         /*>>chng 06 jun 27, move from here, where leak occurs, to
00323                         * above where xMoleChTrRate first created */
00324                         /*mole.xMoleChTrRate[nelem][ion] = (realnum*)MALLOC(sizeof(realnum)*(unsigned)(nelem+2));*/
00325                         for( ion2=0; ion2<nelem+2; ++ion2 )
00326                         {
00327                                 SaveMoleChTrRate[nelem][ion][ion2] = mole.xMoleChTrRate[nelem][ion][ion2];
00328                         }
00329                 }
00330         }
00332         hmihet_save = hmi.hmihet;
00333         hmitot_save = hmi.hmitot;
00335         h2plus_heat_save = hmi.h2plus_heat;
00337         HeatH2Dish_used_save = hmi.HeatH2Dish_used;
00338         HeatH2Dexc_used_save = hmi.HeatH2Dexc_used;
00340         deriv_HeatH2Dexc_used_save = hmi.deriv_HeatH2Dexc_used;
00341         H2_Solomon_dissoc_rate_used_H2g_save = hmi.H2_Solomon_dissoc_rate_used_H2g;
00342         H2_Solomon_dissoc_rate_used_H2s_save = hmi.H2_Solomon_dissoc_rate_used_H2s;
00344         H2_H2g_to_H2s_rate_used_save = hmi.H2_H2g_to_H2s_rate_used;
00346         H2_photodissoc_used_H2s_save = hmi.H2_photodissoc_used_H2s;
00347         H2_photodissoc_used_H2g_save = hmi.H2_photodissoc_used_H2g;
00349         UV_Cont_rel2_Draine_DB96_face = hmi.UV_Cont_rel2_Draine_DB96_face;
00350         UV_Cont_rel2_Draine_DB96_depth = hmi.UV_Cont_rel2_Draine_DB96_depth;
00351         UV_Cont_rel2_Habing_TH85_face = hmi.UV_Cont_rel2_Habing_TH85_face;
00353         /* save zone thickness, and next zone thickness */
00354         drSave = radius.drad;
00355         drNextSave = radius.drNext;
00356         /* remember largest and smallest dr over iteration */
00357         radius.dr_min_last_iter = BIGFLOAT;
00358         radius.dr_max_last_iter = 0.;
00360         geometry.nprint = iterations.IterPrnt[iteration-1];
00362         colden.TotMassColl = 0.;
00363         colden.tmas = 0.;
00364         colden.wmas = 0.;
00365         colden.rjnmin = FLT_MAX;
00366         colden.ajmmin = FLT_MAX;
00368         thermal.nUnstable = 0;
00369         thermal.lgUnstable = false;
00371         rfield.extin_mag_B_point = 0.;
00372         rfield.extin_mag_V_point = 0.;
00373         rfield.extin_mag_B_extended = 0.;
00374         rfield.extin_mag_V_extended = 0.;
00376         /* plus 1 is to zero out point where unit integration occurs */
00377         for( i=0; i < rfield.nupper+1; i++ )
00378         {
00379                 /* diffuse fields continuum */
00380                 /* >>chng 03 nov 08, recover SummedDif */
00381                 rfield.SummedDifSave[i] = rfield.SummedDif[i];
00382                 rfield.ConEmitReflec[i] = 0.;
00383                 rfield.ConEmitOut[i] = 0.;
00384                 rfield.ConInterOut[i] = 0.;
00385                 /* save OTS continuum for next iteration */
00386                 rfield.otssav[i][0] = rfield.otscon[i];
00387                 rfield.otssav[i][1] = rfield.otslin[i];
00388                 rfield.outlin[i] = 0.;
00389                 rfield.outlin_noplot[i] = 0.;
00390                 rfield.ConOTS_local_OTS_rate[i] = 0.;
00391                 rfield.ConOTS_local_photons[i] = 0.;
00393                 /* save initial absorption, scattering opacities for next iteration */
00394                 opac.opacity_abs_savzon1[i] = opac.opacity_abs[i];
00395                 opac.opacity_sct_savzon1[i] = opac.opacity_sct[i];
00397                 /* will accumulate optical depths through cloud */
00398                 opac.TauAbsFace[i] = opac.taumin;
00399                 opac.TauScatFace[i] = opac.taumin;
00400                 /* >>chng 99 dec 04, having exactly 1 zone thickness for first zone caused discontinuity
00401                  * for heating in very high T models in func_map.in.  zone 1 and 2 were 20% different,
00402                  * since tau in is 1e-20, e2 is 0.9999, and so some H ots
00403                  * these were not here at all - changed to dr/2 */
00404                 /* attenuation of flux by optical depths IN THIS ZONE 
00405                  * DirectionalCosin is 1/COS(theta), is usually 1, reset with illuminate command,
00406                  * option for illumination of slab at an angle */
00407                 /* >>chng 04 oct 09, from drad to radius.drad_x_fillfac - include fill fac, PvH */
00408                 opac.ExpZone[i] = sexp(opac.opacity_abs[i]*radius.drad_x_fillfac/2.*geometry.DirectionalCosin);
00410                 /* e(-tau) in inward direction, up to illuminated face */
00411                 opac.ExpmTau[i] = (realnum)opac.ExpZone[i];
00413                 /* e2(tau) in inward direction, up to illuminated face, this is used to get the
00414                  * recombination escape probability */
00415                 opac.E2TauAbsFace[i] = (realnum)e2(opac.TauAbsFace[i] );
00416         }
00418         t_fe2ovr_la::Inst().zero_opacity();
00420         /* this zeros out arrays to hold mean ionization fractions
00421          * later entered by mean
00422          * read out by setlim */
00423         MeanZero();
00425         /* zero out the column densities */
00426         for( i=0; i < NCOLD; i++ )
00427         {
00428                 colden.colden[i] = 0.;
00429         }
00430         colden.He123S = 0.;
00431         colden.H0_ov_Tspin = 0.;
00432         colden.OH_ov_Tspin = 0.;
00433         colden.coldenH2_ov_vel = 0.;
00435         /* upper and lower levels of H0 1s */
00436         colden.H0_21cm_upper =0;
00437         colden.H0_21cm_lower =0;
00439         h2.ortho_colden = 0.;
00440         h2.para_colden = 0.;
00442         for( i=0; i < mole.num_comole_calc; i++ )
00443         {
00444                 COmole[i]->hevcol = 0.;
00445         }
00446         for( i=0; i < 5; i++ )
00447         {
00448                 colden.C2Pops[i] = 0.;
00449                 colden.C2Colden[i] = 0.;
00450                 /* pops and column density for SiII atom */
00451                 colden.Si2Pops[i] = 0.;
00452                 colden.Si2Colden[i] = 0.;
00453         }
00454         for( i=0; i < 3; i++ )
00455         {
00456                 /* pops and column density for CI atom */
00457                 colden.C1Pops[i] = 0.;
00458                 colden.C1Colden[i] = 0.;
00459                 /* pops and column density for OI atom */
00460                 colden.O1Pops[i] = 0.;
00461                 colden.O1Colden[i] = 0.;
00462                 /* pops and column density for CIII atom */
00463                 colden.C3Pops[i] = 0.;
00464         }
00465         for( i=0; i < 4; i++ )
00466         {
00467                 /* pops and column density for CIII atom */
00468                 colden.C3Colden[i] = 0.;
00469         }
00471         /* these are some line of sight emission measures */
00472         colden.dlnenp = 0.;
00473         colden.dlnenHep = 0.;
00474         colden.dlnenHepp = 0.;
00475         colden.dlnenCp = 0.;
00476         colden.H0_ov_Tspin = 0.;
00477         colden.OH_ov_Tspin = 0.;
00479         /* now zero heavy element molecules */
00480         molcol("ZERO",ioQQQ);
00482         /* this will be sum of all free free heating over model */
00483         thermal.FreeFreeTotHeat = 0.;
00485         thermal.thist = 0.;
00486         thermal.tlowst = 1e20f;
00488         wind.AccelAver = 0.;
00489         wind.acldr = 0.;
00490         ionbal.ilt = 0;
00491         ionbal.iltln = 0;
00492         ionbal.ilthn = 0;
00493         ionbal.ihthn = 0;
00494         ionbal.ifail = 0;
00496         secondaries.SecHIonMax = 0.;
00497         for( nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00498         {
00499                 for( ion=0; ion<nelem+1; ++ion )
00500                 {
00501                         supsav[nelem][ion] = secondaries.csupra[nelem][ion];
00502                 }
00503         }
00504         secondaries.x12sav = secondaries.x12tot;
00505         secondaries.hetsav = secondaries.HeatEfficPrimary;
00506         secondaries.savefi = secondaries.SecIon2PrimaryErg;
00507         for( nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem)
00508         {
00509                 for( ion=0; ion<nelem+1; ++ion )
00510                 {
00511                         ionbal.CompRecoilHeatRateSave[nelem][ion] = ionbal.CompRecoilHeatRate[nelem][ion];
00512                         ionbal.CompRecoilIonRateSave[nelem][ion] = ionbal.CompRecoilIonRate[nelem][ion];
00513                 }
00514         }
00516         /* these will keep track of the number of convergence failures that occur */
00517         conv.nTeFail = 0;
00518         conv.nTotalFailures = 0;
00519         conv.nPreFail = 0;
00520         conv.failmx = 0.;
00521         conv.nIonFail = 0;
00522         conv.nPopFail = 0;
00523         conv.nNeFail = 0;
00524         conv.nGrainFail = 0;
00525         /* abort flag */
00526         lgAbort = false;
00528         /* zero out averaging routine */
00529         aver("zero",0.,0.,"          ");
00531         GrainStartIter();
00533         rfield.comtot = 0.;
00535         co.codfrc = 0.;
00536         co.codtot = 0.;
00538         co.COCoolBigFrac = 0.;
00539         co.lgCOCoolCaped = false;
00541         hmi.HeatH2DexcMax = 0.;
00542         hmi.CoolH2DexcMax = 0.;
00543         hmi.h2dfrc = 0.;
00544         hmi.h2line_cool_frac = 0.;
00545         hmi.h2dtot = 0.;
00546         thermal.HeatLineMax = 0.;
00547         thermal.GBarMax = 0.;
00548         hyperfine.cooling_max = 0.;
00549         hydro.cintot = 0.;
00550         geometry.lgZoneTrp = false;
00552         gv.lgNegGrnDrg = false;
00553         gv.TotalDustHeat = 0.;
00554         gv.dphmax = 0.;
00555         hmi.h2pmax = 0.;
00556         gv.dclmax = 0.;
00557         gv.GrnElecDonateMax = 0.;
00558         gv.GrnElecHoldMax = 0.;
00560         /************************************************************************
00561          *
00562          * allocate space for lines arrays 
00563          *
00564          ************************************************************************/
00566         /* there are three types of calls to lines() 
00567          * ipass = -1, first call, only count number off lines
00568          * ipass =  0, second pass, save labels and wavelengths
00569          * ipass =  1, integrate intensity*/
00570         LineSave.ipass = -1;
00571         lines();
00572         ASSERT( LineSave.nsum > 0 );
00574         /* in a grid this may not be the first time here, return old memory
00575          * and grab new appropriate for this size, since number of lines to
00576          * be stored can change
00577          * as now coded this memory is freed and reallocated on every iteration.
00578          * this allows some details of line emission to change for last iteration,
00579          * but may not really be necessary */
00580         if( LineSv!=NULL )
00581         {
00582                 if( trace.lgTrace )
00583                 {
00584                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "IterStart has freed LindSv \n" );
00585                 }
00586                 free( LineSv );
00587                 LineSv = NULL;
00588         }
00590         /* this is the large main line array */
00591         LineSv = (LinSv*)MALLOC((unsigned)LineSave.nsum*sizeof( LinSv ) );
00593         for( i=0; i < LineSave.nsum; i++ )
00594         {
00595                 /* this is array of wavelengths, only defined for some lines,
00596                  * negative is sentinel saying whether line should be added into total continuum */
00597                 LineSv[i].wavelength = -1;
00598         }
00600         /* there are three calls to lines() 
00601          * first call with ipass = -1 was above, only counted number
00602          * of lines and malloced space.  This is second call and will do
00603          * one-time creation of line labels */
00604         LineSave.ipass = 0;
00605         /* this will count number of lines */
00606         LineSave.nsum = 0;
00607         lines();
00608         /* has to be positive */
00609         ASSERT( LineSave.nsum > 0);
00610         /* in the future calls to lines will result in integrations */
00611         LineSave.ipass = 1;
00613         if( trace.lgTrace )
00614                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "%7ld lines printed in main line array\n", 
00615                   LineSave.nsum );
00617         /* now zero out some variables set by last call to LINES */
00618         hydro.cintot = 0.;
00619         thermal.totcol = 0.;
00620         rfield.comtot = 0.;
00621         thermal.FreeFreeTotHeat = 0.;
00622         thermal.power = 0.;
00623         thermal.HeatLineMax = 0.;
00624         thermal.GBarMax = 0.;
00625         hyperfine.cooling_max = 0.;
00627         gv.TotalDustHeat = 0.;
00628         gv.dphmax = 0.;
00629         hmi.h2pmax = 0.;
00630         gv.dclmax = 0.;
00631         gv.GrnElecDonateMax = 0.;
00632         gv.GrnElecHoldMax = 0.;
00634         co.codfrc = 0.;
00635         co.codtot = 0.;
00637         hmi.h2dfrc = 0.;
00638         hmi.h2line_cool_frac = 0.;
00639         hmi.h2dtot = 0.;
00640         timesc.sound = 0.;
00642         if( LineSave.lgNormSet )
00643         {
00644                 /* set normalization line index to zero from negative initial value so that
00645                  * we pass the assert in cdLine, in order to get the norm line index */
00646                 LineSave.ipNormWavL = 0;
00647                 LineSave.ipNormWavL = cdLine( LineSave.chNormLab , LineSave.WavLNorm , &fhe1nx , &ratio );
00648                 if( LineSave.ipNormWavL < 0 )
00649                 {
00650                         /* did not find the line if return is negative */
00651                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "PROBLEM could not find the normalisation line.\n");
00652                         fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00653                         "IterStart could not find a line with a wavelength of %f and a label of %s\n", 
00654                           LineSave.WavLNorm, LineSave.chNormLab );
00655                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "Please check the emission line output to find the correct line identification.\n");
00656                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "Sorry.\n");
00657                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00658                 }
00659         }
00660         else
00661         {
00662                 /* set normalization line index to zero from negative initial value so that
00663                  * we pass the assert in cdLine, in order to get the norm line index */
00664                 LineSave.ipNormWavL = 0;
00665                 LineSave.ipNormWavL = cdLine( "TOTL" , 4861. , &fhe1nx , &ratio );
00666                 if( LineSave.ipNormWavL < 0 )
00667                 {
00668                         /* did not find the line if return is negative */
00669                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "PROBLEM could not find the default normalisation line.\n");
00670                         fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00671                         "IterStart could not find a line with a wavelength of 4861 and a label of TOTL\n" );
00672                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "Please check the emission line output to find the correct line identification.\n");
00673                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "Sorry.\n");
00674                         cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00675                 }
00676         }
00678         /* set up stop line command on first iteration 
00679          * find index for lines and save for future iterations 
00680          * StopCalc.nstpl is zero (false) if no stop line commands entered */
00681         if( iteration == 1 && StopCalc.nstpl )
00682         {
00683                 /* nstpl is number of stop line commands, 0 if none entered */
00684                 for( long int nStopLine=0; nStopLine < StopCalc.nstpl; nStopLine++ )
00685                 {
00686                         double relint, absint ;
00687                         /* returns array index for line in array stack if we found the line, 
00688                          * return negative of total number of lines as debugging aid if line not found */
00689                         StopCalc.ipStopLin1[nStopLine] = cdLine( StopCalc.chStopLabel1[nStopLine], 
00690                                 /* wavelength of line in angstroms, not format printed by code */
00691                                 StopCalc.StopLineWl1[nStopLine], &relint, &absint );
00693                         if( StopCalc.ipStopLin1[nStopLine]<0 )
00694                         {
00695                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00696                                   " IterStart could not find first line in STOP LINE command, number %ld with label *%s* and wl %.1f\n", 
00697                                   StopCalc.ipStopLin1[nStopLine] ,
00698                                   StopCalc.chStopLabel1[nStopLine],
00699                                   StopCalc.StopLineWl1[nStopLine]);
00700                                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00701                         }
00703                         StopCalc.ipStopLin2[nStopLine] = cdLine( StopCalc.chStopLabel2[nStopLine], 
00704                                 /* wavelength of line in angstroms, not format printed by code */
00705                                 StopCalc.StopLineWl2[nStopLine], &relint, &absint );
00707                         if( StopCalc.ipStopLin2[nStopLine] < 0 )
00708                         {
00709                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00710                                 " IterStart could not find second line in STOP LINE command, line number %ld with label *%s* and wl %.1f\n", 
00711                                 StopCalc.ipStopLin1[nStopLine] ,
00712                                 StopCalc.chStopLabel1[nStopLine],
00713                                 StopCalc.StopLineWl1[nStopLine]);
00714                                 cdEXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
00715                         }
00717                         if( trace.lgTrace )
00718                         {
00719                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00720                                         " stop line 1 is number %5ld wavelength is %f label is %4.4s\n", 
00721                                         StopCalc.ipStopLin1[nStopLine], 
00722                                         LineSv[StopCalc.ipStopLin1[nStopLine]].wavelength, 
00723                                         LineSv[StopCalc.ipStopLin1[nStopLine]].chALab );
00724                                 fprintf( ioQQQ, 
00725                                         " stop line 2 is number %5ld wavelength is %f label is %4.4s\n", 
00726                                   StopCalc.ipStopLin2[nStopLine], 
00727                                   LineSv[StopCalc.ipStopLin2[nStopLine]].wavelength, 
00728                                   LineSv[StopCalc.ipStopLin2[nStopLine]].chALab  );
00729                         }
00730                 }
00731         }
00733         /* option to only print last iteration */
00734         if( prt.lgPrtLastIt )
00735         {
00736                 if( iteration == 1 )
00737                 {
00738                         called.lgTalk = false;
00739                 }
00741                 /* initial condition of TALK may be off if AMOEBA used
00742                  * sec part is for print last command 
00743                  * lgTalkForcedOff is set true when cdTalk is called with false
00744                  * to turn off printing */
00745                 if( iterations.lgLastIt && !prt.lgPrtStart && !called.lgTalkForcedOff )
00746                 {
00747                         called.lgTalk = called.lgTalkSave;
00748                 }
00749         }
00751         if( trace.lgTrace && trace.lgOptcBug )
00752         {
00753                 if( iteration > 1 )
00754                 {
00755                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Outer optical depths defined.\n" );
00756                 }
00757                 else
00758                 {
00759                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " Outer optical depths NOT defined.\n" );
00760                 }
00762                 /* heavy element lines */
00763                 for( i=0; i < nLevel1; i++ )
00764                 {
00765                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "%6f:%8.1e%8.1e%8.1e", 
00766                                 TauLines[i].WLAng, 
00767                           TauLines[i].Emis->TauIn, 
00768                           TauLines[i].Emis->TauTot, 
00769                           TauLines[i].Emis->Pesc );
00770                 }
00772                 /*Atomic and molecular lines-Humeshkar Nemala*/
00773                 for( i=0; i <linesAdded2; i++)
00774                 {
00775                         fprintf( ioQQQ, "%6f:%8.1e%8.1e%8.1e", 
00776                                  atmolEmis[i].tran->WLAng, 
00777                           atmolEmis[i].TauIn, 
00778                           atmolEmis[i].TauTot, 
00779                           atmolEmis[i].Pesc);
00780                 }
00782                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\n" );
00783         }
00785         if( opac.lgCaseB )
00786         {
00787                 if( trace.lgTrace )
00788                 {
00789                         fprintf( ioQQQ, " IterStart does not change mid-zone optical depth since CASE B\n" );
00790                 }
00791         }
00793         /* check if induced recombination can be ignored */
00794         hydro.FracInd = 0.;
00795         hydro.fbul = 0.;
00797         /* remember some things about effects of induced rec on H only
00798          * don't do ground state since SPHERE turns it off */
00799         for( i=ipH2p; i < (iso.numLevels_max[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN] - 1); i++ )
00800         {
00801                 if( Transitions[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][i+1][i].Emis->Aul <= iso.SmallA )
00802                         continue;
00804                 ratio = iso.RecomInducRate[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][i]*iso.PopLTE[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][i]/
00805                         SDIV(iso.RecomInducRate[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][i]*iso.PopLTE[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][i] + 
00806                         iso.RadRecomb[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][i][ipRecRad]*
00807                         iso.RadRecomb[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][i][ipRecNetEsc]);
00808                 if( ratio > hydro.FracInd )
00809                 {
00810                         hydro.FracInd = (realnum)ratio;
00811                         hydro.ndclev = i;
00812                 }
00814                 ratio = Transitions[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][i+1][i].Emis->pump/
00815                         (Transitions[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][i+1][i].Emis->pump + 
00816                         Transitions[ipH_LIKE][ipHYDROGEN][i+1][i].Emis->Aul);
00818                 if( ratio > hydro.fbul )
00819                 {
00820                         hydro.fbul = (realnum)ratio;
00821                         hydro.nbul = i;
00822                 }
00823         }
00825         /* this was set in call to lines above */
00826         ASSERT( LineSave.nsum > 0);
00828         if( trace.lgTrace )
00829                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " IterStart returns.\n" );
00830         return;
00831 }
00833 /*IterRestart reset many variables at the start of a new iteration 
00834  * called by cloudy after calculation is completed, when more iterations 
00835  * are needed - the iteration has been incremented when this routine is
00836  * called so iteration == 2 after first iteration, we are starting
00837  * the second iteration */
00838 void IterRestart(void)
00839 {
00840         long int i, 
00841           ion, 
00842           ipISO ,
00843           n, 
00844           nelem;
00845         double SumOTS;
00847         DEBUG_ENTRY( "IterRestart()" );
00849         dynamics.dDensityDT = dndtSave;
00851         /* this is case where temperature floor has been set, if it was hit
00852          * then we did a constant temperature calculation, and must go back to 
00853          * a thermal solution 
00854          * test on thermal.lgTemperatureConstantCommandParsed distinguishes
00855          * from temperature floor option, so not reset if constant temperature
00856          * was actually set */
00857         if( StopCalc.TeFloor > 0. && !thermal.lgTemperatureConstantCommandParsed )
00858         {
00859                 thermal.lgTemperatureConstant = false;
00860                 thermal.ConstTemp = 0.;
00861         }
00863         lgAbort = false;
00865         /* reset some parameters needed for magnetic field */
00866         Magnetic_reinit();
00868         opac.stimax[0] = 0.;
00869         opac.stimax[1] = 0.;
00871         H2_Reset();
00873         ca.oldcla = 0.;
00875         for( nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem < LIMELM; ++nelem )
00876         {
00877                 /* these have one more ion than above */
00878                 for( ion=0; ion<nelem+2; ++ion )
00879                 {
00880                         long int ion2;
00881                         /* zero out the source and sink arrays */
00882                         mole.source[nelem][ion] = saveMoleSource[nelem][ion];
00883                         mole.sink[nelem][ion] = saveMoleSink[nelem][ion];
00884                         /*>>chng 06 jun 27, move from here, where leak occurs, to
00885                         * above where xMoleChTrRate first created */
00886                         /*mole.xMoleChTrRate[nelem][ion] = (realnum*)MALLOC(sizeof(realnum)*(unsigned)(nelem+2));*/
00887                         for( ion2=0; ion2<nelem+2; ++ion2 )
00888                         {
00889                                 mole.xMoleChTrRate[nelem][ion][ion2] = SaveMoleChTrRate[nelem][ion][ion2];
00890                         }
00891                 }
00892         }
00894         /* reset molecular abundances */
00895         for( i=0; i<N_H_MOLEC; i++) 
00896         {
00897                 hmi.Hmolec[i] = hmsav[i];
00898         }
00899         hmi.H2_total = hmi.Hmolec[ipMH2g] + hmi.Hmolec[ipMH2s];
00900         /*fprintf(ioQQQ," IterRestar sets H2 total to %.2e\n",hmi.H2_total );*/
00901         h2.ortho_density = ortho_save;
00902         h2.para_density = para_save;
00904         /* zero out the column densities */
00905         for( i=0; i < NCOLD; i++ )
00906         {
00907                 colden.colden[i] = 0.;
00908         }
00909         colden.He123S = 0.;
00910         colden.coldenH2_ov_vel = 0.;
00912         for( i=0; i < mole.num_comole_calc; i++ )
00913         {
00914                 /* column densities */
00915                 COmole[i]->hevcol = 0.;
00916                 /* largest fraction of atoms in molecules */
00917                 COmole[i]->xMoleFracMax = 0.;
00918         }
00920         for( i=0; i< mole.num_comole_calc; ++i )
00921         {
00922                 COmole[i]->hevmol = COmole[i]->hevmol_save;
00924                 /* check for NaN */
00925                 ASSERT( !isnan( COmole[i]->hevmol ) );
00926         }
00928         /* close out this iteration if dynamics or time dependence is enabled */
00929         if( dynamics.lgAdvection )
00930                 DynaEndIter();
00932         rfield.extin_mag_B_point = 0.;
00933         rfield.extin_mag_V_point = 0.;
00934         rfield.extin_mag_B_extended = 0.;
00935         rfield.extin_mag_V_extended = 0.;
00937         hmi.hmihet = hmihet_save;
00938         hmi.hmitot = hmitot_save;
00940         hmi.BiggestH2 = -1.f;
00941         hmi.h2plus_heat = h2plus_heat_save;
00942         hmi.HeatH2Dish_used = HeatH2Dish_used_save;
00943         hmi.HeatH2Dexc_used = HeatH2Dexc_used_save;
00945         hmi.deriv_HeatH2Dexc_used = (realnum)deriv_HeatH2Dexc_used_save;
00946         hmi.H2_Solomon_dissoc_rate_used_H2g = H2_Solomon_dissoc_rate_used_H2g_save;
00947         hmi.H2_Solomon_dissoc_rate_used_H2s = H2_Solomon_dissoc_rate_used_H2s_save;
00948         hmi.H2_H2g_to_H2s_rate_used = H2_H2g_to_H2s_rate_used_save;
00949         hmi.H2_photodissoc_used_H2s = H2_photodissoc_used_H2s_save;
00950         hmi.H2_photodissoc_used_H2g = H2_photodissoc_used_H2g_save;
00952         hmi.UV_Cont_rel2_Draine_DB96_face = (realnum)UV_Cont_rel2_Draine_DB96_face;
00953         hmi.UV_Cont_rel2_Draine_DB96_depth = (realnum)UV_Cont_rel2_Draine_DB96_depth;
00954         hmi.UV_Cont_rel2_Habing_TH85_face = (realnum)UV_Cont_rel2_Habing_TH85_face;
00956         rfield.ipEnergyBremsThin = 0;
00957         rfield.EnergyBremsThin = 0.;
00958         rfield.lgUSphON = false;
00960         radius.glbdst = 0.;
00961         /* zone thickness, and next zone thickness */
00962         radius.drad = drSave;
00963         radius.drNext = drNextSave;
00965         /* was min dr ever used? */
00966         radius.lgDrMinUsed = false;
00968         /* simple estimate of H-beta intensity */
00969         continuum.cn4861 = continuum.sv4861;
00970         continuum.cn1216 = continuum.sv1216;
00972         /* total luminosity */
00973         continuum.totlsv = continuum.TotalLumin;
00975         /* set debugger on now if NZONE desired is 0 */
00976         if( (trace.nznbug == 0 && iteration >= trace.npsbug) && trace.lgTrOvrd )
00977         {
00978                 if( trace.nTrConvg==0 )
00979                 {
00980                         trace.lgTrace = true;
00981                 }
00982                 else
00983                         /* trace convergence entered = but with negative flag = make positive,
00984                          * abs and not mult by -1 since may trigger more than one time */
00985                         trace.nTrConvg = abs( trace.nTrConvg );
00987                 fprintf( ioQQQ, " IterRestart called.\n" );
00988         }
00989         else
00990         {
00991                 trace.lgTrace = false;
00992         }
00994         /* zero secondary suprathermals variables for first ionization attem */
00995         for( nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem )
00996         {
00997                 for( ion=0; ion<nelem+1; ++ion )
00998                 {
00999                         secondaries.csupra[nelem][ion] = supsav[nelem][ion];
01000                 }
01001         }
01002         secondaries.x12tot = secondaries.x12sav;
01003         secondaries.HeatEfficPrimary = secondaries.hetsav;
01004         secondaries.SecIon2PrimaryErg = secondaries.savefi;
01005         for( nelem=0; nelem<LIMELM; ++nelem)
01006         {
01007                 for( ion=0; ion<nelem+1; ++ion )
01008                 {
01009                         ionbal.CompRecoilHeatRate[nelem][ion] = ionbal.CompRecoilHeatRateSave[nelem][ion];
01010                         ionbal.CompRecoilIonRate[nelem][ion] = ionbal.CompRecoilIonRateSave[nelem][ion];
01011                 }
01012         }
01014         wind.lgVelPos = true;
01015         wind.AccelMax = 0.;
01016         wind.AccelAver = 0.;
01017         wind.acldr = 0.;
01018         wind.windv = wind.windv0;
01020         thermal.nUnstable = 0;
01021         thermal.lgUnstable = false;
01023         pressure.pbeta = 0.;
01024         pressure.RadBetaMax = 0.;
01025         pressure.lgPradCap = false;
01026         pressure.lgPradDen = false;
01027         /* this flag will say we hit the sonic point */
01028         pressure.lgSonicPoint = false;
01029         pressure.lgStrongDLimbo = false;
01030         pressure.PresInteg = 0.;
01031         pressure.pinzon = 0.;
01033         dense.eden = edsav;
01034         dense.EdenHCorr = edsav;
01035         dense.EdenTrue = edsav;
01036         dense.H_sum_in_CO = H_sum_in_CO_save;
01038         for( nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
01039         {
01040                 /* reset molecular densities */
01041                 dense.gas_phase[nelem] = gas_phase_save[nelem];
01042                 dense.xMolecules[nelem] = xMolFracsSave[nelem];
01043                 dense.IonLow[nelem] = IonLowSave[nelem];
01044                 dense.IonHigh[nelem] = IonHighSave[nelem];
01045         }
01046         /*fprintf(ioQQQ,"DEBUG IterRestart gas_phase set to save  hden %.4e\n",
01047                 dense.gas_phase[0]);*/
01049         for( ipISO=ipH_LIKE; ipISO<NISO; ++ipISO )
01050         {
01051                 for( nelem=ipISO; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
01052                 {
01053                         if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
01054                         {
01055                                 for( n=ipH1s; n < iso.numLevels_max[ipISO][nelem]; n++ )
01056                                 {
01057                                         iso.ConOpacRatio[ipISO][nelem][n] = HOpacRatSav[ipISO][nelem][n];
01058                                         StatesElem[ipISO][nelem][n].Pop = hnsav[ipISO][nelem][n];
01059                                 }
01060                         }
01061                 }
01062         }
01064         if( trace.lgTrace && trace.lgNeBug )
01065         {
01066                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "     EDEN set to%12.4e by IterRestart.\n", 
01067                   dense.eden );
01068         }
01070 #       if 0
01071         for( nelem=ipHELIUM; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
01072         {
01073                 if( dense.lgElmtOn[nelem] )
01074                 {
01075                         /* reset total gas phase abundance to the original set */
01076                         dense.gas_phase[nelem] = abund.solar[nelem]*dense.gas_phase[ipHYDROGEN];
01077                 }
01078                 else
01079                 {
01080                         /* >>chng 04 apr 20, set to zero if element is off */
01081                         dense.gas_phase[nelem] = 0.;
01082                 }
01083         }
01084 #       endif
01085         for( nelem=ipHYDROGEN; nelem < LIMELM; nelem++ )
01086         {
01087                 for( ion=0; ion < (nelem + 2); ion++ )
01088                 {
01089                         dense.xIonDense[nelem][ion] = xIonFsave[nelem][ion];
01090                 }
01091                 for( i=0; i < LIMELM; i++ )
01092                 {
01093                         thermal.heating[nelem][i] = HeatSave[nelem][i];
01094                 }
01095         }
01097         GrainRestartIter();
01099         /* continuum was saved in flux_total_incident */
01100         for( i=0; i < rfield.nupper; i++ )
01101         {
01102                 /* time-constant part of beamed continuum */
01103                 rfield.flux_beam_const[i] = rfield.flux_beam_const_save[i];
01104                 /* continuum flux_time_beam_save has the initial value of the
01105                  * time-dependent beamed continuum */
01106                 rfield.flux_beam_time[i] = rfield.flux_time_beam_save[i]*
01107                         rfield.time_continuum_scale;
01108                 /* the isotropic continuum source is time steady */
01109                 rfield.flux_isotropic[i] = rfield.flux_isotropic_save[i];
01110                 rfield.flux[i] = rfield.flux_isotropic[i] + rfield.flux_beam_time[i] +
01111                         rfield.flux_beam_const[i];
01113                 rfield.SummedDif[i] = rfield.SummedDifSave[i];
01114                 rfield.SummedCon[i] = rfield.flux[i] + rfield.SummedDif[i];
01115                 rfield.trans_coef_zone[i] = 1.f;
01116                 rfield.trans_coef_total[i] = 1.f;
01118                 rfield.OccNumbIncidCont[i] = rfield.flux[i]*rfield.convoc[i];
01119                 rfield.otscon[i] = rfield.otssav[i][0];
01120                 rfield.otslin[i] = rfield.otssav[i][1];
01121                 /* >>chng 01 apr 10, add these two resets */
01122                 /* >>chng 03 may 20, had set to otscon and otslin, which is whatever
01123                  * was left from previous iteration - change to zero */
01124                 rfield.otsconNew[i] = 0.;
01125                 rfield.otslinNew[i] = 0.;
01126                 rfield.ConInterOut[i] = 0.;
01127                 rfield.OccNumbBremsCont[i] = 0.;
01128                 rfield.OccNumbDiffCont[i] = 0.;
01129                 rfield.OccNumbContEmitOut[i] = 0.;
01130                 rfield.outlin[i] = 0.;
01131                 rfield.outlin_noplot[i] = 0.;
01132                 rfield.ConOTS_local_OTS_rate[i] = 0.;
01133                 rfield.ConOTS_local_photons[i] = 0.;
01135                 opac.opacity_abs[i] = opac.opacity_abs_savzon1[i];
01136                 opac.OldOpacSave[i] = opac.opacity_abs_savzon1[i];
01137                 opac.opacity_sct[i] = opac.opacity_sct_savzon1[i];
01138                 opac.albedo[i] = 
01139                         opac.opacity_sct[i]/MAX2(1e-30,opac.opacity_sct[i] + opac.opacity_abs[i]);
01140                 opac.tmn[i] = 1.;
01141                 /* >>chng 99 dec 04, having exactly 1 for first zone caused discontinuity
01142                  * for heating in very high T models in func_map.in.  zone 1 and 2 were 20% different,
01143                  * since tau in is 1e-20, e2 is 0.9999, and so some H ots
01144                 opac.ExpmTau[i] = 1.;
01145                 opac.E2TauAbsFace[i] = 1.;*/
01146                 /* >>chng 99 dec 04, having exactly 1 for first zone caused discontinuity
01147                  * for heating in very high T models in func_map.in.  zone 1 and 2 were 20% different,
01148                  * since tau in is 1e-20, e2 is 0.9999, and so some H ots
01149                  * these were not here at all*/
01150                 /* attenuation of flux by optical depths IN THIS ZONE 
01151                  * DirectionalCosin is 1/COS(theta), is usually 1, reset with illuminate command,
01152                  * option for illumination of slab at an angle */
01153                 opac.ExpZone[i] = sexp(opac.opacity_abs[i]*radius.drad/2.*geometry.DirectionalCosin);
01155                 /* e(-tau) in inward direction, up to illuminated face */
01156                 opac.ExpmTau[i] = (realnum)opac.ExpZone[i];
01158                 /* e2(tau) in inward direction, up to illuminated face */
01159                 opac.E2TauAbsFace[i] = (realnum)e2(opac.TauAbsFace[i]);
01160                 rfield.reflin[i] = 0.;
01161                 rfield.ConEmitReflec[i] = 0.;
01162                 rfield.ConEmitOut[i] = 0.;
01163                 rfield.ConRefIncid[i] = 0.;
01165                 /* escape in the outward direction
01166                  * on second and later iterations define outward E2 */
01167                 if( iteration > 1 )
01168                 {
01169                         /* e2 from current position to outer edge of shell */
01170                         realnum tau = MAX2(SMALLFLOAT , opac.TauAbsTotal[i] - opac.TauAbsFace[i] );
01171                         opac.E2TauAbsOut[i] = (realnum)e2( tau );
01172                         ASSERT( opac.E2TauAbsOut[i]>=0. && opac.E2TauAbsOut[i]<=1. );
01173                 }
01174                 else
01175                         opac.E2TauAbsOut[i] = 1.;
01177         }
01179         /* update continuum */
01180         RT_OTS_Update(&SumOTS  , 0.);
01182         thermal.FreeFreeTotHeat = 0.;
01184         if( called.lgTalk )
01185         {
01186                 fprintf( ioQQQ, "\f\n          Start Iteration Number%2ld   %75.75s\n\n\n", 
01187                   iteration, input.chTitle );
01188         }
01190         /* reset variable to do with FeII atom, in FeIILevelPops */
01191         FeIIReset();
01192         return;
01193 }
01195 /* do some work with ending the iteration */
01196 void IterEnd(void)
01197 {
01198         long i;
01199         double fac,
01200                 tau;
01202         DEBUG_ENTRY( "IterEnd()" );
01204         /* give indication of geometry */
01205         fac = radius.depth/radius.rinner;
01206         if( fac < 0.1 )
01207         {
01208                 geometry.lgGeoPP = true;
01209         }
01210         else
01211         {
01212                 geometry.lgGeoPP = false;
01213         }
01215         /* >>chng 06 apr 03, add last radius and drad */
01216         for( i=0; i<struc.nzone; ++i )
01217         {
01218                 struc.depth_last[i] = struc.depth[i];
01219                 struc.drad_last[i] = struc.drad[i];
01220         }
01221         struc.nzone_last = struc.nzone;
01223         /* all continue were attenuated in last zone in radius_increment to represent the intensity
01224          * in the middle of the next zone - this was too much since we now want
01225          * intensity emergent from outer edge of last zone */
01226         for( i=0; i < rfield.nflux; i++ )
01227         {
01228                 {
01229                         enum{DEBUG_LOC=false};
01230                         if( DEBUG_LOC)
01231                         {
01232                                 fprintf(ioQQQ,"i=%li opac %.2e \n", i, 
01233                                         (double)opac.opacity_abs[i]*radius.drad_x_fillfac/2.*(double)geometry.DirectionalCosin );
01234                         }
01235                 }
01236                 tau = opac.opacity_abs[i]*radius.drad_x_fillfac/2.*geometry.DirectionalCosin;
01237                 ASSERT( tau > 0. );
01238                 fac = sexp( tau );
01240                 /* >>chng 02 dec 14, add first test to see whether product of ratio is within
01241                  * range of a float - ConInterOut can be finite and fac just above a small float,
01242                  * so ratio exceeds largest size of a float */
01243                 /*if( fac > SMALLFLOAT )*/
01244                 if( (realnum)(fac/SDIV(rfield.ConInterOut[i]))>SMALLFLOAT && fac > SMALLFLOAT )
01245                 {
01246                         rfield.ConInterOut[i] /= (realnum)fac;
01247                         rfield.outlin[i] /= (realnum)fac;
01248                         rfield.outlin_noplot[i] /= (realnum)fac;
01249                 }
01250         }
01252         /* remember thickness of previous iteration */
01253         radius.router[iteration-1] = radius.depth;
01254         return;
01255 }

Generated on Mon Feb 16 12:01:18 2009 for cloudy by  doxygen 1.4.7